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==Races of Avendar==
==Races of Avendar==
  Race Good Neutral         Evil Strengths
  Race         Good   Neutral Evil   Strengths
  Humans         Yes Yes Yes All
  Humans        Yes     Yes     Yes     All
  Aelin         Yes Yes Yes Dex - Int
  Aelin         Yes     Yes     Yes     Dex - Int
  Alatharya No Yes No Con - Str
  Alatharya     No     Yes     No     Con - Str
  Nefortu No Yes Yes Dex - Int - Con
  Nefortu       No     Yes     Yes     Dex - Int - Con
  Shuddeni No No Yes Int - Wis - Dex
  Shuddeni       No     No     Yes     Int - Wis - Dex
  Caladaran Yes Yes No Wis - Int
  Caladaran     Yes     Yes     No     Wis - Int
  Ethron         Yes Yes No Wis - Con - Str
  Ethron        Yes     Yes     No     Wis - Con - Str
  Ch'Taren Yes Yes No Int - Wis - Dex
  Ch'Taren       Yes     Yes     No     Int - Wis - Dex
  Kankoran Yes Yes Yes Con - Str - Dex
  Kankoran       Yes     Yes     Yes     Con - Str - Dex
  Srryn         No Yes Yes Con - Str
  Srryn         No     Yes     Yes     Con - Str
One of the youngest races in existance, Humans are perhaps the most numerous of all sentients in the realm. Being very flexible, and often unpredictable, they can thrive in any sort of environment, and have an aptitude for a wide variety of things.
One of the youngest races in existance, Humans are perhaps the most numerous of all sentients in the realm. Being very flexible, and often unpredictable, they can thrive in any sort of environment, and have an aptitude for a wide variety of things.
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==Houses of Avendar==
==Houses of Avendar==

Latest revision as of 18:18, 14 June 2014

November 11, 1999 Website Information: from [[1]]

Classes of Avendar

Fighter -- a soldier of fortune, a master of tactics
Swordmaster -- an artist of the blade, a dedicated student of grace and perfection
Barbarian -- a terror of combat, a crushing force of unparalleled destruction
Gladiator -- a pit fighter, a warrior built on wits and guts, a survivor, and a vicious combatant
Water -- the element of life, of healing, this scholar weaves spells of mending and life
Fire -- born of destruction, of heat, of magma, this scholar calls forth all the most offensive powers in the world
Void -- this master of negative energies taps this, causing death, disease, poison and plague, even raising the dead, and more...
Spirit -- the greatest master of the energy of the soul, he uses the energy of life and the spirit in wondrous ways
Earth -- with the solidity of earth, a mixture ofthe earth's anger and defense is possible
Air -- the most fickle of the elements, this master of illusion and misdirection cannot be predicted
In addition, each the elements has given birth to a templar, a student of the elements, who is also a student of the fighting skils, and combines force of arm with the magical powers of the elements.

Thief -- From pickpocket to backstabber, this city dwelling uber-criminal is well known
Thief-taker -- with a 6th sense for mischief, and all the wits of a thief, this is a do-gooder with abilities to make a difference
Bandit -- leaving behind the petty trickery of the thief, this rogue relies on brute force as well as deception
Assassin -- a killer, sometimes silent, sometimes swift and brutal, and always effective at the art of death
Ranger -- a warrior of the forest, skilled in tracking and in tune with the creatures and plants
Druid -- a priest of the moon, of the earth, of the sun, and of life, they are vicious slayers of those who twist the life of the forest
Bards -- minstrels, singers, storytellers, who make musical magic
Gleemen -- rogues with a flute, perhaps, they are romancers, acrobats, singers, and sometimes scoundrels
All this awaits you in the world of Avendar.

Races of Avendar

Race	        Good    Neutral Evil    Strengths
Humans         Yes     Yes     Yes     All
Aelin          Yes     Yes     Yes     Dex - Int
Alatharya      No      Yes     No      Con - Str
Nefortu        No      Yes     Yes     Dex - Int - Con
Shuddeni       No      No      Yes     Int - Wis - Dex
Caladaran      Yes     Yes     No      Wis - Int
Ethron         Yes     Yes     No      Wis - Con - Str
Ch'Taren       Yes     Yes     No      Int - Wis - Dex
Kankoran       Yes     Yes     Yes     Con - Str - Dex
Srryn          No      Yes     Yes     Con - Str


One of the youngest races in existance, Humans are perhaps the most numerous of all sentients in the realm. Being very flexible, and often unpredictable, they can thrive in any sort of environment, and have an aptitude for a wide variety of things. The benchmark that most other races are judged by, Humans can be considered as being very average. They have no significant strengths, but also boast no notable vulnerabilities. Humans may be any alignment and any class.


Whether these unusual creatures are refugees from the Realm of Spirit or from some other more bizarre outer plane is unknown, but the Ch'taren are here to stay. Ch'taren appear as tall, slender humanoids with shimmering golden skin. It is believed that they do not exist entirely within this plane, as they are observed to be slightly translucent. As a race, they are noted not only for their ability at magic, but also their free-spirited nature and good intentions. Ch'taren may not be lawful of ethos, or evil of alignment. They may become scholars, templars, thieves, bards, or gleemen.


The shuddeni are a loathsome race originating deep within the bowels of the earth. Constructing vast cave cities, the shuddeni lived for centuries without contact with the other races, during which time they enslaved the muscular chaja, perfected their magical arts, and grew steadily in power. Then, after thousands of years of solitude, the shuddeni burst forth upon Avendar with a hatred and destruction unmatched among races.

The shuddeni appear as man-height humanoids with pale gray, deeply-wrinkled skin. Usually stick-thin, the shuddeni are known for their physical agility and the strength of their minds. One of their most unusual features is the fact that they are eyeless, using another little-understood sense to detect the world around them.

Shuddeni are dedicated to hatred, greed, and cruelty, and may only be evil. Shuddeni may become scholars, templars, thieves, assassins, thief-takers, swordmasters and bards.


The Nefortu are a race of short, winged creatures with hairless, leathery skin ranging from brown to black, and long, pointed ears. It is speculated that they are distant cousins of the great bats, but the similarity is slight, although they have retained the ability to fly. Known far and wide as tricksters, their deceptions often hide a malevolent bent. They excel at the roguish skills, as well as having some small ability in magic.

Nefortu may be neutral or evil, and may become scholars, templars, thieves, or assassins.


The Caladarans are reknowned throughout Avendar for their wisdom. Tall, gentle creatures with odd bark-like skin, they tend to live either in forests or among the mountains, where they are known for their secluded lifestyles. Few in number, they are long-lived and reknowned for their skills as sages, refusing direct physical confrontation.

Caladaran may be good or neutral, and may not be chaotic in nature. They may become druids, scholars, and bards.


One of the most regal of races, the Aelin are also one of the oldest. Their noble blood runs deep, and is a considerable source of pride for those who bear it. Status in society is of the utmost importance to Aelin, and appearance is always a consideration.

The Aelin appear as delicate humans, usually with long, black hair and curving, pointed ears. With their wings, Aelin have a great ability to move tirelessly, and can travel long distance without rest. Their dexterity allows them to avoid blows most would be hit by, though their agility is not limited to physical matters, but extends to politics, also.

They are known to be evasive when asked about things they either do not know, or wish to keep to themselves. Truly, they are the epitome of a member of high society.

Aelin may be any alignment, but may not be chaotic. Aelin may become swordmasters, fighters, thieves, thief-takers, scholars, templars, and bards.


The Ethron are a forest dwelling people, given over the the ways of nature. Mainly good-hearted, many a traveller has been aided as they walk softly under the wood of the great trees. While most do not live in cities, their understanding of all facets of nature results in Ethron's diverse ethos.

Ethron are slightly shorter than mankind, averaging five feet in height. They are easily recognized by the greenish tint to their skin.

The Ethron may be good or neutral in alignment, and may become rangers, druids, scholars, templars, and gleemen.


After many centuries of dominating the populace of the realm, the Alatharya have truly declined in influence. After their leaders questioned the power of the Gods and in their pride challenged them, the Chosen were struck down by the powers of the heavens. When the heavens struck down the Alatharya, a cataclysm ensued, changing the face of the land, and destroying the power of the Alatharya.

After being struck down, the Alatharya were stripped of their mental ability by the heavens. However, their physical prowess and durability was not infringed upon, and they are still one of the most resiliant races about. Today, the Alatharya appear as enormous humans, most with a silvery tint to their skin, and flowing white hair. Due to their large size, (average nine feet) they are somewhat resistant to physical attacks.

Because of their racial history, the Alatharya are unwilling to enter the battle between good and evil, but rather stay decidedly neutral. Alatharya may become barbarians, gladiators, soldiers, rangers, and bandits.


The youngest of the sapient races in the realm, the Srryn are by far the least developed. Their evolution came about very quickly as some reptilian beings came out of the swamps and bayous and began to walk erect, but seemed to halt not a great deal past that. Still residing in the swamps of the realm, the Srryn seem to have an ability to merge into the area without being sensed by other races.

Possessing a sub-human intelligence and an innately vicious nature, Srryn are prone to destruction and carnage, and lack a great deal of discretion in their violence. Their cruel nature leads them to enjoy torturing their enemies, and other similarly evil acts. Due to the fact that they are cold-blooded, Srryn have a great susceptibility to the cold, and an aptitude for heat.

Srryn may be neutral or evil, and may become templars, all warriors, thieves, bandits, or assassins.


Nomadic wolves, the Kankoran are perhaps the race which most shuns civilization. They generally will form a patriarichal society which is based on the concepts of the hunt, leadership, and the right of the strong to rule the weak, for the benefit of the tribe or pack.

Kankoran can generally be found beyond the mountains to the north, where the climate is far cooler, and barren plains can be found. However, several packs have wandered southward toward the center of the realm, and some Kankoran have even been known to leave their packs in order to mingle with society, though this is frowned upon.

A race founded on working together in order to survive, Kankoran are generally able to endure a great deal of hardship, but are also quite capable of considerable agility when it proves necessary. Their fur leaves them vulnerable to flame, but it also protects them from the cold.

Kankoran may not be lawful, and may become barbarians, gladiators, swordmasters, thieves, bandits, templars, assassins or gleemen.

Houses of Avendar

In Avendar, the gods have, out of interest, motive, or pique, granted powers to certain groups which have rallied around causes which interested them. Some of the houses which have stood the test of time are:

  • Guardians of the Law - Out of the chaos, they brought order, as their God Iandir stood over them in pride as they made cities safe. He spake out the law, and they steeled themselves to enforce his will.
  • The Coven of the Shunned - Dark practicers of witchcraft, and drinkers of blood, slayers of the innocent, even summoers of demons, the dark gods laugh as they ply their evil powers against the innocent, as Melikor sits on his throne of Bone guiding their dark acts.
  • The Wanderers of Avendar - Free spirits of peace and protection, these gypsy folk follow the path of least resistance, and yet live lives of wonder.
  • The Raiders of the Twilight - Bred of a lust for possessions to sate the greed of their god, they are those who strike hard and fast, stealing away with gold, arms, and lives. They are rovers, they are bandits, and they are deadly and swift.
  • The Merchants of Avendar - The traders of the world, with a wry tongue and swift wit, they facilitate the trading of the world, and woe betide those who would assault the caravan of a Merchant, as they guard the interests of business the world o'er.
  • The Champions of the Light - Crusaders for the weak, champions of the downtrodden, and perhaps even destroyers of evil, they are cradled in the hands of the gods of light, and unleashed upon the wicked.
  • The Lords of Conquest - For glory, for power, and to prove their might, they will fight anyone who challenges them, and as a whole, overthrow any force that opposes their supremacy, as the God of War guides their motions and tactics.
  • The Seekers of Knowledge - Studious men and women of reason, researchers, and champions of knowledge as a key to victory in any sort of challenge, they travel the world over, being more aware, better prepared. The pride themselves on order, on rationality, and on understanding.


Gods of Avendar

The Light

Jolinn, Lord of the Sapphire Spear
Rystaia Lightbringer
Aeolis, Lord of the Rose

Iandir the Crown of Law
Marlax the White Falcon, Tyrant of Honor
The Dark

Ashur the Dragon of the Void
Bayyal, Lord of Destruction
Serachel, Lord of Shadows
Arkhural the Darkhearted

The Story of Avendar

In the beginning, were the gods. Some to create, some to destroy, some to taint, others to bring hope, others to simply be. The gods, though, were alone in the universe. Seeking a canvas for their essence, they created the world of Avendar. And, edged along ever so carefully by the gods of creation, they created the Alatharya, FirstChildren of the gods.

To the Alatharya, the gods gave their greatest gift - Magic. Magic to create, magic to destroy, magic, some portion of each of the god's essences was sent to swirl through the prime material, creating the ether from which mages drew.

As time passed, the Alatharya waxed mighty. The gods, pleased, began plans for other creations, each mighty in their own way. But the Alatharya were not pleased with the god's plans to make others - jealous of the thought that other children might bring the god's attention away from them, and coveting the Quintessence, they sought to steal the power of the gods. With their mighty pyramids, and strange rites, their priests and scholars came together one fateful night for a grand theft. In their hubris, they sought to steal the power of the gods for themselves, and make of themselves Creators.

But, alas, 'twas not to be. The gods knew of the theft, and instead of invoking the power of the gods, they invoked their deepest and darkest wrath. All across Avendar, the great cities of the Alatharya were rent in blood and fire - their libraries burned, their pyramids turned to rubble, their homes driven to the four winds. The revenge of a god is not a small thing, and the revenge of the combined might of a pantheon can level entire worlds. So it was that the Alatharya were cast from their pinnacle as the mightiest of races. No more would the minds of the Alatharya follow the intracies of magic - nor would the Alatharya do nought than strive for balance in their day to day life, fearful of retribution for their ancient crime. And, lastly, the gods sundered Magic from its pure form into its elemental components. Water, Spirit, Wind, Fire, Void, and Earth did it break them, and forever shatter the mortal dream of attaining the divine through mystic arts.

This sundering of the Magic released cataclysmic storms of magic over the surface of Avendar, changing and altering all that they touched. Of the god's new children, vast changes were wrought, some for good, some for ill. The Aelin were granted flight, and the gift of keen reason. The Caldarans learned wisdom, and were turned from the night. At the same time, the brutal Srryn were born, spawn of languid swamp and foul hearts. Beneath the earth fled the Shuddeni, blind minions of pure darkness, driven mad, some say, by a love of much knowledge.

The centuries after the Sundering of Magic were dark ones. It was not until some hundreds of years that civilization began anew, with the proud Aelin and their cities in the skies. Striving, perhaps, for a memory of things past, they collected the artifacts of the ancient Alatharya, and built cities that at least faintly echoed the glories of ancient days.

And so it was the Aelin waxed powerful, the Srryn confined to their torpid swamps and the Shuddeni to their caves, and all others brought into alliance with them. For a time, it appeared the world would never again no such a destruction, until, at last, the gods allowed a new race to awaken on Avendar - the humans.

The humans were taken by any and all things, some easily swayed to evil, others relentless paragons of virtue. Some claimed them akin to gods, others to devil-spawn of the Void, others still to reckless children. Nevertheless, the passion that drove the humans lead them, at first, into a reckless alliance with the brutal Srryn.

In their midnight rituals, the Srryn had learned much of the ways of fire. Fire to burn, fire to make their will be done - fire, to destroy. The humans, always more keen of wit, seized the secrets of the Srryn fire shamans, cultivated among their numbers the first Scholars of Fire. Savage men, of an unholy taste for pleasure and power, unleashed their magics across the surface of Avendar.

Securing the yoke about their fellow men, the great Scholars of Fire also trained warlords, or templars of fire, to command in battle with the sword, and yet still reign destruction with the forces of fire. Most of the races scattered before the hordes of humans and Srryn that plundered all they found, but the Aelin stood to defend their cities, and forged an alliance to fight to keep the humans at bay, lest the night consume all.

Cities were reduced to ash. Aelin died in droves, using their already small collection of ancient artifacts to drive the humans back. And yet, again and again the humans surged forward. Quick to breed, quick to die, the humans stood at the verge of a destruction that would consume all.

Fortunately, not all among the humans thought as the Scholars of Fire. Small in number, but present, were humans who sought meaning in more than brute destruction. Groping blindly, they sought to bring peace, to heal, to purify. They craved a life spent in other activity than blind devotion to an orgy of chaos and destruction.

Praying to the gods, they were answered. Jolinn, Father of the Seas, Lord of the Sapphire Spear, sent these brave few to seek the titans, who dwelt high in the mountains, where they had slumbered since the Sundering. Waking, they taught the humans of the magics of Water, and of the strength of the Seas. These humans returned, and became the first of the Scholars of Water. Born to bring healing to a troubled land, their love of life quenched the inferno of the fire mage's hate. With their aid, the Aelin drove the armies of Fire back to the swamps, where most of the Scholars of Fire were put to the sword.

Thus ended what the chronicles tell of as the War of Fire, when men nearly brought ruin once more to the world.

And yet, the Aelin were not the ones to come to dominance after the war. The humans, their passion driving them still, slowly grew in numbers across the surface of Avendar, while the Aelin remained in their cities, lost in the intracicies of their own life.

Those humans not already devoted to healing learned much of the ways of earth from the god Iandir, who brought law once more to the hills and valleys of Avendar. Men paused in their mad growth, and built cities, homes, places of staying, order, and protection.

And thus, many thousands of years passed. Quarrels came and went, but none so great as a war to drench and entire world in Fire. And so it was that the empire of the Humans subsumed the entire world. And yet, the humans were drawn to more than just the surface, and began their explorations of the nether regions of Avendar. There, they found the great cities of the Shuddeni, a race blinded by the night, but who still saw much, and gloried in the horror of the demon sultans who taught them.

Here, human scholars went who wished to learn more. Tortured they were by the Shuddeni, but some, a few, learned their ways. Combining the ritual of the Shuddeni with the ancient learning of the humans, the discipline of the Void was born.

Who can say why the gods suffer such things to exist? Certainly, the gods of the dark revel in the Void, the Things which inhabit it not always of their own creation, but often after their own heart. Certainly, what the Scholars of the Void did was the antithesis of life, and everything living, but the gods of light could not bring and end to them without disturbing the balance of the world.

So it was, those humans who studied with the Shuddeni waxed mighty in their counsuls, and taught the Shuddeni much of the ways of war. The Shuddeni culture, grown stagnant in their millennia under stone, was re-energized by the promise of conquest above the surface. On the blackest night, of the darkest day of the year, the humans and their Shuddeni allies road forth from the caves of their dank abyss, to usher in an age of Night the world had never known.

Striking with meaning, order, and purpose rather than out of blind rage, the forces of the Void took cities, rather than burning them, and corrupted them to their will. Mothers were forced to offer their children as appeasement in unholy rites, designed to serve the Things which dwell beyond, some were kept as slaves, but the cities under the sway of the Void lived, even if they were more the corpses of cities than anything resembling a living organism.

The templars of water mounted counter-assault after counter-assault. Some times, with success, other times, with failures. For over a hundred years, the two sides held sway in a series of enormous battles. With time, thought, the Scholars of Water found their magic growing weaker - the Things of the void had grown strong on the flesh of the young, and pressed for more mortal flesh. When all seem darkest, when even great Earandam thought to send its children to the Aelin amidst the moutain, the unthinkable happend in the ranks of the Void.

Their dark rites prepared, their rituals chanted, they brought forth not demons or other Things, they brought forth instead the Ch'taren. The Ch'taren, whether exiles from the world of dreams or even the fabled astral plane, had used the magic of the void against itself, and had travelled into the Prime Material by means of their gateways.

Bringing with them large numbers and the magics of the Spirit, they routed the dreadlord templars of the void to their holes in the ground, where those that served Fire waited, and picked off the weak among them. Humans learned of the freedom of the Spirit, and everywhere, cast off their chains, and drove the fiends of the Void back once more into seclusion.

And, thus ended the War of the Night, where men learned that the candle of hope flickers even in the blackest of times.

The Ch'taren settled among men, whose empire lies shattered. The other races, long secluded by humankind, came forth to a new Renaissance. Some learned of the ways of the Aelin, and brought forth their own creation - the magic of Air, which sought no rule, order, or code, merely meaning in its own chaotic existence.

Thus, all six of the great elemental magics were brought to Avendar. Men, in time, sought to form again their empire, but found the world too vast a place - Eldritch inhabitants of forest oaks, Dark winged Noferatu dangling in their dark places, and even the Alatharya of yore were returned in diminished form.

Still, for a time men formed a Republic on the main continent of their home, but, in recent times, these alliances were sundered by the raids of the Kankoran barbarians and their allies. This has resulted in the city states we see today - Earandam the grand, Var Bandor, and even Ashta Harrud, desert capitol of commerce.

All races today find more meaning in finding their own niche in the struggle for power, rather than a great gasp at one empire. The Houses of Avendar reflect this diversification of thought among the people of Avendar. Likewise, the Scholars' Towers, were even the mages of void and spirit exist in an uneasy detente.

Moreso than any time in history, the world is a wide place, separated by long distances, with opportunity awaiting around every street corner in the great cities. A time, where, perhaps, the future belongs to those who would take it, and dare to tread the Siege Perilous - a time for adventurers.....


{ 1 60} Staff     Demesnes of the Gods { ALL } Iandir    The Brintor Road     
{35 51} Rystaia   Clouds of Mt. Enrien {10 40} Iandir    The Brintor Mountains
{30 51} Rystaia   The Spirit Palace    { ALL } Iandir    Docks of Var Bandor  
{ None} Staff     Limbo                { 1  5} Jolinn    The Tower of Testing 
{10 40} Jolinn    Ancient Valley       {10 51} Joln/Iand The Woods of Nendor  
{ 1 51} Jolinn    Earendam             { ALL } Ravn      The Aragol River     
{ 1  5} Jolinn    The School of Heroes { ALL } Jolinn    Upper Dantaron River 
{ 1 25} Lilune    Thieves Catacombs    { ALL } Iandir    Krilin Fortress      
{ ALL } Iandir    S. Earendam Grasslnd { ALL } Staff     Var Bandor           
{15 51} Sitheus   Swamp of Sythtys     {25 51} Iandir    Aerie of the Griffins
{10 40} Joktan    Rahh-Nefor           {House} Jolinn    The Tower of Aramril 
{15 25} Iandir    The Undead City      {House} Iandir    The Hall of Law      
{10 35} Marlax    The Ruins of Shendaer{House} Marlax    The Proving Ground   
{ ALL } Iandir    The Dantaron River   {House} Sith/Arkh The Hidden Canyon    
{25 51} Iandir    The Undead Castle    {15 51} Iandir    The Qilarn Forest    
{ 1 15} Iandir    The Remote Monastery {35 51} Joln/Iand The Plains of Shargob
{15 35} Iandir    The Hill Giant Tribe {15 51} Arkhural  Kor Thrandir         
{35 51} Marlax    The Tower of Shendaer{ ALL } Arkh/Joln Vorinden Road        
{45 51} Iandir    The Titan Castle     { 1 20} Iandir    The Rock Tunnels     
{ 5 35} Iandir    The Chaja Caves      {  51 } Iandir    The Shrine of Xiganath
{35 51} Iandir    The Shuddeni City    { 1 15} Rystaia   Eril Village         
{35 51} Iandir    The Kkhilgh Colony   { ALL } Rystaia   Temple of the Pegasus
{25 51} Rystaia   Kohlis               { ALL } Iandir    Temple of the Crown  
{15 51} Rystaia   The Dark Caves       { 5 51} Synrael   Forest of Morn       
{20 51} Iandir    The Temple of Yithoul{  51 } Syn/Joln  The Dream Realms     
{ ALL } Iandir    Outskirts of Earendam{45 51} Iandir    The Basalt Catacombs 
{ ALL } Iandir    N. Earendam Grasslnd { ALL } Aeolis    The Shrine of the Rose
{ ALL } Iandir    The Arien Road       { 1 51} Rannock   Port of Gaald        
{15 30} Iandir    Uthlin Ocean 


Maps of Avendar

                            \   Titans
                     Hill    \    \
             Krilin  Giants  |  Ancient Valley
                 \        |  |     /           Icefields
                 Brintor Mountains      ______|_____                  
                     |         |       |            |
                     |         |------ |Uthlin Ocean|
                    /--Chaja    |      |____________|
                   | Caves  Grasslands
                   |             |
      Var Bandor --------------Earendam
          |                       |
Monastery--******* Twisted         |
          ********* /  Forest   Grasslands
       Woods of Nendor             \
 Amazons--*********           Swamp of Sythtis
            *****  \
               Dark Caves




Avendar: The Crucible of Legends is currently in nearing the end of its beta testing stage. As of this date, we are nearly done with work on the classes. At this writing, we are beginning templars, with only bards left after that.

Along the way, we will be polishing up several items that we consider vital to a completed MUD. Examples include the recently implemented banks and hometowns.

At some point, we will likely be adding our newest houses, Shunned and Seekers.


A paste of our helpfiles, including these:

   **** BETA UPDATES ****
   6/16 -- wall of stone/fire working right.
   6/9 -- fire scholars in. One more to go.
   6/7 -- earth scholars went in. Offensive wands now make
           victim yell. Stonefist made bash damage. Wands can
           be used by those higher level than them now, just with
           less effectiveness.
   5/1-31 -- bug fixes. Efficiency routines. New progs (woo) for
   4/25 -- Tons of Bugs Fixed, Racial Stats/Abilities Modified, Some
           Changes to Dual Wield, Map of Avendar now works.
   4/1-- fixed lightningstorm/icestorm bug, so they happen at the right frequency
   4/9 -- area updates, air scholars updated, with helps.
   3/3-- water scholars added. 15 areas updated. ASSLOADS of help files
           written by Jolinn added. (freak)
   3/19 -- revamped obj progs to handle ifchecks right. added
           more memory functions. added auctioneer =)
   3/14 -- bug fixes
   3/12 -- mobs gain memory. guardians adjusted.
           belt of looters now just becomes capacity
           instead of crumbling
   3/11 -- updated this help file a bit more.
   3/11 -- more bug fixes. Trip, gains for swordmasters,
           killing pets, summon/nosummon, so on and
           so forth. All known bugs fixed? What are we
   3/1-- bug fixes. uppercut, forms, dual, stones of power
   3/9  -- Fixed stats issues. Only humans gain points for a prime stat.
           Cannot exceed max stats any more.
   3/7  -- Bug fixes, Massive tons of help files, Raider and Conquest added.
           Had over a 3 day uptime before this shutdown.
   2/26 -- Void scholars in. More bug updates. animals called do damage.
   2/2-- More bug fixes. Void scholars almost done.
   2/13 -- Major bug fixes, changes to ghost, druid titles are in,
           help DAMAGE is in
   2/7 -- about 125 Bug fixes went in, more helps, and guardian and
          champion houses
   2/4 -- added help PK, lots of class helps (see help CLASS)
   2/4 -- added the rest of the druid skills/spells, and a lot of helps
           also fixed the recall/pet/crash bug
   Bards, Gleemen are pending.
   Class Revamp
   Major revamp done on: Barbarians, Fighters, Gladiators, and Swordmasters,
   Thieves, Thief-takers, Bandits, Assassins, Rangers, and Druids. These classes
   are considered "mostly" done. They will receive additional skills as
   needed for balancing purposes
   In progress: Scholars
   Pending: Templars, Bards, and Gleemen. These revamps will occur
   after houses are added. (or, alternately, after the house system is
   complete, and as we bring new houses online)
   House Update
   Champion, Guardian, Conquest, and Raider are in. Coming next:
   Seeker and Shunned.
   Bug Update
   Major bugs have been fixed.
   Area Update
   Many advanced areas in the works.
   Help File Update
   Basically, all help files are in. If you see missing help files,
   tell tell tell us. (note to immortal) (not imm. IMMORTAL)
   Race Update
   Races may be modified, but are done. Shuddeni blindness in.

   |       HEALER                                                        |
   The healer decided to grab a quick buck, and now charges for his heals.  Some
   services are still free to players of level 1or below, however.  To see
   a full listing of the healer's services, type 'heal' at his residence. To
   receive healing, bring plenty of money, and type 'heal <spell>'.

                       {R**    {BThe Rules of Pantheon   {R**{x
   1)  Do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals.
       This includes transferring/summoning them to aggressive mobs.
       If you break this rule, you will be punished. Higher Immortals
       will handle punishment to those mortals with the gaul to insult.
   2)  Do not cheat for ANY mortal in ANY way, especially your own.
       Unless of course you LIKE deletion. Yes this includes tanking,
       healing/restoring, casting protection spells <armor, sanct>,
       and softening up or altering mobs.
   3)  Do not transfer or summon mobs to mortals or mortals to mobs.
       They have legs, if they want to kill a mob, they can easilly
       go there themselves.
   4)  DO NOT kill the shopkeepers for any reason at ALL.
   5)  Obey all orders from those higher in the pantheon than yourself.
       Their say is Law. Respect all Immortals. Do not alter another
       Immortal without the permission of a higher Immortal.
   6)  Do not give out free equipment.  You don't need to win brownie
       points with the mortals.  Quest are fine but handing out items
   7)  A note on quests: Quests are a good thing, more or less, BUT
       do not give out overly extravagant prizes.  Exercise some
       common sense here folks.
   8)  Do not undermine the authority of a higher level god.  If you
       see that someone has been frozen or nochannelled do not restore
       their priveleges.  They are being punished for a reason.
   9)  Do not try to overrule each other.
   10) Trusted mortals:  they are NOT going to happen here.
   11) Never act or speak in an out of character (OOC) manner where mortals
       can hear you.

                       {R**    {BThe Rules of Pantheon   {R**{x
   * Unlimited Pkilling or stealing, in fact, we encourage it. For more
     on pkilling HELP PLAYERKILLING. More rules posted there.
   * Your presence here is a privilege not a right. Obey any orders from gods, and
     you will be fine. If you wish to appeal the decision of an immortals,
     consider taking your case to the implementors. The decision of the
     implementors is final.
   * No multiple logins, multiple playing, or helping your own characters with
     other characters you own -- by any arrangment. People who do this will
     get both or if you are doing it with more than two, deleted, possible
     worse. Accomplices are also punished. If you see cheating going on, do
     not aid with silence. In fact, do not aid at all.
   * Cheating will not be tolerated.  This includes accepting favors from gods
     and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.
     If you exploit a bug, expect dire consequences.
   * Unnecessary spamming will not be tolerated.
   * Roleplaying is mandatory. We understand the need to occasionally speak
     out of character, but do not make a habit of it. You have the command
     OOCTALK for out of character speech. We do not want to see any OOC
     elsewhere. See help ROLEPLAYING to learn what this is all about.
     You are responsible for knowing the contents of help ROLEPLAYING and
   * Quitting out less than ten minutes after a PK attempt made by you or
     upon you or after looting a corpse is bad roleplaying and will not be
     tolerated. If you PKed someone, you are not permitted to leave until
     their corpse has rotted away or the time it takes for a corpse to rot
     has passed. In general, it's also very bad to quit the game to avoid
     the in character consequences of your actions.
   * Storage characters or other kinds of useless characters will not be
     tolerated. Expect to have them deleted on site if they are found.

   |       LAG                                                           |
   Twas dial-up, and the failing mudders did toil and struggle in the fray
   All checksummed were the compressed files
   And the man pages, outdate
   Beware the Internet my son,
   The noise that hangs, the lag that kills
   Beware the Usenet news, and shun the frivolous mud with frills
   So took his his mudding client in hand
   Longtime the virtual foe he sought
   So rested he by the T1s three and paused a while in swap
   And as in disk-drive swap he stayed,
   The Internet, with lags of fame
   Came packetwise through the T1 line
   And error-checked as it came
   One two one two and through and through, the mudding client went kill -9
   He left it dead and with it's core he went a tracing back
   And hath thou slain the Internet?
   Come to my arms my disk-based bot!
   Oh lag-free day, callooh callay, he chortled in his joy
   Twas dial-up, and the failing mudders did toil and struggle in the fray
   All checksummed were the compressed files
   And the man pages, outdate.
   |       IMMORTALS OF THE PANTHEON                                     |
   Gods of the Light       Gods of Balance         Gods of Darkness
   ==================      ==================      ==================
   Jolinn          LG      Iandir          LN      Ashur           LE
                           Marlax          LN      Sitheus         NE
   Rystaia         CG      Khaern          CN      Arkhural        CE

   |               Conquest                                              |
   The lords of Conquest seek to dominate the weak, to cull those not suited
   for the world from the various races they belong to. Most choose to take
   power whereever and however they can, against or with the odds. They
   forever seek to prove their prowess in combat, accepting challenges
   from all who show themselves worthy. The more physical warriors
   dominate using their strength and hardiness, while the magical fighters
   tend to crush their enemies with their mental energies. Those who
   deem themselves worthy should send a scroll to CONQUEST, and seek
   favor from the other conquerors.