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(Created page with "<pre> You think 'What does Azithalaju do within the Chamber?' Yendri bows slightly, saying 'A moment.' Yendri nods slightly at Yurhari. Yurhari nods absently. Yendri opens her...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:10, 27 April 2011

You think 'What does Azithalaju do within the Chamber?'

Yendri bows slightly, saying 'A moment.'

Yendri nods slightly at Yurhari.
Yurhari nods absently.

Yendri opens her mouth as if to speak, then shuts it, and gives her head a shake.

Yurhari asks 'What is it?'

Yendri shakes her head, saying 'Nothing, High Priest. Nothing.'

Yurhari intones 'Speak.'

You think 'Does the Demilich come?'

Yurhari remarks 'There are no shrouded thoughts within these halls.'
Yurhari enumerates 'One mind, one tongue, one will.'

Yendri nods, saying 'I simply wondered if... the calling you spoke of days before.'
Yendri whispers, 'If it were to be happening. Azithalaju...'
Yendri notes, 'Is within the chamber...'

Yurhari replies 'Not as yet, unfortunately.'

Yendri shrugs slightly.

You nod at Yurhari.

Yurhari states 'There are yet preparations to be made.'

Yendri nods a bit, saying 'I understand. Was that also... part of what Lord Saraskuas was sent to accomplish?'

Yurhari states 'His was a more... personal journey.'

The skull of the demilich Vila says, 'A man? Yes... Yes... I was once a man.'

Yendri nods again, inquiring no further. 'I see.'

[SHUNNED] Yurhari: Come, Coven. We assemble.

Yurhari leaves north.
Yurhari sits down in a chair emblazoned with the dragon rune.

Ralia glances to Yurhari, with a slight nod.

[SHUNNED] Saraskuas: Aye.

Saraskuas has arrived.

Yurhari remarks 'Ilae yet comes.'

You think 'Lady Ilae departs us? Or is... clear?'

Azithalaju offers an absent, silent nod.

You think 'Ah. The penchant for clearness has always eluded me.'

Ilae has arrived.
Ilae nods politely.

Yurhari states 'We are all assembled, then.'

Azithalaju nods to Ilae, and moves to take place by her.

You think 'Do the two of them Love?'
You think 'They have been quite close of late.'

Yurhari explains 'As you know, we are still to summon the Lord Vaeshir.'

You think '*chuckle* Their mutual outward impassion confuses me.'

Saraskuas nods.

Ilae nods her understanding.

Yurhari continues 'Azithalaju, you recall the form?'

Yendri gives a single nod to Yurhari.

Azithalaju nods, barely.

Yurhari responds 'Then we shall proceed, and shortly.'
Yurhari leans back in his chair, sighing deeply.

You think 'Excellent.'

Yurhari states, after a moment 's hesitation' There is the possibility that any of us, myself included, may find themselves... 
indisposed, should something go awry.'
Yurhari indicates 'If that case be realized, it is for the good of the Whole that a contingency plan be in place.'

Ilae frowns slightly.

Yendri nods slightly.

Ilae asks 'Have you a plan in mind?'

The skull of the demilich Vila says, '..Do you hear that? ..No.. of course you don't..'

Azithalaju idly adjusts his monocle, remaining quiet.

Saraskuas looks on inquisitively.

You think 'How that monocole bothers me.'

Yurhari begins 'Assuming I were thus indisposed, my duties would be temporarily managed by the Lady Lilisa, as is our custom.'
Yurhari continues 'Nevertheless, the day-to-day functioning of the Coven must not be interfered with.'

Ilae nods simply. Firmly.

Yendri nods, mouth set in a pursed line.

Ralia nods in silence.

Yurhari states 'The organization and management of the Vanguard would fall upon the Lady Ralia.'
Yurhari looks to Ralia gravely, then nods.

Saraskuas nods, tapping his fingers to his robe.

Yurhari returns his gaze to the circle.

Azithalaju smiles momentarily.

You think 'She does not at this moment?'

Ralia closes her eyes a moment, bowing her head.

Yurhari states 'And the Pentagram... Azithalaju, I would task you with the duties attendent traditionally to he who is Keeper.'
Yurhari indicates 'You would be, of course, answerable to Ralia, as she is of the Council.'

Yendri flexes her fingers along her Reaver. nodding solemnly to Ralia.

Yurhari clarifies 'There is no ritual, and no formal Elevation.'

Azithalaju replies cooly 'It will be done.'

Yurhari concludes 'Nevertheless, I task you with this solemn duty.'
Yurhari looks at each of you in turn, then intones 'Let us begin.'
Yurhari stands up.

Saraskuas nods.

/*in the chamber*/

Yendri gives a single nod, then walks toward the wall, resting her back upon it.

Ilae walks silently to the edge of the room.

Ralia remains outside the pentagram, closing her wings slightly around her shoulders.

Azithalaju looks to Yurhari silently.

Yurhari nods to Azithalaju.

Yurhari takes three steps, positioning himself between the western points.

Yendri takes a deep breath, clutching her swords tightly.

Azithalaju looks to Yurhari quietly.

Yurhari nods in silence.

Azithalaju notes 'You do realize, all, that the demon-Barkja did not provide us with anything more than the Symbol.'

Saraskuas nods thoughtfully.

Yurhari raises a single digit.

Ilae frowns slightly, glancing to Yurhari.

Azithalaju glances to Yurhari quietly.

Yurhari states 'There have been indications scattered throughout the scrolls, Azithalaju.'

Azithalaju beckons to Yurhari, motioning for him to continue.

Yurhari reaches into his robes, brow furrowing slightly.
Yurhari removes his hand, sighing slightly.

Azithalaju adjusts his monocle silently, and shifts his gaze about the chamber.

Yendri raises an eyeless brow. 

Yurhari states 'I believe some of the material remains in the nexus.'
Yurhari indicates 'I return.'

Yurhari opens the door.

Azithalaju smiles.

Yendri chuckles slightly, shifting her swords between her hands.
Yendri wipes her hand along the side of her leg.

Saraskuas nods, stepping to the side of the room.

Yendri takes her swords in each hand once more.
Yurhari gives a pinch of powdered Uzith-Hazhi dust to Azithalaju.

Azithalaju examines the dust quietly, looking over it through the lens of his blue-tinted monocle.

Yurhari nods quietly.

Azithalaju nods quietly after a moment, and looks about once more.

Yurhari intones 'Begin.'

Azithalaju begins to carefully inscribe the Sigil of Logor.
Azithalaju applies strokes of powdered Uzith-Hazhi dust to the ground in an uneven, upright pentagon.
Azithalaju proceeds to completely blot out the center of the pentagon with powdered Uzith-Hazhi dust.
Using bare fingers, Azithalaju marks out the Dragon Rune, atop a smaller Rune of Void, completing the Sigil of Logor.
Azithalaju rises, examining the Sigil carefully.
Azithalaju asks 'Have we the gift to Lord Vaeshir, the offering for his Coming?'

You think 'It's beauty. Unparalleled.'

Yurhari says 'We do.'

Azithalaju tells you 'The door, if you would.'

You close the door.

Azithalaju whispers 'So be it, then.'
Azithalaju raises his arms, and begins a dark incantation:
Azithalaju utters the words 'greater demon summon'
As the summoning is completed, the ethereal outline of an eyeless skull takes on solidity above the Sigil of Logor.

The skull of the demilich Vila says, '..Do you hear that? ..No.. of course you don't..'

Ilae looks at Vaeshir.

Yurhari inclines his head slightly.

The demilich Vaeshir floats here, its form an ebony skull wreathed in an
ethereal blue flame.  One of the most powerful forms of undead, the demilich
before you contains is all that remains of the physical form of the archmage
Vaeshir, tied through mystic bonds to his dreadful spirit.  Unthinkably
powerful and intelligent, the demilich emanates and aura of fear and dread,
cloaking itself in black magic.  Its skull is free from any sign of decay or
age, and it almost seem to grin, its teeth replaced with flawless fire

Vaeshir is the Grand Vizier of Logor, and rules that demon city from its
Iron Throne.  Once a powerful archmage, Vaeshir became a demilich, and
subverted the dark prophecy of the then Grand Vizier Chagrob to his own
ends.  Promising the demon lord that a demilich would sit once more on the
Iron Throne in a year's time, Vaeshir returned with power and took the
throne for himself.  
Vaeshir is in excellent condition.

Azithalaju looks to Vaeshir quietly, immediatly accepting his form.

A small flicker crosses Ralia's eyes.

Yurhari intones 'Lord Chosen.'

Vaeshir burns steadily, illuminating the room with an eerie blue glow.

Ralia says softly 'Lord Chosen.'
You think 'The power of the Pure Darkness. Before me. Had I eyes, I would avert them. He is too Perfect.'

Ilae glances between Yurhari and Vaeshir, lips slightly parted.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'No, my disciple. It was not you.'
Vaeshir turns slowly, surveying the chamber.
Vaeshir comes to rest facing Azithalaju.

Saraskuas looks on emotionlessly.

Azithalaju stares to Vaeshir, remaining silent.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'You are the one.'

You think 'His voice. More beautiful than the most perfect music.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Though the ancient pacts allow you to summon me I am entitled to a price.'
Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'I will take it. Now.'

Azithalaju smiles grimly, offering a nod.

Azithalaju tenses briefly, as if held in place by a an invisible force before crumpling to the ground.

[SHUNNED] Azithalaju: We are to provide him with what he does so desire.

Ilae glances down at Azithalajus's crumpled form, eyebrows raising a fraction.

Yurhari looks at Azithalaju.

You think 'What of the simple mortal realm would He wish?'

[SHUNNED] Azithalaju: ...wh..

Azithalaju wakes and stands up.

Vaeshir turns his firey gaze upon Yurhari.

Saraskuas looks on thoughtfully.

Azithalaju staggers momentarily, gripping the skin of his forehead.

[SHUNNED] Azithalaju: ...provide him. Has it..?

Yendri moves her eyeless gaze from Azithalaju to Yurhari.

Vaeshir says, in arcane, 'My disciple, I would not have thought that our next meeting would be at a time of your choosing.'

Azithalaju shakes his head quickly at first, appearing disoriented, and comes to a slow.

Yurhari pauses, then opens his lips.

Ralia lets her ruby eyes drift between Yurhari and Vaeshir.

Yurhari whispers 'Lord Vaeshir.'
Yurhari begins 'Azithalaju has summoned you here on behalf of the Whole.'

Vaeshir seems to nod slightly.
Vaeshir says, in arcane, 'I have chosen my own price. I deem yours unworthy.'

Yurhari begins 'Bu--'
Yurhari nods formally.

Azithalaju straightens himself in place, and looks suddenly to Vaeshir.

Yurhari asks, tone hushed 'Might I ask, then, what price you have chosen?'

You think 'Indeed.'

Vaeshir says, in arcane, 'To be summoned here- by mortals! Though even I am bound by powers greater than myself, I have chosen a price that will bring peace to my thoughts.'

You think 'I doubt he would seek pain upon Us. For he was... and shall be eternally one of Us.'

Yurhari nods hesitantly.

Ilae looks from Vaeshir to Azithalaju.

Azithalaju stares silently to Vaeshir, and shoots a quick glance to Yurhari.

Vaeshir says, in arcane, 'I have deprived him of his mastery of the Void. Should any of the twelve see him again, it will be at a time of their own choosing.'

Yendri turns her gaze back from Yurhari to Vaeshir.

Yurhari opens his mouth, as though to speak.
Yurhari snaps his jaw shut.

Ilae blinks in surprise.

Saraskuas continues to look on.

You think 'The... Archmagus? Stripped?'

With a slight shift in her position, Ralia glances to Azithalaju.

Azithalaju looks to Vaeshir, his gaze now unshifting. Quiet.

Yurhari inquires 'The price, then, is paid?'

You think 'Or... Azithalaju?'

Vaeshir says, in arcane, 'I suppose it is, yes.'

You think 'It is not my place to Know, if He does not wish me to.'

Yurhari states 'We would ask of you, then, of a certain knowledge.'
Yurhari continues 'In this knowledge, we might seek to draw our two worlds closer.'
Yurhari asks 'Will you hear my request, Lord Chosen?'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Ever hungering after the secrets of my plane, Lord High Priest? I expected as much. Speak of your request. I will hear it, at the very least.'

Yurhari pauses, then states confidently 'We do seek the knowledge of the Sigil of your City, Lord Chosen.'
Yurhari explains 'In this, our two realms might be, to some degree, reconciled.'

Yendri twists her blades in her grasp, glancing to Azithalaju, then back to Vaeshir.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'I do hope that you are aware that my granting your request would symbolize a significant bond between the Collective and Logor, Lord High Priest.'

Yurhari replies 'Lord Chosen, you do sit upon the Iron Throne. I do sit upon the Dragon Seat.'
Yurhari continues 'I believe such a bond would not be new, but merely an.. expansion of it.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'My domain does not encompass the entirity of the entirety of the Void, and there are some who would be displeased by your intentions.'

Yurhari remarks 'Undoubtedly, Lord Chosen.'
Yurhari states 'I have weighed our options carefully.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'I tell you this only so that you can know the full measure of the consequences that such a course might bring.'

Yurhari responds 'I believe, Lord Chosen, that I am.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Very well. The pleasure I took from the punishment inflicted upon that one would not be sufficient to offset my voluntarily placing the sigil within your hands, however.'

Yurhari replies 'Understandable, Lord Chosen.'
Yurhari pauses, his brow furrowing.
Yurhari looks up, directly into the eye-sockets of the demilich.
Yurhari indicates 'I am willing to offer my service in the council of your Court, for the period of one year.'

Yendri shifts slightly.

Yurhari folds his hands in front of him self, gaze fixed.

You think 'The High Priest. Truly deserving of his title.'

Ralia suppresses her change of expression, glancing to Yurhari.

The skull of the demilich Vila says, 'Do I miss the pleasures of the flesh? Yes.. almost as much as the pains.'

You think 'Fear unknown. The Void is Truth. He shan't be harmed.'

Yurhari remains perfectly still, his eyes passing across the row of fire opals.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'You mean to suggest that a temporary excursion to my realm would be enough for the sigil? What use have I for mortals in Logor?'

Yendri turns her gaze once more to Yurhari, mouth set in a small smile.

Yurhari asks 'Do you truly think so little of my offer, Vaeshir?'
Yurhari states 'Weigh it, Lord Chosen, and know its true worth.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Oh, I have, yet the knowledge gained during your time of servitude would benefit your organization greatly.'

Yurhari shrugs almost imperceptibly.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Besides, are you not yet my apprentice?'

Yurhari replies 'I am.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'I would expand upon your offer. A term of three years would be sufficient, I believe.'

Yurhari responds 'Forgive the impudence of bargaining, Lord Chosen, but time is at a premium for this mortal form. Surely two years, in full, should suffice?'

You think 'His age. The High Priest seems to be only.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Lord Yurhari, I have the power yet to summon you to me for short periods of timee. Or do you forget the pact your forged with the previous Vizier?'

You think '...not terribly many years. They do weigh in his eyes, however.'
Yurhari responds 'I forget no pact, Lord Vaeshir.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'You needn't fear for your life, High Priest. It is easily within my power to negate the effects of the passage of time during your stay.'

Yurhari responds 'It is not merely my life, Lord Vaeshir. It is the life of the Whole, to which I am tasked to tend.'

Yendri purses her lips tightly.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'Surely the Council has flourished under your guidance, Lord Yurhari. I doubt that the Collective would be entirely without leadership.'

You think 'Council? Meaning the Lady Siren?'
You think 'And himself, of course.'

/* Yendri really wanted to be Raven. Dumbly, often. */

Ralia's eyes drift to Yurhari, then to Vaeshir.

Yurhari says 'Perhaps not, Lord Vaeshir. If you insist upon the price of three, I shall argue no further. I would ask, however, that you consider the compromise I offer.'
Yurhari bows slightly.

Yendri turns her gaze to Ralia for a moemtn.

Yurhari adds '... As your student.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'I will hold at three, my disciple. I assure you that your time under my care will be most educational.'

Yurhari inhales deeply, then responds 'It is done.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'So it is.'
Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'As I will respect your domain, I expect that you will respect mine. No one other than Lord Yurhari may call me to this plane, and in that case only under the most extreme circumstances.'

Yendri turns her gaze once more upon Vaeshir, listening intently.

Yurhari responds 'You have my word in this, and in this you have the word of the Whole.'

Ilae nods slightly.

Yurhari begins hesitantly 'Lord Chosen, I have had a number of the initiates set to work to prepare a place... appropriate to house the Sign.'
Yurhari continues 'Might we see, then, to its inscription?'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'As it has been promised.'

[SHUNNED] Yurhari: You may come, if you wish.
[SHUNNED] Yurhari: To the halls, near the library.

Ilae has arrived.

Saraskuas utters the words 'coven'
Saraskuas begins to chant, channeling his mystical powers into Yurhari.

Yurhari pauses, brushing his hands upon his robe.

You gained 2 exploration points!
The Tabernacle of a Thousand Demons
  Shadows dance madly upon the rough, silver-veined marble of the walls
which close about you, their form and motion defined by the flickering light
of a dizzying array of candles.  The luminaries, while ranging from slender,
tapered bodies near the fore, to the thick, imposing monuments of wax nearer
the eastern wall, are uniformly dark in tone.  Arranged in concentric
circles and each bearing an apparently unique sigil, they range from a deep
crimson in the outer strata to a black of most uncanny depth within.  At the
center of the room, a deeply-stained block of oak pierces upward through the
candles' shroud, its surface overlaid with bronze.  Above it, a tarnished
silver censer swings from a weighty steel chain, acrid smoke trickling from
its pores to flow across the altar's surface.  

To the west a velvet curtain hangs, offering concealment from the hall

[Exits: west]
Vaeshir the demilich, Grand Vizier of Logor, floats here.
Saraskuas the shuddeni is here, chanting softly.
Ilae the aelin is here.
Yurhari the aelin is here.

Yurhari gestures 'Here, Lord Chosen, shall it find its Place.'

Yurhari continues 'Upon this altar of oak and bronze.'

Yurhari nods, and steps back a pace.

Azithalaju has arrived.

You think 'A fitting place, this.'

Vaeshir flows forward smoothly out toward the altar, hovering over it ominously.
The thick smoke of the censer spills over the skull's domed surface, and onto the brazen altar.
The skull's mouth opens in a silent scream, a malignant, green luminescence spilling forth!
The altar beneath the demi-lich begins to darken and warp, and a deep, black glyph scores tself into the surface.
An ominous aura settles across the chamber as the Symbol of Power is completed.

Saraskuas ceases his chanting.

The symbolbot15 is transported by the gods.

Vaeshir turns smoothly about above the dark symbol to face Yurhari once more.

Yurhari nods carefully.

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'It is done.'

Yurhari replies 'So it is.'

Vaeshir echoes, in arcane, 'I call upon my price.'

Yurhari offers 'The price, then, is yours.'

The torchlight fails, allowing unnatural darkness to fill the chamber. When light returns, both Vaeshir and Yurhari are gone.

Saraskuas nods thoughtfully.

Yendri releases a long-held breath.

Ilae blinks as the darkness clears, looking at the altar.

Azithalaju offers a simple shrug, a final glance over the room, and then strides through the curtain.
Azithalaju leaves west.

Ralia murmurs softly 'Mmm.'

Yendri nods slightly, gripping her swords tightly.

Ilae observes simply 'And so we continue.'

Yendri nods to Ilae, stating, 'Eternally.'

(Translucent) Ilae the aelin is here.
Ralia the aelin is sitting in a chair emblazoned with the mark of the siren.
Azithalaju the shuddeni is sitting in a chair emblazoned with Sigil of Logor.

Ralia murmurs softly, with a shrug, 'I doubt that not.'

Azithalaju looks quietly to Ralia.

Ilae glances to Azithalaju.

[SHUNNED] Saraskuas: I depart to my studies.  Clarity.

[SHUNNED] Yendri: And to you, Saraskuas.

Ilae notes 'You were not made the Lord Keeper, Azithalaju.'

Glancing about the room, Yendri sighs slightly, a small smile flitting across her features.

Azithalaju says 'In his absence, I do take this Chair. For now.'

Ilae says simply 'You were not granted it.'

You think 'Do not overstep your bounds, Azithalaju. Especially as one who has been drained of their skills.'

Azithalaju says 'Just as Lilisa has been positioned with the duties of High Priest in his absence, I am to this seat, at his word.'

Ilae states flatly 'He did not say you were to have the seat. You are merely overseeing the pentagram. Nothing more.'

Azithalaju smiles slightly to Ilae, offering silence as a response.

Ralia drinks water from an everfull chalice.

You think 'They quarrel as Lovers do.'

Ilae says simply 'Very well. Ignore the wishes of the High Priest as you will. It is your life.'
Ilae leaves south.

Yendri smiles a bit, casting a quick glance to Azithalaju. 'You two do quarrel as lovers would.'
Yendri chuckles slightly, then turns to Ralia.
Yendri states simply, 'I return to my drills, Lady Siren. Unless you have anything to speak of.'

You stop following Yurhari.