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Latest revision as of 01:08, 27 April 2011

In this story, Padraic sells Asha's soul to Serachel for the purpose of securing his own immortality. Throughout, I deliberately kept Padraic's personal feelings for Asha ambiguous, although in reality, he never thought of her as anything more than a means to his own ends. I'll try and highlight some of my own motivations throughout the logs.

First Encounter

/* The Setting */
The Upper Level of the Tavern
  The upper level of the tavern is dedicated to those who want to just sit
and talk, a few hardwood tables scattered around the room.  The smooth dark
wood of the surrounding tree and the soft murmers of conversation give the
room a relaxed feel.  South the restaurent part of the tavern continues, and
down a small set of stairs lies the bar.  

[Exits: south down]
     A wooden chessboard sits on a nearby table.
(Blur) Asha the Lady of the Valkyries, Poetess of the Rose is here.

/* From this title, it should be apparent why I was interested in meeting her.  My interest was fueled by comments from Serachel, which you'll see soon enough */

You say 'How's this?'

Asha says 'A sleepy town.'
Asha smiles happily.
Asha says 'This is fine.'

You rest.
Asha sits down and rests.

You say 'So, what will you be interrogating me about next?'

Asha smirks a bit.
Asha says 'If you do not capture my heart, what is it you plan to apture?'

Padraic muses for a moment.
You say 'Your trust will have to do.'

Asha says 'Hm. I almost find that an odd answer.'

You say 'Almost?  Why is that?'

Asha says 'Almost, because we have spoken of the issure of trust earlier. Odd because there seemed to be an inneundo there somewhere.'

You say 'You're imagining things, I assure you.'

Asha frowns.

You smirk.
You say 'From that look you're giving...'

Asha says 'I might have assumed, but not imagined.'
Asha says 'Maybe you are not like the men I usually meet.'
Asha says 'Maybe that is it.'

You say 'And what do your men do?'
You say 'Drop their jaws, loll their tongues?'

Asha says 'Ogle. Whistle. Leer. Make bawdy jokes. '

Padraic drops his jaw in a mocking manner.

/* I always considered this to be one of the silliest emotes */

Asha flashes angry eyes.
Asha says 'Please, do not mock me.'

Padraic shuts his jaw with a snap, and nods in a conciliatory manner.
You say 'Only jesting, my dear woman.'

Asha says 'I enjoy the courtship of romance and love. I enjoy the mischief of seduction.'
Asha says 'I enjoy the olging and leering. '
Asha says 'I am a creature of beauty and romance. I must act accordingly.'

You burst into laughter.

Asha stands up.
Asha says 'It seems you cannot take me seriously.'

Padraic grabs at you with his free hand, wiping a tear of mirth away with the other.
You say 'No, no, my sincerest of apologies'

Asha flashes angry eyes at you.

You stand up.

Asha says 'I do not like to be made fun of and mocked.'
Asha says 'I do not make fun of your 'shipping' business.'

You say 'No, but you lump me in with the likes of common rogues, merely from the way I carry myself.'

Asha says 'How can I not. If you did not hide your face I could not categorize you such. Correct?'

/* One of the first times that Padraic shows an "interest" in Asha.  She seems to buy it */
Drawing himself slightly closer to you, Padraic looks at you with a tilted gaze.
You say 'My face is not so hidden now, is it.'

The anger recedes from Asha's eyes.
Asha says 'It is not.'
Asha says 'And now I can relate to you not as a rogue skulking the shadows but as a person.'

You say 'As it should be, as it should be.'

Asha says 'I agree. But I cannot trust a person whose face I never see. It is impossible for me to do so.'

Padraic releases your hand, and takes a few steps away.

Asha gazes at you silently.

You say 'So what now?'

Asha says 'Hopefully I can allow the small seed of trust I have with you to grow, nurtured by continued honesty and such.'

You think 'Nurtured by continued honesty.  How ironic.'
You say 'And when the seed finally blooms, what do you expect to see?'
You say 'A lolling tongue?'

Asha says 'A man I can respect as a friend.'
Asha smirks.

You say 'Friend...'

Asha says 'Or do you not have friends in these lands?'

Padraic nods with a slight shrug of the shoulders.
You say 'I have acquaintances, business associates, the like.'

Asha says 'In your business, that may be best.'

Padraic coughs quietly.

Asha says 'SOmetimes friends can hinder business practices.'

You say 'Yes, yes, I'm a bit too busy for anything more.'

Asha nods.

Padraic waves his hand distractedly.

Asha says 'So, if there will not be friendship, then what do YOU expect of this?'

You shrug.

Asha looks distractedly at the chessboard.

You say 'Well, this has certainly grown quiet.'

Asha says 'You have yet to answer.'

You say 'I can not answer that which I do not know.'

Asha says 'Can you not guess?'

Padraic rolls his eyes.
You say 'Wild, passionate, love-making.  How should I know?'

Asha smirks.
Asha says 'It seems we have exhausted this conversation.'

You say 'Should we have any further ones, I will bear in mind that speculations on the future are to be strictly avoided.'

Asha says 'FIne. I shall remember that.'

You say 'Speculations on the future of 'us,' that is.'

Asha says 'You may be miscontruing my words...'

You say 'I did not mean it in that way.'
You say 'All I meant to say was that should you possess secret fortune telling powers'
You say 'Then by all means, we can discuss them.'

Asha says 'I am just curious to why a thief wishes to converse with the likes of me.'

Padraic throws his hands up in the air.
You say 'There you go again, calling me a crook and a hoodlum.'

Asha says 'Hold a moment. You are not a thief? That is not the guild you belong to?'
Asha says 'If not, then I apologize.'

You nod.

Asha says 'Then I did not call you a 'crook' nor a 'hoodlum'.'

You say 'But there was the suggestion of it'

Asha says 'No, there was not. I believe you were imagining the suggestion.'

You burst into laughter.
You say 'My own words, come back to haunt me.'

Asha smiles slightly.
Asha says 'That was my intent.'

You say 'So you have cunningly manipulated our conversation towards this end'
> You eat an orange pol'ana fruit.
> Padraic says, over a mouthful of fruit 'Much like you must manipulate those other men in your life'

/* The Seed of Corruption */
Asha says 'Manipulation is an art. Do you play chess?'

You say 'Very poorly.  My mind is not one for games.'

Asha says 'I do not play, for I would rather manipulate flesh and blood.'
Asha smiles slightly.
Asha says 'Actually I should say, hearts and emotions.'

You think 'Interesting.'
Padraic looks slightly amused.
You say 'A rather wicked game that you play.'

Asha says 'Possibly. I do not do so to harm, unless those involved harbor resentment towards me or wish to harm me.'
Asha says 'I seduce for amusement.'

/* This surprised the hell out of me, and upped the stakes by about 5x */
A familiar voice speaks softly, 'Interesting indeed. This maiden aspires to our own game, yet devotes herself to Aeolis.'

You sit down.

A familiar voice speaks softly, 'We may use her well.'

You say 'And what sort of amusement do you draw from these games of yours?'

Asha says 'Pleasure and enjoyment.'

You say 'Does it set your heart afire with glee?  Or is it merely an idle past time, the hobby of a bored woman?'

Asha says 'More of an idle pastime. I was raised in the Courts of the Grand Duke. All ladies-in-waiting are trained so. Love is a game. '

You say 'And what does your Lord think of this game?'

Asha says 'My Lord understands the courtship of love. Love is a game, but hearts are not to be trifled with.'

You say 'And how do you separate the two, love and hearts?'

Asha says 'And if you were wondering, seduction does not appeal to the heart but to the loins.'

Asha says 'You cannot seperate true love from the heart. Seduction on the other hand is a different matter.'

You say 'This is what they teach you, in your fair city?'

Asha says 'Some of it I was taught and some of it I came to my own conclusion.'

You nod.
You say 'Well!'
Padraic perks up his eyebrows.

Asha says 'Hm?'

You say 'Let's just hope that your conclusions are correct.'

Asha says 'They are, or I would not bear this rose on my bare shoulder,'

You say 'How true, how true.'
You say 'You are the Rose's Poetess, how could your conclusions be wrong?'

Asha smiles slightly.
Asha says 'I do not know all when it comes to love. My Lord does, though.'

You say 'And how is it that he has chosen you to be the interpreter of such inspiration?'

Asha says 'I have knowledge that no other mortal living posseses. '

Padraic glances at you inquiringly.
You say 'One can't just drop such a line, and not follow it up.'

Asha says 'I know of the Silver Rose, the rose which binds the souls of true lovers for an eternity.' 
Asha giggles.
Asha says 'I had to have the dramatic effect.'

Padraic takes a sip from an everfull chalice, then gestures for you to continue.

Asha says 'The Silver Rose is a very rare rose...'
Asha says 'It only exists in the forests under the cover of night skies...'
Asha says 'With a full moon looking down upon the land...'
Asha says 'There is only one which can exist at a time...'
Asha says 'And if two lovers come upon it and kiss in it's prescence...'
Asha says 'Then they shall be eternal lovers, even beyound the grave.'
Asha says 'THe rose dies upon the wind if no lovers set eyes upon ith though. Daybreak ends it's ephemeral life.'

You say 'A beautiful tale.  Has anyone ever seen such a rose?'

Asha says 'None who lives. I seek the rose.'
Asha says 'Lord Aeolis of course has seen it. '

You say 'And what will you do once you find this wondrous bit of vegetation?'

Asha smiles slightly.
Asha whispers 'I hope my lover is by my side.'

Padraic whispers 'Ah, so there is a love in your life already.'

Asha whispers 'Yes.'

Padraic nods silently.
Padraic glances from side to side, then whispers 'Does he know?'

Asha chuckles softly.
Asha whispers 'He does.'

You think 'This will make things more difficult.'
Padraic whispers 'And who is this lucky fellow?'

A familiar voice speaks softly, 'More difficult in some ways, but given who the loved one is...'

Asha speaks slightly louder.
Asha says 'Let us not speak of such things. '

A familiar voice speaks softly, 'It may be our greatest weapon.'

Padraic draws his head slightly aback, nodding in deference.

Asha says 'I do not mean to be callous, but some things I cannot share as of yet.'

You say 'But of course.  We are mere acquaintances, not soulmates.'

Asha says 'True.'

You think 'I will find out, sooner or later.'

A familiar voice speaks softly, 'Nor will this prevent you gaining the trust of this one. A lady needs mortal confidantes too.'

/* I finally get it */

Padraic's eyebrows arch ever so slightly.

Asha says 'Sometimes matters of the heart can be as powerful weaknesses as the physcial vulnerabilities.'

You say 'More so, I would imagine.'

Asha says 'Yes, even more so.'

You say 'Ties to the soul, that sort of thing.'

Asha nods.
Asha says 'Those ties severed would destroy the heart. A person without love has a husk for a body.'
Asha says 'A lifeless husk.'

You say 'Do you really believe that?'
You say 'That life is nothing more than a grand love affair?'

Asha says 'I do. One does not have to love another person. They can find love within what they do.'
Asha says 'I believe so, yes. Life is a grand love affair. '

Padraic lifts the corners of his lips in a discreet smile. 
You say 'A quaint concept.'

Asha shrugs her shoulders.
Asha says 'Possibly. But I believe it is true nevertheless.'

You say 'I suppose one's quest then becomes the search for the right person... or thing, to have this affair with.'

Asha says 'One would embark upon such a search if they desired happiness and pleasure of life. '
Asha says 'But not all do so.'
Asha says 'Some do not wish to quest for it.'

You say 'Perhaps their affair is with sloth, or suffering.'

Asha shakes her head.
Asha says 'I do not agree. Malovolence cannot be of love.'

You say 'You love your game, do you not?'

Asha says 'No, I enjoy my game. My heart loves the soul I wish to be eternally bound.'

You tap your fingers together thoughtfully.

Asha says 'If one lacks true passion in their life, for someone or something, then I believe they are but a husk.'

/* Choking on a despised name */

You say 'You sound as if you should be following Rys-'
You cough loudly.
You say 'Excuse me, Rystaia'

Asha frowns.

You say 'Passion, and all that'

Asha shakes her head.
Asha says 'I believe you confuse passion with zeal.'
Asha says 'Rystaia followers are zealots.'
Asha says 'I am one of love and passion. They are not the same.'
Asha says 'Zealots might resort to force, epsecially the physical kind. Passionate ones would never do so.'
Asha says 'Unless it is the very last resort, I should clarify.'

You say 'Unless it is... yes, yes.'

Asha nods.
Asha stands up.

You say 'And what happens to those unfortunate souls whose passionate love falls upon a cold shoulder?'

Asha frowns slightly.

You say 'Will such love sustain them, or will they too wither away?'

Asha says 'I have known such a person. The one I knew withered away.'
Asha says 'Love is not always gracious nor without pain.'

You say 'How... unfortunate.'

Asha says 'Yes.'

Padraic distractedly buffs his nails against his cloak.
You say 'Well, well.'
You say 'We certainly have digressed from our original point of conversation.'

Asha smiles.
Asha says 'Yes we have.'

You say 'I assume you are satisfied now that I am not some shadowy lurker, waiting to drag you off into the darkness?'

Asha chuckles politely.
Asha says 'My mind is at ease.'

Padraic nods contentedly, patting you softly on the shoulder.
You say 'Good, good.'

Asha says 'I am sorry, but I must get going. Is there anything else you wish to speak of?'

You say 'I was about to say the same thing myself.'

Asha smiles happily.
Asha says 'Shall we, then?'

You stand up.
Padraic lightly dusts himself off.
Padraic proffers an arm.

Asha takes your proffered arm.

You say 'Back to the Shrine?'

Asha nods.

********** TRAVELING ***************
Before the Silver Gates
  A magnificent pair of silver gates glints in the light and crosses the
entire width of the path to the north.  The craftsmanship of the gates is
astounding, the curves giving the unmistakable impression of elegance and
beauty.  The gates are connected in the middle by a simple lock, which is
entwined with a single red rose.  Beyond the gates you can see a pristine
clearing, and a path leading to a small domed building.  Off to the side of
the path lies a small patch of fragrant white roses.  To the east and south
of here, the forest becomes dense and impassable, while the path continues
to the west.  

[Exits: west]
(White Aura) A translucent figure in shining silver armor guards the gate.
Asha has arrived.

Asha stops following you.
Asha curtseys gracefully for you.

Asha says 'I enjoyed our talk.'

Padraic takes a flamboyant bow.

Before the Silver Gates
  A magnificent pair of silver gates glints in the light and crosses the
entire width of the path to the north.  The craftsmanship of the gates is
astounding, the curves giving the unmistakable impression of elegance and
beauty.  The gates are connected in the middle by a simple lock, which is
entwined with a single red rose.  Beyond the gates you can see a pristine
clearing, and a path leading to a small domed building.  Off to the side of
the path lies a small patch of fragrant white roses.  To the east and south
of here, the forest becomes dense and impassable, while the path continues
to the west.  

[Exits: west]
Asha the Lady of the Valkyries, Poetess of the Rose is here.
(White Aura) A translucent figure in shining silver armor guards the gate.

You say 'May we have many more in the future'

Asha says 'I look forward to that.'
Asha smiles at you.
As Asha raises her hand towards the gate, the rose surrounding the lock untwines, and the doors softly swing open.

Padraic smiles.

Asha says 'Farewell.'
The gates slowly glide shut as Asha enters the shrine.

Padraic slowly straightens his posture.
Padraic taps his cheek thoughtfully, chuckling ever so slightly to himself.
You think 'An excellent start.'