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<pre>Shielded Bank of the Hyloth River
  Spreading from the western ridge to the rapids to the east, this small
sliver of snow-covered earth is shielded from the erosive waters of the
Hyloth by a raised bank made of hard rock.  The high grey ridge-face is
dotted with small ledges, each covered with fresh, white snow, almost
appearing as a giant staircase.  A collection of arranged sticks and
branches pokes out over a ledge high on the ridge-face. 
[Exits: south]
    A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
    A large eagle's nest sits precariously balanced on a stone ledge.
Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Shasarik the Thane of Battle is here.
A weak, newly hatched eagle sits warm within the nest, squeaking piteously.
Using the nest as insulation against the winds, an eagle preens herself.
Your passage through the void maims you!
A raven has arrived through a shimmering gate.
A raven's passage through the void decimates it!
Shasarik lowers his gaze from the sky.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
Clouds move into the area, obscuring the sky.
Shasarik peers about his surroundings quietly before resting his gaze on the river.
Vaeshir touches his mouth in rememberance.
Shasarik says 'I have been here before.'
Shasarik says 'Yes.  Only by your... gates... this may not even be Avendar from what I know.'
Vaeshir whispers 'Isn't it wonderful?'
Shasarik looks at an eagle hatchling.
Padraic rolls his eyes diffidently.
Shasarik looks at the eagle.
Shasarik turns to face Padraic.
Shasarik lowers himself to his knees, tucking his tail under himself.
Shasarik sits down on the ground.
Shasarik swiftly sheathes his weapons with the grace of a student swordmaster.
Shasarik stops using an axe made from tempered steel.
Shasarik stops using a long steel foil.
A mask of indifference settles itself upon Padraic's face.
Padraic says 'Such trust.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Trust has little to do with it.'
Shasarik nods, a saddened trace to his expressions.
With a flip of the wrist, Padraic slides a jewel-encrusted dagger up his sleeve.
Padraic stops using a jewel-encrusted dagger.
Padraic says 'Perhaps.'
Padraic says 'But we have yet to cease our bush beating.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Enough is clear.'
Shasarik says 'Avendar is a stage, yes?  And we are players... some with a house and some that travel for the clinking of coins... but in these plays all wear their masks.  Only those who feel they have a mastery of this artform are empowered to hide their masks aw'
Shasarik says 'away behind a thin veil of shadow.'
Chill winds dance about, assailing you from all directions.
Padraic says 'Eloquently spoken, dear boy.'
Padraic applauds slowly.
Shasarik draws his cloak more tightly around himself in vain attempt to shield his body from the winds.
Padraic says 'But you still wonder at my involvement.  And I still wonder about yours.'
Shasarik says 'Indeed.'
Shasarik says 'Until this time I... knew not... of your involvement.'
Shasarik turns slightly to Vaeshir.
Padraic reaches into a satchel, pulling out a sheet of withered parchment, folded neatly into quarters.
Shasarik restores his northward gaze.
Padraic says 'I suppose that I should take that as a compliment.'
Vaeshir's lips part slowly.
Shasarik smiles thinly.
Shasarik blinks and his face is emotionless.
Padraic slowly unfolds the sheet, slowly reading it over.
Vaeshir, moving nothing more than his arm, holds it out towards the sheet of parchment calmly.
Shasarik watches this actively.
Padraic smiles grimly.
Vaeshir gasps with mock surprise.
Shasarik drinks water from a large leather water skin.
Vaeshir says softly 'Would you prefer to wear the mask longer?'
Shasarik chuckles darkly.
The winds lessen to a brisk breeze, sending fingers of chill air curling about you.
Padraic quietly folds the sheet again.
Shasarik whispers 'So...'
Padraic says 'I have seen no undonning from your camp.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The questions are not clear.'
A triumphant screech echos from afar, as a predatory bird finds a meal.
Padraic says 'An answer can be provided without a question to induce it.'
Shasarik moves his mouth quickly, no words coming forth.
Padraic places a finger upon Shasarik's lips.
Vaeshir tilts his head slightly 'You showed no surprise at my appearance.'
Shasarik closes his mouth.
Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Padraic stops using a string of dragon-bone hair beads.
Padraic wears a pair of runed spectacles on his head.
Padraic stops using a pair of runed spectacles.
Padraic wears a string of dragon-bone hair beads on his head.
Padraic says 'I haven't, have I.'
Vaeshir shifts his gaze towards the parchment 'You protest that you are in contact with the Gods, or a God, yet my question has gone, thusfar, unaswered.'
Shasarik looks at Padraic.
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Shasarik stares at Padraic's pendant intently.
Padraic tilts his head slightly to the side.
Vaeshir raises an arm slowly, leveling it with Padraic's face.
Vaeshir says softly 'You are not the first to call for Shasarik's freedom.'
Padraic says 'I have not made that call, I am afraid.'
Shasarik gasps quickly but catches himself.
Padraic says 'I merely asked about his wishes.'
Padraic turns his eyes towards the sky.
Vaeshir says softly 'The nature of the questioning combined with the unusual timing have made your intent clear enough.'
Shasarik draws his hands behind his back to keep them from shaking.
Shasarik flexes his tail off the ground before letting it drop with a loud echo.
Padraic stifles a smirk.
OOC to Padraic: 'have made' --> 'has made'
OOC to Shasarik: 'have made' --> 'has made'
[OOC] Shasarik: noted.
Padraic says 'The nature of your answers is providing me with a clearer picture than I could have hoped for.'
[OOC] Shasarik: if that's the worst slip that happens tonight consider yourself lucky... look at me...
Padraic says 'Something is unravelling about you, Vaeshir, that you do not fully understand.'
[OOC] Shasarik: esays instead of emotes... heh
Padraic says 'Shadows are coming to life, and you are not sure which ones will remain still, and which ones will pounce.'
Vaeshir shrugs his shoulders indifferently 'I have been the first to begin removing my mask.'
Padraic suddenly turns his attention to the raven.
Shasarik whispers to himself 'the light... to what end?'
Padraic says 'A pretty specimen.'
Vaeshir holds his arm level with his shoulder.
Shasarik chants 'There were three....'
A raven shifts to pirch on your shoulder.
Shasarik continues 'and now... there are two...'
Padraic says '... And then there were none.'
Padraic says 'That's how the poem finishes, you know.'
You are thirsty.
You are feeling extremely dehydrated!
You DISEMBOWEL yourself!
Shasarik nods, understanding.
Padraic says 'Another drink, Vaeshir?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Yes.'
Padraic gives you an everfull chalice.
You drink water from an everfull chalice.
You drink water from an everfull chalice.
You give an everfull chalice to Padraic.
Shasarik says 'But... there shall be those... those who remain...'
Shasarik says 'Those who need not trouble themselves with meat and drink.'
Clouds move into the area, obscuring the sky.
Padraic says 'Or those who need not worry about the ravages of time, or those who need not ponder over the blades of mortal men...'
Shasarik says 'Those whose minds alone suspend countless strings.'
Padraic holds up the folded parchment.
Shasarik says 'Those whose masks entwine with skin entwine with soul.'
Padraic says 'This letter was sent to me by my superior.'
Padraic says 'Mind you, there is but one who can claim such a thing upon me.'
Vaeshir makes a quick gesture.
Shasarik offers a quick nod.
A raven flies quickly over to land on Padraic's shoulder.
Shasarik grazes himself.
Chill winds whip about your body, tearing at loose accoutrements.
A forceful gust of freezing air bites into your exposed flesh!
Shasarik chokes a moment as few drops of blood fly from his mouth.
Shasarik wounds himself.
Shasarik sways slightly on his feet and then is well.
Shasarik looks from Padraic to Vaeshir.
Padraic says 'Why I have chosen to reveal myself at this time, is now clear to you, I assume.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Padraic taps the note lightly.
Shasarik says 'P-padraic... might I... petition you for a loaf?'
Shasarik injures himself.
Padraic says 'I'm afraid I'm fresh out.'
Shasarik shakes his head.
Shasarik says 'Very well.'
Shasarik says 'Continue.'
You get a cake of Nendorian waybread from a large hide bag.
Shasarik grazes himself.
You give a cake of Nendorian waybread to Shasarik.
Shasarik turns the bread over in his hands.
Shasarik gives you a cake of Nendorian waybread.
Shasarik says 'Continue, Padraic.'
Shasarik misses himself.
Vaeshir turns his gaze sharply to Shasarik.
Shasarik locks his eyes with Padraic's.
Shasarik grazes himself.
Padraic says 'I am stepping in, for others who have bungled, and for others that may have shifted their positions.'
Shasarik maims himself!
Shasarik mauls himself.
Padraic says 'A portion of my mask has been revealed.  It is your turn again.'
Shasarik sways slightly.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
Shasarik scratches himself.
Shasarik looks up at Padraic.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
Shasarik injures himself.
Shasarik says 'I have either been chosen.  Or I have been marked as a slave.'
Padraic eyes you with a slight smirk.
Shasarik says 'At this time it matters little.'
Vaeshir purses his lips 'Or both.'
Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik says 'I... have found a way that I can be free from my bondage to Lor-Archmage Vaeshir.'
Shasarik says 'And at the same time no blood will touch blade nor earth.'
Shasarik decimates himself!
Vaeshir taps a finger against his cheek idly.
Shasarik closes his eyes, lost in a brief dream.
Shasarik mauls himself.
Vaeshir turns his gaze toward Padraic.
Shasarik says 'Father... he has promised my... release.'
Shasarik devastates himself!
Shasarik says 'It has been written in the dust of the stars, in the essense of the dreams, in the notation of the spheres.'
Vaeshir holds up a hand before Shasarik.
Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Shasarik closes his mouth.
Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik whispers ''tis true, My Lord, 'tis true this not yet Is.  This that shall be.'
Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik says 'I shall still close my mouth at the wave of your hand... my blood runs with the taint of the Bindings...'
Shasarik closes his mouth.
Vaeshir says softly 'I believe you will find it is in your best interest.'
Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik bursts from closed lips 'ssssssoon.'
Shasarik grazes himself.
Shasarik says 'There, the mask that is a smiling frown is half-revealed.'
Shasarik says 'I have, Padraic of the shades, paid my ante.'
Shasarik wounds himself.
Shasarik looks at an eagle hatchling.
Shasarik wields an axe made from tempered steel.
Shasarik dual wields a long steel foil.
Shasarik stands up.
Shasarik's mighty cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** an eagle hatchling!
An eagle hatchling is DEAD!!
An eagle hatchling's leg is sliced from his dead body.
Shasarik sacrifices the corpse of an eagle hatchling to the gods.
Shasarik gets the leg of an eagle hatchling.
Shasarik skins the leg quietly with his axe as he listens.
Shasarik scratches himself.
Shasarik eats the leg of an eagle hatchling.
Padraic smiles lightly.
Shasarik sits down on the ground.
Shasarik stops using an axe made from tempered steel.
Shasarik stops using a long steel foil.
Padraic says 'Nothing is unbreakable, is it.'
The clouds begin to disperse, clearing the sky.
Shasarik drinks water from a large leather water skin.
Padraic muses 'Not the strongest of men, the strongest of gods, nor the strongest of bonds...'
Shasarik says 'If my body pulsed with water or wine such ease would be my toil.'
Shasarik says 'But not so, on the contrary, my heart beats the constant drumming of bloodflow.'
A raven shifts, stretching its wings.
Padraic says 'And yet, Vaeshir watches on contentedly?'
A triumphant screech echos from afar, as a predatory bird finds a meal.
Shasarik says 'He has what he wishes.  Soon he will have more.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Padraic says 'He sits at the trade table then.'
Shasarik says 'And yet expects that to elude us.'
Padraic's gaze falls lightly upon your neck, then moves on.
The dull roar of the wind abates a moment, the ensuing quietude unusual to the ear.
Padraic says 'I must consult with my... superior.'
Vaeshir opens his mouth as if to speak, then shuts it.
Padraic smiles craftily.
Shasarik ponders this silently.
Padraic says 'When the time comes, we will speak again.  Make no mention of me to the others.'
Shasarik nods.
Padraic says 'They are not to know of my appearance yet.'
The sun rises in the east.
Shasarik says 'It shall be as you wish.'
Shasarik stands up.
Vaeshir says softly 'I desire the note.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Just payment for silence.'
Padraic says 'In good time, Vaeshir.'
Shasarik eyes Vaeshir caustiously.
Padraic says 'You will get your payment, soon enough.'
Shasarik looks at Padraic.
Padraic quaffs a potion of transportation.
Padraic disappears.
Shasarik quaffs a potion of transportation.
Shasarik disappears.
You step into the void, crossing space with your magics.
The magical winds of the void tear at you!
Your passage through the void mauls you.
Near a Rocky Peak
  A thin path of fragments of white stone winds its way upward and westward
around the side of a high, round hill, whose rocky peak looms just to the
north.  The path drops away quickly to the east, into a narrow valley
between the arms of the hills.  Far to the east, beyond the valley and
beyond yet more hills, a wide, grey plain stretches away into the distance.
To the west the path winds deeper into the hill country, whose craggy peaks
rise high above the southern forest. 
[Exits: west down]
A shaggy mountain goat picks its way along the stony ground.
A raven follows right behind, through the opaque portal.
A Rising Valley
  A narrow valley, which winds southward between the out-flung arms of two
hills, ends its northward climb at the face of an outcrop of sheer granite.
A narrow path, nothing more than a twisting line of whitish pebbles, winds
upward to the west, criss-crossing its way toward the peak of that hill.
Far to the south a broad forested valley is visible, stretching away into
[Exits: south up]
A raven has arrived.
Near a Rocky Peak
  A thin path of fragments of white stone winds its way upward and westward
around the side of a high, round hill, whose rocky peak looms just to the
north.  The path drops away quickly to the east, into a narrow valley
between the arms of the hills.  Far to the east, beyond the valley and
beyond yet more hills, a wide, grey plain stretches away into the distance.
To the west the path winds deeper into the hill country, whose craggy peaks
rise high above the southern forest. 
[Exits: west down]
A shaggy mountain goat picks its way along the stony ground.
A raven has arrived.
Upon a Barren Hillside
  Upon the western slopes of this high round hill, the great extent of the
hill country can be seen.  Rampart upon rampart rise into the distance, ever
northward toward the dimly visible shadow of the Brintor Mountains.  Like
rows of blackened teeth, the crests cut their way southward, ending suddenly
as a great forest begins.  The narrow path here bends eastward, around the
southern face of the hill.  To the north it winds toward an out-thrust
[Exits: north east]
A raven has arrived.
Upon a Barren Hillside
  Upon the western slopes of this high round hill, the great extent of the
hill country can be seen.  Rampart upon rampart rise into the distance, ever
northward toward the dimly visible shadow of the Brintor Mountains.  Like
rows of blackened teeth, the crests cut their way southward, ending suddenly
as a great forest begins.  A narrow path of shattered white stone begins
here and winds southward around the western face of the hill.  A pathless
ridge stretches out from the hill to the northwest. 
[Exits: north south west]
A raven has arrived.
A Spiny Ridge
  A shale-covered ridge stretches to the northwest from a high, round hill
which rises in the southeast.  Facing the gradually descending march of the
ridge, you can see its end some distance away, where it disappears into an
unseen precipice.  In this direction the jagged granite spine of the ridge
is to your left, while to the right a slope leads down into a
northward-running valley. 
[Exits: south down]
A shaggy mountain goat picks its way along the stony ground.
A great red stag walks through the hills.
A raven has arrived.
The Beginning of a Broad Valley
  A broad valley is embraced by lines of jagged hills the the east and
west, and is cut off to the south by a diagonal ridge.  The shaley slopes of
this ridge make an awkward but achievable climb.  To the north the valley
opens, its wide, stony floor broken with drifts of earth, from which sprout
thickets of glossy-leaved spruce. 
[Exits: north up]
A raven has arrived.
A Broad Valley
  Here a deep, rounded valley is embraced by hilltops to the east and west,
climbing into a narrower valley to the south, and stretching away to the
north.  The shaley slopes of the facing hills rise to craggy peaks topped
with weather-torn growths of dark pine.  Here on the stony floor drifts of
earth sprout thickets of resinous spruce.  Cold wind from the higher reaches
swirls down into the valley whistling in the evergreen leaves.  Like craggy
waves, the hills march to either side, their sharp peaks and curving saddles
too steep to climb. 
[Exits: north south west]
A raven has arrived.
A Broad Valley
  Here a deep, rounded valley is embraced by hilltops to the east and west,
climbing into a narrower valley to the northwest, and stretching away to the
south.  The shaley slopes of the facing hills rise to craggy peaks topped
with weather-torn growths of dark pine.  Here on the stony floor drifts of
earth sprout thickets of resinous spruce.  Cold wind from the higher reaches
swirls down into the valley whistling in the evergreen leaves.  Like craggy
waves, the hills march to either side, their sharp peaks and curving saddles
too steep to climb. 
[Exits: south west]
A raven has arrived.
A Broad Valley
  Here a deep, rounded valley is embraced by hilltops to the east and west,
climbing into a narrower valley to the north, and stretching away to the
south. The shaley slopes of the facing hills rise to craggy peaks topped
with weather-torn growths of dark pine.  Here on the stony floor drifts of
earth sprout thickets of resinous spruce.  Cold wind from the higher reaches
swirls down into the valley whistling in the evergreen leaves.  Like craggy
waves, the hills march to either side, their sharp peaks and curving saddles
too steep to climb. 
[Exits: north east south]
A raven has arrived.
The Beginning of a Broad Valley
  A broad valley is embraced by lines of jagged hills the the east and
west, and ends to the north where the arms of two hills are thrust together.
A rising crevice is formed between these spurs, down which trickles a tiny
stream of water.  To the south the broad valley opens up, its wide, stony
floor broken with drifts of earth, from which sprout thickets of
glossy-leaved spruce. 
[Exits: south up]
A raven has arrived.
A Spiny, Fir-Clad Ridge
  Formed by the out-thrust spurs of two southward hills, this jagged, rocky
ridge extends northward, deep into the rugged hill country.  Interspersed
with the knife-like granite outthrusts, thickets of dark-leaved fir bend in
the bitter wind.  The weather-torn branches of these mishappen trees are
clad in weeping veils of dark needles, and their shallow roots cling to the
tenuous soil.  To the south the ridge ends, and a cleft between the hills
drops away into a broad valley. 
[Exits: north down]
A raven has arrived.
A Spiny, Fir-Clad Ridge
  Formed by the out-thrust spurs of two distant southward hills, this
jagged, rocky ridge extends to the northwest, deep into the rugged hill
country. Interspersed with the knife-like granite outthrusts, thickets of
dark-leaved fir bend in the bitter wind.  The weather-torn branches of these
mishappen trees are clad in weeping veils of dark needles, and their shallow
roots cling to the tenuous soil.  A kink in the northward march of the ridge
sends it in a westward arc around the shore of a wide, still lake.  A cleft
in the side of the ridge channels a trickle of water into lake, and provides
a means of descent. 
[Exits: south down]
A raven has arrived.
A Narrow Cleft
  Cutting a straight passage down the side of a northwest-running ridge, a
narrow cleft channels a trickling stream from the craggy, fir-clad heights
into a wide, still lake to the north.  As the ground levels the cleft
widens, only to meet the steep, shear walls of the cliffs bounding the lake.
Here the tumbled rocks from the crags above choke the stream, and mosses and
tiny ferns grow amongst the crevices. 
[Exits: north up]
A raven has arrived.
By the Shore of a Still Lake
  A narrow shelf of pebbly ground forms the shore of a wide, still lake.
The lake stretches away to the northeast, surrounded in all directions by
high, grey cliffs whose serrated peaks are reflected in the still waters
against a dim sky.  In the very center of the lake is reflected the highest
crag, a lofty bluff over the eastern shore whose spiney peak of jumbled
black stone floats serenely in the lightless deep.  Here at the southwest
corner of the lake a tiny stream trickles across the pebbly shore from a
narrow cleft in the southern cliff. 
[Exits: north east south]
A raven has arrived.
By the Shore of a Still Lake
  A narrow shelf of pebbly ground forms the shore of a wide, still lake.
The lake stretches away to the north, surrounded in all directions by high,
grey cliffs whose serrated peaks are reflected in the still waters against a
dim sky.  In the very center of the lake is reflected the highest crag, a
lofty bluff over the eastern shore whose spiney peak of jumbled black stone
floats serenely in the lightless deep.  The shelf continues along the
southern shore beneath an eroding granite face. 
[Exits: east west]
A raven has arrived.
By the Shore of a Still Lake
  A narrow shelf of pebbly ground forms the shore of a wide, still lake.
The lake stretches away to the north, surrounded in all directions by high,
grey cliffs whose serrated peaks are reflected in the still waters against a
dim sky.  In the very center of the lake is reflected the highest crag, a
lofty bluff over the eastern shore whose spiney peak of jumbled black stone
floats serenely in the lightless deep.  The shelf continues along the
southern shore to the west, but directly to the east the shore is blocked by
great toppled splints of stone, which rise, step-like, to the cliffs above.
[Exits: west up]
A raven has arrived.
A Stair of Toppled Granite
  A natural stair is formed here of great pillars of granite, eroded and
toppled from the cliff face to the south.  The stair overlooks a wide, still
lake, which stretches away to the north.  At the base of the stair a narrow
shore stretches eastward around the lake, while upward the stair meets the
craggy cliff-tops. 
[Exits: up down]
A large hawk circles in the cold winds above the hills.
A raven has arrived.
Overlooking a Still Lake
  This craggy cliff-top forms a high stone girdle about a wide, still lake.
Jutting upward from a narrow shore, the cliff's serrated peaks are framed
against the sky above, and against the deeper blue of the reflective depths
far below.  Just to the west the face of the cliff has fallen in a series of
jumbled pillers, eroded by the harsh, cold wind of the heights.  Eastward
the cliff continues about the southern edge of the lake. 
[Exits: east down]
A raven has arrived.
Overlooking a Still Lake
  This craggy cliff-top forms a high stone girdle about a wide, still lake.
Jutting upward from a narrow shore, the cliff's serrated peaks are framed
against the sky above, and against the deeper blue of the reflective depths
far below.  Here the brink curves northward, around the southeastern edge of
the lake, and marches eastward, where the cliff-face is scored and broken
with erosion. 
[Exits: north west]
A raven has arrived.
Overlooking a Still Lake
  This craggy cliff-top forms a high stone girdle about a wide, still lake.
Jutting upward from a narrow shore, the cliff's serrated peaks are framed
against the sky above, and against the deeper blue of the reflective depths
far below.  To the south the precipice bends around the southeastern edge of
the lake, while to the north the ground rises.  At the peak of the rise,
mounted upon the highest spire, a jumble of ruined black stone squats
darkly.  Some ancient work of men, the remnants of its toppled towers thrust
like crooked fingers against the sky. 
[Exits: south up]
A raven has arrived.
Before the Ruined Gates
  The jumbled ruin of an ancient fortress sits atop the high peak of this
ridge.  Its once-lofty towers are now shattered and in ruins, with only
hollow shards of wood and stone left to recall their splendour.  The wall of
the fortress is broken in many places, and the collapsed arch of a gaping
gateway lies directly to the north.  To the west a sudden brink overlooks a
wide, still lake far below.  The reflective, blue waters stretch to the
north and south, and above the looming cliffs of the western shore the
rising ridges of the hill country can be seen marching, spine upon jagged
spine, into the distance.  Just to the south the edge of the cliff drops
[Exits: north down]
A raven has arrived.
A Blackened Courtyard
  Wracked by some great violence of fire and force, the wide courtyard of
this fortress lies in blackened desolation.  Scorched flagstones have been
heaved from their places, and lie strewn amongst the scattered fragments of
the broken walls.  A few small buildings line the courtyard - a smithy, a
stable, a servant's quarters - all now roofless and tumbled.  To the north
lies the main keep of the fortress, its towers and high halls cast into
[Exits: north south]
A raven has arrived.
A Ruined Hall
  The broken walls of an ancient hall of men surround a fire-blasted and
desolate space, now open to the bleak sky above.  Charred beams of wood and
fragments of the stone walls still pierce sky with harsh angles, and in the
center of the room a once-great spiral staircase lies crumbled.  Its
blackened marble steps rise several feet above the ground still, before
dropping into a jumbled mass of broken stone and shattered wood.  The steps
do, however, continue downward, through the floor of the hall and into a
gaping hole whose bottom is beyond the blackness of its depth.  To the south
[Exits: south down]
A raven has arrived.
Vaeshir casts a glance downward into the abyss.</pre>
[http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_1 1][http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_2 2][http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_3 3][http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_4 4][5]
Return to: [[The Apocrypha]] See also: [[Vaeshir]], [[Shasarik]], [[Padraic]]

Latest revision as of 22:43, 21 January 2003

Shielded Bank of the Hyloth River
  Spreading from the western ridge to the rapids to the east, this small
sliver of snow-covered earth is shielded from the erosive waters of the
Hyloth by a raised bank made of hard rock.  The high grey ridge-face is
dotted with small ledges, each covered with fresh, white snow, almost
appearing as a giant staircase.  A collection of arranged sticks and
branches pokes out over a ledge high on the ridge-face.  

[Exits: south]
     A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
     A large eagle's nest sits precariously balanced on a stone ledge.
Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Shasarik the Thane of Battle is here.
A weak, newly hatched eagle sits warm within the nest, squeaking piteously.
Using the nest as insulation against the winds, an eagle preens herself.

Your passage through the void maims you!
A raven has arrived through a shimmering gate.
A raven's passage through the void decimates it!

Shasarik lowers his gaze from the sky.

The sun slowly disappears in the west.
Clouds move into the area, obscuring the sky.

Shasarik peers about his surroundings quietly before resting his gaze on the river.

Vaeshir touches his mouth in rememberance.

Shasarik says 'I have been here before.'
Shasarik says 'Yes.  Only by your... gates... this may not even be Avendar from what I know.'

Vaeshir whispers 'Isn't it wonderful?'

Shasarik looks at an eagle hatchling.

Padraic rolls his eyes diffidently.

Shasarik looks at the eagle.
Shasarik turns to face Padraic.
Shasarik lowers himself to his knees, tucking his tail under himself.
Shasarik sits down on the ground.
Shasarik swiftly sheathes his weapons with the grace of a student swordmaster.
Shasarik stops using an axe made from tempered steel.
Shasarik stops using a long steel foil.

A mask of indifference settles itself upon Padraic's face.

Padraic says 'Such trust.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Trust has little to do with it.'

Shasarik nods, a saddened trace to his expressions.

With a flip of the wrist, Padraic slides a jewel-encrusted dagger up his sleeve.

Padraic stops using a jewel-encrusted dagger.
Padraic says 'Perhaps.'
Padraic says 'But we have yet to cease our bush beating.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Enough is clear.'

Shasarik says 'Avendar is a stage, yes?  And we are players... some with a house and some that travel for the clinking of coins... but in these plays all wear their masks.  Only those who feel they have a mastery of this artform are empowered to hide their masks aw'
Shasarik says 'away behind a thin veil of shadow.'

Chill winds dance about, assailing you from all directions.

Padraic says 'Eloquently spoken, dear boy.'
Padraic applauds slowly.

Shasarik draws his cloak more tightly around himself in vain attempt to shield his body from the winds.

Padraic says 'But you still wonder at my involvement.  And I still wonder about yours.'

Shasarik says 'Indeed.'
Shasarik says 'Until this time I... knew not... of your involvement.'
Shasarik turns slightly to Vaeshir.

Padraic reaches into a satchel, pulling out a sheet of withered parchment, folded neatly into quarters.

Shasarik restores his northward gaze.

Padraic says 'I suppose that I should take that as a compliment.'

Vaeshir's lips part slowly.

Shasarik smiles thinly.
Shasarik blinks and his face is emotionless.

Padraic slowly unfolds the sheet, slowly reading it over.

Vaeshir, moving nothing more than his arm, holds it out towards the sheet of parchment calmly.

Shasarik watches this actively.

Padraic smiles grimly.

Vaeshir gasps with mock surprise.

Shasarik drinks water from a large leather water skin.

Vaeshir says softly 'Would you prefer to wear the mask longer?'

Shasarik chuckles darkly.

The winds lessen to a brisk breeze, sending fingers of chill air curling about you.

Padraic quietly folds the sheet again.

Shasarik whispers 'So...'

Padraic says 'I have seen no undonning from your camp.'

Vaeshir says softly 'The questions are not clear.'

A triumphant screech echos from afar, as a predatory bird finds a meal.

Padraic says 'An answer can be provided without a question to induce it.'

Shasarik moves his mouth quickly, no words coming forth.

Padraic places a finger upon Shasarik's lips.

Vaeshir tilts his head slightly 'You showed no surprise at my appearance.'

Shasarik closes his mouth.

Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Padraic stops using a string of dragon-bone hair beads.
Padraic wears a pair of runed spectacles on his head.
Padraic stops using a pair of runed spectacles.
Padraic wears a string of dragon-bone hair beads on his head.

Padraic says 'I haven't, have I.'

Vaeshir shifts his gaze towards the parchment 'You protest that you are in contact with the Gods, or a God, yet my question has gone, thusfar, unaswered.'

Shasarik looks at Padraic.

Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

Shasarik stares at Padraic's pendant intently.

Padraic tilts his head slightly to the side.

Vaeshir raises an arm slowly, leveling it with Padraic's face.
Vaeshir says softly 'You are not the first to call for Shasarik's freedom.'

Padraic says 'I have not made that call, I am afraid.'

Shasarik gasps quickly but catches himself.

Padraic says 'I merely asked about his wishes.'
Padraic turns his eyes towards the sky.

Vaeshir says softly 'The nature of the questioning combined with the unusual timing have made your intent clear enough.'

Shasarik draws his hands behind his back to keep them from shaking.
Shasarik flexes his tail off the ground before letting it drop with a loud echo.

Padraic stifles a smirk.

OOC to Padraic: 'have made' --> 'has made'
OOC to Shasarik: 'have made' --> 'has made'

[OOC] Shasarik: noted.

Padraic says 'The nature of your answers is providing me with a clearer picture than I could have hoped for.'

[OOC] Shasarik: if that's the worst slip that happens tonight consider yourself lucky... look at me...

Padraic says 'Something is unravelling about you, Vaeshir, that you do not fully understand.'

[OOC] Shasarik: esays instead of emotes... heh

Padraic says 'Shadows are coming to life, and you are not sure which ones will remain still, and which ones will pounce.'

Vaeshir shrugs his shoulders indifferently 'I have been the first to begin removing my mask.'

Padraic suddenly turns his attention to the raven.

Shasarik whispers to himself 'the light... to what end?'

Padraic says 'A pretty specimen.'

Vaeshir holds his arm level with his shoulder.

Shasarik chants 'There were three....'

A raven shifts to pirch on your shoulder.

Shasarik continues 'and now... there are two...'

Padraic says '... And then there were none.'
Padraic says 'That's how the poem finishes, you know.'

You are thirsty.
You are feeling extremely dehydrated!
You DISEMBOWEL yourself!

Shasarik nods, understanding.

Padraic says 'Another drink, Vaeshir?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Yes.'

Padraic gives you an everfull chalice.

You drink water from an everfull chalice.
You drink water from an everfull chalice.
You give an everfull chalice to Padraic.

Shasarik says 'But... there shall be those... those who remain...'
Shasarik says 'Those who need not trouble themselves with meat and drink.'

Clouds move into the area, obscuring the sky.

Padraic says 'Or those who need not worry about the ravages of time, or those who need not ponder over the blades of mortal men...'

Shasarik says 'Those whose minds alone suspend countless strings.'

Padraic holds up the folded parchment.

Shasarik says 'Those whose masks entwine with skin entwine with soul.'

Padraic says 'This letter was sent to me by my superior.'
Padraic says 'Mind you, there is but one who can claim such a thing upon me.'

Vaeshir makes a quick gesture.

Shasarik offers a quick nod.

A raven flies quickly over to land on Padraic's shoulder.

Shasarik grazes himself.

Chill winds whip about your body, tearing at loose accoutrements. 
A forceful gust of freezing air bites into your exposed flesh!

Shasarik chokes a moment as few drops of blood fly from his mouth.
Shasarik wounds himself.
Shasarik sways slightly on his feet and then is well.
Shasarik looks from Padraic to Vaeshir.

Padraic says 'Why I have chosen to reveal myself at this time, is now clear to you, I assume.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic taps the note lightly.

Shasarik says 'P-padraic... might I... petition you for a loaf?'
Shasarik injures himself.

Padraic says 'I'm afraid I'm fresh out.'

Shasarik shakes his head.
Shasarik says 'Very well.'
Shasarik says 'Continue.'

You get a cake of Nendorian waybread from a large hide bag.

Shasarik grazes himself.

You give a cake of Nendorian waybread to Shasarik.

Shasarik turns the bread over in his hands.
Shasarik gives you a cake of Nendorian waybread.
Shasarik says 'Continue, Padraic.'

Shasarik misses himself.

Vaeshir turns his gaze sharply to Shasarik.

Shasarik locks his eyes with Padraic's.
Shasarik grazes himself.

Padraic says 'I am stepping in, for others who have bungled, and for others that may have shifted their positions.'

Shasarik maims himself!
Shasarik mauls himself.

Padraic says 'A portion of my mask has been revealed.  It is your turn again.'

Shasarik sways slightly.

The sun slowly disappears in the west.

Shasarik scratches himself.
Shasarik looks up at Padraic.

The sun slowly disappears in the west.

Shasarik injures himself.
Shasarik says 'I have either been chosen.  Or I have been marked as a slave.'

Padraic eyes you with a slight smirk.

Shasarik says 'At this time it matters little.'

Vaeshir purses his lips 'Or both.'

Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik says 'I... have found a way that I can be free from my bondage to Lor-Archmage Vaeshir.'
Shasarik says 'And at the same time no blood will touch blade nor earth.'
Shasarik decimates himself!

Vaeshir taps a finger against his cheek idly.

Shasarik closes his eyes, lost in a brief dream.
Shasarik mauls himself.

Vaeshir turns his gaze toward Padraic.

Shasarik says 'Father... he has promised my... release.'
Shasarik devastates himself!
Shasarik says 'It has been written in the dust of the stars, in the essense of the dreams, in the notation of the spheres.'

Vaeshir holds up a hand before Shasarik.

Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.

Shasarik closes his mouth.
Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik whispers ''tis true, My Lord, 'tis true this not yet Is.  This that shall be.'
Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik says 'I shall still close my mouth at the wave of your hand... my blood runs with the taint of the Bindings...'
Shasarik closes his mouth.

Vaeshir says softly 'I believe you will find it is in your best interest.'

Shasarik hits himself.
Shasarik bursts from closed lips 'ssssssoon.'
Shasarik grazes himself.
Shasarik says 'There, the mask that is a smiling frown is half-revealed.'
Shasarik says 'I have, Padraic of the shades, paid my ante.'
Shasarik wounds himself.
Shasarik looks at an eagle hatchling.
Shasarik wields an axe made from tempered steel.
Shasarik dual wields a long steel foil.
Shasarik stands up.

Shasarik's mighty cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** an eagle hatchling!
An eagle hatchling is DEAD!!
An eagle hatchling's leg is sliced from his dead body.
Shasarik sacrifices the corpse of an eagle hatchling to the gods.

Shasarik gets the leg of an eagle hatchling.
Shasarik skins the leg quietly with his axe as he listens.
Shasarik scratches himself.
Shasarik eats the leg of an eagle hatchling.

Padraic smiles lightly.

Shasarik sits down on the ground.
Shasarik stops using an axe made from tempered steel.
Shasarik stops using a long steel foil.

Padraic says 'Nothing is unbreakable, is it.'

The clouds begin to disperse, clearing the sky.

Shasarik drinks water from a large leather water skin.

Padraic muses 'Not the strongest of men, the strongest of gods, nor the strongest of bonds...'

Shasarik says 'If my body pulsed with water or wine such ease would be my toil.'
Shasarik says 'But not so, on the contrary, my heart beats the constant drumming of bloodflow.'

A raven shifts, stretching its wings.

Padraic says 'And yet, Vaeshir watches on contentedly?'

A triumphant screech echos from afar, as a predatory bird finds a meal.

Shasarik says 'He has what he wishes.  Soon he will have more.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic says 'He sits at the trade table then.'

Shasarik says 'And yet expects that to elude us.'

Padraic's gaze falls lightly upon your neck, then moves on.

The dull roar of the wind abates a moment, the ensuing quietude unusual to the ear. 

Padraic says 'I must consult with my... superior.'

Vaeshir opens his mouth as if to speak, then shuts it.

Padraic smiles craftily.

Shasarik ponders this silently.

Padraic says 'When the time comes, we will speak again.  Make no mention of me to the others.'

Shasarik nods.

Padraic says 'They are not to know of my appearance yet.'

The sun rises in the east.

Shasarik says 'It shall be as you wish.'
Shasarik stands up.

Vaeshir says softly 'I desire the note.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Just payment for silence.'

Padraic says 'In good time, Vaeshir.'

Shasarik eyes Vaeshir caustiously.

Padraic says 'You will get your payment, soon enough.'

Shasarik looks at Padraic.

Padraic quaffs a potion of transportation.
Padraic disappears.

Shasarik quaffs a potion of transportation.
Shasarik disappears.

You step into the void, crossing space with your magics.
The magical winds of the void tear at you!
Your passage through the void mauls you.
Near a Rocky Peak
  A thin path of fragments of white stone winds its way upward and westward
around the side of a high, round hill, whose rocky peak looms just to the
north.  The path drops away quickly to the east, into a narrow valley
between the arms of the hills.  Far to the east, beyond the valley and
beyond yet more hills, a wide, grey plain stretches away into the distance. 
To the west the path winds deeper into the hill country, whose craggy peaks
rise high above the southern forest.  

[Exits: west down]
A shaggy mountain goat picks its way along the stony ground.
A raven follows right behind, through the opaque portal.

A Rising Valley
  A narrow valley, which winds southward between the out-flung arms of two
hills, ends its northward climb at the face of an outcrop of sheer granite. 
A narrow path, nothing more than a twisting line of whitish pebbles, winds
upward to the west, criss-crossing its way toward the peak of that hill. 
Far to the south a broad forested valley is visible, stretching away into

[Exits: south up]
A raven has arrived.

Near a Rocky Peak
  A thin path of fragments of white stone winds its way upward and westward
around the side of a high, round hill, whose rocky peak looms just to the
north.  The path drops away quickly to the east, into a narrow valley
between the arms of the hills.  Far to the east, beyond the valley and
beyond yet more hills, a wide, grey plain stretches away into the distance. 
To the west the path winds deeper into the hill country, whose craggy peaks
rise high above the southern forest.  

[Exits: west down]
A shaggy mountain goat picks its way along the stony ground.
A raven has arrived.

Upon a Barren Hillside
  Upon the western slopes of this high round hill, the great extent of the
hill country can be seen.  Rampart upon rampart rise into the distance, ever
northward toward the dimly visible shadow of the Brintor Mountains.  Like
rows of blackened teeth, the crests cut their way southward, ending suddenly
as a great forest begins.  The narrow path here bends eastward, around the
southern face of the hill.  To the north it winds toward an out-thrust

[Exits: north east]
A raven has arrived.

Upon a Barren Hillside
  Upon the western slopes of this high round hill, the great extent of the
hill country can be seen.  Rampart upon rampart rise into the distance, ever
northward toward the dimly visible shadow of the Brintor Mountains.  Like
rows of blackened teeth, the crests cut their way southward, ending suddenly
as a great forest begins.  A narrow path of shattered white stone begins
here and winds southward around the western face of the hill.  A pathless
ridge stretches out from the hill to the northwest.  

[Exits: north south west]
A raven has arrived.

A Spiny Ridge
  A shale-covered ridge stretches to the northwest from a high, round hill
which rises in the southeast.  Facing the gradually descending march of the
ridge, you can see its end some distance away, where it disappears into an
unseen precipice.  In this direction the jagged granite spine of the ridge
is to your left, while to the right a slope leads down into a
northward-running valley.  

[Exits: south down]
A shaggy mountain goat picks its way along the stony ground.
A great red stag walks through the hills.
A raven has arrived.

The Beginning of a Broad Valley
  A broad valley is embraced by lines of jagged hills the the east and
west, and is cut off to the south by a diagonal ridge.  The shaley slopes of
this ridge make an awkward but achievable climb.  To the north the valley
opens, its wide, stony floor broken with drifts of earth, from which sprout
thickets of glossy-leaved spruce.  

[Exits: north up]
A raven has arrived.

A Broad Valley
  Here a deep, rounded valley is embraced by hilltops to the east and west,
climbing into a narrower valley to the south, and stretching away to the
north.  The shaley slopes of the facing hills rise to craggy peaks topped
with weather-torn growths of dark pine.  Here on the stony floor drifts of
earth sprout thickets of resinous spruce.  Cold wind from the higher reaches
swirls down into the valley whistling in the evergreen leaves.  Like craggy
waves, the hills march to either side, their sharp peaks and curving saddles
too steep to climb.  

[Exits: north south west]
A raven has arrived.

A Broad Valley
  Here a deep, rounded valley is embraced by hilltops to the east and west,
climbing into a narrower valley to the northwest, and stretching away to the
south.  The shaley slopes of the facing hills rise to craggy peaks topped
with weather-torn growths of dark pine.  Here on the stony floor drifts of
earth sprout thickets of resinous spruce.  Cold wind from the higher reaches
swirls down into the valley whistling in the evergreen leaves.  Like craggy
waves, the hills march to either side, their sharp peaks and curving saddles
too steep to climb.  

[Exits: south west]
A raven has arrived.

A Broad Valley
  Here a deep, rounded valley is embraced by hilltops to the east and west,
climbing into a narrower valley to the north, and stretching away to the
south. The shaley slopes of the facing hills rise to craggy peaks topped
with weather-torn growths of dark pine.  Here on the stony floor drifts of
earth sprout thickets of resinous spruce.  Cold wind from the higher reaches
swirls down into the valley whistling in the evergreen leaves.  Like craggy
waves, the hills march to either side, their sharp peaks and curving saddles
too steep to climb.  

[Exits: north east south]
A raven has arrived.

The Beginning of a Broad Valley
  A broad valley is embraced by lines of jagged hills the the east and
west, and ends to the north where the arms of two hills are thrust together.
A rising crevice is formed between these spurs, down which trickles a tiny
stream of water.  To the south the broad valley opens up, its wide, stony
floor broken with drifts of earth, from which sprout thickets of
glossy-leaved spruce.  

[Exits: south up]
A raven has arrived.

A Spiny, Fir-Clad Ridge
  Formed by the out-thrust spurs of two southward hills, this jagged, rocky
ridge extends northward, deep into the rugged hill country.  Interspersed
with the knife-like granite outthrusts, thickets of dark-leaved fir bend in
the bitter wind.  The weather-torn branches of these mishappen trees are
clad in weeping veils of dark needles, and their shallow roots cling to the
tenuous soil.  To the south the ridge ends, and a cleft between the hills
drops away into a broad valley.  

[Exits: north down]
A raven has arrived.

A Spiny, Fir-Clad Ridge
  Formed by the out-thrust spurs of two distant southward hills, this
jagged, rocky ridge extends to the northwest, deep into the rugged hill
country. Interspersed with the knife-like granite outthrusts, thickets of
dark-leaved fir bend in the bitter wind.  The weather-torn branches of these
mishappen trees are clad in weeping veils of dark needles, and their shallow
roots cling to the tenuous soil.  A kink in the northward march of the ridge
sends it in a westward arc around the shore of a wide, still lake.  A cleft
in the side of the ridge channels a trickle of water into lake, and provides
a means of descent.  

[Exits: south down]
A raven has arrived.

A Narrow Cleft
  Cutting a straight passage down the side of a northwest-running ridge, a
narrow cleft channels a trickling stream from the craggy, fir-clad heights
into a wide, still lake to the north.  As the ground levels the cleft
widens, only to meet the steep, shear walls of the cliffs bounding the lake.
Here the tumbled rocks from the crags above choke the stream, and mosses and
tiny ferns grow amongst the crevices.  

[Exits: north up]
A raven has arrived.

By the Shore of a Still Lake
  A narrow shelf of pebbly ground forms the shore of a wide, still lake. 
The lake stretches away to the northeast, surrounded in all directions by
high, grey cliffs whose serrated peaks are reflected in the still waters
against a dim sky.  In the very center of the lake is reflected the highest
crag, a lofty bluff over the eastern shore whose spiney peak of jumbled
black stone floats serenely in the lightless deep.  Here at the southwest
corner of the lake a tiny stream trickles across the pebbly shore from a

narrow cleft in the southern cliff.  

[Exits: north east south]
A raven has arrived.

By the Shore of a Still Lake
  A narrow shelf of pebbly ground forms the shore of a wide, still lake. 
The lake stretches away to the north, surrounded in all directions by high,
grey cliffs whose serrated peaks are reflected in the still waters against a
dim sky.  In the very center of the lake is reflected the highest crag, a
lofty bluff over the eastern shore whose spiney peak of jumbled black stone
floats serenely in the lightless deep.  The shelf continues along the
southern shore beneath an eroding granite face.  

[Exits: east west]
A raven has arrived.

By the Shore of a Still Lake
  A narrow shelf of pebbly ground forms the shore of a wide, still lake. 
The lake stretches away to the north, surrounded in all directions by high,
grey cliffs whose serrated peaks are reflected in the still waters against a
dim sky.  In the very center of the lake is reflected the highest crag, a
lofty bluff over the eastern shore whose spiney peak of jumbled black stone
floats serenely in the lightless deep.  The shelf continues along the
southern shore to the west, but directly to the east the shore is blocked by
great toppled splints of stone, which rise, step-like, to the cliffs above. 

[Exits: west up]
A raven has arrived.

A Stair of Toppled Granite
  A natural stair is formed here of great pillars of granite, eroded and
toppled from the cliff face to the south.  The stair overlooks a wide, still
lake, which stretches away to the north.  At the base of the stair a narrow
shore stretches eastward around the lake, while upward the stair meets the
craggy cliff-tops.  

[Exits: up down]
A large hawk circles in the cold winds above the hills.
A raven has arrived.

Overlooking a Still Lake
  This craggy cliff-top forms a high stone girdle about a wide, still lake.
Jutting upward from a narrow shore, the cliff's serrated peaks are framed
against the sky above, and against the deeper blue of the reflective depths
far below.  Just to the west the face of the cliff has fallen in a series of
jumbled pillers, eroded by the harsh, cold wind of the heights.  Eastward
the cliff continues about the southern edge of the lake.  

[Exits: east down]
A raven has arrived.

Overlooking a Still Lake
  This craggy cliff-top forms a high stone girdle about a wide, still lake.
Jutting upward from a narrow shore, the cliff's serrated peaks are framed
against the sky above, and against the deeper blue of the reflective depths
far below.  Here the brink curves northward, around the southeastern edge of
the lake, and marches eastward, where the cliff-face is scored and broken
with erosion.  

[Exits: north west]
A raven has arrived.

Overlooking a Still Lake
  This craggy cliff-top forms a high stone girdle about a wide, still lake.
Jutting upward from a narrow shore, the cliff's serrated peaks are framed
against the sky above, and against the deeper blue of the reflective depths
far below.  To the south the precipice bends around the southeastern edge of
the lake, while to the north the ground rises.  At the peak of the rise,
mounted upon the highest spire, a jumble of ruined black stone squats
darkly.  Some ancient work of men, the remnants of its toppled towers thrust
like crooked fingers against the sky.  

[Exits: south up]
A raven has arrived.

Before the Ruined Gates
  The jumbled ruin of an ancient fortress sits atop the high peak of this
ridge.  Its once-lofty towers are now shattered and in ruins, with only
hollow shards of wood and stone left to recall their splendour.  The wall of
the fortress is broken in many places, and the collapsed arch of a gaping
gateway lies directly to the north.  To the west a sudden brink overlooks a
wide, still lake far below.  The reflective, blue waters stretch to the
north and south, and above the looming cliffs of the western shore the
rising ridges of the hill country can be seen marching, spine upon jagged
spine, into the distance.  Just to the south the edge of the cliff drops

[Exits: north down]
A raven has arrived.

A Blackened Courtyard
  Wracked by some great violence of fire and force, the wide courtyard of
this fortress lies in blackened desolation.  Scorched flagstones have been
heaved from their places, and lie strewn amongst the scattered fragments of
the broken walls.  A few small buildings line the courtyard - a smithy, a
stable, a servant's quarters - all now roofless and tumbled.  To the north
lies the main keep of the fortress, its towers and high halls cast into

[Exits: north south]
A raven has arrived.

A Ruined Hall
  The broken walls of an ancient hall of men surround a fire-blasted and
desolate space, now open to the bleak sky above.  Charred beams of wood and
fragments of the stone walls still pierce sky with harsh angles, and in the
center of the room a once-great spiral staircase lies crumbled.  Its
blackened marble steps rise several feet above the ground still, before
dropping into a jumbled mass of broken stone and shattered wood.  The steps
do, however, continue downward, through the floor of the hall and into a
gaping hole whose bottom is beyond the blackness of its depth.  To the south

[Exits: south down]
A raven has arrived.

Vaeshir casts a glance downward into the abyss.


Return to: The Apocrypha See also: Vaeshir, Shasarik, Padraic