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# A contest between N different gods, over who can sacrifice the most valuable items to them in a time window. This could occur as the backdrop to a larger quest, introducing diametrically opposed deities, or simply between warring (evil?) factions of different aspects of a diety.
# A contest between N different gods, over who can sacrifice the most valuable items to them in a time window. This could occur as the backdrop to a larger quest, introducing diametrically opposed deities, or simply between warring (evil?) factions of different aspects of a diety.
# A string of pregnancies across various locales and to various races results in horrific aberrations being whelped (most of which are not viable). Investigation/questing reveals that these births are the result of a cult of demon worshippers. Every such pregnancy is the result of an abduction/seduction of the mothers by someone possessed by a demon. The plot superficially appears to be about creating a demon army -- the actual plot is to provide vessels for demons to gain a permanent foothold beyond the veil. Once 'perfected', the demonic hosts could reproduce of their own accord, and each of them would be freely possessable by demons without the requirement for any rituals or expenditure of power.
# A string of pregnancies across various locales and to various races results in horrific aberrations being whelped (most of which are not viable). Investigation/questing reveals that these births are the result of a cult of demon worshippers. Every such pregnancy is the result of an abduction/seduction of the mothers by someone possessed by a demon. The plot superficially appears to be about creating a demon army -- the actual plot is to provide vessels for demons to gain a permanent foothold beyond the veil. Once 'perfected', the demonic hosts could reproduce of their own accord, and each of them would be freely possessable by demons without the requirement for any rituals or expenditure of power.
# A race around Avendar, with a prize given by Zilba Gralci. The race might be to visit a special location in N areas, or to bring back a seemingly trivial object (but hard to find/guess) from same. The benefit of such a quest is that it might even be an automated one.
# A race around Avendar, with a prize given by Zilba Gralci. The race might be to visit a special location in N areas, or to bring back a seemingly trivial object (but hard to find/guess) from same. The benefit of such a quest is that it might even be an automated one.  '''Kestrel''': I have one of these cooked up.  See me for details.
# A quest centered around a deity|entity|individual who died or was in some other way removed from the world. The condition of their return is that one of their followers must pray for their return -- but owing to the curse/circumstance of their removal, no one may speak their name but a follower of that deity -- but all followers of that deity died as a result of the same terrible calamity. Except for the one, who is imprisoned on some other plane of existence| preserved as a statue | who is trapped as a ghost in Avendar waiting to be given a body to carry out their final duty.
# A quest centered around a deity|entity|individual who died or was in some other way removed from the world. The condition of their return is that one of their followers must pray for their return -- but owing to the curse/circumstance of their removal, no one may speak their name but a follower of that deity -- but all followers of that deity died as a result of the same terrible calamity. Except for the one, who is imprisoned on some other plane of existence| preserved as a statue | who is trapped as a ghost in Avendar waiting to be given a body to carry out their final duty.
# Magical plague: Something has gone wrong with the etheric ties between scholars and their elements, resulting in a 20% spell failure rate (failure means a series of random effects a la the wand of wonder). As a bonus, it's an actual plague, spread by plague fobs or whatever, so scholars who spend too much time around infected wizards contract it themselves. The likely perpetrator is a god of chaos, the result of a scroll containing ancient magic being invoked carelessly (sort of the equivalent of some future humans stumbling upon the last smallpox archive), or even something relatively picayune like an alchemist who tried to brew a potion to stifle the competition from the mage guilds.
# Magical plague: Something has gone wrong with the etheric ties between scholars and their elements, resulting in a 20% spell failure rate (failure means a series of random effects a la the wand of wonder). As a bonus, it's an actual plague, spread by plague fobs or whatever, so scholars who spend too much time around infected wizards contract it themselves. The likely perpetrator is a god of chaos, the result of a scroll containing ancient magic being invoked carelessly (sort of the equivalent of some future humans stumbling upon the last smallpox archive), or even something relatively picayune like an alchemist who tried to brew a potion to stifle the competition from the mage guilds.
[[category:The Gospels]]
[[category:The Gospels]]

Revision as of 08:40, 26 March 2012

  1. Vaeshir sits on the iron throne of Logor, his immortality and power won at the price of binding himself to the position of demon lord. Is he dissatisfied with his lot?
  2. Zyal, once a mortal raider, has emerged as a powerful demonic entity. Now known as the warlord of Chaigidon, it is known that there exists substantial enmity between Chaigidon and Logor. It is known that Chaigidon has traffic with Serachel, as it is a city which exists on the border between the Void and Dream. Chagrob, former Grand Vizier of Logor, spoke against Zyal in the past, and tension might still exist between the two.
  3. Chagrob, former Grand Vizier of Logor, now serves as advisor to the demilich Vaeshir, new ruler of Logor. Does Chagrob seat to unseat Vaeshir? Or, newly freed from the Iron Throne, does he seek goals completely orthogonal to his former position?
  4. With the thwarting of the last of the Spawn of Sothmogga, Converu returned to Avendar as a demigod. He has remained relatively inactive, and his role and intentions as a deity remained unexplored.
  5. Gyel-Xan, leader of the Spawn of Sothmogga, and presumably the last of their number, is trapped within the Astral Prison. Surely he seeks release, and revenge against Converu, the Titans, and the Celanim.
  6. Some fragment of Gyel-Xan's essence was injected into the scholar Yesa's mind. The device use to impart this knowledge might still exist -- and one who activated it might be similarly infected.
  7. The lair used by the Spawn of Sothmogga in their rituals still exists below the northwestern section of Var Bandor. This facility would no doubt be of great interest to the void scholars in Var Bandor, Earendam, or most any major cities. It would also prove useful to the shuddeni, or darker creatures drawn to the sinister aura of the place.
  8. The Realm of Dreams exists as an area, but is not yet generally accessible. A major quest might involve a return of Dream's nearness to our own world. Known methods of accessing Dream presently:
    1. Ketsari fungus (available in the gallery)
    2. The Orb of Dreams (either a unique ancient artifact which when shattered opens a gateway to the realm of Dreams)
    3. Ancient magic, available on a one-use scroll
    4. Plane traveling magic, either ancient or unknown in nature (see Belerin's codex)
      An introduction via this method might include a 'menace from Dream', such as the incursion of nightmares into the prime material, or Chaigidon claiming a portion of the Dream dear to Rystaia, or essential to mortal sanity. (Or another manipulation by Serachel...)
  9. A plague breaks out in Avendar's major cities, and heroes must race to find a cure (or possibly exacerbating the plague, if evil). Some might be required to fight the plague in towns with temporary remedies, while others would have to seek a cure. An additional twist on this might be that the plague is one which feeds off a person's own internal spiritual power, meaning that the most powerful heroes are the most dreadfully stricken.
  10. A variant on the plague of disease is a plague of monsters, threatening attack on Avendar's cities. The plague could be of any kind -- but generally speaking, the quest would involve finding a cure (with CE and NE pc's most likely cutting a deal with the monsters and aiding them.)
  11. Bayyal still lies imprisoned above the planes of paradise. While it is doubtful he could ever free himself of his own power, it might be possible for a mortal of sufficient power and of character similar to Bayyal's might *take his place* on the Stone, thereby freeing the deity.
  12. A murder mystery: It might be cool to do a murder mystery plot, where players have to interrogate NPC's, and gather evidence in a clever way to find a murderer.
  13. The mind of Shasarik, dragon of the void, has been largely unseen since his ascension to draconic form. Obvious ties exist between him, Serachel, Logor, and the demilich Vaeshir. What manipulations the young dragon might attempt, or who he might serve as a tool for, remain to be seen.
  14. The srryn of Sythtys remain unusually inactive. The elders might plan any number of actions against the world at large.
  15. Any of the other innumerable threads surrounding the Shunned.
  16. The gem containing Vaialos's essence is suddenly rediscovered.
  17. An evil entity works through PC cutouts and proxies to start a war between the Champions and the Conclave of Arisuth, intending to take advantage of the ensuing chaos to steal or have stolen some item of lore.
  18. A Harrudim prince arrives on a tour with his retinue and hosts a gladiatorial tournament: this would be longer than the typical Dolgrael event, leaving room on the periphery for intrigue, betting, and sabotaging the fights.
  19. The shuddeni have been raising a dread war-beast. Manipulate (though it probably won't be necessary) some good PC/s into slaying it, which causes its evil spirit nature to take over, allowing the beast to burst forth onto the surface. Chaos ensues, and the PCs must find a special material to kill it.
  20. X-hunts: foxes, snipes, ogres, etc. etc. Take pre-existing progs, tart up a custom version, make it global. Good for lowbies and midbies too.
  21. Scouting missions: more on this later
  22. Avendar-specific riddle games
  23. Kill X baddie: again, a light quest, but think Hero Day. It's easy for us to do, and somewhat novel. Can shallowly echo/reinforce the a theme of any given arc.
  24. Khamurn Shrine run is all progged up and hot to trot. Was run as a parallel PvE run, with 2 sides racing through the challenges to see who could get to the sweet nougat center first. Needs to be populated with short-term loots (maybe) and needs to have something to keep people busy as they go through the different paths (1-person individual challenges). Make sure you recall which bots were used to set it all up start to finish -- there were several -- and document [ I documented the list of armorybot's loot, but should probably be toned down to match the number of players]
  25. A large bounty is offered for items actually stolen from other pc-s (we could implement a flag for this fairly easily). As thieves & bandits begin to profit from this, questions start getting asked. Where is the gold from this coming from? Is it a Harrudin fence trying to ruin the underground economy of the Dantaron river valley region? Or, if we wanted to introduce a god of thieves, this could be part of a wide-ranging plot to bring this god (back) into existence in Avendar. Could lead to an interesting investigation for the Guardians.
  26. A contest between N different gods, over who can sacrifice the most valuable items to them in a time window. This could occur as the backdrop to a larger quest, introducing diametrically opposed deities, or simply between warring (evil?) factions of different aspects of a diety.
  27. A string of pregnancies across various locales and to various races results in horrific aberrations being whelped (most of which are not viable). Investigation/questing reveals that these births are the result of a cult of demon worshippers. Every such pregnancy is the result of an abduction/seduction of the mothers by someone possessed by a demon. The plot superficially appears to be about creating a demon army -- the actual plot is to provide vessels for demons to gain a permanent foothold beyond the veil. Once 'perfected', the demonic hosts could reproduce of their own accord, and each of them would be freely possessable by demons without the requirement for any rituals or expenditure of power.
  28. A race around Avendar, with a prize given by Zilba Gralci. The race might be to visit a special location in N areas, or to bring back a seemingly trivial object (but hard to find/guess) from same. The benefit of such a quest is that it might even be an automated one. Kestrel: I have one of these cooked up. See me for details.
  29. A quest centered around a deity|entity|individual who died or was in some other way removed from the world. The condition of their return is that one of their followers must pray for their return -- but owing to the curse/circumstance of their removal, no one may speak their name but a follower of that deity -- but all followers of that deity died as a result of the same terrible calamity. Except for the one, who is imprisoned on some other plane of existence| preserved as a statue | who is trapped as a ghost in Avendar waiting to be given a body to carry out their final duty.
  30. Magical plague: Something has gone wrong with the etheric ties between scholars and their elements, resulting in a 20% spell failure rate (failure means a series of random effects a la the wand of wonder). As a bonus, it's an actual plague, spread by plague fobs or whatever, so scholars who spend too much time around infected wizards contract it themselves. The likely perpetrator is a god of chaos, the result of a scroll containing ancient magic being invoked carelessly (sort of the equivalent of some future humans stumbling upon the last smallpox archive), or even something relatively picayune like an alchemist who tried to brew a potion to stifle the competition from the mage guilds.