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Wyndaal Phielkins
Wyndaal Phielkins
'worse though,' 'worse though.'</pre>
'worse though,' 'worse though.'</pre>
== Background ==
<pre>What an exciting time to be alive.  You know, the darndest things happen
in this world.  Like for instance waking up naked in a darkened room,
imposing shapes etched into the ground all around you, and then there's the
blood all over the bed.  Not my blood, no no, I wasn't even scratched.  So
then whose?  And where did they get off to?  I couldn't quite recall.  In
fact I couldn't quite recall much of anything.  It was a note that finally
enlightened me to the unfortunate circumstance I had fallen into.  It caught
my eye in the flickering light of the candles around the edge of the room.
It was on a small table by the bed, the candles had begun to dribble hot wax
on the left corner, now thats just dangerous.  It was a note from a me I
never knew, very surreal, but exciting too, for the sake of being honest.
We did it Wyndaal.  Yes, thats you.  Wyndaal Phielkins.  Don't mind the
mess, it was no one you knew.  Boy should you be giddy though, another
generation of life to enjoy.  Of course the drawback is the terrible stress
on your brain resulting in situations where you read notes from yourself
with no memory.  Exciting isn't it?  Well, seems I don't have much longer,
the process is beginning sooner than I expected.  Pity too, I had planned
this whole section on getting to know yourself.  Ah well, learn your skills
again, become powerful, find a better ritual this time, and for heaven sake
do it quietly.  You might consider a job in politics.  You know what they
say, "The best politician serves the people before themself.  That way the
demons he made a pact with will become full before it's his turn."  Ha ha,
just a little void humor.
Good luck
Well that was awful nice of me.  It seems like I have a lot of work ahead
though.  Nothing I shouldn't be able to handle.  I have high hopes.
You'd be surprised how easily one can recover their bearings in this world
with just a chipper attitude and a warm grin.  I don't like to toot my own
horn, it's just not very flattering, but the distance I have come from that
nightmare of a scene in that inn, well lets just say my eggs have hatched
and I'm counting my chickens.  Is that too vague a twist on an old saying?
Ah well.  I'm now on my way to a seat on the Merchant Council and gosh have
the people been supportive.  Learning the ways of my chosen proffesion has
been a bit of a bump in the road to my destiny, but I always step carefully
and haven't tripped yet!
My goals are becoming clearer than crystal of late.  Is that a correct term?
I'm not too sure if many things are clearer than crystal....  Anyhow, the
way I figure it I went through a lot of trouble to keep myself around, and I
would be doing a terrible disservice to me if I didn't plan for the future
of myself.  With this in mind I have come up with a clear set of
initiatives.  Once on the Merchant Council I will, of course, do my duties
to the best of my ability.  This of course is not sufficent to sustaining my
needs in the long run, though it is satisfying to do my duty for the town I
love.  No, what I plan on doing is seeking entrance into a keen little
private club I have heard so much about.  Well, by much I mean in whispers,
but I digress.  The Coven of the Shunned they are called, and by the sound of
it, they can take me far.  And all they want is my eternal devotion.  Is
that all?  Surely once counted amongst their ranks I can whip myself up a
solution to my "mortal" problem.</pre>
Return to: [[Shunned]]
Return to: [[Shunned]]

Latest revision as of 02:02, 30 April 2003


[ 31] Wyndaal: An exceptionally cleanly white scroll is here
Mon Apr 28 14:24:47 2003
To: Shunned
Hello, I'd like to offer a friendly hello to your order.  My name, is
Wyndaal Phielkins, and to be honest I'm very excited to offer myself as a
member in your fine secret society.  Now before you go wondering about how I
found out about you, let me tell you a bit about myself.  

I, am a mystery to me.  As far as I can gather, I've been around over a
hundred years, that I know of.  It must have been one -heck- of a spell, and
likely in ancient Alatharya.  Oddly, I speak it fluently.  We all know how
these things work though.  For the benefit there just had to be that fatal
drawback.  Well luckily not fatal, that defeats the purpose.  I consider it
almost as worse though, I lost my memory of everything before, except bits and
pieces that float up from the murk.  And wouldn't you believe it, one of
those tiny shards of debri floated on up, and here I am penning this
application.  So how did I hear of you?  Maybe you can throw me a hint on
that.  Perhaps I'm already a member?  

Now that I've gotten my little story out of the way lets get down to copper
tax here.  I'm a resourceful man, and I have gone to a lot of trouble to
stick around.  As I see it, you have access to powers I desire to tap in
order to continue on in my research for a "mortal" cure.  As a member, I can
use my own power to further your ideals, keep your secrets and darn it all
just serve my duty to the cause.  There is a strong possibility that I will
be holding office in the Var Bandor merchant council before long, and
doesn't that just put the icing on the cake?  

I'm a realistic man, and I've carved out enough organs to realize the vital
importance of duty.  You know what they say, "Don't look a gift corpse in
the chest cavity."  Ha, I just love those Void Scholar jokes.  

Wyndaal Phielkins
'worse though,' 'worse though.'


What an exciting time to be alive.  You know, the darndest things happen
in this world.  Like for instance waking up naked in a darkened room,
imposing shapes etched into the ground all around you, and then there's the
blood all over the bed.  Not my blood, no no, I wasn't even scratched.  So
then whose?  And where did they get off to?  I couldn't quite recall.  In
fact I couldn't quite recall much of anything.  It was a note that finally
enlightened me to the unfortunate circumstance I had fallen into.  It caught
my eye in the flickering light of the candles around the edge of the room.
It was on a small table by the bed, the candles had begun to dribble hot wax
on the left corner, now thats just dangerous.  It was a note from a me I
never knew, very surreal, but exciting too, for the sake of being honest.

We did it Wyndaal.  Yes, thats you.  Wyndaal Phielkins.  Don't mind the
mess, it was no one you knew.  Boy should you be giddy though, another
generation of life to enjoy.  Of course the drawback is the terrible stress
on your brain resulting in situations where you read notes from yourself
with no memory.  Exciting isn't it?  Well, seems I don't have much longer,
the process is beginning sooner than I expected.  Pity too, I had planned
this whole section on getting to know yourself.  Ah well, learn your skills
again, become powerful, find a better ritual this time, and for heaven sake
do it quietly.  You might consider a job in politics.  You know what they
say, "The best politician serves the people before themself.  That way the
demons he made a pact with will become full before it's his turn."  Ha ha,
just a little void humor.

Good luck


Well that was awful nice of me.  It seems like I have a lot of work ahead
though.  Nothing I shouldn't be able to handle.  I have high hopes.

You'd be surprised how easily one can recover their bearings in this world
with just a chipper attitude and a warm grin.  I don't like to toot my own
horn, it's just not very flattering, but the distance I have come from that
nightmare of a scene in that inn, well lets just say my eggs have hatched
and I'm counting my chickens.  Is that too vague a twist on an old saying?
Ah well.  I'm now on my way to a seat on the Merchant Council and gosh have
the people been supportive.  Learning the ways of my chosen proffesion has
been a bit of a bump in the road to my destiny, but I always step carefully
and haven't tripped yet!

My goals are becoming clearer than crystal of late.  Is that a correct term?
I'm not too sure if many things are clearer than crystal....  Anyhow, the
way I figure it I went through a lot of trouble to keep myself around, and I
would be doing a terrible disservice to me if I didn't plan for the future
of myself.  With this in mind I have come up with a clear set of
initiatives.  Once on the Merchant Council I will, of course, do my duties
to the best of my ability.  This of course is not sufficent to sustaining my
needs in the long run, though it is satisfying to do my duty for the town I
love.  No, what I plan on doing is seeking entrance into a keen little
private club I have heard so much about.  Well, by much I mean in whispers,
but I digress.  The Coven of the Shunned they are called, and by the sound of
it, they can take me far.  And all they want is my eternal devotion.  Is
that all?  Surely once counted amongst their ranks I can whip myself up a
solution to my "mortal" problem.

Return to: Shunned