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== I don't get it.  Is the mob taking over the PC's character, therefore the PC loses their character, a la Sydonus? - Rys
== I don't get it.  Is the mob taking over the PC's character, therefore the PC loses their character, a la Sydonus? - Rys
Well, that was my original thought.  Alternatively, since doing that would require a fair amount of effort, the ritual could be changed to something else, or enough hints could be dropped that even a moron wouldn't go through the ritual.

Revision as of 18:09, 14 March 2004

Idea for Quest:

Setup: A minor Earendam noble(unbeknownst to players, actually powerful void scholar) is growing old and is seeking an heir. He calls on the adventurers of Avendar and asks them to complete a series of tasks to prove their worthiness of becoming his heir. These tasks would be of the "get item from powerful mob variety". Along the way, hints would be dropped that the noble was more than he seemed, if players were able to catch on. When one player had gathered all the items(likely these items would end up changing hands at least once before some player managed to gather them all), the noble would then declare the player his heir, and ask him to perform a special ritual to bond their blood. If the ritual is allowed to be performed, the void scholar transfers his soul from his aging body into that of the player.

Basic Outline: Noble sends note to all players, asking to for all adventurers to seek him out at his home. Once groups gather at home, they meet butler. Butler describes tasks and rewards, and sends players out. Players go after objects, running across hints. One player gathers objects, returns to butler. Noble comes out, names player heir, asks for ritual. (May want to put some time in here for time to make new mob, or to drop more hints?) Ritual performed.

Possible Endings for Quest:

  • Players don't get suspicious, heir becomes mob.
  • Players confront noble, kill him, no one becomes heir.
  • A player becomes heir, then players confront noble and kill him. Unless players can provide evidence of noble's misdeeds, heir killing noble bad idea.

Assuming players do kill noble before the ritual, the rewards are as follows:

  • For heir, noble's house, option of noble's last name, traits appropriate for a noble(such as aristocrat).
  • For others, noble's equipment.

Task Ideas: (Any input would be appreciated)

  • get item from Zhlayana, either kill her or help her. If help receive hint(item only useful to powerful scholars, or some such)

== I don't get it. Is the mob taking over the PC's character, therefore the PC loses their character, a la Sydonus? - Rys

Well, that was my original thought. Alternatively, since doing that would require a fair amount of effort, the ritual could be changed to something else, or enough hints could be dropped that even a moron wouldn't go through the ritual.
