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<pre>### A little while back Padraic tells me "We will speak soon."
<pre>### Later, inside the Bandit's Blade
### After a short while I take him up on the offer.
### His response was quite prompt.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
The Bandit's Blade Tavern
The clouds begin to disperse, clearing the sky.
  Under a low ceiling encrusted in cigar smoke lie the numerous tables of
this large tavern. The floor is covered in bits of food and cloth, and the
wiry oak rafters above are shrouded with layer upon layer of dust.  The
floor boards are scratched and scuffed, presumably from numerous duels and
confrontations that take place here.  To the east, the counter and drink
shelf lie.  To the south and east, the numerous tables continue, while to
the west is a back room.
Padraic tells you 'Gate to me.'
[Exits: east south west]
Elciryar the thief leader and betrayer of the ethrons sits here.
Shasarik has arrived.
You step into the void, crossing space with your magics.
Shasarik looks at a rotund old barkeep.
The magical winds of the void tear at you!
Shasarik says 'What is our business here?'
You fade into existence.
Your passage through the void DISMEMBERS you!
The Infirmary
  The infirmary of Krilin Fortress is a spacious room with bare wooden
walls and a well-worn log floor. A wooden countertop is build into the west
wall, cluttered with bandages, salves, and healing ointments.  A round
shield decorated with the symbol of Jolinn is mounted on the wall.  The
infirmary continues south.
[Exits: south]
Vaeshir says softly 'Talk. Talk of various things.'
(Hide) Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Vaeshir braces himself against the shelves and lowers himself to the floor.
A scholar of water bustles about the infirmary.
Padraic looks at you.
Shasarik sighs in small, controlled bursts.
Players near you:
Vaeshir gazes up at Shasarik through the cloth bound about his face.
(PK) Vaeshir                     The Infirmary
Vaeshir says softly 'You are tense. Why?'
(PK) Padraic                      The Infirmary
You fade out of existence.
Shasarik says 'The girl... the girl... I admire the fighter's style but...'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.  
Put to work by the leaders of the Bandit's Blade, this young girl is at
Vaeshir says softly 'Shal I take us somewhere more private?'
the beck and call of the criminals in the tavern. She appears harrowed by
the experience of working under the conditions imposed by men of such
unscrupulous natures. 
A young servant girl is in excellent condition.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Shasarik says 'I cannot glean her intentions...'
Padraic spreads his hands.
Shasarik says 'No, the other one'
Shasarik says 'Isyle.'
Shasarik says 'True neutrals... they disturb me.'
Padraic says 'Do as you like.'
Vaeshir furrows his brow.
Vaeshir says softly 'Neutral in which matters?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Which girl do you speak of?'
Players near you:
Shasarik says 'They cloak themselves in a shroud of indifference... armor of stasis...  Isyle... the fighter.'
(PK) Vaeshir                      The Infirmary
(PK) Padraic                      The Infirmary
Vaeshir says softly 'If there is no need.'
You haggle with a rotund old barkeep.
Vaeshir nods to Padraic.
You buy a mug of sailor's ale for 675 gold.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Shasarik says 'From our last clash with the Lords of Conquest I found that the technique of fighters is... potent.'
Padraic says 'What are your feelings on our High Priest?'
Vaeshir's expression hardens, his face now grave.
Vaeshir says softly 'An interesting name for a woman.'
Padraic says 'The question is a simple one.'
Shasarik says 'I thought as much...'
Vaeshir says softly 'It carries with it a great number of questions.'
Vaeshir takes a small sip of his ale.
Vaeshir says softly 'I have both praise and reservations for the man.'
Vaeshir smiles thinly 'Why do you ask?'
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
You drink dark ale from a mug of sailor's ale.
Padraic says 'I have been away from my duties for quite some time'
Vaeshir says softly 'Did you know him at all before your departure?'
Shasarik says 'I wish a fighter servant... but Isyle will not be bound, I suppose.'
Padraic nods.
Vaeshir says softly 'Few can be bound with words alone.'
Vaeshir raises his gaze to meet your own.
Vaeshir says softly 'You feel he may have changed?'
Shasarik nods at this.
Shasarik says 'There is something else...'
Shasarik says 'It is the Darklord...'
Shasarik says 'He is of my Vanguard and still I do not trust him fully.'
Padraic says 'I am wondering, perhaps hoping, that he has.'
Vaeshir traces the rim of his glass with a finger, a slight hint of interest in his face.
Vaeshir laces his fingers together before him.
Shasarik says 'This plagues me, for only those who I am assured of... only those who...'
Vaeshir says softly 'Hoping that he might have changed how?'
Padraic says 'My own questions remains unanswered.'
Shasarik sighs.
Vaeshir says softly 'Quite true.'
Vaeshir says into the mug 'Why?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Why do you not trust him?'
Padraic eyes the scholar quietly.
Shasarik says 'He was inducted without my presence at the ceremony.  And he is of the Elder.'
Padraic says 'Perhaps it is best if you take us away.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Very well.'
You think 'Excellent.'
Vaeshir traces a broad circle in the air.
A shimmering gate rises up before you.
Vaeshir raises the glass to his lips again.
You drink dark ale from a mug of sailor's ale.
You enter a shimmering gate.
Shasarik says 'I... I found my eyes locked upon the Saurian Elder once... he attempted to bind me...'
A Crystal-filled Cave
Shasarik says 'I was young... and foolish... I ran... ran on the legs of a mortal from a god.'
  The subterranean tunnel curves to the north and east at this point, the
cave walls formed of a dark brown sedimentary stone. Sprouting from this
stone are dozens of naturally-formed crystals, whose intricate shapes line
the walls in shimmering patterns. Broken shards and whole shafts of crystal
lay about the floor of the cave, the smaller pieces filling the various
cracks and variations in the stone floor.  
[Exits: north east]
Vaeshir gives Shasarik an offhand glance.
    A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
A large pile of crystals moves fitfully about the cave.
You fade into existence.
Your passage through the void hits you.
Padraic has arrived through a shimmering gate.
Shasarik removes his helm slowly to reveal the trigon of the Vanguard in its entirety.
Padraic's passage through the void wounds him.
### Wander wander wander.
Vaeshir says softly 'Perhaps that was answer enough.'
Players near you:
Shasarik says 'There is no rune of the Elder in this.'
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Rough Earthen Tunnel
Shasarik says 'And there is a reason for that.'
(PK) Padraic                      A Crystal-filled Cave
A Rough Earthen Tunnel
### The symbol on Shasarik's forehead:
  The walls of the rough earthen tunnel continue, with jagged pieces of
stone protruding from the sides.  The floor is uneven, and appears to have
been chiseled in places.  The rough tunnel continues to the north and east,
and a side tunnel leads upwards. 
[Exits: east west up]
The Symbol of the Black Vanguard consists of a midnight-black Raven
(Hide) Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
surrounded by three smaller markings.  Such is the nature of the Symbol that
no one component dominates its perfect equilibrium.  Around the Raven, the
peripheral markings are positioned at the vertexes of a thinly-detailed
equilateral triangle drawn in red.  The Raven itself is drawn as a perfectly
symmetrical image of beautiful, refined power, the eyes of which are
narrowed to sharp, ever-viligant slits.  Even for a lifeless symbol, the
Raven appears particularly immobile, its wings of pitch creased back evenly,
allowing its presence alone to manifest its capabilities.  Within the
lower-left corner of the triangle is the symbol of the Great Dragon of the
Void, pulsing softly with the unenergies of the nothingness itself.  Within
the lower-right corner of the triangle is the symbol of the Father of the
Mask, Lord of the Fallen, fading in and out of the grasp of your sight.
Within the apex is the mark of the Silver Pentagram, flowing with the
ever-present energies of the Collective.  Between the eyes of the Raven,
occupying the very center of the trigon, is a small rune of Will,
identifying Shasarik as the Lieutenant of the Black Vanguard.
Padraic nods.
Shasarik says 'The goals of the Sept are not our own.'
Shasarik says 'Their practices are not our own.'
Shasarik says 'And there will be a time when their ways conflict with ours.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
Vaeshir tilts the mug back deeply, emptying it as you speak.
You drop a mug of sailor's ale.
The gods give you 60 gold coins for your sacrifice.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Vaeshir looks at Shasarik intently.
Padraic says 'The question, to the hyperactive mind, is laced with political agendas and intrigue.'
Vaeshir says softly 'What is your opinion of the High Priest?'
### Oh, I don't think your mind has to be _that_ hyperactive
Shasarik says 'When this day comes, and Khaseem must choose, we will no longer hold influence over the Sept and it will be much more difficult to destroy him.'
Shasarik peers at the rafters with this topic change.
Shasarik buys a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow.
Padraic says 'But truthfully, I merely seek to ascertain the current state of our house, nothing more.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I have said those words to you myself in the past, but we may continue speaking of them later.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It would be difficult for me to judge him without bringing my own wants for the future of the House to bear upon my opinion.'
Shasarik sets the glass on a table and peers at you.
Vaeshir says softly 'If you could tell me what in particular troubled you I would be able to speak to it directly.'
Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Vaeshir taps a claw against the broken wooden floorboards idly.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic tips the chalice in your direction, arching an eyebrow inquisitively.
Padraic says 'Or have you brought your own supplies this time?'
Vaeshir says softly 'I have, but I would drink in rememberance if you like.'
Shasarik says 'The High Priest is abled of mind, but sometimes I believe he puts his own powers before the power of the Collective in its entirety.'
[SHUNNED] Amyril: If you see Ehraejal, tell me please
Vaeshir smiles, facing southward 'A direct answer.'
### You can go to hell.
Shasarik says 'Perhaps I make this observation because the Vanguard relies more on the whole than on any one blade...'
Shasarik says 'But a mage can do wonders alone.'
Your current aliases are:
Vaeshir's smile deepens into a grin.
    lick:  ,licks his lips gingerly.
    so:  esay 'says softly'
    incline:  ,inclines his head slightly.
    run:  ,traces his fingers idly across the scales covering his neck.
    rsc:  order all rescue
    bl:  c blind
    wry:  smote Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile.
    tilt:  ,tilts his head to one side inquisitively.
    blink:  tell self You don't have eyes.
    ls:  where pk
    frown:  smote The edges of Vaeshir's mouth turn downward slightly.
    2:  quaff goblet
    1:  where ehraejal
    cry:  ,lets out a silent cry, bringing his hands to his head in pain.
Padraic says 'I'm not one for such sentimental activities.'
Shasarik says 'No living soul will deny that the High Priest is of power.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
Vaeshir says softly 'He did use his power to bring the Warlord among us.'
Padraic leans against the earthen walls, gazing at you patiently.
Shasarik says 'Indeed.'
Ehraejal tells you 'Flunkies took stones, yes? From you?'
Vaeshir says softly 'That disturbs you.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Offends you?'
### Try and weasel your way out of it, why don't you.
Shasarik says 'Disturbs... slightly.'
Vaeshir exhales wearily 'As I have said, my opinion of the High Priest is mixed. I feel no great need to detail the full extent of my sentiments toward him to you.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Threatens you?'
Vaeshir nods at nothing in particular.
Padraic eats a bowl of beef broth.
Shasarik says 'Threteans... not me alone.'
Padraic shrugs his shoulders.
Shasarik says 'I simply wish he would have spoken to me at greater length.'
Padraic says 'Mixed.  I assume he has not lost a shred of his pompousity then.'
Shasarik says 'At times I fear that his position grants him more power than...'
Shasarik halts for a moment as he chooses words.
Shasarik says 'Balance is of importance.'
### There we are. Work with me.
Vaeshir interjects 'I don't believe he has ever shared his true intentions with me.'
Vaeshir says curtly 'Little.'
Shasarik nods gravely.
Ehraejal tells you 'Bjorcha got tongue?'
Vaeshir raises his gaze to lock with your own once more.
[    Nef  Psi] (PK) Ehraejal the Master of Prescience
Shasarik says 'I fear that he knows more than I could ever... ever imagine.'
Padraic says 'I was slightly surprised that he did not address you as "Lord" Vaeshir, upon your arrival.'
Vaeshir says softly 'You, of course, are one of the Circle. Perhaps he has spoken with you of them.'
Vaeshir tilts his head inquisitively.
You tell Ehraejal 'I don't have the time to chatter with you now, Ehraejal.'
Shasarik shakes his head slightly.
Shasarik says 'Not a breath.'
Padraic says 'He seems strangely enchanted by such titles, and has been throwing them about liberally ever since I made my return.'
The edges of Vaeshir's mouth turn downward slightly.
Ehraejal tells you 'Pity. Ehraejal know something interesting, but you too busy.'
Shasarik says 'You... you will be the Keeper... I know this as you know this as the archmage of the nexus knows this.'
Ehraejal tells you 'No matter, no.'
Shasarik says 'It is my hope that when we stand within the circle together we shall restore a measure of... balance.'
Shasarik sips calmly from a glass.
Shasarik drinks rum from a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow.
Shasarik frowns and discards the glass.
Shasarik drops a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow.
Vaeshir says softly 'That was an anomaly.'
Shasarik splits 90 gold coins. Your share is 45 gold.
Shasarik sacrifices a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow to the gods.
Padraic says 'An absent minded high priest?'
Shasarik mutters 'Too sweet.'
Padraic mulls over the idea.
Vaeshir says softly 'So it seems. Perhaps you read too far into his slip.'
Vaeshir laces his fingers together, bringing his legs up to his chest.
Padraic says 'Perhaps I do. But he bears the highest of credentials, which one rarely achieves except through an uncanny ability to not make mistakes.'
Shasarik begins again 'He keeps the scrolls... he holds all the keys...'
Padraic waves dismissively.
You think 'How fully I know this one.'
Padraic says 'Then again, he has been rather abysmal in hiding his affiliation with the Lord of Deception.'
Shasarik says 'I know he is bound as we all are... but slowly he rises above...'
Shasarik tenses briefly.
Shasarik whispers 'I know not of what I speak.'
Shasarik turns his head to the ground.
Vaeshir chuckles 'Well.'
Vaeshir stares idly into space.
Vaeshir says softly 'There are legitimate reasons for that.'
Vaeshir murmurs 'You know of the Scorpion, I presume.'
Padraic continues 'Even Abliss did a better job than he, and she was a woman.'
Shasarik blinks and closes his mouth.
Shasarik says 'The scorpion is without a name and form to me.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.  
Vaeshir turns his head upward to study Shasarik's face.
Padraic says 'What legitimate reasons does he have, anyway?'
Shasarik looks about for a serving man.
Shasarik slowly sets his gave to you.
Vaeshir says softly 'It seems to me to be a question of priorities.'
[OOC] Shasarik: er, gaze
Vaeshir says softly 'The Lieutenant has expressed a desire to make our power known to all. I believe they embark upon that path together bringing the House along with them.'
OOC to Shasarik: np
Vaeshir says softly 'While stealth and power often go together it is not, in this case, in the interests of that plan.'
Players near you:
    a sea-blue opal
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Padraic says 'In such a case, Tlkhanu should simply discard his mask, rather than keeping its shredded remains hanging loosely about him.'
Shasarik says 'Do don't suppose they serve nonliquids in this place?'
Padraic says 'If he wishes to show his power, than he should do so.'
Padraic says 'Staying in Limbo will not help him.'
Vaeshir nods 'I agree completely. When my word holds more strength among the Five I will see to it that my opinion is known.'
Vaeshir ponders quietly 'Perhaps I assume too much.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It is a bar. That aside, I would not trust a meal served in this den of thieves.'
Padraic looks at you.
Shasarik surveys the room without moving his head.
Shasarik says 'The Scorpion.'
Shasarik is about a continue but doubles over slightly.
Shasarik says 'Might you... have a spare loaf?'
Padraic says 'The Keeper's role has yet to be fulfilled.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Certainly.'
Padraic says 'Unless Tlkhanu means to hold two seats in the council at once'
Vaeshir's expression twists from grimace to bitter scowl.
You get a cake of Nendorian waybread from a large hide bag.
You give a cake of Nendorian waybread to Shasarik.
Padraic says 'Then it should be little trouble to find a way to get yourself installed.'
Shasarik sets his jaw and nods in thanks.
Shasarik eats a cake of Nendorian waybread.
Shasarik says 'The Scorpion has revealed him or herself to you?'
Vaeshir lets out a silent cry, bringing his hands to his head in pain.  
Vaeshir crosses his legs, dusting off his clothing vainly.
Vaeshir falls against one of the cave walls and leans heavily agaist it.
Vaeshir shakes his head.
Vaeshir holds up a clawed hand before his face.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Shasarik admires the slight pulse of his axe passively.
Padraic purses his lips, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Breathing heavily, Vaeshir regains his composure.
Vaeshir says softly 'Just as anyone else, I have my suspcicions.'
Padraic gives you an everfull chalice.
Shasarik says 'Would you perhaps wish to share them?'
You give an everfull chalice to Padraic.
Vaeshir says softly 'It was an idle question. I am sorry to have brought it up.'
Vaeshir waves the water away.
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.  
Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Shasarik says 'No no... I must admit I do contemplate the nature of the Scorpion's role and...'
Padraic says 'Such a terrible fit.'
Shasarik says 'And its true identity.'
### ^_~
Vaeshir says softly 'Speculation does nothing.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The nature of the role is intriguing, I will agree.'
Amyril yells 'Greetings'
Shasarik says 'Speculation is a facet of science...'
Shasarik says 'Without conjecture there is little progress in some respects.'
Padraic rolls his eyes in disgust.
Vaeshir says softly 'Blind speculation most certainly is not.'
### Seriously.
Shasarik says 'Agreed.'
Shasarik says 'Perhaps it is not our place to enquire...'
Vaeshir says softly 'The transformation has brought with it a number of interesting effects.'
Vaeshir says quietly, a hissing sound barely entering his voice 'I am inclined to agree.'
Players near you:
Vaeshir says softly 'It is most certainly not my place.'
(PK) Vaeshir                     A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Amyril                      Under a Crevice
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Vaeshir says softly 'The episodes have been more intense and more frequent in number of late.'
Shasarik nods, wiping crumbs of waybread from his armor.
[SHUNNED] Amyril: Paying a visit to the shrine?
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Padraic says 'An excellent time for the idiot to make his entrance.'
Shasarik says 'What are your feelings as to the nature of neutrality?'
[SHUNNED] Padraic: Considering it.
Vaeshir quotes 'The Eyes, Ears and Sting of the Coven.'
Vaeshir glowers in disgust.
Shasarik says 'Political and otherwise...'
Shasarik says flatly 'I am well-versed in the doctrine.'
Players near you:
Vaeshir presses his lips together in thought.
(PK) Vaeshir                     A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Vaeshir says softly 'I believe he knows better than to intrude.'
Shasarik says 'Although it does leave much to be desired, yes...'
Shasarik says 'Desires, those that do not impede the strength or will of the Collective, should not be ignored.'
Padraic nods.
Vaeshir says softly 'The direction of his or her gaze is not specified. An intriguing anomaly that is.'
Padraic says 'His face is useful to the house, so long as I don't have to see it.'
Vaeshir purses his lips 'I would not aspire to sit in that seat. It would not suit me.'
Vaeshir examines his claws idly 'He grows old. In time even his usefulness as a killer will pass away.'
Shasarik says 'Nor I.'
Shasarik says 'I feel my position is rather fitting.'
Padraic says 'They all do.  And then they are forgotten.'
Vaeshir chuckles 'Of course you do.'
Padraic says 'But we were speaking of Tlkhanu, and of your chances of assuming the Mantle of the Keeper.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Shasarik allows a dry chuckle to come.
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.  
Vaeshir says softly 'There is still a complication.'
Vaeshir places a hand on the table, pulling himself to his feet.
Vaeshir says softly 'I am, due to the Siren's extended travel, still bound to her.'
Someone bursts into laughter.
Shasarik says 'They're all dead, you know.'
### It's not _that_ funny.
Vaeshir says softly 'Eyes to study both the external world as well as the funcitons of the Coven itself. A healthy component of a complex and interesting system.'
Vaeshir turns his head to one side questioningly.
A Subterranean Tunnel
Shasarik says 'My men stand at arms.  With every breath their vigilance does increase.  The Guardians wish they had such sentries about the towns.'
  The dark subterranean tunnel leads to the north, and curves sharply
Shasarik says 'And there is no one to fight.'
downward to the east.  The hard, dark clay of the cave walls curves overhead
Shasarik says 'Perhaps that is why Isyle bothers me.'
to form a low ceiling. The air in the tunnel is dank and musty, and the
Shasarik says 'I am used to meeting threats cleanly and moving on... but I don't know what Isyle is.'
damp clay of the floor has been marred by the passage of a large, clawed
[Exits: north down]
Vaeshir offers 'Not all threats are so easily defined and done away with.'
(Hide) someone the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Vaeshir glowers into the shadows.
Shasarik says 'It is not even that... I believe that the military componant of my being is dominating the more... intangible essences I used to feel so strongly within myself.'
Shasarik says 'Now it seems like the only time I truly understand my surroundings is when I attempt to enlighten fools who will never see... it is like I use them to reteach myself my true thoughts and feelings, knowing that they never will understand my verse-spea'
Shasarik says 'er, verse-speak...'
Shasarik says 'Balance...'
Players near you:
Vaeshir says softly 'A heavy burden has been set upon your shoulders. It is only natural that you struggle under it's weight.'
(PK) Vaeshir                     A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Shasarik says 'Perhaps the quiet shall give me a moment's time to withdraw back to my true intentions and speak with myself...'
Padraic says 'For all of her preening, she is still no more than a bar wench with fancy clothing.'
[SHUNNED] Khaseem: Sssalutationssss, Chosssen.
Shasarik says 'I... still have a price to pay, you know.'
Shasarik becomes very quiet.
Vaeshir says softly 'I have always held that belief. I believe she knows it.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Perhaps you already have.'
[SHUNNED] Khaseem: Ah a new face.  Sssalutationsss.
Shasarik nods gravely.
[SHUNNED] Vaeshir: Greetings.
Shasarik stands with the fluidity of a trained swordsmaster.
Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Vaeshir says softly 'What of the Siren, then?'
Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile.  
Shasarik says 'Perhaps she has been detained.'
Khaseem tells you 'Truely a new face, or an old one returned?'
Vaeshir looks at you, his brow arching only slightly.
Vaeshir says softly 'Not of her location.'
Vaeshir says softly 'What do you think of her person?'
You tell Khaseem 'The latter.'
Shasarik drinks water from a sturdy leather water skin.
Shasarik says 'My thoughts of her person are irrelivant if such a thing lies beneath the western sea.'
Shasarik says 'Last I saw her she made preparations for a westward journey.'
Shasarik says 'I have little knowledge of the Otherrealms...'
Shasarik says 'But assuming she will return to us one day...'
Padraic says 'If you like, I may have her relinquish the bond.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Your thoughts for or against the other members of the collective are always of importance.'
You tell Khaseem 'This one sits on the chair marked with a Scorpion.'
Shasarik nods.
Shasarik says 'I believe that she sees her charge of you as a burden rather than an act of good fortune.'
Padraic says 'Aedariara owes me.'
Vaeshir says softly 'She has returned, although I have not spoken with her in person yet.'
Vaeshir straightens himself.
Shasarik says 'Ah.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It is not so much that she will not break it away, it is more that she has not been present to do so.'
Shasarik says 'I believe...'
Padraic frowns.
Vaeshir whistles, surprise in his voice 'Really?'
Vaeshir says softly 'I have not seen her several years.'
Shasarik looks at you intently.
Shasarik utters 'Trust... let it be about us in this...'
Padraic taps his fingers together thoughtfully.
Vaeshir states blandly 'She intends to release me, but will not do so yet.'
Padraic says 'I'll have my men search for her, then.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I cannot begin to guess her reasons for hesitation.'
Padraic says 'She's fairly high in profile, and should be easy to find.'
Vaeshir chuckles to himself 'Well..'
Vaeshir says softly 'Her debt would be transfered to me were you to do so.'
Shasarik says 'I believe that you are far more intelligent that I or her... and that you will have your release from her no matter her hesitation.'
Vaeshir sighs wearily.
Vaeshir says softly 'I cannot say I will complain.'
Khaseem tells you 'Tlkhanu never fully explained the chair of the ssscorpion.....'
Vaeshir continues to stare silently towards the entrance to the Tavern.
Padraic says 'Come, you know me to be far more reasonable than that petty bitch.'
Shasarik says 'You will sit in the throne of the Pentagram... and I know this will be well for us.'
Vaeshir says softly 'True enough.'
You think 'Appeal to his sense of duty, perhaps.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Truth be told I have begun a search for another to fill her chair.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
### This Bud's for you.
Shasarik says 'And I cannot explain in words why I believe this...'
Shasarik closes his eyes for a moment.
Padraic says 'Have you now?'
Vaeshir changes the subject once more 'She was given a charge and failed to complete the task.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Of course, my lack of clarity with regards to her function has made that a trifle difficult.'
Shasarik opens his eyes forcefully.
Vaeshir smiles grimly.
You tell Khaseem 'You might ask him if you like.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Unless she considers throwing a meaningless command my way from time to time to be a suitable test of loyalty.'
Padraic says 'The Siren is "our voice"'
Shasarik queries ''Failed...''
You tell Khaseem 'To me, the man who sits in that chair is the eyes and ears of the Coven.'
You think 'That seems to have hit home.'
Padraic says 'My house has several people like her, all of them far beyond her in terms of competency.'
Shasarik says 'The archmage of the nexus knows of your loyalty... as do I and the High Priest.'
Shasarik says 'She failed, yes... but where she failed the Coven itself succeeded.'
Shasarik says 'A newborn, I was unclear on the intentions of many.  It was I, after all, that helped define the terms of your enterance.'
Vaeshir tilts his head to one side 'How very unusual that she should be chosen for the position.'
[OOC] Shasarik: enterence?  enterance?  dammit
You tell Khaseem 'Eyes, ears, and sting as well.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It is interesting that one who so blatantly ignores her duties as a member of the Circle remains within it.'
Padraic says 'Her story is unknown to me.'
Shasarik gasps near-inaudibly at this.
Shasarik says 'I never questioned the Siren's worthiness of position.  That is far beyond my sphere.'
Shasarik whispers to himself 'Well, perhaps not that far...'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
Vaeshir repeats '"Beyond your sphere."'
You feel someone protecting you.
Shasarik says 'Beyond my...'
Shasarik struggles for the words.
Shasarik casts a glance at his arms and then at his torso.
Khaseem tells you 'apparently he doessss not wish to dissscussss it, he denied holding the sssseat'
Vaeshir continues 'Self-study is critical to the survival of any organization, as well as any soul.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It was the High Priest, who, in the Lieutenant's stead, brought the Darklord into the collective.'
Shasarik whispers 'This mind... what I would have given to be born into your... your frail... tiny form.'
Shasarik says 'Until I can master this... limited... mind... I shall never be a true scholar of the arts of war.'
You tell Khaseem 'Unsurprising.'
Vaeshir shifts slightly, almost uncomfortable.
You tell Khaseem 'Do not press the issue.'
### Oro.
Shasarik says 'It must be so effortless at times, yes?'
Padraic says 'Sythrak's chosen'
Vaeshir says softly 'Nothing is ever easy.'
Padraic says 'An odd fit, wouldn't you agree?'
You say 'Quite so.'
Shasarik nods.
Shasarik says 'Yes, but the knowledge... the understanding... you had it when I still believed all there was to life was cleaving things in two.'
Shasarik says 'Do you remember... the templar Zarekie?'
Padraic says 'I would hope that he hasn't attempted to make an attempt upon any of us "warmbloods"?'
Vaeshir says softly 'The true wisdom of the Coven came to us both at the same time, Lieutenant.'
Vaeshir smiles in memory 'Of course I do.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Certainly not directly. For one of their number his is surprisingly passive.'
Shasarik nods and takes a deep breath.
Shasarik says 'What do you believe became of the one who taught me true fear and showed me also the benefeit of wit?'
Padraic mulls over the idea.
Vaeshir says softly 'The one who showed you the benefit of wit?'
Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'He is subservient to the Lieutenant?'
Vaeshir says softly 'I maintain, both in my conversations with the High Priest as well as those with the Lieutenant, that there will come a time when the interests of the Coven and those of the Sept will be in conflict.'
Shasarik says 'She worked with demons and such while I was still using a practice weapon... but always kept her wits and humors about her.'
Vaeshir says softly 'He is.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I knew her so briefly.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Vaeshir says softly 'It is unusual indeed. I believe I had the Lieutenant convinced just as he was initiated.'
Shasarik says 'Indeed...'
Vaeshir sighs heavily, tightening the straps of cloth about his arms.
Shasarik says 'We have sat in this place for a night and a day... perhaps we should return our thoughts to the present... and the future.'
Padraic says 'Khaseem will inevitably start to tilt in favor of the Lord of his blood line'
Vaeshir says softly 'We may have been speaking of the present more than you might think.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
Shasarik says 'We departed briefly.'
Padraic says 'Shasarik seems to have broken from that sort of thing'
Vaeshir acknowledges this with a nod.
Vaeshir says softly 'Just as we judge others we are in turn judged.'
Vaeshir furrows his brow.
Shasarik says 'Will the halls expand and reform themselves with the growing ranks of the Vanguard and the expansion of the Pentagram?'
Padraic says 'Speaking of him, how are your relations with your former servant?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Just as the success of the individual is determined by his willingness to step forward and embrace his desires, so to is the health of a group determined by those within its number who step forward to take an active interest in its well being.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Better than I might have expected.'
Shasarik says 'Whereas we were an order of a few with many slaves and spies we shall soon be an order of many more.'
Shasarik says 'The realms themselves are changing...'
Padraic says 'It doesn't irk you that he now holds more power than you?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Allow me to continue, if you will. I have nearly made my thoughts on the matter entirely clear.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.  
Shasarik nods and closes his mouth.
Vaeshir says softly 'He has proven himself.'
Padraic nods.
Vaeshir points at Shasarik.
Padraic says 'It irks me.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Do not question your feelings, your doubts, or your thoughts of and for the other members of the Coven.'
Vaeshir tilts his head to one side slightly.
Shasarik looks forward, his gaze constant.
Shasarik says 'Can you understand my motives for doing as much?'
### Woo!
Vaeshir says softly 'I understand them, but I do not agree.'
Padraic folds his hands in front of him.
Shasarik nods sharply.
Padraic murmurs 'Lieutenant...'
Vaeshir breathes 'He has divine favor.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
> Now key two flips to Landrel.
Shasarik says 'I act for the well-being of the Coven.'
Shasarik says 'My position commands that...'
Padraic says 'Really?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Membership commands it.'
Padraic says 'How so?'
Padraic frowns.
Shasarik sighs and shuts his mouth as he stares forward.
Padraic says 'Shasarik will be useful, still.'
Shasarik says 'Thoughts that conflict with the general opinion of the council are dangerous and are often purged.'
Vaeshir continues 'The two of us have been met with a great number of martial victories. His capacity as a leader has yet to be determined.'
Vaeshir says softly 'They are rarely revealed.'
Padraic paces back and forth, a thoughtful look upon his face.
Shasarik says 'Perhaps had I better asserted myself Khaseem would be under my sway and my Vanguard would not be compromised.'
Vaeshir sspreads his hands 'Or so I believe.'
Vaeshir returns his gaze to the doorway.
Vaeshir casts a thoughtful glance towards the heavens.
Padraic says 'Shasarik will stay.'
Shasarik peers at the doorway.
Padraic says 'Aedariara, perhaps not.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
Vaeshir says softly 'A time of great strain is coming to the Halls, Lieutenant.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I believe you will have the strength to follow your duty to Night when the time comes.'
Padraic says 'You shall be made Keeper.'
Vaeshir turns to regard Shasarik silently.
Padraic says 'And Tlkhanu...'
Padraic says 'I have yet to place him.'
Vaeshir studies Padraic's face intently.
Shasarik says 'I feel this as well... but I cannot place its origin, its cause, or its effect.'
Shasarik says 'I, however, believe I shall as well.'
Padraic glances at you, as if suddenly becoming aware of your presence.
Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile.  
Vaeshir offers 'I find it unsettling that he holds power over all of the seats of the Council.'
Shasarik says 'I must.'
Shasarik turns to face the barkeep cooly.
Shasarik gestures to the barkeep.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Shasarik says 'We will have to, of course, kill this one.'
Padraic says 'You have yet to express your reservations about him.'
Shasarik blocks the exit with his axe.
Shasarik flexes his muscles and screams in a fit of savagery!
Vaeshir says softly 'The most important ones have already been made clear.'
Shasarik's mighty cleave === OBLITERATES === a rotund old barkeep!
Padraic says 'Humor me, refresh my memory.'
They resist your blindness.
Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a rotund old barkeep!
Your life drain DISEMBOWELS a rotund old barkeep!
Your life drain DISMEMBERS a rotund old barkeep!
A rotund old barkeep has some big nasty wounds and scratches.
Vaeshir says softly 'Firstly, his inability to balance his divine ties with his pursuit of the vision he shares with the Lieutenant.'
Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
The ruby in Shasarik's ring glows red, and a column of fire envelops barkeep!
Shasarik sends a column of fire smashing into a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's column of fire *** DEMOLISHES *** a rotund old barkeep!
Your life drain misses a rotund old barkeep.
Your life drain DISEMBOWELS a rotund old barkeep!
A rotund old barkeep is in awful condition.
Vaeshir continues 'and secondly the fact that he holds power over the circle of Five.'
They resist your blindness.
A rotund old barkeep is in awful condition.  
Padraic says 'But someone must hold that power.'
Shasarik's mighty cleave misses a rotund old barkeep.
Padraic says 'Is it merely his position... or him?'
A rotund old barkeep is in awful condition.  
Vaeshir says softly 'There is a clear difference between how the Coven behaved under Lilisa.'
Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Vaeshir says softly 'The Warlord's induction is only the most blatant example.'
Shasarik's pierce MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** a rotund old barkeep!
A rotund old barkeep is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a rotund old barkeep's death cry.
Shasarik gets 2594 gold coins from the corpse of a rotund old barkeep.
Shasarik splits 2594 gold coins. Your share is 1297 gold.
Shasarik splits 120 gold coins. Your share is 60 gold.
Shasarik sacrifices the corpse of a rotund old barkeep to the gods.
Padraic nods.
### We find the serving girl elsewhere
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Shasarik has arrived.
Padraic says 'And your praises?'
Vaeshir says softly 'He is obviously intelligent. He is also clearly capable of leading the Coven in the direction he sees fit.'
You compel them to obey your will.
Padraic says 'Do you agree with his vision?'
Fassthalt's slash MASSACRES a young servant girl!
Fassthalt's slash MASSACRES a young servant girl!
Vaeshir says softly 'It has yet to be made fully clear to me.'
Shasarik nods.
Padraic says 'That reflects rather poorly upon him.'
The Bandit's Blade Tavern
  Under a low ceiling encrusted in cigar smoke lie the numerous tables of
this large tavern.  The floor is covered in bits of food and cloth, and the
wiry oak rafters above are shrouded with layer upon layer of dust. The
floor boards are scratched and scuffed, presumably from numerous duels and
confrontations that take place here.  To the north, the counter and drink
shelf lie.  To the north and west, the numerous tables continue. 
Vaeshir says softly 'Quite so.'
[Exits: north west]
Shasarik the Thane of Conquest, Lieutenant of the Black Vanguard is here.
A young servant girl is here, fighting Fassthalt.
Fassthalt is here, fighting a young servant girl.
Padraic says 'There will come a time when I will ask for your assistance.'
The Bandit's Blade Tavern
Padraic says 'When that time comes, where will you stand?'
  Under a low ceiling encrusted in cigar smoke lie the numerous tables of
this large tavern. The floor is covered in bits of food and cloth, and the
wiry oak rafters above are shrouded with layer upon layer of dust.  The
floor boards are scratched and scuffed, presumably from numerous duels and
confrontations that take place here.  To the northeast, the counter and
drink shelf lie.  To the north and east, the numerous tables continue, while
to the west the tavern's exit. 
### Insert dramatic pause here.
[Exits: north east west]
Korthag the kankoran Bandit Lord sits at a table here.
Shasarik has arrived.
You hear something's death cry.
Vaeshir says softly 'You will have my support.'
A shimmering gate rises up before you.
Padraic nods.
You enter a shimmering gate.
Padraic says 'Then that is all.'
A Ruined Hall
  The broken walls of an ancient hall of men surround a fire-blasted and
desolate space, now open to the bleak sky above.  Charred beams of wood and
fragments of the stone walls still pierce sky with harsh angles, and in the
center of the room a once-great spiral staircase lies crumbled.  Its
blackened marble steps rise several feet above the ground still, before
dropping into a jumbled mass of broken stone and shattered wood.  The steps
do, however, continue downward, through the floor of the hall and into a
gaping hole whose bottom is beyond the blackness of its depth.  To the south
an archway, still intact, leads to a courtyard.
Vaeshir offers 'If you like I might move to gather the support of the Lieutenant.'
[Exits: south down]
    A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
A mountain goat is resting here.
Your passage through the void injures you.
Shasarik has arrived through a shimmering gate.
Shasarik's passage through the void DISEMBOWELS him!
Padraic nods.
Shasarik leaves down.
Vaeshir says softly 'He has been known to yield to my judgement in times of strain.'
### Brief walk into the Halls
Vaeshir chuckles dryly.
Padraic says 'The Lieutenant bears the might of the Vanguard behind him.'
The Hall of the Shunned
Padraic says 'His support will be crucial.'
  A great hall stretches away before you to the west.  Two row of high
granite pillars march down the center of the hall, supporting a ceiling
which rises in a series of lofty vaults to a dias at the far western end.  
To the east an archway, ornate with carven reliefs, leads to an outer
antechamber, while to the north and south along this wall, the corners of
the great hall are lit with fiercely burning braziers.  To the west, in the
center of the hall, stands a circle of high-backed stone chairs.  Offsetting
the ancient, quartz-streaked stone, hangings of fine fabric and deep, rich
colours, emblazoned with a multitude of arcane symbols, drape between the
pillars and hang high on the chamber walls.
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
[Exits: north east south west]
Vaeshir says softly 'If my suspicions are correct, we already have it.'
Shasarik the Thane of Conquest, Lieutenant of the Black Vanguard is here.
A tall sentry in black plate armour stands motionless by the wall.
A tall sentry in black plate armour stands motionless by the wall.
Padraic says 'Excellent.'
Shasarik nods briefly, wordlessly.
Padraic flexes his hand slowly.
Padraic says 'Let us away from here.'
Vaeshir ponders 'Perhaps more of our former bond remains than he might suspect.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.  
A shimmering gate rises up before you.
Shasarik leaves south.</pre>
You enter a shimmering gate.</pre>
[http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_2 prev] [http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_4 next]
[http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_1 1][http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_2 2][3][http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_4 4][http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_5 5]
Return to: [[The Apocrypha]] See also: [[Vaeshir]], [[Shasarik]], [[Padraic]]
Return to: [[The Apocrypha]] See also: [[Vaeshir]], [[Shasarik]], [[Padraic]]

Latest revision as of 22:49, 21 January 2003

### Later, inside the Bandit's Blade

The Bandit's Blade Tavern
  Under a low ceiling encrusted in cigar smoke lie the numerous tables of
this large tavern.  The floor is covered in bits of food and cloth, and the
wiry oak rafters above are shrouded with layer upon layer of dust.  The
floor boards are scratched and scuffed, presumably from numerous duels and
confrontations that take place here.  To the east, the counter and drink
shelf lie.  To the south and east, the numerous tables continue, while to
the west is a back room.  

[Exits: east south west]
Elciryar the thief leader and betrayer of the ethrons sits here.
Shasarik has arrived.

Shasarik looks at a rotund old barkeep.
Shasarik says 'What is our business here?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Talk. Talk of various things.'
Vaeshir braces himself against the shelves and lowers himself to the floor.

Shasarik sighs in small, controlled bursts.

Vaeshir gazes up at Shasarik through the cloth bound about his face.
Vaeshir says softly 'You are tense. Why?'

Shasarik says 'The girl... the girl... I admire the fighter's style but...'

Put to work by the leaders of the Bandit's Blade, this young girl is at
the beck and call of the criminals in the tavern.  She appears harrowed by
the experience of working under the conditions imposed by men of such
unscrupulous natures.  
A young servant girl is in excellent condition.

Shasarik says 'I cannot glean her intentions...'
Shasarik says 'No, the other one'
Shasarik says 'Isyle.'
Shasarik says 'True neutrals... they disturb me.'

Vaeshir furrows his brow.
Vaeshir says softly 'Neutral in which matters?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Which girl do you speak of?'

Shasarik says 'They cloak themselves in a shroud of indifference... armor of stasis...  Isyle... the fighter.'

You haggle with a rotund old barkeep.
You buy a mug of sailor's ale for 675 gold.

Shasarik says 'From our last clash with the Lords of Conquest I found that the technique of fighters is... potent.'

Vaeshir says softly 'An interesting name for a woman.'

Shasarik says 'I thought as much...'

Vaeshir takes a small sip of his ale.

You drink dark ale from a mug of sailor's ale.

Shasarik says 'I wish a fighter servant... but Isyle will not be bound, I suppose.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Few can be bound with words alone.'
Vaeshir raises his gaze to meet your own.

Shasarik nods at this.
Shasarik says 'There is something else...'
Shasarik says 'It is the Darklord...'
Shasarik says 'He is of my Vanguard and still I do not trust him fully.'

Vaeshir traces the rim of his glass with a finger, a slight hint of interest in his face.

Shasarik says 'This plagues me, for only those who I am assured of... only those who...'

Shasarik sighs.

Vaeshir says into the mug 'Why?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Why do you not trust him?'

Shasarik says 'He was inducted without my presence at the ceremony.  And he is of the Elder.'

You think 'Excellent.'

Vaeshir raises the glass to his lips again.
You drink dark ale from a mug of sailor's ale.

Shasarik says 'I... I found my eyes locked upon the Saurian Elder once... he attempted to bind me...'
Shasarik says 'I was young... and foolish... I ran... ran on the legs of a mortal from a god.'

Vaeshir gives Shasarik an offhand glance.

Shasarik removes his helm slowly to reveal the trigon of the Vanguard in its entirety.

Vaeshir says softly 'Perhaps that was answer enough.'

Shasarik says 'There is no rune of the Elder in this.'
Shasarik says 'And there is a reason for that.'

### The symbol on Shasarik's forehead:

The Symbol of the Black Vanguard consists of a midnight-black Raven
surrounded by three smaller markings.  Such is the nature of the Symbol that
no one component dominates its perfect equilibrium.  Around the Raven, the
peripheral markings are positioned at the vertexes of a thinly-detailed
equilateral triangle drawn in red.  The Raven itself is drawn as a perfectly
symmetrical image of beautiful, refined power, the eyes of which are
narrowed to sharp, ever-viligant slits.  Even for a lifeless symbol, the
Raven appears particularly immobile, its wings of pitch creased back evenly,
allowing its presence alone to manifest its capabilities.  Within the
lower-left corner of the triangle is the symbol of the Great Dragon of the
Void, pulsing softly with the unenergies of the nothingness itself.  Within
the lower-right corner of the triangle is the symbol of the Father of the
Mask, Lord of the Fallen, fading in and out of the grasp of your sight. 
Within the apex is the mark of the Silver Pentagram, flowing with the
ever-present energies of the Collective.  Between the eyes of the Raven,
occupying the very center of the trigon, is a small rune of Will,
identifying Shasarik as the Lieutenant of the Black Vanguard.  

Shasarik says 'The goals of the Sept are not our own.'
Shasarik says 'Their practices are not our own.'
Shasarik says 'And there will be a time when their ways conflict with ours.'

Vaeshir tilts the mug back deeply, emptying it as you speak.

You drop a mug of sailor's ale.
The gods give you 60 gold coins for your sacrifice.

Vaeshir looks at Shasarik intently.
Vaeshir says softly 'What is your opinion of the High Priest?'

Shasarik says 'When this day comes, and Khaseem must choose, we will no longer hold influence over the Sept and it will be much more difficult to destroy him.'
Shasarik peers at the rafters with this topic change.
Shasarik buys a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow.

Vaeshir says softly 'I have said those words to you myself in the past, but we may continue speaking of them later.'

Shasarik sets the glass on a table and peers at you.

Vaeshir taps a claw against the broken wooden floorboards idly.

Shasarik says 'The High Priest is abled of mind, but sometimes I believe he puts his own powers before the power of the Collective in its entirety.'

Vaeshir smiles, facing southward 'A direct answer.'

Shasarik says 'Perhaps I make this observation because the Vanguard relies more on the whole than on any one blade...'
Shasarik says 'But a mage can do wonders alone.'

Vaeshir's smile deepens into a grin.

Shasarik says 'No living soul will deny that the High Priest is of power.'

Vaeshir says softly 'He did use his power to bring the Warlord among us.'

Shasarik says 'Indeed.'

Vaeshir says softly 'That disturbs you.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Offends you?'

Shasarik says 'Disturbs... slightly.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Threatens you?'
Vaeshir nods at nothing in particular.

Shasarik says 'Threteans... not me alone.'
Shasarik says 'I simply wish he would have spoken to me at greater length.'
Shasarik says 'At times I fear that his position grants him more power than...'
Shasarik halts for a moment as he chooses words.
Shasarik says 'Balance is of importance.'

Vaeshir interjects 'I don't believe he has ever shared his true intentions with me.'

Shasarik nods gravely.

Vaeshir raises his gaze to lock with your own once more.

Shasarik says 'I fear that he knows more than I could ever... ever imagine.'

Vaeshir says softly 'You, of course, are one of the Circle. Perhaps he has spoken with you of them.'
Vaeshir tilts his head inquisitively.

Shasarik shakes his head slightly.
Shasarik says 'Not a breath.'

The edges of Vaeshir's mouth turn downward slightly.

Shasarik says 'You... you will be the Keeper... I know this as you know this as the archmage of the nexus knows this.'
Shasarik says 'It is my hope that when we stand within the circle together we shall restore a measure of... balance.'
Shasarik sips calmly from a glass.
Shasarik drinks rum from a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow.
Shasarik frowns and discards the glass.
Shasarik drops a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow.

Shasarik splits 90 gold coins. Your share is 45 gold.
Shasarik sacrifices a huge glass of Brintor Mountain Snow to the gods.

Shasarik mutters 'Too sweet.'

Vaeshir laces his fingers together, bringing his legs up to his chest.

Shasarik begins again 'He keeps the scrolls... he holds all the keys...'

You think 'How fully I know this one.'

Shasarik says 'I know he is bound as we all are... but slowly he rises above...'
Shasarik tenses briefly.
Shasarik whispers 'I know not of what I speak.'
Shasarik turns his head to the ground.

Vaeshir stares idly into space.
Vaeshir murmurs 'You know of the Scorpion, I presume.'

Shasarik blinks and closes his mouth.
Shasarik says 'The scorpion is without a name and form to me.'

Vaeshir turns his head upward to study Shasarik's face.

Shasarik looks about for a serving man.
Shasarik slowly sets his gave to you.

[OOC] Shasarik: er, gaze

OOC to Shasarik: np

     a sea-blue opal

Shasarik says 'Do don't suppose they serve nonliquids in this place?'

Vaeshir ponders quietly 'Perhaps I assume too much.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It is a bar. That aside, I would not trust a meal served in this den of thieves.'

Shasarik surveys the room without moving his head.
Shasarik says 'The Scorpion.'
Shasarik is about a continue but doubles over slightly.
Shasarik says 'Might you... have a spare loaf?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Certainly.'

You get a cake of Nendorian waybread from a large hide bag.
You give a cake of Nendorian waybread to Shasarik.

Shasarik sets his jaw and nods in thanks.
Shasarik eats a cake of Nendorian waybread.
Shasarik says 'The Scorpion has revealed him or herself to you?'

Vaeshir crosses his legs, dusting off his clothing vainly.
Vaeshir shakes his head.
Vaeshir holds up a clawed hand before his face.

Shasarik admires the slight pulse of his axe passively.

Vaeshir says softly 'Just as anyone else, I have my suspcicions.'

Shasarik says 'Would you perhaps wish to share them?'

Vaeshir says softly 'It was an idle question. I am sorry to have brought it up.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

Shasarik says 'No no... I must admit I do contemplate the nature of the Scorpion's role and...'

Shasarik says 'And its true identity.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Speculation does nothing.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The nature of the role is intriguing, I will agree.'

Shasarik says 'Speculation is a facet of science...'
Shasarik says 'Without conjecture there is little progress in some respects.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Blind speculation most certainly is not.'

Shasarik says 'Agreed.'
Shasarik says 'Perhaps it is not our place to enquire...'

Vaeshir says quietly, a hissing sound barely entering his voice 'I am inclined to agree.'

Vaeshir says softly 'It is most certainly not my place.'

Shasarik nods, wiping crumbs of waybread from his armor.

Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

Shasarik says 'What are your feelings as to the nature of neutrality?'

Vaeshir quotes 'The Eyes, Ears and Sting of the Coven.'

Shasarik says 'Political and otherwise...'
Shasarik says flatly 'I am well-versed in the doctrine.'

Vaeshir presses his lips together in thought.

Shasarik says 'Although it does leave much to be desired, yes...'
Shasarik says 'Desires, those that do not impede the strength or will of the Collective, should not be ignored.'

Vaeshir says softly 'The direction of his or her gaze is not specified. An intriguing anomaly that is.'
Vaeshir purses his lips 'I would not aspire to sit in that seat. It would not suit me.'

Shasarik says 'Nor I.'
Shasarik says 'I feel my position is rather fitting.'

Vaeshir chuckles 'Of course you do.'

Shasarik allows a dry chuckle to come.

Vaeshir places a hand on the table, pulling himself to his feet.

Shasarik says 'They're all dead, you know.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Eyes to study both the external world as well as the funcitons of the Coven itself. A healthy component of a complex and interesting system.'
Vaeshir turns his head to one side questioningly.

Shasarik says 'My men stand at arms.  With every breath their vigilance does increase.  The Guardians wish they had such sentries about the towns.'
Shasarik says 'And there is no one to fight.'
Shasarik says 'Perhaps that is why Isyle bothers me.'
Shasarik says 'I am used to meeting threats cleanly and moving on... but I don't know what Isyle is.'

Vaeshir offers 'Not all threats are so easily defined and done away with.'

Shasarik says 'It is not even that... I believe that the military componant of my being is dominating the more... intangible essences I used to feel so strongly within myself.'
Shasarik says 'Now it seems like the only time I truly understand my surroundings is when I attempt to enlighten fools who will never see... it is like I use them to reteach myself my true thoughts and feelings, knowing that they never will understand my verse-spea'
Shasarik says 'er, verse-speak...'
Shasarik says 'Balance...'

Vaeshir says softly 'A heavy burden has been set upon your shoulders. It is only natural that you struggle under it's weight.'

Shasarik says 'Perhaps the quiet shall give me a moment's time to withdraw back to my true intentions and speak with myself...'

Shasarik says 'I... still have a price to pay, you know.'
Shasarik becomes very quiet.

Vaeshir says softly 'Perhaps you already have.'

Shasarik nods gravely.
Shasarik stands with the fluidity of a trained swordsmaster.

Vaeshir says softly 'What of the Siren, then?'

Shasarik says 'Perhaps she has been detained.'

Vaeshir looks at you, his brow arching only slightly.
Vaeshir says softly 'Not of her location.'
Vaeshir says softly 'What do you think of her person?'

Shasarik drinks water from a sturdy leather water skin.
Shasarik says 'My thoughts of her person are irrelivant if such a thing lies beneath the western sea.'
Shasarik says 'Last I saw her she made preparations for a westward journey.'
Shasarik says 'I have little knowledge of the Otherrealms...'
Shasarik says 'But assuming she will return to us one day...'

Vaeshir says softly 'Your thoughts for or against the other members of the collective are always of importance.'

Shasarik nods.
Shasarik says 'I believe that she sees her charge of you as a burden rather than an act of good fortune.'

Vaeshir says softly 'She has returned, although I have not spoken with her in person yet.'

Shasarik says 'Ah.'
Shasarik says 'I believe...'

Vaeshir whistles, surprise in his voice 'Really?'

Shasarik looks at you intently.
Shasarik utters 'Trust... let it be about us in this...'

Vaeshir states blandly 'She intends to release me, but will not do so yet.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I cannot begin to guess her reasons for hesitation.'
Vaeshir chuckles to himself 'Well..'

Shasarik says 'I believe that you are far more intelligent that I or her... and that you will have your release from her no matter her hesitation.'

Vaeshir continues to stare silently towards the entrance to the Tavern.

Shasarik says 'You will sit in the throne of the Pentagram... and I know this will be well for us.'

You think 'Appeal to his sense of duty, perhaps.'

Shasarik says 'And I cannot explain in words why I believe this...'
Shasarik closes his eyes for a moment.

Vaeshir changes the subject once more 'She was given a charge and failed to complete the task.'

Shasarik opens his eyes forcefully.

Vaeshir says softly 'Unless she considers throwing a meaningless command my way from time to time to be a suitable test of loyalty.'

Shasarik queries ''Failed...''

You think 'That seems to have hit home.'

Shasarik says 'The archmage of the nexus knows of your loyalty... as do I and the High Priest.'
Shasarik says 'She failed, yes... but where she failed the Coven itself succeeded.'
Shasarik says 'A newborn, I was unclear on the intentions of many.  It was I, after all, that helped define the terms of your enterance.'

[OOC] Shasarik: enterence?  enterance?  dammit

Vaeshir says softly 'It is interesting that one who so blatantly ignores her duties as a member of the Circle remains within it.'

Shasarik gasps near-inaudibly at this.
Shasarik says 'I never questioned the Siren's worthiness of position.  That is far beyond my sphere.'
Shasarik whispers to himself 'Well, perhaps not that far...'

Vaeshir repeats '"Beyond your sphere."'

Shasarik says 'Beyond my...'
Shasarik struggles for the words.
Shasarik casts a glance at his arms and then at his torso.

Vaeshir continues 'Self-study is critical to the survival of any organization, as well as any soul.'

Shasarik whispers 'This mind... what I would have given to be born into your... your frail... tiny form.'
Shasarik says 'Until I can master this... limited... mind... I shall never be a true scholar of the arts of war.'

Vaeshir shifts slightly, almost uncomfortable.

Shasarik says 'It must be so effortless at times, yes?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Nothing is ever easy.'

Shasarik nods.
Shasarik says 'Yes, but the knowledge... the understanding... you had it when I still believed all there was to life was cleaving things in two.'
Shasarik says 'Do you remember... the templar Zarekie?'

Vaeshir says softly 'The true wisdom of the Coven came to us both at the same time, Lieutenant.'
Vaeshir smiles in memory 'Of course I do.'

Shasarik nods and takes a deep breath.
Shasarik says 'What do you believe became of the one who taught me true fear and showed me also the benefeit of wit?'

Vaeshir says softly 'The one who showed you the benefit of wit?'

Shasarik says 'She worked with demons and such while I was still using a practice weapon... but always kept her wits and humors about her.'

Vaeshir says softly 'I knew her so briefly.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

Shasarik says 'Indeed...'
Shasarik says 'We have sat in this place for a night and a day... perhaps we should return our thoughts to the present... and the future.'

Vaeshir says softly 'We may have been speaking of the present more than you might think.'

Shasarik says 'We departed briefly.'

Vaeshir acknowledges this with a nod.
Vaeshir says softly 'Just as we judge others we are in turn judged.'

Shasarik says 'Will the halls expand and reform themselves with the growing ranks of the Vanguard and the expansion of the Pentagram?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Just as the success of the individual is determined by his willingness to step forward and embrace his desires, so to is the health of a group determined by those within its number who step forward to take an active interest in its well being.'

Shasarik says 'Whereas we were an order of a few with many slaves and spies we shall soon be an order of many more.'
Shasarik says 'The realms themselves are changing...'

Vaeshir says softly 'Allow me to continue, if you will. I have nearly made my thoughts on the matter entirely clear.'

Shasarik nods and closes his mouth.

Vaeshir points at Shasarik.
Vaeshir says softly 'Do not question your feelings, your doubts, or your thoughts of and for the other members of the Coven.'

Shasarik looks forward, his gaze constant.
Shasarik says 'Can you understand my motives for doing as much?'

Vaeshir says softly 'I understand them, but I do not agree.'

Shasarik nods sharply.

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Shasarik says 'I act for the well-being of the Coven.'
Shasarik says 'My position commands that...'

Vaeshir says softly 'Membership commands it.'

Shasarik sighs and shuts his mouth as he stares forward.
Shasarik says 'Thoughts that conflict with the general opinion of the council are dangerous and are often purged.'

Vaeshir says softly 'They are rarely revealed.'

Shasarik says 'Perhaps had I better asserted myself Khaseem would be under my sway and my Vanguard would not be compromised.'

Vaeshir returns his gaze to the doorway.

Shasarik peers at the doorway.

Vaeshir says softly 'A time of great strain is coming to the Halls, Lieutenant.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I believe you will have the strength to follow your duty to Night when the time comes.'

Vaeshir turns to regard Shasarik silently.

Shasarik says 'I feel this as well... but I cannot place its origin, its cause, or its effect.'
Shasarik says 'I, however, believe I shall as well.'

Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile. 

Shasarik says 'I must.'
Shasarik turns to face the barkeep cooly.
Shasarik gestures to the barkeep.

Shasarik says 'We will have to, of course, kill this one.'
Shasarik blocks the exit with his axe.
Shasarik flexes his muscles and screams in a fit of savagery!

Shasarik's mighty cleave === OBLITERATES === a rotund old barkeep!

They resist your blindness.
Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** a rotund old barkeep!
Your life drain DISEMBOWELS a rotund old barkeep!
Your life drain DISMEMBERS a rotund old barkeep!
A rotund old barkeep has some big nasty wounds and scratches. 

Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
The ruby in Shasarik's ring glows red, and a column of fire envelops barkeep!
Shasarik sends a column of fire smashing into a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's column of fire *** DEMOLISHES *** a rotund old barkeep!
Your life drain misses a rotund old barkeep.
Your life drain DISEMBOWELS a rotund old barkeep!
A rotund old barkeep is in awful condition. 

They resist your blindness.
A rotund old barkeep is in awful condition. 

Shasarik's mighty cleave misses a rotund old barkeep.
A rotund old barkeep is in awful condition. 

Shasarik's cleave MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's pierce MANGLES a rotund old barkeep!
Shasarik's cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** a rotund old barkeep!
A rotund old barkeep is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a rotund old barkeep's death cry.
Shasarik gets 2594 gold coins from the corpse of a rotund old barkeep.
Shasarik splits 2594 gold coins. Your share is 1297 gold.
Shasarik splits 120 gold coins. Your share is 60 gold.
Shasarik sacrifices the corpse of a rotund old barkeep to the gods.

### We find the serving girl elsewhere

Shasarik has arrived.

You compel them to obey your will.

Fassthalt's slash MASSACRES a young servant girl!
Fassthalt's slash MASSACRES a young servant girl!

Shasarik nods.

The Bandit's Blade Tavern
  Under a low ceiling encrusted in cigar smoke lie the numerous tables of
this large tavern.  The floor is covered in bits of food and cloth, and the
wiry oak rafters above are shrouded with layer upon layer of dust.  The
floor boards are scratched and scuffed, presumably from numerous duels and
confrontations that take place here.  To the north, the counter and drink
shelf lie.  To the north and west, the numerous tables continue.  

[Exits: north west]
Shasarik the Thane of Conquest, Lieutenant of the Black Vanguard is here.
A young servant girl is here, fighting Fassthalt.
Fassthalt is here, fighting a young servant girl.

The Bandit's Blade Tavern
  Under a low ceiling encrusted in cigar smoke lie the numerous tables of
this large tavern.  The floor is covered in bits of food and cloth, and the
wiry oak rafters above are shrouded with layer upon layer of dust.  The
floor boards are scratched and scuffed, presumably from numerous duels and
confrontations that take place here.  To the northeast, the counter and
drink shelf lie.  To the north and east, the numerous tables continue, while
to the west the tavern's exit.  

[Exits: north east west]
Korthag the kankoran Bandit Lord sits at a table here.
Shasarik has arrived.
You hear something's death cry.

A shimmering gate rises up before you.

You enter a shimmering gate.
A Ruined Hall
  The broken walls of an ancient hall of men surround a fire-blasted and
desolate space, now open to the bleak sky above.  Charred beams of wood and
fragments of the stone walls still pierce sky with harsh angles, and in the
center of the room a once-great spiral staircase lies crumbled.  Its
blackened marble steps rise several feet above the ground still, before
dropping into a jumbled mass of broken stone and shattered wood.  The steps
do, however, continue downward, through the floor of the hall and into a
gaping hole whose bottom is beyond the blackness of its depth.  To the south
an archway, still intact, leads to a courtyard.  

[Exits: south down]
     A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
A mountain goat is resting here.
Your passage through the void injures you.
Shasarik has arrived through a shimmering gate.
Shasarik's passage through the void DISEMBOWELS him!

Shasarik leaves down.

### Brief walk into the Halls

The Hall of the Shunned
  A great hall stretches away before you to the west.  Two row of high
granite pillars march down the center of the hall, supporting a ceiling
which rises in a series of lofty vaults to a dias at the far western end. 
To the east an archway, ornate with carven reliefs, leads to an outer
antechamber, while to the north and south along this wall, the corners of
the great hall are lit with fiercely burning braziers.  To the west, in the
center of the hall, stands a circle of high-backed stone chairs.  Offsetting
the ancient, quartz-streaked stone, hangings of fine fabric and deep, rich
colours, emblazoned with a multitude of arcane symbols, drape between the
pillars and hang high on the chamber walls.  

[Exits: north east south west]
Shasarik the Thane of Conquest, Lieutenant of the Black Vanguard is here.
A tall sentry in black plate armour stands motionless by the wall.
A tall sentry in black plate armour stands motionless by the wall.

Shasarik nods briefly, wordlessly.

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Shasarik leaves south.


Return to: The Apocrypha See also: Vaeshir, Shasarik, Padraic