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Quest for Chaos / The Rise of Girikha

Feel free to clarify/polish/edit/ add details.

Feb 10 - More details fleshed out.  All are tentative, please give feedback if you have any.
Feb 3 - Summary of ideas discussed on devsite.  


  • Enaerai wants greater balance in the greater pantheon--something to offset Law.
    • Jolinn, Iandir, Ashur (presumably), Serachel, and the new kid on the block, Rveyelhi are all lawful
    • Arkhural, Rystaia, Bayyal (presumably) are all chaotic
  • Raising a chaotic demigod to the greater pantheon is determined to be the best long term solution to offsetting the preponderance of law (Bayyal can chill and wait for another quest).
  • It is determined that the most likely candidate is the demigoddess of the wild, Girikha, and that a suitable artifact with sufficient power, the Galesphere (wind artifact native to the plane of air, harnessing ungodly amounts of raw air magic) from the elemental plane of air, could be used by mortal agents to do so.

Pre-Quest: Dreams

  • Enaerai grants knights/chaotics/naturalists/air-casters/kankorans regular vision-like dreams. This will be progged much like the dreams from a previous quest.
  • The prog will run for a couple of weeks prior to the quest event.
  • Also, a room in the grasslands of Ryarl will be converted to ruin shrines. Perhaps an altar in the shape of a wolf, its mouth open as if it hold some object... (where the artifact of power would be placed, via verb_prog).
    • The Dream
    • Your normal dreams are disturbed by strange, vague images and sensations.
    • In your dream, you gaze up into the night sky, and it is black, devoid of stars.
    • In your dream, you see three brilliant, blazing stars appear on the eastern horizon
    • In your dream, the three bright stars are flanked by two other lesser stars.
    • In your dream, on the western horizon, as if in response or challenge, three lesser stars appear.
    • In your dream, you see directly overhead, in the center of the heavens, two faint stars.
    • In your dream, you see below the dark heavens a great plain covered in dry grass and dotted with patches of snow.
    • In your dream, you see in the grass the ruins of an ancient shrine, shrouded in the undergrowth.
    • In your dream, you see a great gale buffet the shrine, fierce winds scouring away the debris of centuries.
    • In your dream, a thin, lean she-wolf rises emerges from the ruins, and begins to stalk through the grass of the plain.
    • In your dream, the wolf begins to grow in size and strength, and begins to lope through the grass.
    • In your dream, the wolf begins to run like the wind, her eyes twin flashes of lightning.
    • In your dream, the wolf suddenly makes a great leap, and begins to blur!
    • In your dream, the she-wolf fades in mid-leap into a gust of violent wind, and an unearthly howl rings out over the plain.
    • In your dream, in the dark of the midnight sky, a new star appears on the western horizon.
    • In your dream, the strange images fade away, and you return to normal slumber.

Quest: Scheduled event

  • Time (probably a Friday night) is announced at least a week in advance on the forum. ("there will be some exciting game events happening at X time, and all are encouraged to be on with their high-level chars it if possible")
  • Basically, Enaerai summons the knights to her imm room, gives the Knights the details: they and their allies need to take a portal from the storm in Clouds of Enrien to the Elemental Plane of Air, make it to the Djinn guardian of the Galesphere artifact, take it, and get it back to the ryarl plains to the ruins of a shrine to Girika.
    • Enaerai's Schpiel to the Knights
    • 'Behold Order and Law, like chains of cold iron, binding the heavens in imbalance.'
    • 'These chains in time shall encircle all being, unless countered.'
    • 'A new power must be raised to stand opposite the Five of Law!"
    • 'For of the Three of Chaos, one is bound in chains unbreakable...'
    • '...And I, holding the center of the heavens, cannot raise the power with mine own hand alone.'
    • 'Thus I call upon the mortal plane for my servants to come forth!'
    • 'Ally yourselves with those of chaos, of nature, of the wind, of the kankorans.'
    • 'Those who serve my purposes will find reward, or purpose, or meaning, in equal measures to their desire and ability.'
    • 'And so the balance will be restored, and the world preserved.'
    • 'Seek the Galesphere, that which holds power to bring the Windwolf from whispers of a dying and forgotten faith to a rebirth of power in the heavens.
    • 'Find the tristone in the storm of the great summit. There your journey for the Galesphere will begin.'
    • An image flashes before you: a great mountain, its peak shrouded in a blanket of roiling clouds.
  • A gate is placed at the Djinn in the storm on Mount Enrien.
  • The Djinn holds object(s) that enable group to have gaseous form when worn (as gaseous form needed to survive on the plane of air). Recharging gaseous form staff? Bracers or rings that give gaseous form? Or, less fun, have the passage through the gate progged to give a permanent gaseous form (less fun) affect (removed when they return)? Or have Enaerai give the item(s) to the knights.
  • The gate leads to "the elemental plane of air", a 10x5x5 area of wind, currents, poison clouds, wandering elementals/sylphs/djinns, requiring gaseous form to survive (room prog that causes 10 damages per rand_prog 100 without gaseous form ?), etc. Players entering the gate will be warned (whisper of Enaerai?) to stay on a particular current.
  • The specified current will lead to the "Hall of Mist" in which a Nasty Big Djinni keeps the Galesphere. Players allowed a chance to bargain for the Galesphere, (riddle for it?) but will likely have to fight for it unless they can do something else really impressive.
  • Once players have the Galesphere, hopefully the vision will have been sufficient for them to know what to do with it... (snowy plain must be Ryarl.. they can search it to find the shrine, where the Galesphere will empower Girikha -- exdesc will show the mouth of the wolfen altar is intended to hold offerings). NPCs can step in with clues (scholars talking of the old ryarl kankoran belief in a spirit of the wild) if it is proving too difficult...

  • To include more PCs and have some PvP complications and fun, Iandir/Rveyehli are welcome to work in a counter-group of lawfuls/guardians, who could be rewarded in some way if they interfere and cause sufficient problems for the others (but not too many problems...empowering Girikha is the point of the quest).

Quest Followup:

  • Scheduled for the following weekend, if possible. Hopefully get help from Iandir, Ramc, or others to represent Danrasad and the Guardians.
  • Knights get kicked out of Earendam, lose their compound.
    • Danrasad has long been considering moving against the knights, and their work with raiders and seedy chaotics was the final straw. He contacts the Guardians, who are authorized to close the compound.
    • How would this be realized by character action...
      • Trial before Danrasad?
      • Simply occurs off-scene?
      • Other?
  • Purchase of old abandoned Krilin outpost, and renovation... becomes the new knight fortress.
  • This can happen previous to, during, or after the "booted from Earendam" bit, and need involve only Knights.
    • Set a sum of 3,000 plat (this is a crumbling abandoned outpost in a hill-giant war zone, not exactly prime real estate). The Knights are presumed to be a much larger group than only the PCs, so presumably the NPC knights/other branches of the order/collections from supportive or faithful citizens etc. come up with 1.5K plat, leaving the PC Knights to account for another 1.5K.

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