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Line 11: Line 11:
   they realize they were duped.) They make the  
   they realize they were duped.) They make the  
   spirit palace their primary surface base.
   spirit palace their primary surface base.
* Alliance
  Important NPC leaders call for an Alliance,
  Open invitation to PC heroes to participate
  (perhaps they get assigned a squad of soldiers
  that they can position, and can choose an ensignia
  for their squad. Or something.)
* target: Aramril
* target: Aramril
   srryn are manipulated into attacking Earendam,
   srryn are manipulated into attacking Earendam,

Revision as of 13:59, 6 July 2006

Update 4/6: The Games Begin!

The tentative plan for the stages of the war (maybe one event happening every weekend or two?):

  • target: spirit palace
 shuddeni fake intelligence about an assault on 
 Krilin, then attack, conquer, and occupy Spirit
 Palace. (Do something where a champion or guardian
 hears shuddenis laugh about "They think we're
 attacking Krilin!" just before the invasion, so
 they realize they were duped.) They make the 
 spirit palace their primary surface base.
  • Alliance
 Important NPC leaders call for an Alliance,
 Open invitation to PC heroes to participate
 (perhaps they get assigned a squad of soldiers
 that they can position, and can choose an ensignia
 for their squad. Or something.)
  • target: Aramril
 srryn are manipulated into attacking Earendam,
 so that the shuddeni can attack and raze
 Aramril without Earendam's interference. 
 The shuddeni occupy Aramril and give the scales
 of the fire demon back to An'akarta. With
 his influence, the Aaddash Sept gains control
 of the Scourge.
  • target: VB
 the shuddeni want to control everything from
 the spirit palace to the Arien Plains. They
 lay siege to VB (city gates will be closed,
 alternate routes in or out made available)
  • target: Earendam
 the VB seige is a stalemate. Shuddeni manipulate
 the packs on the Ryarl to attack Earendam in concert
 with the srryn. Earendam also comes under seige.
  • surface alliances strikes back
 Kor Thrandir gets several earth archmages to keep the
 Seal, and sends its soldiers to help out, etc. With
 that and intervention from Calaera, perhaps, the sieges
 of Earendam and VB are broken. Arien Plains becomes
 a constant battlefield.
  • Aramril & Deaths
 Shuddenis lose Aramril. War continues to rage across the
 Plains. Some important NPCs bite it, permanently (Malyn,
 Baron Krilin?), but they make important gains, and
 drive back shuddeni to the Spirit Palace and the caves.
  • Eyeblight Time
 The plague is let loose in Kor Thrandir, Gaald, and
 Krilin.  This breaks the surface alliance momentum, 
 and shuddeni challenge for control of the plains again.
  • VB Conquered/Occupied
 Void/Fire guild in VB betrays scholar council,
 sides with shuddenis,  helps shuddeni to occupy VB.
 VB streets run red with sacrifices, PCs higher than lvl
 20 get captured/ sent to Yithoul slave camps (just have
 to wait til the guard falls alseep, then make their way
 out of Yithoul, or some such).

- VB Reclaimed

 Shuddeni lose control of VB (titans end their noninvolvement?)
 Shuddeni go ahead and let loose eyeblight in VB and Earendam.
 They begin to win the open war on the plains, besiege Aramril.
 Lots of NPC healers in the cities to help PCs. This is the
 situation when the resolution part of the Arc starts up.

Update 4/5: getting ready for the attack

[ 59] Dovolente: Eyeblight update
Sun Jul  2 09:57:33 2006
To: immortal
Neither Bjekken nor Shyrix showed for the shuddeni council.
Cal and I decided to have some fun anyhow, and
did some gechoing of earth shaking, tunnels becoming
unsealed, etc, and then ran about with a chaja
deserter and non-Yithoul shuddeni elders after him.
We progressed on to a minor assault at the KT seal--
lots of NPCs, 4-5 PCs helping Thrandir (and only 1
PC casualty!). 
Aladhi, the PC bard, wrote something to all
about it, at Malyn's request... so things are
starting to pick up. :)
Now.. do we want to do a council, or just move
on with the attack? And has anyone seen
Bjekken or Shyrix lately--what's up with them?
[  1] Aladhi: Shuddeni Incursion
Sat Jul  1 14:56:06 2006
To: all
Dear Citizens of Avendar:
Recently, the Ksatha Shuddeni Sept found a way to bypass the Seal in Kor
Thrandir, and attacked the guards there.  Not a full invasion force, I
suspect this small army was sent to test Kor Thrandir's might.  There may
well be more attacks from them or other Shuddeni Septs, such as the Ttou and
Aaddash, on Kor Thrandir or other locations.  Lord Protector Malyn has asked
me to relay this information.  He bids you all to stay alert and vigilant.  
Aladhi Enliaru, Historian

Update 6/26: getting ready for the gathering

  • Four morts got Deti's message but didn't choose to join the Scourge.
[ 84] Steen Deti: Your Choice
Mon Jun 26 08:27:03 2006
To: Jinresh Tal Haglorash Skrashmanu immortal
* This thin ethron hide has a faint greenish cast and
smells of sharp incense. The writing upon it was done
in blood, the penmanship bold and graceful. *
It is noted that you have elected to stand against the
Scourge. Or perhaps you think to spectate in the coming
days? You are welcome to believe that this will be permitted.
But should you be so foolish as to oppose us directly,
by siding or rendering the least bit of aid to those we
would enslave, you will be targeted first from among them
Steen Deti, Voice of the Echoless Void: 

  • Only 2 morts, Bjekken and Shyrix (chaja and shuddeni Raiders) accepted Deti's invitation to ally with the Scourge. They are invited to the first shuddeni gathering (we can do more than one, if needed, or just the one, if sufficient).

[  0] Steen Deti: The Gathering
Mon Jun 26 08:02:30 2006
To: Shumkeni Chath Athaja Nashash Bjekken Charrenithiz Benuz Shunarja Narki Chithiru Yimkel Sh
umkarja Athelict Shyrix Narrarja Ksayichi Chashect Najuz Chojurru Ytheusrg Besasstan immortal
* This thin ethron-hide has a faint greenish cast and
smells of sharp incense. The writing upon it was done
in blood, the penmanship bold and graceful. *

To Sept Leaders and those Deemed Worthy, 
Power and wealth, and the makings of hatred, fear, and
pain unknown in this world for centuries--these all await
The time of final preparations for the Scourge is nigh.
We must choose from among us a War Leader to direct our
forces, and we must finalize our strategy for the assault on
the surface.  Therefore, we shall gather in the Room
of the Scourge within the Yithoul Temple Prison. The
password to bypass the guard will be "flagellation".
Should you wish to claim the Leadership of the Scourge,
be prepared to demonstrate how your vision and abilities 
will lead us to victory, and bring suitable bribes so
that those among us who seek plunder and riches 
will know that you are capable of delivering such.

Safety is guaranteed by the Four Septs at this council.
No bodyguards, nor weapons common nor arcane, may be
brought. Violators will be flayed alive, seared, and
fed to the void in very small pieces.
Steen Deit, Voice of the Echoless Void 
OOC: The tentative time for this gathering is Saturday,
July 1, at 7:00pm Central U.S.  If you won't be able to
make it, please note to immortal with some alternative 
times ASAP.

Update: into the starting phase

For objs/mobs/rooms that are changed for the quest,

that get changed, in case we want/need to change things back at some point.

  • The shuddeni contact is Steen Deti, in room 331.
  • The auctioneer's fiery dagger was changed to a 'sanative charm',

which will cure eyeblight (pox+blind) one time.

Update: starting phase

  • Jh'ten barrier guards give a specific warning about the Eyeblight.
  • Aribban and Mofi and the srryn apoth can start selling fake eyeblight cure and charm things
  • Insert some new spy-type NPCs. Maybe some a little suspicious-looking, some not. They can be used to immteract by asking questions about size of military forces of goodie/surface city areas, the leadership of those places, and especially what is going on with the houses. They won't reveal that they are gathering intelligence for the invasion.
  • However, these NPCs will be progged to direct chaja and shuddeni PCs to a Yithoul NPC contact person. That contact will let them know that something big is up, and if they want to be a part of it they need to sent a note to a particular NPC. Typical threats about sending a note and then bugging out...
  • We can check that NPC's note list to see who all (if any) is on board. :)
  • After several weeks this time concludes, a counsel is held of those PCs on board, and the major NPCs (see Shuddeni Septs for more info), to choose a single leader (one of the NPCs) and decide on the first targets for the invasion (PCs can help influence both decisions).
  • After the counsel, we are ready to move into the invasion phase.

Basic Outline - The Eyeblight War

Having laid low for centuries since the War of Night, the 
shuddeni have seen the ch'taren forces disband and disperse
over time. Save for a few places outside the ch'taren havens--
places such as the Spirit Palace, Kor Thrandir--the use of
spirit magic is fairly limited. It is time to attempt
to enslave the surface races once again.

This time, they have a new weapon. Shuddeni alchemists,
with some demonic assistance, have created a new magical
plague (the eye blight - plague + blindness) that has
essentially eliminated the ch'taren havens (they are
quarintined, as Jh'ten in Alensha at present). 
The struggle will involve the shuddeni and chaja attacking/
besieging the surface centers of civilization (Earendam
and VB) with lesser attacks on other good-focused areas
(Aramril, Kor Thrandir, Spirit Palace, Krilin). I imagine
the Houses would be involved in these ways: Shunned
would probably be quasi-neutral (nothing great about becoming
slaves/servants of the shuddeni hierarchy), but might choose to
side with the Shuddeni (as the shuddeni side will likely
be a tiny minority). Raiders would be bought by the
shuddeni. Guardians would defend the cities, Knights would
stand with the Champs.
PCs of all levels and alignments will be encouraged to
participate in different ways, but events should not become
dependant on the participation of any particular PCs.  
Stages of the Arc (these would go on for several RL months,
perhaps 6-10, in all).
1) Getting things rolling - 1-2 months. 
  See: Shuddeni Septs
  All shuddeni and chaja PCs are summoned to periodic
  planning councils in Yithoul. This would no doubt inform most of 
  the player base--IC and OOC word of mouth--that the shuddeni are
  about to rise (and this is good because trying to involve playes but
  keeping it an IC secret is impossible). Players (shuddeni or 
  goodies/surface-folk) can start to build the war element (or neutrality) 
  into their characters' roles. It might encourage more shuddeni/chaja
  PCs to stick around and develop.

  Planning could involve getting void/fire/rogue guilds involved, 
  obtaining srryn/alath loyalties, so as to get more PCs involved.
  Discussion of points to attack, where resistance would be most
  fierce, etc. I don't see the srryn being involved directly with
  the shuddeni, as they make for terribly surly slaves, and have
  enough smarts to realize thats what they'd become--perhaps
  the srryn might raise some havoc of their own in the unstable 

  Players involved in the shuddeni planning councils would be threatened
  with (and receive) serious consequences (like being demon-hunted) for
  spilling information. They  might be tempted by agents of surface/goody
  powers, or PCs who are recruited by surface/goody folk to discover more.
  Toward the end, shuddeni spy/scout (not described as such, but easy to
  infer) NPCs will being appearing in various locations on the surface.
  The Houses will receive notices/warnings from their agents that something
  is up, in case it hasn't become obvious to everyone at that point.
2) Seige Time - 1-2 months.

 Shuddeni forces occupy the Arien Plains (off the roadway), laying siege to
 Aramril and restricting travel between Earendam and VB. They also take
 positions around other strategic areas (Enrien, Thrandir, etc), and prepare
 to attack.
 This could be easily done by making a bot that generates a "battalion"
 of chaja infantry with shuddeni swordmaster/templar/scholar leaders.
 Stick the bot in different spots, and you've got instant armies. These
 npc battalions would be aggro to ch'taren, champs, and spirit casters,
 and could try to press-gang chaja, shuddeni, and fire/void casters. Would
 ignore the majority, though.
 Special mobs for the quest would be of the two factions (shuddeni and co.
 vs. goodies/surface civilizations), so players could get faction 
 ratings/bonuses for participation and we could keep track of how much
 players are doing by their faction points (from actual battle against the
 various army forces, or from imm-granted faction bonuses -- these points
 could be used for knowing who to dole any rewards out to at the end of
 the arc).
 Aramril falls (seal off entryway exit) and leaves any champs homeless for
 a bit. :)  The shuddeni forces eventually lays siege to VB and Earendam.
 gatehouses get closed, for the first time in MUD history. :) PCs can
 exit/entere Earendam via the river tunnels, and pay to be smuggled through
 tunnels/over the wall from the Dretch Street area of VB to the docks.
 Periodic gate breaches with shuddeni forces entering the city and doing 
 some damage before being repelled by VB and patrician guard. Laws adjusted
 to allow for defensive of the city, shuddeni and chaja removed from protection
 by law.
 Toward the end, reps of Aramril/Champions, Krilin, Spirit Palace, and 
 Kor Thrandir etc form an alliance pact and begin to organize and plan. Goodie/
 pro-surface-dweller PCs invited to get involved, report on shuddeni positions,
 skirmish their forces, etc.
 Battalions of guards/goodies start to appear in staging areas in the
 cities/spirit palace/etc.
3) Outright War - 1-2 months.
 Goodie Gods get involved (Calaera's moment to shine in some way). With Calaera's
 intervention (or Anirim sending forces of titans or somesuch) the VB and 
 Earendam gates are secured and Aramril retaken.
 The arien plains become the central battleground. Lowbies who aren't shuddeni or
 ch'taren should be able to make it through if they stick to the road, but otherwise
 the plains are in a constant state of battle. The battle spills over into other
 areas periodically.
 The shuddeni forces start to lose the battle, for whatever reason that works with
 imm and PC involvement at that time (or they are simply running out of fresh chaja
 to send to the front lines, if lacking any better reason). 
 So, toward the end of the outright war, they turn the blight loose on the cities
 towns throughtout Avendar. If the shuddeni aren't going to be able to enslave and
 own everything, they'd just as soon everyone die.
 Wizi-plague-spreaders go wild. NPC healers (titan delegation?) show up to help 
 keep city folk alive.
 The battle shifts to favor the shuddeni forces, with the armies of the 
 surface/goodies  and army support weakened and thinned by the blight. The shuddeni
 get entrenched at the  brintor crossroads, and demonic servants of the shuddeni 
 war-leaders build a fortress of bones and skulls (represented by portal obj, 
 consisting of 5-10 rooms) at Brintor crossroads from which to command their 
 forces (PC baddies can get involved in bone/skull collecting). :)
4) Countering the Blight - 2-4 weeks.
  This is the questy, resolution part for the anti-shuddenis (who should get 
  sick of the eyeblight plague real quick-like, and be ready for the city 
  sieges to end.)

  First, the anti-shuddeni alliance recruits a PC squad to raid the Tower of 
  Bones to try and find more about the plague.  (The eyeblight doesn't affect
  shuddeni (naturally eyeless) but it also doesn't affect their chaja warriors--
  apparently they've got some kind of antidote/preventative and are doling it out
  to their slave armies). 
  In the Tower, clues of some sort are discovered which lead players (perhaps a
  boat-ride to a tiny, remote isle on the Lidraeau -- 1 room for the boat and
  5-10 for the isle) where they can get the herb/whatever which is used in the
  Perhaps it was a demon who gave the shuddeni knowledge of the herb/regeant 
  for the plague, and this demon defends the isle. There would be some kind
  of guardian to take out, anyway.
  When the herb/whatever is obtained, water scholar guildmasters/city alchemists
  are able to produce the antidote, ending the plague.
5) Ending the War - 1-2 months.
  With the antidote, the battle swings back to the anti-shuddeni's favor.
  Ch'taren forces from the havens can now show up, with a few of their good
  old long-preserved spirit weapon artifacts. Shuddenis start getting their
  butts kicked.
  A Final Assault against the shuddeni results in the shuddeni's fortress of
  bones getting wiped out (some important NPCs falling, like Baron Krilin and
  Shilrin... time to replace them with fresh blood anyway), and shuddeni forces
  driven back underground. This is the official end of the war.
  A few more meetings--for the pro-surface alliance, discussion of rebuilding
  and which NPCs could give guidance. XP awards for participation doled out 
  (based on faction points earned, maybe), perhaps some grateful deities granting
  some traits.
  Chaja/Shuddeni PCs regain protection under law after a while. But the guards
  spit on them when they walk past. :) 
  Permanent Marks the War:
   - Guards (a aquad of Aramrilites?) would permanently be placed to watch  
    the entrance to the chaja tunnels.
   - The chief shuddeni war-leader/priest NPC would be crucified and left in
    the streets of Yithoul.
   - In arien, lots of burial mounds (and some night-time ghosts?). Brintor  
    Crossroads has ruins of the fortress of bone.
   - Jh'ten opens up (hopefully it'll be done by that time).
   - Some of the NPC participators/reps/war leaders would become permanent
    figures to replace older, eternal-seeming NPCs (retire Shilrin, promote 
   Kastan Krilin to baron, etc)
  Player rewards: war-participation XP doled out on the basis of faction 
  points accumulated. The players who went after the various battalions and 
  did a lot of hackslash ranking against them get rewarded, as well as players
  who got faction point bonuses for being more directly involved in the 
  immteractions/quest elements.
  For heroes, they'd get some fame. A "Chronicles of the Eyeblight War" would
  be written, recording the names of those who participated. For the anti-shuddenis,
  they'd become "friend" to all allied surface NPC factions. Chaja/shuddeni-side
  PCs could become favored by evil deities, perhaps earning some "favors" from 
  the void/demon world.
Rooms: 10-20
Mobs: 15-20
Objs: 15-20
Can use the Generic Quest Area -- plenty of spare vnums.