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Alajial's ultimate goal is peace throughout Avendar, and She seeks to achieve it through Her following.  Thus, She demands more of them than fiery evangelism from a perceived moral high ground; instead, She requires that those who act on Her behalf know intimately the transformative power of forgiveness.  Alajial Herself offers absolution of both guilt and sin to those who devote themselves to Her, and in turn, desires that Her supplicants offer similar forgiveness in the face of mortal slights.  She contrasts the requirement of penance from Jalassa, as She does not believe additional external penalties are necessary for the truly remorseful.  Promises of mercy, however, are not enough for Alajial.  She demands that Her followers go a step further, and truly reconcile with those who have wronged them to the best of their ability.  While this will often place an Alajian on dangerous ground, it represents a fearless commitment to Her creed.
Alajial's ultimate goal is peace throughout Avendar, and She seeks to achieve it through Her following.  Thus, She demands more of them than fiery evangelism from a perceived moral high ground; instead, She requires that those who act on Her behalf know intimately the transformative power of forgiveness.  Alajial Herself offers absolution of both guilt and sin to those who devote themselves to Her, and in turn, desires that Her supplicants offer similar forgiveness in the face of mortal slights.  She contrasts the requirement of penance from Jalassa, as She does not believe additional external penalties are necessary for the truly remorseful.  Promises of mercy, however, are not enough for Alajial.  She demands that Her followers go a step further, and truly reconcile with those who have wronged them to the best of their ability.  While this will often place an Alajian on dangerous ground, it represents a fearless commitment to Her creed.
To gain the requisite insight into the Her ideal vision, Alajial offers many potential paths.  She encourages an optimistic outlook on both world events and private experiences.  To an Alajian, to focus on the negative is to start down the dark road to suffering.  As well, She encourages meaningful contemplation on the actions of others and oneselfWhile this requires both time and effort, She believes that self-reflection allows mortals to find common ground with those who may challenge or dismiss them.  She desires that Her followers show charity to those in need, be it through time, money, or effortThis can be as simple as a gifted copper or as dramatic as protecting the helpless.  Through comforting the injured and assisting the downtrodden, followers of Alajial can guide the world closer to peace.  Battle is one of the few tools that Alajial discourages, as violence often begets further and greater violence.  However, even an Alajian may defend himself, or those he loves, should circumstances merit it.
To gain the insight She desires, Alajial suggests many ideas and activities.  She encourages optimism even in the face of despair, in both world events and private experiences.  To an Alajian, prolonged negativity is oppressive, and leads to a life of unhappiness and strifeMeaningful contemplation and self-reflection is of great importance to Her.  Alajians believe that this careful consideration will reveal a common ground even with those who challenge or oppose them.  Alajial desires that Her followers show charity to those in need, be it through time, money, or emotional supportWhile this can be as simple as a copper out of pocket, it can also extend to listening to a troubled soul, or protecting the helpless and downtroddenAll of these notions seek to encourage the proper attitudes in all who experience them, both first- and second-hand.  Battle is one of the few tools that Alajial discourages, as violence often begets further, and potentially greater, violence.  However, She does not begrudge Her devoted from defending themselves, or those that they love.
==Organizations and Followings==
==Organizations and Followings==

Revision as of 23:04, 8 March 2012

Favored Race Caladaran
Element(s) Water, Spirit
Home(s) An Endless Field of Lilies (vnum 1203)
Alignment Neutral Good
Symbol(s) A lily
Portfolio Peace, contemplation, charity, absolution, optimism, solace
Worshippers Spirit magi, missionaries, sages, gardeners, peasants

History in Avendar

With the migration of the caladaran from their ancestral home in the Rirro Jagka, the young race quickly came into contact with the other civilizations of the Prime. This fertile intellectual exchange helped encourage the rise of the human Republic, ushering in the nation's Golden Age. However, for staunch caladaran traditionalists, this time was as frustrating as it was illuminating. Knowledge of magic and its diversity challenged long held assumptions about the nature of mortality; war-like races and their martial philosophies clashed with basic caladaran pacifism; and the seemingly unending multiplicity of animals, plants, and climates uprooted older notions of the Prime itself. Change, it seemed, had become the only true constant.

Most disconcertingly, the classical worship of the caladaran gods began to change as well. The Seer's devoted increasingly divorced themselves from the monastic traditions of old, favoring instead the renown and resources of city scholarship. As well, the Arbiter's chosen steadily acclimated to the notion of war, even going so far as to acknowledge it as a path to enlightenment. The most conservative caladaran balked at these shocking evolutions, and questioned the survival of their ancient heritage. Their manuscripts and letters suggest that they longed for an affirmation of the old ways, and in time, sought new divine attention to preserve and restore their way of life. These sages and monks grew distant from their Chadralnite and Jalassan cousins, many deigning to stay within, or return to, the increasingly dangerous Rirro Jagka.

This caladaran splinter suffered immensely at the hands of the alatharya, the kankoran, and the srryn. Many of their number were slain, and their oldest records and settlements were destroyed. Vulnerable and battered, these faithful eventually encountered the divine power for which they had hoped. They named this deity Alajial, and their sparse records describe Her as the blessed child of Chadraln and Jalassa. According to legend, Her influence was first felt with the sudden spring of lilies from the muddy earth of the Rirro Jagka. Where these flowers bloomed, an aura of peace pervaded; here, the caladaran found solace from the aggression that had so plagued them. Over time, optimism similarly blossomed within their hearts. Bearing lilies, the sign of Her divine charity, this positivity led caladaran missionaries into the dangerous world beyond.

The War of Night offered these missionaries both significant challenges and grand opportunities. As cities fell and armies clashed throughout the known world, Her message of peace and comfort seemed like an impossible fantasy. Yet, at the same time, it spoke to the needs of those tormented by the horrors of war. Caladaran sages and monks bandaged the wounded and tended the sick alongside the Healers of Salyra, but possessed as well an unprecedented aptitude to soothe tortured minds. Alajial's historians argue that it was She who first gifted the knowledge of Spirit magic's restorative power, before the revelation of Rystaia Lightbringer and Her ch'taren. Regardless of the veracity of this claim, there is little doubt that Alajial's chosen were among the first to explore the sphere after the War's end.

In time, Alajian scholars would grow in prominence because of their role in the development of the unified Spirit school. This influence gave their long-segregated religion a new and heightened credibility with the other races of the Prime. More importantly, it allowed the first serious dialog between Alajian contemplatives, cosmopolitan Chadralnite intellectuals, and the warrior-philosophers of the Jalassan order. In the modern era, Alajial has taken Her place as the third in the caladaran deific trinity. Her benevolence and forgiveness grant solace to those who toil in dark times, and guide those who place others before themselves.

Goals and Methods

Alajial's ultimate goal is peace throughout Avendar, and She seeks to achieve it through Her following. Thus, She demands more of them than fiery evangelism from a perceived moral high ground; instead, She requires that those who act on Her behalf know intimately the transformative power of forgiveness. Alajial Herself offers absolution of both guilt and sin to those who devote themselves to Her, and in turn, desires that Her supplicants offer similar forgiveness in the face of mortal slights. She contrasts the requirement of penance from Jalassa, as She does not believe additional external penalties are necessary for the truly remorseful. Promises of mercy, however, are not enough for Alajial. She demands that Her followers go a step further, and truly reconcile with those who have wronged them to the best of their ability. While this will often place an Alajian on dangerous ground, it represents a fearless commitment to Her creed.

To gain the insight She desires, Alajial suggests many ideas and activities. She encourages optimism even in the face of despair, in both world events and private experiences. To an Alajian, prolonged negativity is oppressive, and leads to a life of unhappiness and strife. Meaningful contemplation and self-reflection is of great importance to Her. Alajians believe that this careful consideration will reveal a common ground even with those who challenge or oppose them. Alajial desires that Her followers show charity to those in need, be it through time, money, or emotional support. While this can be as simple as a copper out of pocket, it can also extend to listening to a troubled soul, or protecting the helpless and downtrodden. All of these notions seek to encourage the proper attitudes in all who experience them, both first- and second-hand. Battle is one of the few tools that Alajial discourages, as violence often begets further, and potentially greater, violence. However, She does not begrudge Her devoted from defending themselves, or those that they love.

Organizations and Followings








Individual Followers


Alajial is the most pacific voice within the gods of the light. Her disapproval of violence and rejection of typical warrior lifestyles puts Her at odds with martial deities. The gods of the ch'taren, in particular, have little use for Alajial's abstinence from combat; however, they find commonality in the restorative power of Spirit. Jolinn's great compassion aligns favorably with Alajial's aims, and He bears Her no ill-will for Her reservations about war. Elar, in particular, appreciates Alajial's love of gardening and acceptance of naturalists. Gods of law range from disagreement to outright disgust for Her, with Rveyelhi in particular finding her appallingly weak. Dolgrael's contempt for Alajial and Her pacific following is infamous, and perhaps the most blatant within the pantheon. It goes without saying that all of the gods of darkness dismiss Alajial, with few even considering Her a remote factor in Avendar's competitive drama.

Chadraln and Jalassa are the two deities most closely linked with Alajial. As many consider Her Their child, common elements are shared between Them and Her. However, the Three have distinct and not entirely complimentary angles on what is proper for Avendarian mortals. Chadraln is cordial with Alajial, but considers Her creed too limiting to the pursuit of true knowledge. Jalassa, in turn, respects Alajial's focus on introspection, but disagrees with Her dismissal of martial pursuits. Alajial cares for both of Them deeply, but believes that Their creeds alone will not create the world She hopes to be.

Shrines, Sigils, and Mobs

The Alajian Monastery (vnums 8320-8374)
God Mark
You sense a serene air about [him|her].

Notes, Logs, and Other Documents
