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(Created page with " /* After a long series of events involving tokens gained from Xiganath, Yurhari calls a Council of the highly powerful Shunned. Present at this meeting were: Yurhari, I...")
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Latest revision as of 01:14, 27 April 2011

/* After a long series of events involving tokens gained from Xiganath, Yurhari calls a Council of the highly powerful
Shunned. Present at this meeting were: Yurhari, Ilae, Azithalaju, Yendri, Calias, and Sirtia. */
[SHUNNED] Yurhari: We gather in Council.
Yurhari leaves north.
You open the door.
You snap to attention, sharply saluting Yurhari.
Calias bows formally.
Yurhari sits down in a chair emblazoned with the dragon rune.
Yurhari turns, nodding to Azithalaju.
Aithalaju sits down in a chair emblazoned with Sigil of Logor.
Ilae gives a quiet nod.
[  ] Selin the Initiate of the Sword
[  ] Kalichan the Templar Sorcerer
[51] [SHUNNED] Yendri Chan'jun the Swordmaster Heroine
[PK] [SHUNNED] Lord Yurhari the Archmagus of the Veil, High Priest of the Eternal
[PK] [SHUNNED] Ilae Rlaphor the Lady of Night
[  ] Etzlende the Templar Magician
[  ] Thenzon the Cage-Fighter
[PK] Iloren Ad'Evna the Conjurer of the Whirlwind
[  ] Ganoii the Seeker of Earth
[  ] Phen the Philosopher of Water
[  ] Salamasken the Student of the Broadsword
[  ] Gou the Investigator
[PK] [SHUNNED] Sirtia Agraelo the Assassin
[PK] [SHUNNED] Azithalaju Kajjika the Archmage of Void
[PK] [SHUNNED] Calias Colhisenilor the Lord of Fire and Fury
[  ] Freinhardt the Channeler of Earth
[  ] Adynea the Grand Mistress of Air
[PK] Tsanak the Archmage of Void
Players found: 18

You think 'A council. Perhaps it is my Time.'
/* Yendri thought she was going to be Raven. */

Azithalaju arches his arm, and brings his head to rest upon his hand. 
Yurhari begins 'The Council at which we gather today is an unusual one.'
Yendri arches an eyeless brow, interested. 
Sirtia blinks, her eyes raising to Yurhari.
Azithalaju glances over the gathered, his eyeless gaze drawing over every person.
Calias remains silent, neutral in face and pose.
Yurhari states 'Rarely has this action been executed. In fact, in the last few decades, it has never been carried out at all.'
Yurhari inhales deeply, surveying the assembly.
You think 'There has not been a Raven for.. well.. decades. This must be it.'
Azithalaju looks at Calias.
Azithalaju looks at Ilae.
Azithalaju looks at you.
Azithalaju looks at Sirtia.
Yurhari turns to face Yendri.
Sirtia returns Azithalaju's glance, her large, dark eyes casting a solumn gaze for a moment before she returns her attention to  Yurhari.
Yurhari states 'Yendri knows of what I speak, though she may not yet admit it to herself.'
Yurhari adds 'She is not alone in her foreknowledge, of course.'
Yendri purses her lips, eyeless gaze locked on Yurhari.
[SHUNNED] Yurhari: Lord Seneston, I request your presence.
You think 'Of course. The others of the Vanguard knew of my leadership.'
A crooked smile touches Azithalaju's lips, creasing his wrinkled face deep.
Calias remains silent and still, but a miniscule bead of sweat appears on his brow.

Yendri glances to Calias, then to Sirtia. After a moment, she returns her gaze to Yurhari. Patient.
Lord Seneston has arrived.
Yurhari nods carefully.
Yendri gives a salute to Seneston.
Lord Seneston bows toward Yurhari.
Yurhari states 'Lord Seneston, hail.'
Calias bows formally to Lord Seneston.
Lord Seneston says 'High Priest, your bidding?'
The skull of the demilich Vila says, 'Do I miss the pleasures of the flesh? Yes.. almost as much as the pains.'
Yurhari inquires 'How fare your charges, pray?'
Ilae gives a formal nod.
Sirtia curtsies respectfully to Lord Seneston.
You think 'Hmph. Sirtia. I doubt she has trained with him, other than when I pressed her to.'
Lord Seneston says 'Well, High Priest. Our new recruits are near broken.'
Yurhari nods formally.
Lord Seneston says 'They will serve skillfully, and to the death.'
Yurhari states 'Excellent, indeed. Your service to the whole is to be commended.'
Yurhari continues 'It is for greater matters than this that I call you, however.'
Lord Seneston bows deeply.
Yurhari explains 'This, Lord Seneston, is a Council of Judgement.'
Azithalaju looks towards Lord Seneston, and idly taps his fingers against the side of his head.
Lord Seneston states 'Command me, High Priest.'
Yurhari gestures toward those assembled, stating 'You know the Lord Calias, and the Lady Yendri, do you not?'
Yendri allows a small smirk to pass her face.
Lord Seneston turns his thick neck to glance at the named, before returning his gaze.
Lord Seneston says 'I do, Lord Yurhari.'
Yurhari states 'It has been brought to my attention, Lord Seneston, that the Lady Yendri did fall upon the Lord Calias, but a 
few years past.'
Yurhari inquires 'Have you seen, with eyes your own, anything of this nature?'
Yendri arches an eyeless brow, turning her gaze to Seneston.
Lord Seneston blinks once, his stoic face betraying the barest hint of surprise.
Lord Seneston nods slightly, replying 'Yes, Lord. I did witness such.'
With the passing of midnight, it is now Thethelsday, 28th day of Tyrilis.
Lord Seneston turns his glance to you but briefly, quickly turning his eyes away.
Yurhari inquires 'Did the Lord Calias consent to this action in any way, Lord?'
Calias remains at stiff attention.
Yendri slowly turns her gaze from Seneston to Calias. A frown begins to draw itself on her face.
Lord Seneston says 'From my observation of the encounter, I would say not, Lord.'
You tell Calias 'You. Do this to me.'
Yurhari remarks 'I see.'
Yurhari turns to Yendri, saying 'These charges are grave, Lady Yendri.'
You tell Calias 'After that I have nearly sacrificed myself to allow you within the Vanguard.'
Yurhari continues 'As this is a gathering of the Body, and not of the profane, you shall not be restrained.'
Yendri snaps her gaze from Calias to Yurhari, stating 'Indeed. The reason for the attack was simple.' She sneers. 'Calias, in his 
sloppiness, had allowed his reaver to be sacrificed by the Swordmistress Malira.'
A wide smile suddenly develops on Azithalaju's face, pulling hard his lips.
Calias tells you 'After making me the target for all those who would see you ousted.  What did you expect?  My Loyalty is to the 
Whole, not to any individual.'
Yendri says simply 'I was performing a service to the Collective by allowing him to create one anew.'
Yurhari raises a thin, pale hand, stating 'You shall not speak when unaddressed. This is Coucnil, Lady Yendri.'
Yurhari turns to Calias, asking 'Are these reports accurate, Lord Calias? What occured that day?'
Yendri opens her mouth as if to continue, then stops. She nods softly to Yurhari, surprise and anger still evident on her face.
Calias says 'They are, My Lord.  Lady Yendri came upon me, and after a brief series of questions, asking me if I had dealt with the   
swordmistress, attacked me quite out of hand.'

Yurhari asks 'Did you in any way, explicit or implicit, consent to this?'
You tell Calias 'As is mine, Calias. As is mine.'

Calias says softly 'In no way whatsoever, Milord.'

Yurhari inquires 'She did contravene your Will, then?'
Yendri snorts, muttering nearly inaudibly 'Of course, you could have fled.'
Yurhari's head turns quickly, and it glares sharply at you.
Calias nods simply, untrusting of words.
The skull of the demilich Vila says, 'A man? Yes... Yes... I was once a man.'
Azithalaju laughs a soft, rasping laugh, and leans back in his chair. Baring a row of glistening, off-white teeth in some cruel 
smile, he suddenly clasps his hands together.
Yurhari inquires, still facing Yendri 'How do you answer these charges, Lady Yendri?'
Standing firm, Yendri's grip on her blades tightens.
Yendri states simply, 'He was instructed not to disperse, which has been our.. key, if you will, in the past, that I am to attack.'
Azithalaju leans forward in his place, the cruel, mocking smile stretching even wider.
Yendri adds 'We had spoken on the matter of the Swordmistress, and that he had no reaver, nor the ability to create one anew.'
Yendri glances to Calias, stating 'This, to me, was implicit enough.'
You think 'Not enough that he is a fool in battle, he is also impudent, and stupid.'
Azithalaju idly rubs at his lower lip, his smile fading as a look of sheer boredom yet again settles on his face.
Yurhari states 'You took an Oath, Lady Yendri. Oaths are no trivial matter... no action is permissible which would violate such, 
even with the truest of intentions.'
Leaning back in his chair once more, Azithalaju's head once again comes to rest on his hand.
Yendri replies 'And I did not do so, Lord. Calias had much ability to run or to ask me to halt. None of these actions were taken 
by he.'
Yurhari continues 'Calias has stated clearly that the attack was made without his consent, and it is by this simple fact that you 
have stepped beyond the bounds of your oath.'
Yurhari inquires 'What is the penalty for the violation of one's Oath, Lady Yendri?'
Yendri twists her blades within her hands, saying softly 'Sundering.'
Yurhari nods gravely.
Yendri adds, 'I am quite aware of this, Lord. I do question the motives of Calias, in bringing this up so... late.'
Yendri notes 'Many years have passed since the incident in question. At least a halfdecade.'

Calias raises an eyebrow ever so slightly.
Yurhari asks 'And do we not think in millenia, Lady Yendri?'
Sirtia steps back a few steps quietly, her eyes gazing empathetically towards you.
Yurhari states 'No, the time is not long.'
Yurhari continues 'Nevertheless, I do not believe that the full force of your Oath need be invoked in this case.'
Yendri arches an eyeless brow, her jaw set in a firm line, fingers gripping her blades no less tightly.
Yurhari states carefully 'You may thank me for this when you see fit.'
Yurhari turns to Azithalaju, directing 'The tear, if you would.'
Yurhari returns to Yendri, stating 'You will disrobe, Lady Yendri. You will place all of my possessions at my feet.'
You think 'Of.. Pricina. The.. hm. Perhaps Calias leads me to my own windfall of pain.'
Yurhari continues 'For all belongs to the Whole, and with the Whole shall they remain.'

Azithalaju smiles suddenly.
With a sigh, Yendri begins to follow directions.
You are using:
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) a ring set with the crest of Krilin
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) a ring set with the crest of Krilin
<worn around neck>  a ruby broach
<worn around neck>  a grass mantlet
<worn on torso>     (Glowing) an enchanted chainmail shirt
<worn on head>      the black helmet of the lich captain
<worn on legs>      a pair of amber dragonscale leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of charcoal black boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of blue dragonscale gauntlets
<worn on arms>      a pair of amber dragonscale sleeves
<worn about body>   the Hide of Haj-Ra
<worn about waist>  (Glowing) a sparkling white sash
<worn around wrist> an amber dragonscale bracer
<worn around wrist> an amber dragonscale bracer
<wielded>           (Glowing) (Humming) a white-bladed saber
<floating nearby>   a floating ball of quicksilver
<dual wielded>      the Black Blade of Tsyaegn
Yendri drops her things before Yurhari sullenly. She seems unfazed at her nudity. 
Azithalaju stands up, smiling wider.

Azithalaju asks, 'In what form, Yurhari?'
Yurhari extends a lanky finger, curling it toward itself.
Yurhari gestures 'Come, Lady Yendri.'
Azithalaju pushes a number of trinkets from the way, a look of disgust touching his features.
Yurhari turns briefly, whispering to Azithalaju.
Yendri walks gingerly around the large pile of things, standing before Yurhari.
Azithalaju nods idly, and kneels down against the ground. 
Yurhari asks 'How do you see yourself, Lady Yendri?'
Azithalaju laughs a soft, rasping laugh, 'Oh, her. How ironic.'
Yurhari pauses, examining your naked form emotionlessly.
Azithalaju gets a vial of blood from the seraph from a patchwork robe.
Azithalaju begins to carefully inscribe the Tear of Pricina.
Azithalaju applies a sinuous smear of blood to the ground with an almost caressing touch.
Yurhari drinks water from a crystal decanter of icy spring water.
A few lithsome arcs follow the first, forming a sensual, tear-shaped symbol.
The Tear of Pricina is finished as Azithalaju raises his hand, dabbing blood to his lips.
Yendri states simply 'As the eldest of the Vanguard of the Eternal. A True Child of Yithoul.'
Azithalaju stands up, smearing the blood on his lips.
Yurhari asks 'Is that all?'
You are thirsty.
You are hungry.
Yurhari states 'You have given much to your appearance in your training, Lady Yendri.'
Yendri pauses a moment, stating 'A mistress of torture. With Giraen's passing, the eldest warrior in the land. A mortal tempter of souls.'
You are thirsty.
You are hungry.
Yurhari nods coldly.
Yurhari turns to Azithalaju, saying 'Bring forth one of her Initiates.'
Azithalaju utters the words 'demon summon'
Shadows gather above the Tear of Pricina, as a body begins to construct itself from the inside out.
First skeleton, then pulsing organs, then muscle, sinew, veins and skin...
... until finally a lithe, bat-winged woman stretches her limbs luxuriously at the grisly completion of the summoning.
The succubus smiles ravenously, and says 'Azithalaju, it will please me to take my price from you.'
The succubus reaches out, taking Azithalaju's face between her long, clawed hands and kissing him sensually.
Azithalaju appears to grow weaker, drained by the succubus' kiss.
Azithalaju smiles coldly, and waves a hand to the succubus.
Yurhari gestures 'Look, Yendri, into her eyes.'
Yurhari asks 'What do you see?'
Ilae looks at the succubus.
The succubus bows down deeply, following Azithalaju's hand.
Yendri turns to the succubus, eyeless gaze looking at her own.
The succubus turns to stare to you, as Azithalaju's hand guides her vision.
Calias avoids looking to the succubus, carefully averting his gaze.
Sirtia looks at the succubus.
Yendri smiles slightly, saying 'The utmost beauty and power which is available to any in this land. The manipulation of lust.'
The succubus' cat-like eyes gleam at these words.
A combination of features both horrific and beautiful, this initiate of
Princia hovers before you on spined, batlike wings.  The succubus hovers
unclothed, her soft curves readily visible.  Visible too are her unnaturally
long fingers and toes, the digits elongating into piercing claws.  The flesh
of her hands and feet are black as pitch, a stark contrast to the skin of
milky white covering the rest of her body.  Where white flesh meets black,
the colors spatter into one another as they blend.  The skin of her face is
pulled tight over her skull, the gaunt appearance contrasting the pleasant
softness the rest of her body seems to have.  Her eyes also strike you as
unnatural, the pupils vertical slits, like a cats.  The eyes flash hungrily
as they dart, searching.  
The succubus is in excellent condition.
Yurhari turns to the succubus, inquiring 'And you, what do you see in this one before you?'
The succubus stares long into your eyes.
/* I thought I was shuddeni. :( */

The succubus hisses, her voice feral and rasping 'A mortal fool.'
Yurhari raises its hand, saying 'This is no simple mortal, succubus.'
Yendri smiles crookedly at this, giving a soft chuckle.
Yurhari states 'The Mistress wishes words with this one.'

You think 'The Mistress? Might this be.. Pricina herself?'
Yurhari commands 'Seize her, and return to Her.'
Azithalaju smiles cruelly, and draws his arms wide.
Yurhari turns to Azithalaju, saying 'Allow her this freedom.'
The succubus spits the words 'We obey.'
The succubus extends her unnaturally long fingers toward you, and fine, silken filaments stream forth!
Yurhari whispers something in a low, harsh guttural.
The threads coil swiftly about your body, until you are cocooned in a tight, translucent sheath.
Yendri glances to the filaments, but does not struggle.
Yurhari nods, reclining slightly.
Azithalaju laughs quietly, appearing near-hysterical.
The succubus' clawed fingers draw trickles of blood as they pierce the surface of the cocoon, and your flesh, drawing you 
close to her.
The skull of the demilich Vila says, 'A man? Yes... Yes... I was once a man.'
The succubus opens her mouth, her jaw dislocating to create a gaping maw. A blackness wells within, spilling out in a fine mist.
Yendri complies with the drawing, shuffling her bound feet awkwardly.
As the darkness gathers, clinging to to your body, you sense the Halls about you fade into oblivion.
You gained 5 exploration points!
Still bound, Yendri's body twitches slightly.
Coughing and choking against her hunger and thirst, Yendri twists about, unable to see.
Inside a Cavity of Flesh
    The air is dank and humid here, the acrid stench of sweat hanging thick
about you.  The cell is completely unfurnished, its pale, sagging walls
pressing surrounding you.  Strangely amorphous, the walls lack defined
corners, their span marked only by sagging folds and shallow, crimson
clefts.  Toward the west, the mucid walls flatten, shallow incisions marking
a rectangle, the figure's right angles starkly inapposite here. 
Occasionally, faint moans break the silence of this place, a chorus of
voices wailing in a chilling harmony of pleasure and pain.   
[Exits: none]
Yendri whispers, 'The voices... the.. music.'
<615:822 618:836 180:400 $4635 [common] 23:30> 
A smile flits across Yendri's face as she begins to break free from the bindings.
<570:822 572:836 134:400 $4635 [common] 0:00> 
The web begins to fray and dissolve under your efforts, until finally you are free of its bonds.
Yendri shouts 'You allow your prisoners to starve and dry out? Even a weak mortal such as myself can create better means 
of torture than ths.'
With a moist, sucking sound the outline in the western wall opens wide, and a feminine form is sillouetted against a pale, ghastly 
Pricina wraps herself in silken hair, red curls framing a flawless body.
Pricina has arrived.
<345:822 337:836 0:400 $4635 [common] 2:00> l pricina
Draping herself in her long red hair, dusky Pricina stands ungarbed and
seemingly vulnerable.  As she moves about, she seems to take a sort of
perverse delight in the simplest of sensations, her hands caressing
everything that comes within reach.  Stunning in her beauty, the only flaw
in her pale features are her eyes, which are marked with pupils which open
in sharp cat-like slits.  
Pricina is in excellent condition.
Pricina stands in front of the now-closed doorway, surveying your naked form.

Pricina speaks, her voice low and musical 'Yendri True-Child, I bid you welcome to my domain.'
Yendri shouts once more 'You really thi..' She stops, then smirks. 'My thanks, Mistress Pricina.'
Pricina says 'But you are mistaken, child.'
Pricina explains 'This is not the torture I have in mind for you at all.'
Yendri arches an eyeless brow, crouching to her knees of weakness, 'Oh?'
You rest.
Pricina shakes her head, her smile cruel and wanton.
Pricina says 'Oh no. We shall devise better for the one who would usurp our throne.'
Yendri a small smile flashes across Yendris starved features, asking 'I do eagerly await this, Mistress.'
Pricina leans toward you, a sharp, snake-like tongue protruding from between her sensual lips.
Yendri recoils instinctively, then relaxes.
Pricina as the tip of the arch-demon's tongue touches your lip, a spasm of agony shoots through your body!
Yendri fights against her body's pain, meeting the tongue with a parting of her lips.

As the pain subsides, you are left shaking, and cold sweat clinging to your skin. However your hunger is gone.
Pricina draws away, watching you with curious intent.
Yendri closes her mouth slowly, then runs a shaky hand through her fleshly hair.

You no longer see invisible objects.
Pricina notes 'An unusual child. Perhaps we may learn something from this one.'
Yendri says, grinning wickedly, 'That was.. wonderful, Mistress. The agony and the fulfillment. This.. this is what I 
wish. This is why I have studied you for so many.. many years.'
Yendri releases a deep breath, relaxing in the chamber. She glances about, studying the walls absently, returning her 
gaze to Pricina every moment.
Pricina continues, as though speaking to absent peers and unheeding of your words 'But first it must be softened. Yes. 
Softened and tamed.'
Pricina adds 'Then we may visit it again.'
Pricina turns from you, her cascade of crimson hair swinging to the side.
You think 'Tamed? Hmph. That I have spent all my life following rigid discipline, only to be told that I must be "tamed."'
Yendri asks, crawling to her knees, 'How may I serve you, Mistress?'

Pricina touches the door, which parts moistly for her passage.

Pricina turns her head, once more glancing at your face.
Pricina smiles at your posture.
Yendri keeps her eyeless gaze trained upon Pricina, expectant.
Yendri says, voice soft, 'I am at your disposal, Mistresss.'

Pricina says 'You have begun, little one.'
<639:822 349:836 210:400 $4635 [common] 12:00> l walls
As you approach the walls, it becomes apparent that they are covered in a
thick, sticky substance.  A strange warmth emanates from its surface, which
seems to throb in a slow, shallow rhythm.  Now and again, the movement seems
to bring forth images in their surface, the deep red fissures holding for a
time, tracing outlines of figures caught in poses obscene, among them
couplings bizarre and unnatural, and figures of manipulations unthinkable
outside of the most haunting of perversions.  
Pricina says 'And when the lesser throngs of my court have ... conducted their lessons on you.'
Pricina says '.. we shall see how well you will serve.'
Yendri smiles slightly, giving a nod to Pricina.
Pricina slips through the gash, which closes behind her.
Yendri rises to her feet, then walks to the wall where Pricina had been.
Yendri whispers 'Such beauty. Such poise. Yes.' She grins wickedly, saying 'This is where I belong..'
Yendri smirks 'For now.'
Yendri walks back to the center of the room and rests once more on her haunches. Her fingers trace absent patterns in 
the goo on the floor of the chamber.
After some time, you become aware of a heavy footfall amidst the distant wailing.
The sound becomes heavier, and you realise that something is approaching your chamber.
Yendri glances over her shoulder, then looks about the room confusedly.
Yendri rises, eyeless gaze fixated on where Pricina had left.
The footfall ceases, and you hear a deep, gutteral, almost beastial breathing coming from behind the door.
It continues for a moment, as though undecided as to its next action.
Yendri fixes her fleshy hair, striking a pose of caution.
After a moment, Yendri relaxes slightly, her pose becoming more inviting.
<822:822 591:836 400:400 $4635 [common] 18:30> 
Then the breathing becomes a series of grunts, rising in pitch to a ragefull roar!

A set of long, razor-sharp claws thrust through the opening, rending it aside!
You think 'Tempting a beast? A challenge, yes. Yet I would consider Saeb a beas..'
Yendri steps back, her hair breaking from its perfect position.
Yendri quivers slightly, raising an arm before her breast for protection.
The following encounter, as with many of those following it, are never wholly forgotter, try as you may.
The induction to such pinnacles of cruelty and violence forges a deep, dark place in your soul.
A place for those memories to dwell, and to plague your dreams in more peaceful nights to come.
Yendri rests herself in the corner of the chamber, breaking of bits of flesh and tossing them against a sidewall.
Yendri looks down to her figure, scarred and scabbed. She smiles softly to herself, satisfied.
You think 'The road, yes. Soon, Mistress Pricina, you and your children shall see what a "pitiful mortal" can do.'
With a soft chuckle, Yendri begins to fade.
Alas, all good things must come to an end.
Ilae stops following you.
Calias stops following you.