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<10000hp 233m 376mv> csnoop irhhox
You cannot find them.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> csnoop ihrhox
You begin comm snooping them.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> switch corolon
<1671hp 0m 100mv> where
Players near you:
Tirastes                    Ristalan's Chambers
<1671hp 0m 100mv> l self
Corolon Lanthis is a tall, thin man, clad in the regal browns and gold of
a master artisan.  Well into his middle years, Corolon is well-known as one
of Earendam's most respected architects, the expensive trim of his robe and
his ostentatious accoutrements underscoring his financial as well as
artistic success. 
Corolon Lanthis is in excellent condition.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> stat corolon
Unique name: corolon1 (npc)
Name: Corolon Lanthis thin man artisan architect
Vnum: 7092  Race: human    Count: 1  Killed: 0  Clan:
Levl: 35    Sex : male      Align: 0 (neutral)
Str: 19(19)  Int: 19(19)  Wis: 19(19)  Dex: 19(19)  Con: 19(19)  Chr: 19(19)
HP: 1671/1671  Mana: 0/0  Move: 100/100
AC: pierce: -40  bash: -40  slash: -40  magic: -40
platinum: 0  gold: 0  silver: 0  copper: 0
Memory Values: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rm: 7478  Hit: 35  Dam: 23  Save: 0  Size: medium  Pos: standing  Wimpy: 0
Damage: 5d6  Message: pound (bash)  Carry number: 0  Carry weight: 0
Act : npc notrack nowander omnilingual
Comm: prompt combine
Form: edible sentient biped mammal
Part: head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ears eyes
Affected by detect_invis detect_hidden infrared detect_wizi
Short description: Corolon Lanthis
Long  description: Corolon Lanthis sits here, engrossed in his work.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> look
The Offices of Corolon Lanthis
  These offices are paneled in rich, vibrant oak, trimmed with gently
curving organic forms.  Lavishly upholstered couches of silk and plush
chairs provide seating for this place's wealthy clientele, while marble
ornaments divide the room.  In lieu of more traditional artwork, sketches of
various examples of Earendam's architecture hang on the wall.  A doorway
leads west onto Valvaria street. 
[Exits: west]
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox has arrived.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'G'day.'
Ihrhox says 'G'day.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox gallantly tips his hat to you.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote look up from his papers and gives a brief nod.
Corolon Lanthis look up from his papers and gives a brief nod.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis look up from his papers and gives a brief nod.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox flutters down to the ground.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox flutters down to the ground.
Ihrhox flutters down to the ground.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'So hows the council coming along?'
Ihrhox says 'So hows the council coming along?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Everything going well, I hope.'
Ihrhox says 'Everything going well, I hope.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox grins broadly.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox gets a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce from a patchwork robe.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox eats a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Apologies for not asking, you hungry?'
Ihrhox says 'Apologies for not asking, you hungry?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gestures to some of the couches and chairs available.
Corolon Lanthis gestures to some of the couches and chairs available.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gestures to some of the couches and chairs available.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a shake of his head' No need, I just ate.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a shake of his head 'No need, I just ate.'
Corolon Lanthis says with a shake of his head 'No need, I just ate.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> where
Players near you:
Tirastes                    Septivar's Potions
Ihrhox                      The Offices of Corolon Lanthis
<1671hp 0m 100mv> who
[  ] Tirastes the Gladiator Champion
[  ] Ekthel the Templar of Iron
[  ] Ihrhox the Archmage of Earth
[  ] Iskadar the Journeyman of Air
[  ] Traliex the Student of the Eagle
[  ] Argonas the Warrior Mage
[IM] (Wizi) [KNIGHT] Enaerai, Bringer of Balance
[IM] (Wizi) Dolgrael the Divine of War, Harbinger of Conflict
[IM] (Wizi) [GUARDIAN] Iandir the Crown of Law, Guardsman of Avendar
[IM] (Wizi) Notify an Immortal if you're seeing this.
Players found: 10
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox flutters over to couch, and takes a seat.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox flutters over to couch, and takes a seat.
Ihrhox flutters over to couch, and takes a seat.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox sits down on the ground.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox nods.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote takes out another piece of paper as he peruses it briefly.
Corolon Lanthis takes out another piece of paper as he peruses it briefly.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis takes out another piece of paper as he peruses it briefly.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I assume, the council has approved my store?'
Ihrhox says 'I assume, the council has approved my store?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'asks after a moment' Now Ihrhox, generally go over your proposal again.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis asks after a moment 'Now Ihrhox, generally go over your proposal again.'
Corolon Lanthis asks after a moment 'Now Ihrhox, generally go over your proposal again.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox nods.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I was proposing to build a store, just south of the brintor crossroads.'
Ihrhox says 'I was proposing to build a store, just south of the brintor crossroads.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'One that would sell everyone that was living.'
Ihrhox says 'One that would sell everyone that was living.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I plan on selling potions, and food.  Then buying and selling armor and weapons.'
Ihrhox says 'I plan on selling potions, and food.  Then buying and selling armor and weapons.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on having a vault downstairs to keep the coins earned by the store in.'
Ihrhox says 'I was planning on having a vault downstairs to keep the coins earned by the store in.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox looks up at the cieling a moment.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox looks up at the cieling a moment.
Ihrhox looks up at the cieling a moment.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox continues 'Then upstairs have a patrons area.'
Ihrhox continues 'Then upstairs have a patrons area.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'For those that have helped me raise coins.'
Ihrhox says 'For those that have helped me raise coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a slow nod as he entwines his fingers together in front of him.
Corolon Lanthis gives a slow nod as he entwines his fingers together in front of him.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a slow nod as he entwines his fingers together in front of him.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on having a stage there, so I can hire people to perform at parties and such.'
Ihrhox says 'I was planning on having a stage there, so I can hire people to perform at parties and such.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'asks politely' And whom were some of these patrons?
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'And whom were some of these patrons?'
Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'And whom were some of these patrons?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Oh, many, many people.'
Ihrhox says 'Oh, many, many people.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox grins broadly.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a seemingly indifferent nod.
Corolon Lanthis gives a seemingly indifferent nod.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a seemingly indifferent nod.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Nevran, Tyajij, Ilaerien, Jistrel, Tirastes, Clidra.'
Ihrhox says 'Nevran, Tyajij, Ilaerien, Jistrel, Tirastes, Clidra.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Some of the people have parted these realms, but most are still around.'
Ihrhox says 'Some of the people have parted these realms, but most are still around.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Upstairs I was planning on having a cook to prepare food for my patrons.'
Ihrhox says 'Upstairs I was planning on having a cook to prepare food for my patrons.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'The food would be free of charge to those that contributed.'
Ihrhox says 'The food would be free of charge to those that contributed.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Downstairs would be a unique vault.  Requiring no key.'
Ihrhox says 'Downstairs would be a unique vault.  Requiring no key.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Merely answering a riddle.'
Ihrhox says 'Merely answering a riddle.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox grins broadly.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'But thats not the tricky part.'
Ihrhox says 'But thats not the tricky part.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'The tricky part is getting past the guard.'
Ihrhox says 'The tricky part is getting past the guard.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote takes the parchment he was examining and withdraws it from the stack.
Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment he was examining and withdraws it from the stack.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment he was examining and withdraws it from the stack.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on having a guard on each floor.  Mostly for looks.'
Ihrhox says 'I was planning on having a guard on each floor.  Mostly for looks.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'The first floor, is to protect the shopkeeper.'
Ihrhox says 'The first floor, is to protect the shopkeeper.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'He wouldn't stop people from going upstairs or down.'
Ihrhox says 'He wouldn't stop people from going upstairs or down.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox adds 'Just merely let people know if they weren't a patron, they would be on their own, and to head the risk.'
Ihrhox adds 'Just merely let people know if they weren't a patron, they would be on their own, and to head the risk.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote opens a locked box and takes out a black seal and prepares it.
Corolon Lanthis opens a locked box and takes out a black seal and prepares it.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis opens a locked box and takes out a black seal and prepares it.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox continues 'The one upstairs a clever thief.  Any non-patrons...get stolen from.'
Ihrhox continues 'The one upstairs a clever thief.  Any non-patrons...get stolen from.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Nothing more than the coins.'
Ihrhox says 'Nothing more than the coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote places the black seal firmly upon the parchment before him.
Corolon Lanthis places the black seal firmly upon the parchment before him.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis places the black seal firmly upon the parchment before him.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Just a few coins to allow the access for the day.'
Ihrhox says 'Just a few coins to allow the access for the day.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'states bluntly' Then I fear your proposal has been...denied.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis states bluntly 'Then I fear your proposal has been...denied.'
Corolon Lanthis states bluntly 'Then I fear your proposal has been...denied.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Whys that?'
Ihrhox says 'Whys that?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote takes the parchment and puts it into another stack.
Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment and puts it into another stack.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment and puts it into another stack.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> pmote looks over to where Ihrhox is sitting.
Corolon Lanthis looks over to where Ihrhox is sitting.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis looks over to where you is sitting.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> where
Ihrhox> You say 'Then perhaps, may coins back?'
Ihrhox says 'Then perhaps, may coins back?'
Players near you:
Galyndir                    The Northwestern Arien Plaza
Ihrhox                      The Offices of Corolon Lanthis
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
A noble citizen has arrived.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I already gave you three thousand coins for the store.'
Ihrhox says 'I already gave you three thousand coins for the store.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I am sure I can put them to use elsewhere.'
Ihrhox says 'I am sure I can put them to use elsewhere.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Why is my proposal denied?'
Ihrhox says 'Why is my proposal denied?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox looks at you.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says in a dry tone of voice' We are not in the business of giving...refunds...especially after the
amount of money we have spent on surveying, and licenses, before we got news of your true plans about this store.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says in a dry tone of voice 'We are not in the business of giving...refunds...especially after the
amount of money we have spent on surveying, and licenses, before we got news of your true plans about this store.'
Corolon Lanthis says in a dry tone of voice 'We are not in the business of giving...refunds...especially after the amount of
money we have spent on surveying, and licenses, before we got news of your true plans about this store.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox scoffs at the notion.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
With the passing of midnight, it is now Iolenday, 4th day of Nelennamir.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'So you plan on stealing my coins?'
Ihrhox says 'So you plan on stealing my coins?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'The coins are for the building of a house.'
Ihrhox says 'The coins are for the building of a house.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I trusted you with them.'
Ihrhox says 'I trusted you with them.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Seeing as how your a law abiding citizen, as am I.'
Ihrhox says 'Seeing as how your a law abiding citizen, as am I.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'continues' Now, however, should you wish to put what remains of this money into another building, a
modest house or home, then we could entertain another proposal from you.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis continues 'Now, however, should you wish to put what remains of this money into another building, a
modest house or home, then we could entertain another proposal from you.'
Corolon Lanthis continues 'Now, however, should you wish to put what remains of this money into another building, a modest
house or home, then we could entertain another proposal from you.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a slight snort.
Corolon Lanthis gives a slight snort.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a slight snort.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'And how much remains?'
Ihrhox says 'And how much remains?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say It is because I am a law-abiding citizen that I cannot condone this proposal you submitted.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'It is because I am a law-abiding citizen that I cannot condone this proposal you submitted.'
You say 'It is because I am a law-abiding citizen that I cannot condone this proposal you submitted.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'But the store wouldn't be IN town.'
Ihrhox says 'But the store wouldn't be IN town.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I planned on it being out of town.'
Ihrhox says 'I planned on it being out of town.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote leans back in his seat and appears to ponder something.
Corolon Lanthis leans back in his seat and appears to ponder something.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis leans back in his seat and appears to ponder something.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Just south of the crossroads.'
Ihrhox says 'Just south of the crossroads.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> return
You return to your original body.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> note list
[Note] From          Subject                                  Date    Time
[  0S] Jadoch        (OOC) Buggy heatsink + calm/subdue      05/01/03 15:47
[  1S] Jadoch        (OOC) bug with icy prison                05/07/03 19:14
[  2S] Teris        Bug with fiery ruby ring prog            05/21/03 15:02
[  3S] Teris        Bug with rearrange and ooc              05/25/03 16:33
[  4S] Anghwyr      BUG with our astronomers mooncycle. Ther 07/02/03 08:27
[  5S] Teris        Cosmetic bugg.                          07/09/03 18:28
[  6S] Anghwyr      bug with loot                            07/15/03 06:07
[  7S] Anghwyr      perhaps put a delay on mushroom circle?  07/15/03 09:18
[  8S] Anghwyr      encumberment and multiple-slots armor    07/19/03 01:00
[  9S] Avinhen      BUG                                      07/26/03 10:34
[ 10S] Nemosr        Whirlpool bug                            08/06/03 00:46
[ 11S] Nenrg        stealing                                09/11/03 04:06
[ 12S] Mithran      trackfinding for ranges                  10/05/03 23:54
[ 13S] Mithran      leaving an encampment seems to give perm 10/06/03 03:41
[ 14S] Mithran      bug in red mushroom tree 'thing' biting  10/07/03 13:16
[ 15S] Hinolris      BUG: Kankoran hunter's den              10/24/03 15:07
[ 16S] Meshov        bug coins and steal making change        10/24/03 21:55
[ 17S] Kugelex      Bug? I think?                            10/29/03 12:46
[ 18S] Corttio      Mushrooms in Morn - puzzle or bug?      10/29/03 21:52
[ 19S] Aramis        bug                                      11/10/03 11:02
[ 20S] Kiryshen      small bug                                11/11/03 22:38
[ 21S] Zelenaes      Gravity Well Bug                        11/22/03 14:23
[ 22S] Kiryshen      Yet another bug.                        11/22/03 16:52
[ 23S] Togorth      Description missing. Room: A Narrow Chap 12/23/03 21:21
[ 24S] Alrulash      holy avenger                            01/21/04 13:20
[ 25S] Unglen        Help, I'm trapped in the junk room in th 01/26/04 05:30
[ 26S] Kjolyk        Possible bug                            01/26/04 15:58
[ 27S] Kiiran        OOC: Entangle bug                        04/03/04 23:19
[ 28S] Rosrrjik      Endurance trait                          04/06/04 12:56
[ 29S] Tseidach      "Free" priced Khil'Mestahn glitch        07/09/04 12:36
[ 30S] Gahnix        Weird bug                                08/13/04 13:26
[ 31S] Vaelas        Re: Corolon Lanthis - House Details      09/30/04 21:00
[ 32S] Amneoqui      More bugs and accusations than you can s 11/13/04 00:50
[ 33S] Amneoqui      Form of the Phantasm bug.                11/13/04 02:52
[ 34S] Guilintam    The Morbelin Keep.                      12/06/04 10:24
[ 35S] Amneoqui      *several sheafs of parchment of sketches 12/06/04 15:26
[ 36 ] Laeraiel      a plain white scroll, tied with a blue r 03/13/05 15:05
[ 37 ] Laeraiel      a plain white scroll, tied with a blue r 03/14/05 23:13
[ 38 ] an invincibl  Nehruin died to Deseraedax              03/15/05 11:51
[ 39 ] Aerlon        Leather Armor, Made to Order            03/16/05 21:51
[ 40 ] Ihrhox        Norath quest.                            03/18/05 09:14
[ 41 ] Corolon Lant  ** Ihrhox has purchased a HOUSE! **      03/18/05 09:55
[ 42 ] Corolon Lant  ** Ihrhox has purchased a HOUSE! **      03/18/05 09:55
[ 43 ] Corolon Lant  ** Ihrhox has purchased a HOUSE! **      03/18/05 09:55
[ 44 ] Enaerai      Re: Norath quest.                        03/18/05 10:12
[ 45 ] Turaythe      Bug or not a bug, that is the question  03/19/05 11:14
[ 46 ] Myriniana    *a thin parchment writ in black ink*    03/19/05 12:28
[ 47 ] Argonas      mentor                                  03/19/05 22:03
[ 48 ] Argonas      surname                                  03/19/05 22:07
[ 49 ] Corsak        Dastil and Jekatrina                    03/21/05 01:54
[ 50 ] Corsak        Dastil and Jekatrina.                    03/21/05 02:14
[ 51 ] Dastil        (ooc) Ice storm                          03/22/05 13:12
[ 52 ] Galyndir      Flash Powder                            03/22/05 14:30
[ 53 ] an invincibl  Dilasem1 died to Perathas                03/23/05 03:31
[ 54 ] Perathas      My course in this world.                03/23/05 10:24
[ 55 ] Corsak        Jekatrina again. An addittion to my comp 03/23/05 12:53
[ 56 ] Perathas      Syrathus and Esthraek                    03/23/05 15:18
[ 57 ] Dastil        Resurrection, two dead, one enemy, one f 03/23/05 23:06
[ 58 ] Rystaia      Corsak, Dastil, and Jekatrina            03/23/05 23:07
[ 59 ] Icenith      Trip                                    03/24/05 19:55
<10000hp 233m 376mv>
Roleplay: Tirastes thinks 'What are the chances that I have never seen one of these creatures before and now I should meet
with two?\'
<10000hp 233m 376mv> switch corolon
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'What would you propose then?'
Ihrhox says 'What would you propose then?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I thought laws, only goverened the towns?'
Ihrhox says 'I thought laws, only goverened the towns?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says after a moment of thought' It would depend, but I could forsee at least a thousand and
five-hundred of your platinum available should you wish a modest home somewhere.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says after a moment of thought 'It would depend, but I could forsee at least a thousand and
five-hundred of your platinum available should you wish a modest home somewhere.'
Corolon Lanthis says after a moment of thought 'It would depend, but I could forsee at least a thousand and five-hundred of
your platinum available should you wish a modest home somewhere.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a slight frown' Oh I am quite aware of where you intended to build this shop, I asked you
to give me your testimony personally because I simply wished to be sure of my information.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a slight frown 'Oh I am quite aware of where you intended to build this shop, I asked you
to give me your testimony personally because I simply wished to be sure of my information.'
Corolon Lanthis says with a slight frown 'Oh I am quite aware of where you intended to build this shop, I asked you to give
me your testimony personally because I simply wished to be sure of my information.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> where
Players near you:
Ihrhox                      The Offices of Corolon Lanthis
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well then, why are you not allowing me a shop, out of a town?'
Ihrhox says 'Well then, why are you not allowing me a shop, out of a town?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I am merely a business man, trying to make more coins.'
Ihrhox says 'I am merely a business man, trying to make more coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says as he leans a bit forward in his seat' Let us just say this proposal does not put you in a
favorable light with the people here.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says as he leans a bit forward in his seat 'Let us just say this proposal does not put you in a
favorable light with the people here.'
Corolon Lanthis says as he leans a bit forward in his seat 'Let us just say this proposal does not put you in a favorable
light with the people here.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Well if you want to put a shop...
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Well if you want to put a shop...'
You say 'Well if you want to put a shop...'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say That's perfectly fine.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'That's perfectly fine.'
You say 'That's perfectly fine.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says after a brief pause' But you should not expect an architect like myself to help you.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'But you should not expect an architect like myself to help you.'
Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'But you should not expect an architect like myself to help you.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Or any self-respecting architect within the cities.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Or any self-respecting architect within the cities.'
You say 'Or any self-respecting architect within the cities.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox sighs heavily.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well any idea of who I could contact to build one for me?'
Ihrhox says 'Well any idea of who I could contact to build one for me?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with an off-hand gesture' Maybe you could get some of those Kankorans to build you a mud and
straw hut somewhere.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with an off-hand gesture 'Maybe you could get some of those Kankorans to build you a mud and
straw hut somewhere.'
Corolon Lanthis says with an off-hand gesture 'Maybe you could get some of those Kankorans to build you a mud and straw hut
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox adopts a fearsome scowl.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Thats not funny.'
Ihrhox says 'Thats not funny.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I came to you, because I heard you were the best.'
Ihrhox says 'I came to you, because I heard you were the best.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I wanted nothing but the best.'
Ihrhox says 'I wanted nothing but the best.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a raised eyebrow' Do you truely expect me to aid you further in this despictable endaevor?
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Do you truely expect me to aid you further in this despictable endaevor?'
Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Do you truely expect me to aid you further in this despictable endaevor?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox narrows his eyes.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox narrows his eyes.
Ihrhox narrows his eyes.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'How is it dispicable?'
Ihrhox says 'How is it dispicable?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says flatly' I am the best. But I also have standards, and professional pride, as well as a civic
duty to uphold.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says flatly 'I am the best. But I also have standards, and professional pride, as well as a civic
duty to uphold.'
Corolon Lanthis says flatly 'I am the best. But I also have standards, and professional pride, as well as a civic duty to
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well, you still haven't answered my question.'
Ihrhox says 'Well, you still haven't answered my question.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I paid three thousand platinum to have a store built.'
Ihrhox says 'I paid three thousand platinum to have a store built.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I've recieved nothing.'
Ihrhox says 'I've recieved nothing.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Your sign says nothing about fees associated with all the other things you mentioned.'
Ihrhox says 'Your sign says nothing about fees associated with all the other things you mentioned.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says bluntly' And your little daydream of a palace catering to criminals on the very road I walk is a
mockery to any true store I have ever built.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And your little daydream of a palace catering to criminals on the very road I walk is a
mockery to any true store I have ever built.'
Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And your little daydream of a palace catering to criminals on the very road I walk is a mockery
to any true store I have ever built.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says softly' You should feel fortunate Ihrhox, that I am giving you an opportunity to build something
else with what is left of the coins.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says softly 'You should feel fortunate Ihrhox, that I am giving you an opportunity to build something
else with what is left of the coins.'
Corolon Lanthis says softly 'You should feel fortunate Ihrhox, that I am giving you an opportunity to build something else
with what is left of the coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well, I will think about it.'
Ihrhox says 'Well, I will think about it.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Some have advised me to seal these funds, considering the...dubious sources...they come from.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Some have advised me to seal these funds, considering the...dubious sources...they come from.'
You say 'Some have advised me to seal these funds, considering the...dubious sources...they come from.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I gave you three thousand platinum in good faith.'
Ihrhox says 'I gave you three thousand platinum in good faith.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox plainly states 'And now your telling me I have half of what I gave you available ffor a house?'
Ihrhox plainly states 'And now your telling me I have half of what I gave you available ffor a house?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'What do I tell me patrons?'
Ihrhox says 'What do I tell me patrons?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Do consider it quickly, for these people are quite loud in their objections of you.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Do consider it quickly, for these people are quite loud in their objections of you.'
You say 'Do consider it quickly, for these people are quite loud in their objections of you.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'The ones that donated the coins?'
Ihrhox says 'The ones that donated the coins?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Ilaerien donated over a thousand coins to see the store built.'
Ihrhox says 'Ilaerien donated over a thousand coins to see the store built.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I dont have that kind of money to replace the coins.'
Ihrhox says 'I dont have that kind of money to replace the coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'See, theres a difference between me and you.'
Ihrhox says 'See, theres a difference between me and you.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox stands up.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a raised eyebrow' Well, I would say that that is your problem, and not mine. But if it
were, then I would say you have quite a problem indeed.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Well, I would say that that is your problem, and not mine. But if it
were, then I would say you have quite a problem indeed.'
Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Well, I would say that that is your problem, and not mine. But if it were, then I
would say you have quite a problem indeed.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox flutters over to Corolon.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox flutters over to Corolon.
Ihrhox flutters over to Corolon.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote raises an eyebrow.
Corolon Lanthis raises an eyebrow.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis raises an eyebrow.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> vnum earendam elite
No mobiles by that name.
No objects by that name.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one who has my coins.'
Ihrhox says 'Your the one who has my coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> vnum bavaris
No mobiles by that name.
No objects by that name.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one that has HIS coins.'
Ihrhox says 'Your the one that has HIS coins.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one that is supposed to build people.'
Ihrhox says 'Your the one that is supposed to build people.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> chuckle
You chuckle politely.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one that has no signs saying some of the money is used for fees.'
Ihrhox says 'Your the one that has no signs saying some of the money is used for fees.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'So in my opinion thats theft.'
Ihrhox says 'So in my opinion thats theft.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says bluntly' And you're the one who has promised them something that you should have had the wisdom
to know cannot be done.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And you're the one who has promised them something that you should have had the wisdom
to know cannot be done.'
Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And you're the one who has promised them something that you should have had the wisdom to know
cannot be done.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well, how would I know you would try to carry the laws out of the town?'
Ihrhox says 'Well, how would I know you would try to carry the laws out of the town?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I wasn't planning on building the store ON the crossroads.'
Ihrhox says 'I wasn't planning on building the store ON the crossroads.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say You think I was going to forsake my own reputation, good-will of the city that has nurtured me, so I
can build a shop catering to criminals and felons?
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'You think I was going to forsake my own reputation, good-will of the city that has nurtured me,
so I can build a shop catering to criminals and felons?'
You say 'You think I was going to forsake my own reputation, good-will of the city that has nurtured me, so I can build a
shop catering to criminals and felons?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
A noble citizen leaves west.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well it does provide the guardians more things to take from them.'
Ihrhox says 'Well it does provide the guardians more things to take from them.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> snort
You snort derisively.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Well if that wasn't the most ludicrious thing I've ever heard.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Well if that wasn't the most ludicrious thing I've ever heard.'
You say 'Well if that wasn't the most ludicrious thing I've ever heard.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> return
You return to your original body.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> goto corolon
The Offices of Corolon Lanthis [Room 7478]
  These offices are paneled in rich, vibrant oak, trimmed with gently
curving organic forms.  Lavishly upholstered couches of silk and plush
chairs provide seating for this place's wealthy clientele, while marble
ornaments divide the room.  In lieu of more traditional artwork, sketches of
various examples of Earendam's architecture hang on the wall.  A doorway
leads west onto Valvaria street. 
[Exits: west]
Ihrhox the nefortu is here.
Corolon Lanthis sits here, engrossed in his work.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> west
Beginning of Valvaria Street [Room 7057]
  Beginning on the south banks of the Dantaron, Valvaria Street heads south
from a stone bridge crossing the river.  Paved with a series of smooth and
evenly sized cobblestones, the street carries a large portion of the city's
wealthier and more aristocratic traffic due south into Old Earendam.  Known
as the main route through the city's pleasure quarter, Valvaria's way is
lined by a profusion of buildings both ornate and ancient, built in the
classical Republican style.  Of note, the famed baths of Valvaria lie
through a pillar-framed archway to the west.  Eastward lie the stately
offices of Corolon Lanthis, one of Earendam's most famed architects. 
[Exits: north east south]
A noble citizen of Earendam strolls along the streets.
A bodyguard obediently follows a noble citizen.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> teleport Bavris
Bavris is returned to the mortal realms by the gods.
<10000hp 233m 376mv> switch corolon
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Not quite as ludicrious as a man, taking anothers coins.  Then saying its NOT theft.'
Ihrhox says 'Not quite as ludicrious as a man, taking anothers coins.  Then saying its NOT theft.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox with a sigh flutters back towards the couch and pauses.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox with a sigh flutters back towards the couch and pauses.
Ihrhox with a sigh flutters back towards the couch and pauses.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox pulls out something from his robe.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox pulls out something from his robe.
Ihrhox pulls out something from his robe.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox gets a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce from a patchwork robe.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote frowns slightly as he appears to lose some patience.
Corolon Lanthis frowns slightly as he appears to lose some patience.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis frowns slightly as he appears to lose some patience.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox eats a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox turns back around.
Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox turns back around.
Ihrhox turns back around.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox asks 'If one takes something of anothers, and says its not theft...is it still theft?'
Ihrhox asks 'If one takes something of anothers, and says its not theft...is it still theft?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says after a brief pause' If you are intent on calling me a crook, then do not blame me if I take
back my previous offer to help you.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'If you are intent on calling me a crook, then do not blame me if I take
back my previous offer to help you.'
Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'If you are intent on calling me a crook, then do not blame me if I take back my
previous offer to help you.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'asks politely' Then you are rejecting my offer?
Ihrhox utters the words 'create spring'
A magical spring flows from the ground.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'Then you are rejecting my offer?'
Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'Then you are rejecting my offer?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox drinks water from a magical spring.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox replies 'Did I say that?'
Ihrhox replies 'Did I say that?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a slight chuckle' I am sure I can find a more fitting place for these funds.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a slight chuckle 'I am sure I can find a more fitting place for these funds.'
Corolon Lanthis says with a slight chuckle 'I am sure I can find a more fitting place for these funds.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Good, then I expect you to remain civil here.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Good, then I expect you to remain civil here.'
You say 'Good, then I expect you to remain civil here.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I merely asked a question.'
Ihrhox says 'I merely asked a question.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a gesture to one of the chairs' Sit.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a gesture to one of the chairs 'Sit.'
Corolon Lanthis says with a gesture to one of the chairs 'Sit.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox sits down on the ground.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox stands up.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox sits down on the ground.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
A noble citizen has arrived.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Now, I expect you to have a proposal for me as soon as you can.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Now, I expect you to have a proposal for me as soon as you can.'
You say 'Now, I expect you to have a proposal for me as soon as you can.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox nods.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well how much time do I have?'
Ihrhox says 'Well how much time do I have?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say And this time...let's be reasonable about it, shall we?
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'And this time...let's be reasonable about it, shall we?'
You say 'And this time...let's be reasonable about it, shall we?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on a store.'
Ihrhox says 'I was planning on a store.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox asks 'Can I build a store elsewhere?'
Ihrhox asks 'Can I build a store elsewhere?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says in a flat tone of voice' Even with three thousand, your plans for your store was grossly above
the funds you hand.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says in a flat tone of voice 'Even with three thousand, your plans for your store was grossly above
the funds you hand.'
Corolon Lanthis says in a flat tone of voice 'Even with three thousand, your plans for your store was grossly above the funds
you hand.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> ooc ihrhox had, not hand.
OOC to Ihrhox: had, not hand.
Ihrhox> [OOC] Corolon Lanthis: had, not hand.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Maybe even, in a town?'
Ihrhox says 'Maybe even, in a town?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says dryly' Well we always encourage more tax-paying citizens to open up stores within the cities.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says dryly 'Well we always encourage more tax-paying citizens to open up stores within the cities.'
Corolon Lanthis says dryly 'Well we always encourage more tax-paying citizens to open up stores within the cities.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox taps his fingers together thoughtfully.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'IF I chose a location in town, would the full sum be available?'
Ihrhox says 'IF I chose a location in town, would the full sum be available?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say But once again your plans should reflect the funds you have available.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'But once again your plans should reflect the funds you have available.'
You say 'But once again your plans should reflect the funds you have available.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> say No, it would not.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'No, it would not.'
You say 'No, it would not.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox sighs heavily.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> immt I luv the carrot and the stick approach to negogiations
[Corolon Lanthis]: I luv the carrot and the stick approach to negogiations
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> Ihrhox asks 'Can I have a few days to think of better plans?'
Ihrhox asks 'Can I have a few days to think of better plans?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'This whole ordeal has thrown off my whole plan.'
Ihrhox says 'This whole ordeal has thrown off my whole plan.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote begins to sort through some of his papers.
Corolon Lanthis begins to sort through some of his papers.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis begins to sort through some of his papers.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Would that be suitable?'
Ihrhox says 'Would that be suitable?'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says as he continues to look through his papers' You may have a few days. Please send in your
proposal soon after that, and I shall put it in with the other proposals. Once I have the time, I shall summon you again...
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says as he continues to look through his papers 'You may have a few days. Please send in your
proposal soon after that, and I shall put it in with the other proposals. Once I have the time, I shall summon you again...'
Corolon Lanthis says as he continues to look through his papers 'You may have a few days. Please send in your proposal soon
after that, and I shall put it in with the other proposals. Once I have the time, I shall summon you again...'
<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'finishes' For another appointment to review the suitability.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis finishes 'For another appointment to review the suitability.'
Corolon Lanthis finishes 'For another appointment to review the suitability.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox nods.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'Well, till next time.'
Ihrhox says 'Well, till next time.'
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox stands up.
<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a curt nod.
Corolon Lanthis gives a curt nod.
Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a curt nod.
<1671hp 0m 100mv>
Ihrhox> You say 'G'day then.'
Ihrhox says 'G'day then.'

Revision as of 19:42, 25 March 2005

<10000hp 233m 376mv> csnoop irhhox You cannot find them.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> csnoop ihrhox You begin comm snooping them.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> switch corolon Ok.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> where Players near you: Tirastes Ristalan's Chambers

<1671hp 0m 100mv> l self Corolon Lanthis is a tall, thin man, clad in the regal browns and gold of a master artisan. Well into his middle years, Corolon is well-known as one of Earendam's most respected architects, the expensive trim of his robe and his ostentatious accoutrements underscoring his financial as well as artistic success. Corolon Lanthis is in excellent condition.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> stat corolon Unique name: corolon1 (npc) Name: Corolon Lanthis thin man artisan architect Vnum: 7092 Race: human Count: 1 Killed: 0 Clan: Levl: 35 Sex : male Align: 0 (neutral)

Str: 19(19) Int: 19(19) Wis: 19(19) Dex: 19(19) Con: 19(19) Chr: 19(19) HP: 1671/1671 Mana: 0/0 Move: 100/100 AC: pierce: -40 bash: -40 slash: -40 magic: -40 platinum: 0 gold: 0 silver: 0 copper: 0 Memory Values: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rm: 7478 Hit: 35 Dam: 23 Save: 0 Size: medium Pos: standing Wimpy: 0 Damage: 5d6 Message: pound (bash) Carry number: 0 Carry weight: 0

Act : npc notrack nowander omnilingual Comm: prompt combine Form: edible sentient biped mammal Part: head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ears eyes Lang: Affected by detect_invis detect_hidden infrared detect_wizi

Short description: Corolon Lanthis Long description: Corolon Lanthis sits here, engrossed in his work.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> look The Offices of Corolon Lanthis

 These offices are paneled in rich, vibrant oak, trimmed with gently

curving organic forms. Lavishly upholstered couches of silk and plush chairs provide seating for this place's wealthy clientele, while marble ornaments divide the room. In lieu of more traditional artwork, sketches of various examples of Earendam's architecture hang on the wall. A doorway leads west onto Valvaria street.

[Exits: west]

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox has arrived.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'G'day.' Ihrhox says 'G'day.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox gallantly tips his hat to you.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote look up from his papers and gives a brief nod. Corolon Lanthis look up from his papers and gives a brief nod. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis look up from his papers and gives a brief nod.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox flutters down to the ground. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox flutters down to the ground. Ihrhox flutters down to the ground.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'So hows the council coming along?' Ihrhox says 'So hows the council coming along?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Everything going well, I hope.' Ihrhox says 'Everything going well, I hope.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox grins broadly.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox gets a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce from a patchwork robe.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox eats a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Apologies for not asking, you hungry?' Ihrhox says 'Apologies for not asking, you hungry?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gestures to some of the couches and chairs available. Corolon Lanthis gestures to some of the couches and chairs available. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gestures to some of the couches and chairs available.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a shake of his head' No need, I just ate. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a shake of his head 'No need, I just ate.' Corolon Lanthis says with a shake of his head 'No need, I just ate.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> where Players near you: Tirastes Septivar's Potions Ihrhox The Offices of Corolon Lanthis

<1671hp 0m 100mv> who [ ] Tirastes the Gladiator Champion [ ] Ekthel the Templar of Iron [ ] Ihrhox the Archmage of Earth [ ] Iskadar the Journeyman of Air [ ] Traliex the Student of the Eagle [ ] Argonas the Warrior Mage [IM] (Wizi) [KNIGHT] Enaerai, Bringer of Balance [IM] (Wizi) Dolgrael the Divine of War, Harbinger of Conflict [IM] (Wizi) [GUARDIAN] Iandir the Crown of Law, Guardsman of Avendar [IM] (Wizi) Notify an Immortal if you're seeing this.

Players found: 10

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox flutters over to couch, and takes a seat. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox flutters over to couch, and takes a seat. Ihrhox flutters over to couch, and takes a seat.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox sits down on the ground.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox nods.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote takes out another piece of paper as he peruses it briefly. Corolon Lanthis takes out another piece of paper as he peruses it briefly. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis takes out another piece of paper as he peruses it briefly.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I assume, the council has approved my store?' Ihrhox says 'I assume, the council has approved my store?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'asks after a moment' Now Ihrhox, generally go over your proposal again. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis asks after a moment 'Now Ihrhox, generally go over your proposal again.' Corolon Lanthis asks after a moment 'Now Ihrhox, generally go over your proposal again.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox nods.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I was proposing to build a store, just south of the brintor crossroads.' Ihrhox says 'I was proposing to build a store, just south of the brintor crossroads.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'One that would sell everyone that was living.' Ihrhox says 'One that would sell everyone that was living.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I plan on selling potions, and food. Then buying and selling armor and weapons.' Ihrhox says 'I plan on selling potions, and food. Then buying and selling armor and weapons.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on having a vault downstairs to keep the coins earned by the store in.' Ihrhox says 'I was planning on having a vault downstairs to keep the coins earned by the store in.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox looks up at the cieling a moment. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox looks up at the cieling a moment. Ihrhox looks up at the cieling a moment.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox continues 'Then upstairs have a patrons area.' Ihrhox continues 'Then upstairs have a patrons area.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'For those that have helped me raise coins.' Ihrhox says 'For those that have helped me raise coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a slow nod as he entwines his fingers together in front of him. Corolon Lanthis gives a slow nod as he entwines his fingers together in front of him. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a slow nod as he entwines his fingers together in front of him.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on having a stage there, so I can hire people to perform at parties and such.' Ihrhox says 'I was planning on having a stage there, so I can hire people to perform at parties and such.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'asks politely' And whom were some of these patrons? Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'And whom were some of these patrons?' Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'And whom were some of these patrons?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Oh, many, many people.' Ihrhox says 'Oh, many, many people.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox grins broadly.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a seemingly indifferent nod. Corolon Lanthis gives a seemingly indifferent nod. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a seemingly indifferent nod.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Nevran, Tyajij, Ilaerien, Jistrel, Tirastes, Clidra.' Ihrhox says 'Nevran, Tyajij, Ilaerien, Jistrel, Tirastes, Clidra.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Some of the people have parted these realms, but most are still around.' Ihrhox says 'Some of the people have parted these realms, but most are still around.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Upstairs I was planning on having a cook to prepare food for my patrons.' Ihrhox says 'Upstairs I was planning on having a cook to prepare food for my patrons.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'The food would be free of charge to those that contributed.' Ihrhox says 'The food would be free of charge to those that contributed.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Downstairs would be a unique vault. Requiring no key.' Ihrhox says 'Downstairs would be a unique vault. Requiring no key.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Merely answering a riddle.' Ihrhox says 'Merely answering a riddle.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox grins broadly.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'But thats not the tricky part.' Ihrhox says 'But thats not the tricky part.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'The tricky part is getting past the guard.' Ihrhox says 'The tricky part is getting past the guard.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote takes the parchment he was examining and withdraws it from the stack. Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment he was examining and withdraws it from the stack. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment he was examining and withdraws it from the stack.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on having a guard on each floor. Mostly for looks.' Ihrhox says 'I was planning on having a guard on each floor. Mostly for looks.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'The first floor, is to protect the shopkeeper.' Ihrhox says 'The first floor, is to protect the shopkeeper.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'He wouldn't stop people from going upstairs or down.' Ihrhox says 'He wouldn't stop people from going upstairs or down.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox adds 'Just merely let people know if they weren't a patron, they would be on their own, and to head the risk.' Ihrhox adds 'Just merely let people know if they weren't a patron, they would be on their own, and to head the risk.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote opens a locked box and takes out a black seal and prepares it. Corolon Lanthis opens a locked box and takes out a black seal and prepares it. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis opens a locked box and takes out a black seal and prepares it.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox continues 'The one upstairs a clever thief. Any non-patrons...get stolen from.' Ihrhox continues 'The one upstairs a clever thief. Any non-patrons...get stolen from.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Nothing more than the coins.' Ihrhox says 'Nothing more than the coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote places the black seal firmly upon the parchment before him. Corolon Lanthis places the black seal firmly upon the parchment before him. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis places the black seal firmly upon the parchment before him.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Just a few coins to allow the access for the day.' Ihrhox says 'Just a few coins to allow the access for the day.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'states bluntly' Then I fear your proposal has been...denied. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis states bluntly 'Then I fear your proposal has been...denied.' Corolon Lanthis states bluntly 'Then I fear your proposal has been...denied.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Whys that?' Ihrhox says 'Whys that?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote takes the parchment and puts it into another stack. Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment and puts it into another stack. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis takes the parchment and puts it into another stack.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> pmote looks over to where Ihrhox is sitting. Corolon Lanthis looks over to where Ihrhox is sitting. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis looks over to where you is sitting.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> where

Ihrhox> You say 'Then perhaps, may coins back?' Ihrhox says 'Then perhaps, may coins back?' Players near you: Galyndir The Northwestern Arien Plaza Ihrhox The Offices of Corolon Lanthis

<1671hp 0m 100mv> A noble citizen has arrived.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I already gave you three thousand coins for the store.' Ihrhox says 'I already gave you three thousand coins for the store.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I am sure I can put them to use elsewhere.' Ihrhox says 'I am sure I can put them to use elsewhere.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Why is my proposal denied?' Ihrhox says 'Why is my proposal denied?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox looks at you.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says in a dry tone of voice' We are not in the business of giving...refunds...especially after the

amount of money we have spent on surveying, and licenses, before we got news of your true plans about this store. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says in a dry tone of voice 'We are not in the business of giving...refunds...especially after the

amount of money we have spent on surveying, and licenses, before we got news of your true plans about this store.' Corolon Lanthis says in a dry tone of voice 'We are not in the business of giving...refunds...especially after the amount of

money we have spent on surveying, and licenses, before we got news of your true plans about this store.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox scoffs at the notion.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> With the passing of midnight, it is now Iolenday, 4th day of Nelennamir.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'So you plan on stealing my coins?' Ihrhox says 'So you plan on stealing my coins?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'The coins are for the building of a house.' Ihrhox says 'The coins are for the building of a house.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I trusted you with them.' Ihrhox says 'I trusted you with them.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Seeing as how your a law abiding citizen, as am I.' Ihrhox says 'Seeing as how your a law abiding citizen, as am I.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'continues' Now, however, should you wish to put what remains of this money into another building, a

modest house or home, then we could entertain another proposal from you. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis continues 'Now, however, should you wish to put what remains of this money into another building, a

modest house or home, then we could entertain another proposal from you.' Corolon Lanthis continues 'Now, however, should you wish to put what remains of this money into another building, a modest

house or home, then we could entertain another proposal from you.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a slight snort. Corolon Lanthis gives a slight snort. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a slight snort.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'And how much remains?' Ihrhox says 'And how much remains?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say It is because I am a law-abiding citizen that I cannot condone this proposal you submitted. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'It is because I am a law-abiding citizen that I cannot condone this proposal you submitted.' You say 'It is because I am a law-abiding citizen that I cannot condone this proposal you submitted.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'But the store wouldn't be IN town.' Ihrhox says 'But the store wouldn't be IN town.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I planned on it being out of town.' Ihrhox says 'I planned on it being out of town.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote leans back in his seat and appears to ponder something. Corolon Lanthis leans back in his seat and appears to ponder something. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis leans back in his seat and appears to ponder something.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Just south of the crossroads.' Ihrhox says 'Just south of the crossroads.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> return You return to your original body.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> note list [Note] From Subject Date Time


[ 0S] Jadoch (OOC) Buggy heatsink + calm/subdue 05/01/03 15:47 [ 1S] Jadoch (OOC) bug with icy prison 05/07/03 19:14 [ 2S] Teris Bug with fiery ruby ring prog 05/21/03 15:02 [ 3S] Teris Bug with rearrange and ooc 05/25/03 16:33 [ 4S] Anghwyr BUG with our astronomers mooncycle. Ther 07/02/03 08:27 [ 5S] Teris Cosmetic bugg. 07/09/03 18:28 [ 6S] Anghwyr bug with loot 07/15/03 06:07 [ 7S] Anghwyr perhaps put a delay on mushroom circle? 07/15/03 09:18 [ 8S] Anghwyr encumberment and multiple-slots armor 07/19/03 01:00 [ 9S] Avinhen BUG 07/26/03 10:34 [ 10S] Nemosr Whirlpool bug 08/06/03 00:46 [ 11S] Nenrg stealing 09/11/03 04:06 [ 12S] Mithran trackfinding for ranges 10/05/03 23:54 [ 13S] Mithran leaving an encampment seems to give perm 10/06/03 03:41 [ 14S] Mithran bug in red mushroom tree 'thing' biting 10/07/03 13:16 [ 15S] Hinolris BUG: Kankoran hunter's den 10/24/03 15:07 [ 16S] Meshov bug coins and steal making change 10/24/03 21:55 [ 17S] Kugelex Bug? I think? 10/29/03 12:46 [ 18S] Corttio Mushrooms in Morn - puzzle or bug? 10/29/03 21:52 [ 19S] Aramis bug 11/10/03 11:02 [ 20S] Kiryshen small bug 11/11/03 22:38 [ 21S] Zelenaes Gravity Well Bug 11/22/03 14:23 [ 22S] Kiryshen Yet another bug. 11/22/03 16:52 [ 23S] Togorth Description missing. Room: A Narrow Chap 12/23/03 21:21 [ 24S] Alrulash holy avenger 01/21/04 13:20 [ 25S] Unglen Help, I'm trapped in the junk room in th 01/26/04 05:30 [ 26S] Kjolyk Possible bug 01/26/04 15:58 [ 27S] Kiiran OOC: Entangle bug 04/03/04 23:19 [ 28S] Rosrrjik Endurance trait 04/06/04 12:56 [ 29S] Tseidach "Free" priced Khil'Mestahn glitch 07/09/04 12:36 [ 30S] Gahnix Weird bug 08/13/04 13:26 [ 31S] Vaelas Re: Corolon Lanthis - House Details 09/30/04 21:00 [ 32S] Amneoqui More bugs and accusations than you can s 11/13/04 00:50 [ 33S] Amneoqui Form of the Phantasm bug. 11/13/04 02:52 [ 34S] Guilintam The Morbelin Keep. 12/06/04 10:24 [ 35S] Amneoqui *several sheafs of parchment of sketches 12/06/04 15:26 [ 36 ] Laeraiel a plain white scroll, tied with a blue r 03/13/05 15:05 [ 37 ] Laeraiel a plain white scroll, tied with a blue r 03/14/05 23:13 [ 38 ] an invincibl Nehruin died to Deseraedax 03/15/05 11:51 [ 39 ] Aerlon Leather Armor, Made to Order 03/16/05 21:51 [ 40 ] Ihrhox Norath quest. 03/18/05 09:14 [ 41 ] Corolon Lant ** Ihrhox has purchased a HOUSE! ** 03/18/05 09:55 [ 42 ] Corolon Lant ** Ihrhox has purchased a HOUSE! ** 03/18/05 09:55 [ 43 ] Corolon Lant ** Ihrhox has purchased a HOUSE! ** 03/18/05 09:55 [ 44 ] Enaerai Re: Norath quest. 03/18/05 10:12 [ 45 ] Turaythe Bug or not a bug, that is the question 03/19/05 11:14 [ 46 ] Myriniana *a thin parchment writ in black ink* 03/19/05 12:28 [ 47 ] Argonas mentor 03/19/05 22:03 [ 48 ] Argonas surname 03/19/05 22:07 [ 49 ] Corsak Dastil and Jekatrina 03/21/05 01:54 [ 50 ] Corsak Dastil and Jekatrina. 03/21/05 02:14 [ 51 ] Dastil (ooc) Ice storm 03/22/05 13:12 [ 52 ] Galyndir Flash Powder 03/22/05 14:30 [ 53 ] an invincibl Dilasem1 died to Perathas 03/23/05 03:31 [ 54 ] Perathas My course in this world. 03/23/05 10:24 [ 55 ] Corsak Jekatrina again. An addittion to my comp 03/23/05 12:53 [ 56 ] Perathas Syrathus and Esthraek 03/23/05 15:18 [ 57 ] Dastil Resurrection, two dead, one enemy, one f 03/23/05 23:06 [ 58 ] Rystaia Corsak, Dastil, and Jekatrina 03/23/05 23:07 [ 59 ] Icenith Trip 03/24/05 19:55

<10000hp 233m 376mv> Roleplay: Tirastes thinks 'What are the chances that I have never seen one of these creatures before and now I should meet

with two?\'

<10000hp 233m 376mv> switch corolon Ok.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'What would you propose then?' Ihrhox says 'What would you propose then?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I thought laws, only goverened the towns?' Ihrhox says 'I thought laws, only goverened the towns?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says after a moment of thought' It would depend, but I could forsee at least a thousand and

five-hundred of your platinum available should you wish a modest home somewhere. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says after a moment of thought 'It would depend, but I could forsee at least a thousand and

five-hundred of your platinum available should you wish a modest home somewhere.' Corolon Lanthis says after a moment of thought 'It would depend, but I could forsee at least a thousand and five-hundred of

your platinum available should you wish a modest home somewhere.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a slight frown' Oh I am quite aware of where you intended to build this shop, I asked you

to give me your testimony personally because I simply wished to be sure of my information. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a slight frown 'Oh I am quite aware of where you intended to build this shop, I asked you

to give me your testimony personally because I simply wished to be sure of my information.' Corolon Lanthis says with a slight frown 'Oh I am quite aware of where you intended to build this shop, I asked you to give

me your testimony personally because I simply wished to be sure of my information.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> where Players near you: Ihrhox The Offices of Corolon Lanthis

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well then, why are you not allowing me a shop, out of a town?' Ihrhox says 'Well then, why are you not allowing me a shop, out of a town?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I am merely a business man, trying to make more coins.' Ihrhox says 'I am merely a business man, trying to make more coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says as he leans a bit forward in his seat' Let us just say this proposal does not put you in a

favorable light with the people here. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says as he leans a bit forward in his seat 'Let us just say this proposal does not put you in a

favorable light with the people here.' Corolon Lanthis says as he leans a bit forward in his seat 'Let us just say this proposal does not put you in a favorable

light with the people here.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Well if you want to put a shop... Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Well if you want to put a shop...' You say 'Well if you want to put a shop...'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say That's perfectly fine. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'That's perfectly fine.' You say 'That's perfectly fine.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says after a brief pause' But you should not expect an architect like myself to help you. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'But you should not expect an architect like myself to help you.' Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'But you should not expect an architect like myself to help you.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Or any self-respecting architect within the cities. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Or any self-respecting architect within the cities.' You say 'Or any self-respecting architect within the cities.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox sighs heavily.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well any idea of who I could contact to build one for me?' Ihrhox says 'Well any idea of who I could contact to build one for me?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with an off-hand gesture' Maybe you could get some of those Kankorans to build you a mud and

straw hut somewhere. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with an off-hand gesture 'Maybe you could get some of those Kankorans to build you a mud and

straw hut somewhere.' Corolon Lanthis says with an off-hand gesture 'Maybe you could get some of those Kankorans to build you a mud and straw hut


<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox adopts a fearsome scowl.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Thats not funny.' Ihrhox says 'Thats not funny.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I came to you, because I heard you were the best.' Ihrhox says 'I came to you, because I heard you were the best.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I wanted nothing but the best.' Ihrhox says 'I wanted nothing but the best.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a raised eyebrow' Do you truely expect me to aid you further in this despictable endaevor? Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Do you truely expect me to aid you further in this despictable endaevor?' Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Do you truely expect me to aid you further in this despictable endaevor?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox narrows his eyes. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox narrows his eyes. Ihrhox narrows his eyes.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'How is it dispicable?' Ihrhox says 'How is it dispicable?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says flatly' I am the best. But I also have standards, and professional pride, as well as a civic

duty to uphold. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says flatly 'I am the best. But I also have standards, and professional pride, as well as a civic

duty to uphold.' Corolon Lanthis says flatly 'I am the best. But I also have standards, and professional pride, as well as a civic duty to


<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well, you still haven't answered my question.' Ihrhox says 'Well, you still haven't answered my question.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I paid three thousand platinum to have a store built.' Ihrhox says 'I paid three thousand platinum to have a store built.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I've recieved nothing.' Ihrhox says 'I've recieved nothing.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Your sign says nothing about fees associated with all the other things you mentioned.' Ihrhox says 'Your sign says nothing about fees associated with all the other things you mentioned.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says bluntly' And your little daydream of a palace catering to criminals on the very road I walk is a

mockery to any true store I have ever built. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And your little daydream of a palace catering to criminals on the very road I walk is a

mockery to any true store I have ever built.' Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And your little daydream of a palace catering to criminals on the very road I walk is a mockery

to any true store I have ever built.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says softly' You should feel fortunate Ihrhox, that I am giving you an opportunity to build something

else with what is left of the coins. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says softly 'You should feel fortunate Ihrhox, that I am giving you an opportunity to build something

else with what is left of the coins.' Corolon Lanthis says softly 'You should feel fortunate Ihrhox, that I am giving you an opportunity to build something else

with what is left of the coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well, I will think about it.' Ihrhox says 'Well, I will think about it.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Some have advised me to seal these funds, considering the...dubious sources...they come from. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Some have advised me to seal these funds, considering the...dubious sources...they come from.' You say 'Some have advised me to seal these funds, considering the...dubious sources...they come from.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I gave you three thousand platinum in good faith.' Ihrhox says 'I gave you three thousand platinum in good faith.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox plainly states 'And now your telling me I have half of what I gave you available ffor a house?' Ihrhox plainly states 'And now your telling me I have half of what I gave you available ffor a house?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'What do I tell me patrons?' Ihrhox says 'What do I tell me patrons?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Do consider it quickly, for these people are quite loud in their objections of you. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Do consider it quickly, for these people are quite loud in their objections of you.' You say 'Do consider it quickly, for these people are quite loud in their objections of you.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'The ones that donated the coins?' Ihrhox says 'The ones that donated the coins?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Ilaerien donated over a thousand coins to see the store built.' Ihrhox says 'Ilaerien donated over a thousand coins to see the store built.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I dont have that kind of money to replace the coins.' Ihrhox says 'I dont have that kind of money to replace the coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'See, theres a difference between me and you.' Ihrhox says 'See, theres a difference between me and you.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox stands up.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a raised eyebrow' Well, I would say that that is your problem, and not mine. But if it

were, then I would say you have quite a problem indeed. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Well, I would say that that is your problem, and not mine. But if it

were, then I would say you have quite a problem indeed.' Corolon Lanthis says with a raised eyebrow 'Well, I would say that that is your problem, and not mine. But if it were, then I

would say you have quite a problem indeed.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox flutters over to Corolon. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox flutters over to Corolon. Ihrhox flutters over to Corolon.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote raises an eyebrow. Corolon Lanthis raises an eyebrow. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis raises an eyebrow.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> vnum earendam elite No mobiles by that name. No objects by that name.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one who has my coins.' Ihrhox says 'Your the one who has my coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> vnum bavaris No mobiles by that name. No objects by that name.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one that has HIS coins.' Ihrhox says 'Your the one that has HIS coins.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one that is supposed to build people.' Ihrhox says 'Your the one that is supposed to build people.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> chuckle You chuckle politely.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Your the one that has no signs saying some of the money is used for fees.' Ihrhox says 'Your the one that has no signs saying some of the money is used for fees.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'So in my opinion thats theft.' Ihrhox says 'So in my opinion thats theft.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says bluntly' And you're the one who has promised them something that you should have had the wisdom

to know cannot be done. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And you're the one who has promised them something that you should have had the wisdom

to know cannot be done.' Corolon Lanthis says bluntly 'And you're the one who has promised them something that you should have had the wisdom to know

cannot be done.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well, how would I know you would try to carry the laws out of the town?' Ihrhox says 'Well, how would I know you would try to carry the laws out of the town?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I wasn't planning on building the store ON the crossroads.' Ihrhox says 'I wasn't planning on building the store ON the crossroads.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say You think I was going to forsake my own reputation, good-will of the city that has nurtured me, so I

can build a shop catering to criminals and felons? Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'You think I was going to forsake my own reputation, good-will of the city that has nurtured me,

so I can build a shop catering to criminals and felons?' You say 'You think I was going to forsake my own reputation, good-will of the city that has nurtured me, so I can build a

shop catering to criminals and felons?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> A noble citizen leaves west.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well it does provide the guardians more things to take from them.' Ihrhox says 'Well it does provide the guardians more things to take from them.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> snort You snort derisively.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Well if that wasn't the most ludicrious thing I've ever heard. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Well if that wasn't the most ludicrious thing I've ever heard.' You say 'Well if that wasn't the most ludicrious thing I've ever heard.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> return You return to your original body.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> goto corolon The Offices of Corolon Lanthis [Room 7478]

 These offices are paneled in rich, vibrant oak, trimmed with gently

curving organic forms. Lavishly upholstered couches of silk and plush chairs provide seating for this place's wealthy clientele, while marble ornaments divide the room. In lieu of more traditional artwork, sketches of various examples of Earendam's architecture hang on the wall. A doorway leads west onto Valvaria street.

[Exits: west] Ihrhox the nefortu is here. Corolon Lanthis sits here, engrossed in his work.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> west Beginning of Valvaria Street [Room 7057]

 Beginning on the south banks of the Dantaron, Valvaria Street heads south

from a stone bridge crossing the river. Paved with a series of smooth and evenly sized cobblestones, the street carries a large portion of the city's wealthier and more aristocratic traffic due south into Old Earendam. Known as the main route through the city's pleasure quarter, Valvaria's way is lined by a profusion of buildings both ornate and ancient, built in the classical Republican style. Of note, the famed baths of Valvaria lie through a pillar-framed archway to the west. Eastward lie the stately offices of Corolon Lanthis, one of Earendam's most famed architects.

[Exits: north east south] A noble citizen of Earendam strolls along the streets. A bodyguard obediently follows a noble citizen.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> teleport Bavris Bavris is returned to the mortal realms by the gods. Ok.

<10000hp 233m 376mv> switch corolon Ok.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Not quite as ludicrious as a man, taking anothers coins. Then saying its NOT theft.' Ihrhox says 'Not quite as ludicrious as a man, taking anothers coins. Then saying its NOT theft.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox with a sigh flutters back towards the couch and pauses. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox with a sigh flutters back towards the couch and pauses. Ihrhox with a sigh flutters back towards the couch and pauses.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox pulls out something from his robe. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox pulls out something from his robe. Ihrhox pulls out something from his robe.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox gets a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce from a patchwork robe.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote frowns slightly as he appears to lose some patience. Corolon Lanthis frowns slightly as he appears to lose some patience. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis frowns slightly as he appears to lose some patience.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox eats a large grilled bjorcha steak, glazed with a spicy sauce.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox turns back around. Ihrhox> O: Ihrhox turns back around. Ihrhox turns back around.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox asks 'If one takes something of anothers, and says its not theft...is it still theft?' Ihrhox asks 'If one takes something of anothers, and says its not theft...is it still theft?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says after a brief pause' If you are intent on calling me a crook, then do not blame me if I take

back my previous offer to help you. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'If you are intent on calling me a crook, then do not blame me if I take

back my previous offer to help you.' Corolon Lanthis says after a brief pause 'If you are intent on calling me a crook, then do not blame me if I take back my

previous offer to help you.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'asks politely' Then you are rejecting my offer?

Ihrhox utters the words 'create spring' A magical spring flows from the ground.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'Then you are rejecting my offer?' Corolon Lanthis asks politely 'Then you are rejecting my offer?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox drinks water from a magical spring.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox replies 'Did I say that?' Ihrhox replies 'Did I say that?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a slight chuckle' I am sure I can find a more fitting place for these funds. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a slight chuckle 'I am sure I can find a more fitting place for these funds.' Corolon Lanthis says with a slight chuckle 'I am sure I can find a more fitting place for these funds.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Good, then I expect you to remain civil here. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Good, then I expect you to remain civil here.' You say 'Good, then I expect you to remain civil here.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I merely asked a question.' Ihrhox says 'I merely asked a question.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says with a gesture to one of the chairs' Sit. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says with a gesture to one of the chairs 'Sit.' Corolon Lanthis says with a gesture to one of the chairs 'Sit.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox shrugs his shoulders.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox sits down on the ground.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox stands up.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox sits down on the ground.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> A noble citizen has arrived.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say Now, I expect you to have a proposal for me as soon as you can. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'Now, I expect you to have a proposal for me as soon as you can.' You say 'Now, I expect you to have a proposal for me as soon as you can.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox nods.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well how much time do I have?' Ihrhox says 'Well how much time do I have?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say And this time...let's be reasonable about it, shall we? Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'And this time...let's be reasonable about it, shall we?' You say 'And this time...let's be reasonable about it, shall we?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'I was planning on a store.' Ihrhox says 'I was planning on a store.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox asks 'Can I build a store elsewhere?' Ihrhox asks 'Can I build a store elsewhere?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says in a flat tone of voice' Even with three thousand, your plans for your store was grossly above

the funds you hand. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says in a flat tone of voice 'Even with three thousand, your plans for your store was grossly above

the funds you hand.' Corolon Lanthis says in a flat tone of voice 'Even with three thousand, your plans for your store was grossly above the funds

you hand.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> ooc ihrhox had, not hand. OOC to Ihrhox: had, not hand. Ihrhox> [OOC] Corolon Lanthis: had, not hand.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Maybe even, in a town?' Ihrhox says 'Maybe even, in a town?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says dryly' Well we always encourage more tax-paying citizens to open up stores within the cities. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says dryly 'Well we always encourage more tax-paying citizens to open up stores within the cities.' Corolon Lanthis says dryly 'Well we always encourage more tax-paying citizens to open up stores within the cities.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox taps his fingers together thoughtfully.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'IF I chose a location in town, would the full sum be available?' Ihrhox says 'IF I chose a location in town, would the full sum be available?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say But once again your plans should reflect the funds you have available. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'But once again your plans should reflect the funds you have available.' You say 'But once again your plans should reflect the funds you have available.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> say No, it would not. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says 'No, it would not.' You say 'No, it would not.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox sighs heavily.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> immt I luv the carrot and the stick approach to negogiations [Corolon Lanthis]: I luv the carrot and the stick approach to negogiations

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> Ihrhox asks 'Can I have a few days to think of better plans?' Ihrhox asks 'Can I have a few days to think of better plans?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'This whole ordeal has thrown off my whole plan.' Ihrhox says 'This whole ordeal has thrown off my whole plan.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote begins to sort through some of his papers. Corolon Lanthis begins to sort through some of his papers. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis begins to sort through some of his papers.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Would that be suitable?' Ihrhox says 'Would that be suitable?'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'says as he continues to look through his papers' You may have a few days. Please send in your

proposal soon after that, and I shall put it in with the other proposals. Once I have the time, I shall summon you again... Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis says as he continues to look through his papers 'You may have a few days. Please send in your

proposal soon after that, and I shall put it in with the other proposals. Once I have the time, I shall summon you again...' Corolon Lanthis says as he continues to look through his papers 'You may have a few days. Please send in your proposal soon

after that, and I shall put it in with the other proposals. Once I have the time, I shall summon you again...'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> esay 'finishes' For another appointment to review the suitability. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis finishes 'For another appointment to review the suitability.' Corolon Lanthis finishes 'For another appointment to review the suitability.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox nods.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'Well, till next time.' Ihrhox says 'Well, till next time.'

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox stands up.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> emote gives a curt nod. Corolon Lanthis gives a curt nod. Ihrhox> Corolon Lanthis gives a curt nod.

<1671hp 0m 100mv> Ihrhox> You say 'G'day then.' Ihrhox says 'G'day then.'