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Red Effects
+ Wreath of Flames
+ Fury of Ada'Chemta'Boghor
+ Bayyal's Realm
- Inferno's Reach
- Steelscald
- Heatmine
Blue Effects
+ means persistent, - means instantaneous
+ Essence of the Inferno
+ Heatlash
- Burnt Offering
- Flamekiss
White Effects
+ means persistent, - means instantaneous
+ Brimstone Conduit
- Fireflies
- Flamecall
- Flickerfyre
- Summon Salamander
- Trail of Embers
- Hearthglow
Essence of the Inferno TESTED
Lesser: Player must have thrown himself into the Inferno
Greater: Player must have eaten the heart of Kzroth
Requires: an object of material smoke, an object of type light, a shield
Effect: damage reduction according to the following formula
* 1% off for every [greater: 2% lesser: 3%] in blood pyre skill above 70%; max 15% at 100% skill and greater effect (max 10% for lesser effect)
* +20% if damage is not of cold type
* Max reduction: 15% off cold, 35% off other
* If greater: damage reduced gets stored at a ratio of 10 to 1; once it exceeds 150 (1500 taken) there is a growing chance of bursting out as fire damage on someone who hits the scholar. Capped at 350 damage (same as disintegration).
Wreath of Flames TESTED
Lesser: Player must have read a scroll in the Earendam library
Greater: Player must have sacrificed a Heart of the Inferno of at least power level 3
Requires: an object of type oil, an object of material gold, a metal necklace
* doubles the AC effect of Coronal Glow [Hero bonus: +102 AC on target]
* multiplies the damroll and save effects of immolation by 1.5 [Hero bonus: +3 damroll, -3 saves]
* multiplies the damroll, hitroll, and (bad) AC effects of frenzy by 1.5 [Hero bonus: +5 damroll, +5 hitroll] [Hero penalty: +21 AC]
* multiplies the damroll, hitroll, and hp effects of living flame by 1.5 [Hero bonus: +2 damroll, +2 hitroll, +25 hp]
* If greater: adds an extra bonus attack with 50% chance via living flame
Fury of Ada'Chemta'Boghor TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: Studied a rune on the handle of a whip found in the Crimson Sands
Requires: a weapon made of oak, an item of type gem and material ruby
* starts a blazing inferno in the pyre's room; lasts longer than a normal blazing inferno
* has a chance of spawning a fire elemental (vnum 205) each tick
** Chance starts at 0 but grows by 1% each tick, or 2% if greater
** Chance resets to 0 once an elemental is spawned
* has a consistent 2% (3% if greater) chance of filling the pyre room with smoke
* if greater, starts a rain of fire as well; lasts longer than a normal rain of fire
Bayyal's Realm TESTED
Lesser: Something from Gogoth (or mines?), still TBD
Greater: Something from Xiganath, still TBD
Requires: an item made of smoke, an item of type wand, a tooth from a dragon
* Increases fire damage in the caster's entire area according to the following formula:
** If any caster with a Bayyal's Realm pyre, 20%
** For each extra caster in the area with a Bayyal's Realm pyre, add 5%
** If any caster's Bayyal's Realm pyre is greater, add 10%
** For each extra caster's Bayyal's Realm's greater pyre, add 2%
** So, for a single caster, fire damage in the area is increased by 20% for a lesser or 30% for a greater
** For two casters, both lesser would be 25%, both greater would be 37%, one each would be 35%
** For three casters, all lesser would be 30%, all greater would be 44%, and mixes fall in between
* If greater, no non-fire spells may be cast in the same room as the pyre, regardless of whether the pyre owner is present
* Decreases saves against fire in the caster's entire area according to the following formula:
** If any caster with a Bayyal's Realm pyre, +5 saves (ie, make the saves worse)
** For each extra caster in the area with a Bayyal's Realm pyre, +1 save
** For each caster (inc. the original) in the area with a Bayyal's Realm pyre, +1 save
** So, for a single caster, saves against fire in the area are increased by 5 for a lesser or 6 for a greater
** For two casters, both lesser would be 6 saves, both greater would be 8, one each would be 7
** For three casters, all lesser would be 7, all greater would be 10, and mixes fall in between
Brimstone Conduit TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: Defeated the dedicant in Kzaya-Ha
Requires: an item of type scroll, an item made of sulphur
* Each tick, has a (skill% / 2)% chance of dropping the heart of the inferno time remaining by 1
* At 100%, this means it will drop half the time, effectively cutting the cooldown by a third so long as this pyre is up
* If greater, each tick additionally has a (skill% / 10)% chance of dropping the heart of the inferno time remaining by 5
* At 100%, this means an expected value of an extra 0.5 ticks off
* Assuming greater effect and 100% skill, if Brimstone Conduit is used 100% of the time the normal 30 hour cooldown on heart of the inferno would be around 15 hours
* If greater, caster may cast fire spells even if he does not have the mana for them
* May cast freely until at -150 mana, at which point he takes 5d10 fire damage per cast [5 - 50, ave: 27]
* At -250 mana, he takes 5d40 fire damage per cast [5 - 200, ave: 102]
* At -350 mana he cannot cast any more
Heatlash TESTED
Lesser: must have held a phoenix feather
Greater: must have eaten a phoenix egg
Requires: an item of type staff (magical stave), a whip, a gold coin, and [something made of stone OR something made of smoke]
* If stone, applies resistance to physical for the caster's entire group; if smoke, resistance is to fire
** Physical resistance is 10 for the first caster plus 4 for each additional caster
** Greater effects add 4 for the first greater effect plus 2 for each additional
** Fire resistance is 1.5 times physical resistance
** One caster, lesser effect: 10 physical, 15 fire
** One caster, greater effect: 14 physical, 21 fire
** Two casters, both lesser: 14 physical, 21 fire
** Two casters, both greater: 20 physical, 30 fire
* If stone, any offensive spells of Earth cast against a group member elicits an automatic counter; if smoke, same, but for fire
** Counter is an automatic attempt apply consume to the offender; normal saves apply
** If greater, counter also includes an automatic jet of flame; fire damage of 2d50 (Range: 2 - 100, Ave: 51)
** Damage can be saved for half
Instantaneous Effects
Burnt Offering TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: None
Requires: an item of type food and material spice, a container of red wine, and one of [PC Heart, PC Brains, PC Tongue] of at least level 30
* If heart:
** Player is granted 3d5 [3 - 15, ave 9] hp
** A bit is flipped with 25% odds; if flipped, additional hearts provide no bonus
* If brains:
** Player is granted 3d10 [3 - 30, ave 16.5] mana
** A bit is flipped with 25% odds; if flipped, additional brains provide no bonus
* If tongue:
** Player is granted 3d10 [3 - 30, ave 16.5] skill% in the deceased's native language (up to 100%, of course)
Fireflies TESTED
Lesser: Oajma quest
Greater: None
Requires: a level 50+ eye, 144 silver coins (to pay the imps!)
* Summons a swarm of tiny fire imps to spread through the area
* Basically a reskinned reveal spell; duration is (6 + (skill% - 60) / 4) [Range: 6 - 16] ticks
Inferno's Reach TESTED
Lesser: Zhlayana quest
Greater: None
Requires: an item made of bone, a wand, an arrow, an item worn by the target, an object of type writing with the target's name written on it
* Is essentially a consume spell from anywhere in the world; can be saved normally but at a +10 penalty to saves
* Duration is (6 + (skill% - 50) / 5) [Range: 6 - 16] ticks
Flamecall TESTED
Lesser: read the Gaald scroll
Greater: None
Requires: an ear of level 50+, an item of type writing with the target's name written on it
* Target and caster/pyre must be in a room with magical transport allowed
* Target must be affected by heartfire or aspect of the inferno, or be in the same room as a campfire/pyre
* Summons the target to the caster
* Target gets a fire against fire unless nosummon is turned off
* NPCs can be summoned unless NOSUBDUE
* Summoned NPCs may attack the caster:
** NPCs 20 or more levels below the caster will just cower; for all else:
** Evil NPCs have a 75% chance of attacking
** Neutral NPCs have a 50% chance of attacking unless the caster is good-aligned (ha!), in which case they have a 25% chance
** Good NPCs will not attack unless the caster is evil, in which case they will definitely attack
Trail of Embers TESTED
Lesser: read the Gaald scroll
Greater: None
Requires: an object made of sulphur, an item worn on the feet, a number of copper coins equal to the target campfire
* Target fire and caster/pyre must be in a room with magical transport allowed
* Transports the caster to the target campfire
* Deals 3d100 fire damage to the caster [Range: 3 - 300; Ave: 151.5]
Summon Salamander TESTED
Lesser: studied the skull of the great steam lizard
Greater: stared into the ruby obtained from the flame drake
Requires: a trophied finger, 33 gold pieces (or more)
* Summons a salamander charmie [vnum 225]:
** Casts some fire spells, both in combat and otherwise
** Will start to get hungry over time; must be fed gold to retain (check the progs for amounts)
** Hitroll is (level / 3) + (Max(0, (skill% - 70) / 5)), * 4/3 if greater [Max at hero and 100% skill: 23 for lesser, 30 for greater]
** Damdice are 2d(((level / 3) + Max(0, (skill% - 70) / 2)) * 4/3 if greater) + (level / 10)
** Damdice max at hero and 100% skill: 2d33 + 5 for lesser, 2d44 + 5 for greater
** Hit points are (((level / 3) + Max(0, skill% - 75)d3 * 10 + 2d50) * 4/3 if greater
** Hit point average at hero and 100% skill: 891 for lesser, 1188 for greater
** Low volatility for hit points means amounts near the average are fairly likely
Steelscald TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: None
Requires: an item of type armor and material steel, an item of type weapon and material steel, a container of water (the whole container, not just the water)
* Causes area-wide PC-only fire damage based on how much metal gear the player is wearing; the caster is exempt from this damage
* Damage is 2d(level / 7) + (skill% - 75) / 5 per worn metal item; at hero and 100% range is 7 - 19, ave 13
Flickerfyre TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: Completed forbidden books quest
Requires: an item of material water, an item of material smoke, an item of type light, an item of type key, an item of type net, and an item of type writing with the target's name written on it
* Reveals a portion of the target's background
* No effect on NPCs or PC without backgrounds
* Consistently-random; will show the same fragments of the background unless the target changes it (and even then it shouldn't be completely unrelated)
* Greater effect will reveal approximately 4 times as much background as the lesser
* After the effect fires, the caster is struck with fever and -150 mana for 6 ticks
Heatmine TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: Something with Ssesaryk, TBD
Requires: an object of material wax, an object of material glass
* plants a heatmine in the pyre room (see Heatmine description above)
* If greater, adds 33% damage and an extra round of lag if the bash save is failed
* Has a cooldown of 10 - ((skill% - 75) / 5) [100% means 5 ticks of cooldown]
Flamekiss TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: None
Requires: an object of type crystal, a single silver coin
* Grants burnout with double the normal duration
* Grants (25 + skill% - 75) hp [Max: 50] for the same duration as the burnout
Hearthglow TESTED
Lesser: None
Greater: None
Requires: an object of type light, an object of material fur, a single gold coin, the target object
* Adds glow flag to final item
* Adds warm flag to final item
* Adds burn_proof flag to final item
* Does not destroy the final item
  (List also in room 200)
  (List also in room 200)

Revision as of 17:39, 7 January 2014


Bloodpyre - Red
Wreath of Flames persistent obj type oil, obj mat gold, obj gold necklace improves: AC effect of Coronal Glow, damroll and save effects of immolation, dammroll, hitroll, and hp effects of living flame read OBJVNUM in Earendam Library (ROOMVNUM)  ? adds chance of extra bonus attack w Living Flame sac Heart of the Inferno of at least powerlvl 3  ?
Fury of Ada'Chemta'Boghor persistent obj oak weapon, obj ruby gem starts blazing inferno in room, chance of spawning fire elementals, chance of smoke none na starts rain of fire study whip (OBJVNUM) from Adam'Chemta'Boghor (see VNUM) ... , and druid (VNUM) points towards in (ROOMVNUM)
Bayyal's Realm persistent obj mat smoke, obj type wand, obj dragon tooth increases fire damage in area, more with multiple pyres/casters read scroll (OBJVNUM) in Gogoth Castle (ROOMVNUM)  ? no non-fire spells in pyre room, descreases saves against fire in area sac fire salamander ruby (OBJVNUM) from Xiganath(ROOMVNUM etc)  ?
Inferno's Reach instantaneous obj mat bone, obj type wand, obj type arrow, obj worn by target, obj type writing w target's name written on it consume from anywhere in world, with penalty to target's saves sprinkle self with powder OBJVNUM from Zhlyana's cave (ROOMVNUM)  ? (none) na na
Heatmine instantaneous obj mat wax, obj mat glass (none) na na plants heatmine in pyre room, does dam and gives chance of lag kill Ssesaryk (MOBVNUM)  ?

Development Discussion: http://avendar.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=33936#p33936


(List also in room 200)
248: Player has triggered the no-more-hp-from-offerings bit
249: Player has triggered the no-more-mana-from-offerings bit
250: Player has cast himself into the Inferno
251: Player has eaten the heart of Kzroth
252: Player has sacrificed a Heart of the Inferno of power 3+
253: Player has studied the rune on the side of Ada'Chemta'Boghor's whip
254: Player has defeated the Dedicant in Kzaya-Ha
255: Player has read the scroll in the gaald library
256: Player has sacrificed an ancient salamander ruby.
257: Player has read the scroll in the Earendam library
258: Player has held a phoenix feather
259: Player has tasted phoenix ash
260: Player has examined the skull of the great steam lizard
261: Player has read the scroll in Gogoth
262: Player has sprinkled himself with consuming powder from Zhlayana
263: Player has stared into the ruby from the Flame Dragon
264: Player has touched the flame in Oajma's room
265: Player has pressed a disc in the Forbidden section of the E library
266: Player has killed Ssesaryk
267: Player has gotten the initial spiel about choosing a Greater path.
268: Player has gotten the 'fire shop' message from the shuddeni GM