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Latest revision as of 01:21, 27 April 2011

The mural is a potrayal of the War of Fire. It begins on the north wall, showing a small circle of srryn in a dense swamp, huddled around a flickering tendril of flame. The mural on the west wall shows the same srryn at the head of a horde of their kind. Flaming swords flicker in their hands, their eyes vividly mirroring the color of the flame.

This mural is a potrayal of the War of Fire. Moving from north to south along the wall, this portion of the mural shows a massive srryn horde meeting a human army in the midst of a deep valley. Rather than fighting, the combined forces seem resolved together in common purpose. Atop a nearby hill, a smaller group of srryn meet with humans. The srryn all bear swords of flame, and the humans all wear iron crowns.

This mural is a portrayal of the War of Fire. Moving from the west wall to the south, it shows a vast army of humans and srryn, laying siege to a city high in the mountains. Elegant spires decorate the city, and aelin soldiers line its walls. Overhead, other aelin circle over the srryn and human army, attempting a desperate forray into the vast sea of troops.

This mural portrays the War of Fire. Moving from east and west along the wall, this portion shows the a great battle, and its consequences. In the foreground are the remains of a beautiful city, long columns of smoke marking the burned remnants of once-elegant buildings. Off in the distance, human and srryn forces are camped, and displayed as revelers, fondling the loot of the city's pillaging. Anomalously, a small party of humans walk the desolation of the city, tended to wounded aelin, who litter the landscape. Near the forefront of the party are three figures, two men and one woman. Each holds a crown of iron in their hands, and marked with a bitter disconsolation on their faces.

This mural portrays the War of Fire. The principal setting is in the south wall is of an aelin court, marked with the trappings of the ancient aelin. A group of aelins sits in judgement over a large party of humans, who sit silently in stone benches. In the front row are two men and a woman, their hands bound in iron. The two men have regal bearings, resembling in appearance the woman who sits between them. On the east wall, the same humans stand guard with aelin, patrolling the walls of a great city. Below, the three humans from the trial are bound in an aelin prison, shackled in the darkness. The last panel of this portion of the mural shows an aelin, who strikes silently to free the imprisoned humans, unlocking their bonds and bringing them to their people on the walls.

This mural portrays the War of Fire. The length of the mural stretches from south to north, and is dominated by an aelin city, set high in the mountains. Spilling over a mountainside and rushing toward the city are a mass of human and srryn forces. Aelin dot the landscape in front of the city, prepared to stop the charge. To the north of the city are a ragged band of humans and aelin, heading toward the snow-topped mountains, away from the city. Two men and a woman are at their head, painted with more detail than their surrounding company.

This mural portrays the War of Fire. On the east wall, a montage of images depicts the progress of a ragged bag of humans and aelin, who begin in icy mountains. Fighting their way across frozen wastes against primitive wolf-men, they make their way to a cave. Within, they fight beings of fire, living in red caves far below the rock. At the head of the group at each step are two men and a woman, marked by a resemblance to each other that is both of blood and of fierce resolution. The panel on the north wall shows the object of their long journey. Entombed in a flame shrouded bier is Jolinn, who sleeps beneath the icy north. The humans kneel before the god, wrapped in religious ecstasy as the god awakens. The next shows the god with the humans, followed by armies of Titans, giant beings wielding weapons of pure light.

This mural portrays the triumphant conclusion to the War of Fire. Srryn and human forces scatter across a great battlefield, as gigantic Titans march across plains, bearing weapons of pure light to strike at the remnants of the srryn horde. Victorious aelin and a small band of humans march with them, healing dead and shattered lands in the wake of the long years of the war. Carrying the banner of the Sons and Daughters of Jolinn, those humans sided with the aelin march to complete victory. The scenes after the battle are those of healing and reconstruction. Featured prominently are the humans under the banner of Jolinn, who build two mighty towers. One, located near the Brintors, is topped with a dome of gold, and is marked in runes as "Aramril" on the mural. The other tower is built on an isle in the midst of the Dantaron, and is labelled "Salyra". Ascending to reign over Salyra is a strikingly beautiful woman, while two brothers come to reign at Aramril. The mural ends with the focus on the tower of Salyra, where the god Jolinn rises from the river to extend his blessing.