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Rough Outline as of 10/13 - Numbers all very very rough
Was an idea for a game of illusion in Jh'ten, wherein air scholars created an illusionary setting and forces which players could direct. I wasted far too much time progging it, and ended up canning the idea.
The Game
In a building, there is a large, vaulted room which has a map of Avendar on floor and floating pads around it whereupon players (2 to 9) stand.  There is a balcony for spectators who watch the match.  Characters can then play a strategy game, aided by the air scholars/illusionist who make images of guilds and adventurers which the players have partial control over.
Characters choose a race, and when game begins, an illusionist creates the illusionary images of the game on the map.  Spectators can look at one of the 25 areas of the map to see what is happening in that area, or look at the map as a whole to get a summary view.
Each player begin in the home area of his/her race, with 200 gold, a keep, and a guild (type depending on race).  Players win by destroying the opposing player’s keep (or reaching a set score).  Each keep has a guard, and players can send out peasants (or citizens, or slaves) to build guilds.  Players can also build inns, marketplaces, and blacksmith shops.
When a guild is constructed (handled automatically by the peasant bots), the guild can train up to four adventurers, and it serves as their home base.  The adventurers are more or less self-controlled bots: they will pick fights on their own with those of other races (esp. differing alignments), battle creatures, and wander.  They have randomly generated attribute stats as appropriate for their race, which have various influences in the game.
When adventurers encounter other adventurers, they might battle, and may battle to the death (not game combat, but prog-handled conflicts), or flee.  When they encounter creature dens/ruins/enemy buildings, they may attack it.  If wounded, they might rest in their guild, or find better rest (healing) in an inn.
Adventurers gain in experience, levels, and power, and get a special ability at the 5th level.  They also deposit the gold they collect (from having found treasures, or plundered enemies) in their guild, to purchase healing or recall potions.  Players can then use this gold.
One of the ways to bring gold to coffers and raise the level of adventurers is by fighting creatures on the map.  In each area where a player does not start, there will be a creature den (ruins, castle, etc) that generates creatures/npcs to fight.  Players can destroy the den.  Wandering monsters will also occasionally generate from an area, and wander into an adjoining area.  At set times as well, the player’s home area will be infested by creatures generated from an adjoining area, who can attack the player’s buildings.
One can put rewards on creatures, enemy adventurers, creatures, or buildings to encourage one’s own adventurers to attack them.  Players can designate an areas of the map with an explore reward, which will encourage adventurers to go there (and be more likely to try for the nearby award.  The higher the rewards, the better chances for players to seek them out (ie they’ll do one’s bidding quicker).  
When adventurers collect rewards, find treasures while wandering, and get treasures when battling creatures or enemies, they will spend it in the marketplace, inn, or donate it to their guild.  This money is collected by tax collectors that wander from building to building, and return it to the central keep. The gold in the keep is what the player uses to train more adventurers and to build more guilds and buildings.
Game Board
The board is  a 5x5 area grid where the bots actually interact. Various progs allow players and spectators to observe what is happening.  Players can see all the contents of an area where they have a building or an adventurer, and can get a general summary view of what is happening throughout the world.  Observers can only view areas contents where more than one player has a presence, and they can also get the generalized overview.
Gaald Ryarl Krilin Kor Thrandir Titans
Gogoth         Morn      Brintors Nordath         Jh’ten
Shargob         Qilarn         North Forest Grasslands Uthlin
Fens Var Bandor Arien Plains Earendam Griffins
Rahh-Nefor Nendor Savannah Jasa Lake Sythtys Swamp
Buildings Available
When a player give the build building command (if he/she has enough gold), peasant bots will be generated to work on it.  The peasants can be killed, like the adventurer bots.  The more overall buildings the player has, the more peasants will be generated.
Inn 75 (Heals hp, 1 gold per, 2%chance 1 gold per click)
Blacksmith 100 (Increases attack and defense by 1, 10 gold per, 1% 1 gold per click)
Marketplace 125 (Sells recall and health, 5 gold per, 5% 1 gold per click)
Guardpost 100 (1% 1 gold per click, generates 1 guard)
Bot details
race = race
platinum = reward on keep
gold = player’s total collected gold
pos = 0
2 under repair
0 = math variable
1 = player’s points
2 = total peasants usable
3 = peasants being used
4 = tax collection counter
5 = total adventurers
6 = total buildings
7 = creatures slain
8 = enemies slain
9 = location
progs: game reports for players and observers
GUILDBUILDING BOT (one max per region)
race = race type
platinum = reward
gold = gold in guild
hp = hp
pos = 0 has been completed
1 under construction
2 under repair
0 = math calculations
1 = training #1 adv counter
2 = training #2 adv counter
3 = training #3 adv counter
4 = training #4 adv (or guard) counter
5 = #1 adv (true/false)
6 = #2 adv (true/false)
7 = #3 adv (true/false)
8 = #4 adv (true/false)
9 = location
- count down training, then create adventurer bot
GUARDTOWER BOTS (one max per region)
race = race
platinum = reward
gold = gold
name = Guard tower
race = race
platinum = reward
gold = gold
silver = potions health
copper = potions recall
short = NAME the TITLE
pos =  0 fighting
1 exploring/wandering
2 fleeing
3 going to market
4 going to inn
5 going to blacksmith
$f0 = master
$f1 = fight target
hp = hp
0 = open variable for math operations
1 = class
2 = level
3 = xp
4 = lag counter (affected by net [+10], bash[+5]
5 = forced hostile/attack (ie must defend buildings)
6 = attack
7 = defense
8 = ability
9 = location
class = class OR guard
-guards never wander or search for rewards
main ai
-defend self or flee?
-defend ally?
-defend building?
- go to rest/heal in nearby inn?
- go to rest/heal in home guild by recalling?
- attack nearby enemy?
- normal, or attack ability?
- attack nearby building?
- go to nearby marketplace?
- search for combat reward?
- search for explore reward?
- wander?
PEASANT BOT (generated on ‘construct’ command, number based on how many buildings owned)
name = NAME peasant
short = NAME the [peasant/chaja/slave/servant/thrall]
long = name of building being worked on?
hp = hp
$f0 = master
$f1 = target of repair
1 = building(0) , repairing (1)
progs: increasing hp of building to repair or contruct, go back to keep (purge self) when done.
name = LOCATION locationbot
short = LOCATION
platinum = reward
$f0 = master
0 = visit counter (set to 1000 if adv. present, counts down if none present,
purge self when at zero and reward = 0, adv. can’t collect reward for visiting
if already there)
Get these values from off a master data_prog bot, so as to not bury them separately throughout the all the bot progs (would be a nightmare to adjust, otherwise)
building repair 1 per click
train adventurer 20
construct guild 100
construct guardpost 75
construct inn 50
construct marketplace 50
construct blacksmith 50
MAXPeasants MAXTax Collectors
0-4 bldgs 3 1
5-6 bldgs 4 2
6-7 bldgs 5 3
8-9 bldgs 6 4
10 + 7 5
abilities progged, some tracked via affects
WARRIOR Base Stats Ability (progged)
fighter 20 3/4 bash, bandage
gladiator 20 3/3 net, pound
swordmaster 20 3/3, 5/2, or 2/5 disarm, extra attack
barbarian 20 4/3 bash, hew
air 20 1+* / 1+* , * = last monster slain make illusion, lbolt
void 20 1+*/0+* , * = level summon minor, major
fire 20 *+3/1 , *=level         firestorm, phoenix fire
water 20 1/3 heal, sanctuary
earth 20 1/2 s. elemental
spirit 20 1/1 avatar (*10)
air 20 2/3 teleport
void 20 3/2 harm, gate
fire 20 3/2 firebolt, fireball
water 20 2/3 icebolt, sanctuary
earth 20 2/3 sandspr, meteor strike
spirit 20 3/2 zeal, spirit recall
thief 50 1/1 steal
bandit 20 2/2 loot (increased gold gains)
assassin 20 2/1 garrote (instakill chance)
watcher         20 1/3 call guard
Racial modifiers
RACE align starting guild
ch’taren good spirit templar aggr evil, lower spirit costs
ethron good ranger faster naturalist training,power at lvl 4
caladaran good druid faster scholar training, sch. power at lvl 4
aelin neutral air templar faster templar training, templ. power at lvl 4
alatharya neutral barbarian aggr random -cost barbarians, warriors +1hp
human neutral random         faster training for all
nefortu evil thief lower thief/assassin costs, thief/ass powers at lvl4
srryn evil gladiator cheaper (and weaker) buildings, cheaper fire templars
shuddeni evil void templar aggr good, lower void costs
victory condition conquest (default)
wealth 5000
points 5000

Revision as of 17:20, 10 October 2014

Was an idea for a game of illusion in Jh'ten, wherein air scholars created an illusionary setting and forces which players could direct. I wasted far too much time progging it, and ended up canning the idea.