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<pre>### A little while back Padraic tells me "We will speak soon."
### After a short while I take him up on the offer.
### His response was quite prompt.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
The clouds begin to disperse, clearing the sky.
Padraic tells you 'Gate to me.'
You step into the void, crossing space with your magics.
The magical winds of the void tear at you!
You fade into existence.
Your passage through the void DISMEMBERS you!
The Infirmary
  The infirmary of Krilin Fortress is a spacious room with bare wooden
walls and a well-worn log floor.  A wooden countertop is build into the west
wall, cluttered with bandages, salves, and healing ointments.  A round
shield decorated with the symbol of Jolinn is mounted on the wall.  The
infirmary continues south.
[Exits: south]
(Hide) Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
A scholar of water bustles about the infirmary.
Padraic looks at you.
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      The Infirmary
(PK) Padraic                      The Infirmary
You fade out of existence.
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Vaeshir says softly 'Shal I take us somewhere more private?'
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic spreads his hands.
Padraic says 'Do as you like.'
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      The Infirmary
(PK) Padraic                      The Infirmary
Vaeshir says softly 'If there is no need.'
Vaeshir nods to Padraic.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'What are your feelings on our High Priest?'
Vaeshir's expression hardens, his face now grave.
Padraic says 'The question is a simple one.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It carries with it a great number of questions.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I have both praise and reservations for the man.'
Vaeshir smiles thinly 'Why do you ask?'
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'I have been away from my duties for quite some time'
Vaeshir says softly 'Did you know him at all before your departure?'
Padraic nods.
Vaeshir says softly 'You feel he may have changed?'
Padraic says 'I am wondering, perhaps hoping, that he has.'
Vaeshir laces his fingers together before him.
Vaeshir says softly 'Hoping that he might have changed how?'
Padraic says 'My own questions remains unanswered.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Quite true.'
Padraic eyes the scholar quietly.
Padraic says 'Perhaps it is best if you take us away.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Very well.'
Vaeshir traces a broad circle in the air.
A shimmering gate rises up before you.
You enter a shimmering gate.
A Crystal-filled Cave
  The subterranean tunnel curves to the north and east at this point, the
cave walls formed of a dark brown sedimentary stone.  Sprouting from this
stone are dozens of naturally-formed crystals, whose intricate shapes line
the walls in shimmering patterns.  Broken shards and whole shafts of crystal
lay about the floor of the cave, the smaller pieces filling the various
cracks and variations in the stone floor.
[Exits: north east]
    A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
A large pile of crystals moves fitfully about the cave.
You fade into existence.
Your passage through the void hits you.
Padraic has arrived through a shimmering gate.
Padraic's passage through the void wounds him.
### Wander wander wander.
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Rough Earthen Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Crystal-filled Cave
A Rough Earthen Tunnel
  The walls of the rough earthen tunnel continue, with jagged pieces of
stone protruding from the sides.  The floor is uneven, and appears to have
been chiseled in places.  The rough tunnel continues to the north and east,
and a side tunnel leads upwards. 
[Exits: east west up]
(Hide) Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Padraic nods.
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'The question, to the hyperactive mind, is laced with political agendas and intrigue.'
### Oh, I don't think your mind has to be _that_ hyperactive
Padraic says 'But truthfully, I merely seek to ascertain the current state of our house, nothing more.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It would be difficult for me to judge him without bringing my own wants for the future of the House to bear upon my opinion.'
Vaeshir says softly 'If you could tell me what in particular troubled you I would be able to speak to it directly.'
Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic tips the chalice in your direction, arching an eyebrow inquisitively.
Padraic says 'Or have you brought your own supplies this time?'
Vaeshir says softly 'I have, but I would drink in rememberance if you like.'
[SHUNNED] Amyril: If you see Ehraejal, tell me please
### You can go to hell.
Your current aliases are:
    lick:  ,licks his lips gingerly.
    so:  esay 'says softly'
    incline:  ,inclines his head slightly.
    run:  ,traces his fingers idly across the scales covering his neck.
    rsc:  order all rescue
    bl:  c blind
    wry:  smote Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile.
    tilt:  ,tilts his head to one side inquisitively.
    blink:  tell self You don't have eyes.
    ls:  where pk
    frown:  smote The edges of Vaeshir's mouth turn downward slightly.
    2:  quaff goblet
    1:  where ehraejal
    cry:  ,lets out a silent cry, bringing his hands to his head in pain.
Padraic says 'I'm not one for such sentimental activities.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Padraic leans against the earthen walls, gazing at you patiently.
Ehraejal tells you 'Flunkies took stones, yes? From you?'
### Try and weasel your way out of it, why don't you.
Vaeshir exhales wearily 'As I have said, my opinion of the High Priest is mixed. I feel no great need to detail the full extent of my sentiments toward him to you.'
Padraic eats a bowl of beef broth.
Padraic shrugs his shoulders.
Padraic says 'Mixed.  I assume he has not lost a shred of his pompousity then.'
### There we are. Work with me.
Vaeshir says curtly 'Little.'
Ehraejal tells you 'Bjorcha got tongue?'
[    Nef  Psi] (PK) Ehraejal the Master of Prescience
Padraic says 'I was slightly surprised that he did not address you as "Lord" Vaeshir, upon your arrival.'
You tell Ehraejal 'I don't have the time to chatter with you now, Ehraejal.'
Padraic says 'He seems strangely enchanted by such titles, and has been throwing them about liberally ever since I made my return.'
Ehraejal tells you 'Pity. Ehraejal know something interesting, but you too busy.'
Ehraejal tells you 'No matter, no.'
Vaeshir says softly 'That was an anomaly.'
Padraic says 'An absent minded high priest?'
Padraic mulls over the idea.
Vaeshir says softly 'So it seems. Perhaps you read too far into his slip.'
Padraic says 'Perhaps I do.  But he bears the highest of credentials, which one rarely achieves except through an uncanny ability to not make mistakes.'
Padraic waves dismissively.
Padraic says 'Then again, he has been rather abysmal in hiding his affiliation with the Lord of Deception.'
Vaeshir chuckles 'Well.'
Vaeshir says softly 'There are legitimate reasons for that.'
Padraic continues 'Even Abliss did a better job than he, and she was a woman.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Padraic says 'What legitimate reasons does he have, anyway?'
Vaeshir says softly 'It seems to me to be a question of priorities.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The Lieutenant has expressed a desire to make our power known to all. I believe they embark upon that path together bringing the House along with them.'
Vaeshir says softly 'While stealth and power often go together it is not, in this case, in the interests of that plan.'
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Padraic says 'In such a case, Tlkhanu should simply discard his mask, rather than keeping its shredded remains hanging loosely about him.'
Padraic says 'If he wishes to show his power, than he should do so.'
Padraic says 'Staying in Limbo will not help him.'
Vaeshir nods 'I agree completely. When my word holds more strength among the Five I will see to it that my opinion is known.'
Padraic looks at you.
Padraic says 'The Keeper's role has yet to be fulfilled.'
Padraic says 'Unless Tlkhanu means to hold two seats in the council at once'
Vaeshir's expression twists from grimace to bitter scowl.
Padraic says 'Then it should be little trouble to find a way to get yourself installed.'
Vaeshir lets out a silent cry, bringing his hands to his head in pain.
Vaeshir falls against one of the cave walls and leans heavily agaist it.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic purses his lips, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Breathing heavily, Vaeshir regains his composure.
Padraic gives you an everfull chalice.
You give an everfull chalice to Padraic.
Vaeshir waves the water away.
Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Padraic says 'Such a terrible fit.'
### ^_~
Amyril yells 'Greetings'
Padraic rolls his eyes in disgust.
### Seriously.
Vaeshir says softly 'The transformation has brought with it a number of interesting effects.'
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Amyril                      Under a Crevice
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Vaeshir says softly 'The episodes have been more intense and more frequent in number of late.'
[SHUNNED] Amyril: Paying a visit to the shrine?
Padraic says 'An excellent time for the idiot to make his entrance.'
[SHUNNED] Padraic: Considering it.
Vaeshir glowers in disgust.
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Vaeshir says softly 'I believe he knows better than to intrude.'
Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'His face is useful to the house, so long as I don't have to see it.'
Vaeshir examines his claws idly 'He grows old. In time even his usefulness as a killer will pass away.'
Padraic says 'They all do.  And then they are forgotten.'
Padraic says 'But we were speaking of Tlkhanu, and of your chances of assuming the Mantle of the Keeper.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Vaeshir says softly 'There is still a complication.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I am, due to the Siren's extended travel, still bound to her.'
Someone bursts into laughter.
### It's not _that_ funny.
A Subterranean Tunnel
  The dark subterranean tunnel leads to the north, and curves sharply
downward to the east.  The hard, dark clay of the cave walls curves overhead
to form a low ceiling.  The air in the tunnel is dank and musty, and the
damp clay of the floor has been marred by the passage of a large, clawed
[Exits: north down]
(Hide) someone the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Vaeshir glowers into the shadows.
Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'For all of her preening, she is still no more than a bar wench with fancy clothing.'
[SHUNNED] Khaseem: Sssalutationssss, Chosssen. 
Vaeshir says softly 'I have always held that belief. I believe she knows it.'
[SHUNNED] Khaseem: Ah a new face.  Sssalutationsss.
[SHUNNED] Vaeshir: Greetings.
Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile.
Khaseem tells you 'Truely a new face, or an old one returned?'
You tell Khaseem 'The latter.'
Padraic says 'If you like, I may have her relinquish the bond.'
You tell Khaseem 'This one sits on the chair marked with a Scorpion.'
Padraic says 'Aedariara owes me.'
Vaeshir straightens himself.
Vaeshir says softly 'It is not so much that she will not break it away, it is more that she has not been present to do so.'
Padraic frowns.
Vaeshir says softly 'I have not seen her several years.'
Padraic taps his fingers together thoughtfully.
Padraic says 'I'll have my men search for her, then.'
Padraic says 'She's fairly high in profile, and should be easy to find.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Her debt would be transfered to me were you to do so.'
Vaeshir sighs wearily.
Vaeshir says softly 'I cannot say I will complain.'
Khaseem tells you 'Tlkhanu never fully explained the chair of the ssscorpion.....'
Padraic says 'Come, you know me to be far more reasonable than that petty bitch.'
Vaeshir says softly 'True enough.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Truth be told I have begun a search for another to fill her chair.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
### This Bud's for you.
Padraic says 'Have you now?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Of course, my lack of clarity with regards to her function has made that a trifle difficult.'
Vaeshir smiles grimly.
You tell Khaseem 'You might ask him if you like.'
Padraic says 'The Siren is "our voice"'
You tell Khaseem 'To me, the man who sits in that chair is the eyes and ears of the Coven.'
Padraic says 'My house has several people like her, all of them far beyond her in terms of competency.'
Vaeshir tilts his head to one side 'How very unusual that she should be chosen for the position.'
You tell Khaseem 'Eyes, ears, and sting as well.'
Padraic says 'Her story is unknown to me.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
You feel someone protecting you.
Khaseem tells you 'apparently he doessss not wish to dissscussss it, he denied holding the sssseat'
Vaeshir says softly 'It was the High Priest, who, in the Lieutenant's stead, brought the Darklord into the collective.'
You tell Khaseem 'Unsurprising.'
You tell Khaseem 'Do not press the issue.'
### Oro.
Padraic says 'Sythrak's chosen'
Padraic says 'An odd fit, wouldn't you agree?'
You say 'Quite so.'
Padraic says 'I would hope that he hasn't attempted to make an attempt upon any of us "warmbloods"?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Certainly not directly. For one of their number his is surprisingly passive.'
Padraic mulls over the idea.
Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'He is subservient to the Lieutenant?'
Vaeshir says softly 'I maintain, both in my conversations with the High Priest as well as those with the Lieutenant, that there will come a time when the interests of the Coven and those of the Sept will be in conflict.'
Vaeshir says softly 'He is.'
Vaeshir says softly 'It is unusual indeed. I believe I had the Lieutenant convinced just as he was initiated.'
Vaeshir sighs heavily, tightening the straps of cloth about his arms.
Padraic says 'Khaseem will inevitably start to tilt in favor of the Lord of his blood line'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Padraic says 'Shasarik seems to have broken from that sort of thing'
Vaeshir furrows his brow.
Padraic says 'Speaking of him, how are your relations with your former servant?'
Vaeshir says softly 'Better than I might have expected.'
Padraic says 'It doesn't irk you that he now holds more power than you?'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Vaeshir says softly 'He has proven himself.'
Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'It irks me.'
Vaeshir tilts his head to one side slightly.
### Woo!
Padraic folds his hands in front of him.
Padraic murmurs 'Lieutenant...'
Vaeshir breathes 'He has divine favor.'
> Now key two flips to Landrel.
Padraic says 'Really?'
Padraic says 'How so?'
Padraic frowns.
Padraic says 'Shasarik will be useful, still.'
Vaeshir continues 'The two of us have been met with a great number of martial victories. His capacity as a leader has yet to be determined.'
Padraic paces back and forth, a thoughtful look upon his face.
Vaeshir sspreads his hands 'Or so I believe.'
Vaeshir casts a thoughtful glance towards the heavens.
Padraic says 'Shasarik will stay.'
Padraic says 'Aedariara, perhaps not.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
Padraic says 'You shall be made Keeper.'
Padraic says 'And Tlkhanu...'
Padraic says 'I have yet to place him.'
Vaeshir studies Padraic's face intently.
Padraic glances at you, as if suddenly becoming aware of your presence.
Vaeshir offers 'I find it unsettling that he holds power over all of the seats of the Council.'
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'You have yet to express your reservations about him.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The most important ones have already been made clear.'
Padraic says 'Humor me, refresh my memory.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Firstly, his inability to balance his divine ties with his pursuit of the vision he shares with the Lieutenant.'
Vaeshir continues 'and secondly the fact that he holds power over the circle of Five.'
Padraic says 'But someone must hold that power.'
Padraic says 'Is it merely his position... or him?'
Vaeshir says softly 'There is a clear difference between how the Coven behaved under Lilisa.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The Warlord's induction is only the most blatant example.'
Padraic nods.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'And your praises?'
Vaeshir says softly 'He is obviously intelligent. He is also clearly capable of leading the Coven in the direction he sees fit.'
Padraic says 'Do you agree with his vision?'
Vaeshir says softly 'It has yet to be made fully clear to me.'
Padraic says 'That reflects rather poorly upon him.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Quite so.'
Padraic says 'There will come a time when I will ask for your assistance.'
Padraic says 'When that time comes, where will you stand?'
### Insert dramatic pause here.
Vaeshir says softly 'You will have my support.'
Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'Then that is all.'
Vaeshir offers 'If you like I might move to gather the support of the Lieutenant.'
Padraic nods.
Vaeshir says softly 'He has been known to yield to my judgement in times of strain.'
Vaeshir chuckles dryly.
Padraic says 'The Lieutenant bears the might of the Vanguard behind him.'
Padraic says 'His support will be crucial.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly.
Vaeshir says softly 'If my suspicions are correct, we already have it.'
Padraic says 'Excellent.'
Padraic flexes his hand slowly.
Padraic says 'Let us away from here.'
Vaeshir ponders 'Perhaps more of our former bond remains than he might suspect.'
Vaeshir inclines his head slightly.
A shimmering gate rises up before you.
You enter a shimmering gate.</pre>
[http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_2 prev] [http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_4 next]
[http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_2 prev] [http://www.ender.com/~jolinn/avendarbible/wiki.pl?Road_to_Revolution_4 next]
Return to: [[The Apocrypha]] See also: [[Vaeshir]], [[Shasarik]], [[Padraic]]
Return to: [[The Apocrypha]] See also: [[Vaeshir]], [[Shasarik]], [[Padraic]]

Revision as of 23:57, 20 January 2003

### A little while back Padraic tells me "We will speak soon."
### After a short while I take him up on the offer.
### His response was quite prompt.

The sun slowly disappears in the west.
The clouds begin to disperse, clearing the sky.

Padraic tells you 'Gate to me.'

You step into the void, crossing space with your magics.
The magical winds of the void tear at you!
You fade into existence.
Your passage through the void DISMEMBERS you!
The Infirmary
  The infirmary of Krilin Fortress is a spacious room with bare wooden
walls and a well-worn log floor.  A wooden countertop is build into the west
wall, cluttered with bandages, salves, and healing ointments.  A round
shield decorated with the symbol of Jolinn is mounted on the wall.  The
infirmary continues south. 

[Exits: south]
(Hide) Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.
A scholar of water bustles about the infirmary.

Padraic looks at you.

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      The Infirmary
(PK) Padraic                      The Infirmary

You fade out of existence.

Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 
Vaeshir says softly 'Shal I take us somewhere more private?'

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic spreads his hands.

Padraic says 'Do as you like.'

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      The Infirmary
(PK) Padraic                      The Infirmary

Vaeshir says softly 'If there is no need.'
Vaeshir nods to Padraic.

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'What are your feelings on our High Priest?'

Vaeshir's expression hardens, his face now grave.

Padraic says 'The question is a simple one.'

Vaeshir says softly 'It carries with it a great number of questions.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I have both praise and reservations for the man.'
Vaeshir smiles thinly 'Why do you ask?'

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'I have been away from my duties for quite some time'

Vaeshir says softly 'Did you know him at all before your departure?'

Padraic nods.

Vaeshir says softly 'You feel he may have changed?'

Padraic says 'I am wondering, perhaps hoping, that he has.'

Vaeshir laces his fingers together before him.
Vaeshir says softly 'Hoping that he might have changed how?'

Padraic says 'My own questions remains unanswered.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Quite true.'

Padraic eyes the scholar quietly.
Padraic says 'Perhaps it is best if you take us away.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Very well.'
Vaeshir traces a broad circle in the air.

A shimmering gate rises up before you.

You enter a shimmering gate.
A Crystal-filled Cave
  The subterranean tunnel curves to the north and east at this point, the
cave walls formed of a dark brown sedimentary stone.  Sprouting from this
stone are dozens of naturally-formed crystals, whose intricate shapes line
the walls in shimmering patterns.  Broken shards and whole shafts of crystal
lay about the floor of the cave, the smaller pieces filling the various
cracks and variations in the stone floor. 

[Exits: north east]
     A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.
A large pile of crystals moves fitfully about the cave.
You fade into existence.
Your passage through the void hits you.

Padraic has arrived through a shimmering gate.
Padraic's passage through the void wounds him.

### Wander wander wander.

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Rough Earthen Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Crystal-filled Cave

A Rough Earthen Tunnel
  The walls of the rough earthen tunnel continue, with jagged pieces of
stone protruding from the sides.  The floor is uneven, and appears to have
been chiseled in places.  The rough tunnel continues to the north and east,
and a side tunnel leads upwards.  

[Exits: east west up]
(Hide) Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.

Padraic nods.

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'The question, to the hyperactive mind, is laced with political agendas and intrigue.'

### Oh, I don't think your mind has to be _that_ hyperactive

Padraic says 'But truthfully, I merely seek to ascertain the current state of our house, nothing more.'

Vaeshir says softly 'It would be difficult for me to judge him without bringing my own wants for the future of the House to bear upon my opinion.'
Vaeshir says softly 'If you could tell me what in particular troubled you I would be able to speak to it directly.'

Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.
Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic tips the chalice in your direction, arching an eyebrow inquisitively.
Padraic says 'Or have you brought your own supplies this time?'

Vaeshir says softly 'I have, but I would drink in rememberance if you like.'

[SHUNNED] Amyril: If you see Ehraejal, tell me please

### You can go to hell.

Your current aliases are:
    lick:  ,licks his lips gingerly.
    so:  esay 'says softly'
    incline:  ,inclines his head slightly.
    run:  ,traces his fingers idly across the scales covering his neck.
    rsc:  order all rescue
    bl:  c blind
    wry:  smote Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile.
    tilt:  ,tilts his head to one side inquisitively.
    blink:  tell self You don't have eyes.
    ls:  where pk
    frown:  smote The edges of Vaeshir's mouth turn downward slightly.
    2:  quaff goblet
    1:  where ehraejal
    cry:  ,lets out a silent cry, bringing his hands to his head in pain.

Padraic says 'I'm not one for such sentimental activities.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic leans against the earthen walls, gazing at you patiently.

Ehraejal tells you 'Flunkies took stones, yes? From you?'

### Try and weasel your way out of it, why don't you.

Vaeshir exhales wearily 'As I have said, my opinion of the High Priest is mixed. I feel no great need to detail the full extent of my sentiments toward him to you.'

Padraic eats a bowl of beef broth.
Padraic shrugs his shoulders.
Padraic says 'Mixed.  I assume he has not lost a shred of his pompousity then.'

### There we are. Work with me.

Vaeshir says curtly 'Little.'

Ehraejal tells you 'Bjorcha got tongue?'

[     Nef  Psi] (PK) Ehraejal the Master of Prescience

Padraic says 'I was slightly surprised that he did not address you as "Lord" Vaeshir, upon your arrival.'

You tell Ehraejal 'I don't have the time to chatter with you now, Ehraejal.'

Padraic says 'He seems strangely enchanted by such titles, and has been throwing them about liberally ever since I made my return.'

Ehraejal tells you 'Pity. Ehraejal know something interesting, but you too busy.'
Ehraejal tells you 'No matter, no.'

Vaeshir says softly 'That was an anomaly.'

Padraic says 'An absent minded high priest?'
Padraic mulls over the idea.

Vaeshir says softly 'So it seems. Perhaps you read too far into his slip.'

Padraic says 'Perhaps I do.  But he bears the highest of credentials, which one rarely achieves except through an uncanny ability to not make mistakes.'

Padraic waves dismissively.

Padraic says 'Then again, he has been rather abysmal in hiding his affiliation with the Lord of Deception.'

Vaeshir chuckles 'Well.'
Vaeshir says softly 'There are legitimate reasons for that.'

Padraic continues 'Even Abliss did a better job than he, and she was a woman.'

Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

Padraic says 'What legitimate reasons does he have, anyway?'

Vaeshir says softly 'It seems to me to be a question of priorities.'

Vaeshir says softly 'The Lieutenant has expressed a desire to make our power known to all. I believe they embark upon that path together bringing the House along with them.'
Vaeshir says softly 'While stealth and power often go together it is not, in this case, in the interests of that plan.'

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel

Padraic says 'In such a case, Tlkhanu should simply discard his mask, rather than keeping its shredded remains hanging loosely about him.'
Padraic says 'If he wishes to show his power, than he should do so.'
Padraic says 'Staying in Limbo will not help him.'

Vaeshir nods 'I agree completely. When my word holds more strength among the Five I will see to it that my opinion is known.'

Padraic looks at you.

Padraic says 'The Keeper's role has yet to be fulfilled.'
Padraic says 'Unless Tlkhanu means to hold two seats in the council at once'

Vaeshir's expression twists from grimace to bitter scowl.

Padraic says 'Then it should be little trouble to find a way to get yourself installed.'

Vaeshir lets out a silent cry, bringing his hands to his head in pain. 
Vaeshir falls against one of the cave walls and leans heavily agaist it.

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic purses his lips, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Breathing heavily, Vaeshir regains his composure.

Padraic gives you an everfull chalice.

You give an everfull chalice to Padraic.
Vaeshir waves the water away.

Padraic drinks water from an everfull chalice.

Padraic says 'Such a terrible fit.'

### ^_~

Amyril yells 'Greetings'

Padraic rolls his eyes in disgust.

### Seriously.

Vaeshir says softly 'The transformation has brought with it a number of interesting effects.'

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Amyril                       Under a Crevice
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel

Vaeshir says softly 'The episodes have been more intense and more frequent in number of late.'

[SHUNNED] Amyril: Paying a visit to the shrine?

Padraic says 'An excellent time for the idiot to make his entrance.'

[SHUNNED] Padraic: Considering it.

Vaeshir glowers in disgust.

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel

Vaeshir says softly 'I believe he knows better than to intrude.'

Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'His face is useful to the house, so long as I don't have to see it.'

Vaeshir examines his claws idly 'He grows old. In time even his usefulness as a killer will pass away.'

Padraic says 'They all do.  And then they are forgotten.'
Padraic says 'But we were speaking of Tlkhanu, and of your chances of assuming the Mantle of the Keeper.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

Vaeshir says softly 'There is still a complication.'
Vaeshir says softly 'I am, due to the Siren's extended travel, still bound to her.'

Someone bursts into laughter.

### It's not _that_ funny.

A Subterranean Tunnel
  The dark subterranean tunnel leads to the north, and curves sharply
downward to the east.  The hard, dark clay of the cave walls curves overhead
to form a low ceiling.  The air in the tunnel is dank and musty, and the
damp clay of the floor has been marred by the passage of a large, clawed

[Exits: north down]
(Hide) someone the Hero of the Shadows is here.

Vaeshir glowers into the shadows.

Players near you:
(PK) Vaeshir                      A Subterranean Tunnel
(PK) Padraic                      A Subterranean Tunnel

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'For all of her preening, she is still no more than a bar wench with fancy clothing.'

[SHUNNED] Khaseem: Sssalutationssss, Chosssen.  

Vaeshir says softly 'I have always held that belief. I believe she knows it.'

[SHUNNED] Khaseem: Ah a new face.  Sssalutationsss.
[SHUNNED] Vaeshir: Greetings.

Padraic the Hero of the Shadows is here.

Vaeshir's lips twist into a wry smile. 

Khaseem tells you 'Truely a new face, or an old one returned?'

You tell Khaseem 'The latter.'

Padraic says 'If you like, I may have her relinquish the bond.'

You tell Khaseem 'This one sits on the chair marked with a Scorpion.'

Padraic says 'Aedariara owes me.'

Vaeshir straightens himself.
Vaeshir says softly 'It is not so much that she will not break it away, it is more that she has not been present to do so.'

Padraic frowns.

Vaeshir says softly 'I have not seen her several years.'

Padraic taps his fingers together thoughtfully.
Padraic says 'I'll have my men search for her, then.'
Padraic says 'She's fairly high in profile, and should be easy to find.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Her debt would be transfered to me were you to do so.'
Vaeshir sighs wearily.
Vaeshir says softly 'I cannot say I will complain.'

Khaseem tells you 'Tlkhanu never fully explained the chair of the ssscorpion.....'

Padraic says 'Come, you know me to be far more reasonable than that petty bitch.'

Vaeshir says softly 'True enough.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Truth be told I have begun a search for another to fill her chair.'
Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 

### This Bud's for you.

Padraic says 'Have you now?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Of course, my lack of clarity with regards to her function has made that a trifle difficult.'
Vaeshir smiles grimly.

You tell Khaseem 'You might ask him if you like.'

Padraic says 'The Siren is "our voice"'

You tell Khaseem 'To me, the man who sits in that chair is the eyes and ears of the Coven.'

Padraic says 'My house has several people like her, all of them far beyond her in terms of competency.'

Vaeshir tilts his head to one side 'How very unusual that she should be chosen for the position.'

You tell Khaseem 'Eyes, ears, and sting as well.'

Padraic says 'Her story is unknown to me.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

You feel someone protecting you.

Khaseem tells you 'apparently he doessss not wish to dissscussss it, he denied holding the sssseat'

Vaeshir says softly 'It was the High Priest, who, in the Lieutenant's stead, brought the Darklord into the collective.'

You tell Khaseem 'Unsurprising.'
You tell Khaseem 'Do not press the issue.'

### Oro.

Padraic says 'Sythrak's chosen'
Padraic says 'An odd fit, wouldn't you agree?'

You say 'Quite so.'

Padraic says 'I would hope that he hasn't attempted to make an attempt upon any of us "warmbloods"?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Certainly not directly. For one of their number his is surprisingly passive.'

Padraic mulls over the idea.
Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'He is subservient to the Lieutenant?'

Vaeshir says softly 'I maintain, both in my conversations with the High Priest as well as those with the Lieutenant, that there will come a time when the interests of the Coven and those of the Sept will be in conflict.'

Vaeshir says softly 'He is.'

Vaeshir says softly 'It is unusual indeed. I believe I had the Lieutenant convinced just as he was initiated.'
Vaeshir sighs heavily, tightening the straps of cloth about his arms.

Padraic says 'Khaseem will inevitably start to tilt in favor of the Lord of his blood line'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic says 'Shasarik seems to have broken from that sort of thing'

Vaeshir furrows his brow.

Padraic says 'Speaking of him, how are your relations with your former servant?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Better than I might have expected.'

Padraic says 'It doesn't irk you that he now holds more power than you?'

Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 
Vaeshir says softly 'He has proven himself.'

Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'It irks me.'

Vaeshir tilts his head to one side slightly.

### Woo!

Padraic folds his hands in front of him.
Padraic murmurs 'Lieutenant...'

Vaeshir breathes 'He has divine favor.'

> Now key two flips to Landrel.

Padraic says 'Really?'
Padraic says 'How so?'

Padraic frowns.
Padraic says 'Shasarik will be useful, still.'

Vaeshir continues 'The two of us have been met with a great number of martial victories. His capacity as a leader has yet to be determined.'

Padraic paces back and forth, a thoughtful look upon his face.

Vaeshir sspreads his hands 'Or so I believe.'
Vaeshir casts a thoughtful glance towards the heavens.

Padraic says 'Shasarik will stay.'
Padraic says 'Aedariara, perhaps not.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic says 'You shall be made Keeper.'
Padraic says 'And Tlkhanu...'
Padraic says 'I have yet to place him.'

Vaeshir studies Padraic's face intently.

Padraic glances at you, as if suddenly becoming aware of your presence.

Vaeshir offers 'I find it unsettling that he holds power over all of the seats of the Council.'

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'You have yet to express your reservations about him.'

Vaeshir says softly 'The most important ones have already been made clear.'

Padraic says 'Humor me, refresh my memory.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Firstly, his inability to balance his divine ties with his pursuit of the vision he shares with the Lieutenant.'

Vaeshir continues 'and secondly the fact that he holds power over the circle of Five.'

Padraic says 'But someone must hold that power.'
Padraic says 'Is it merely his position... or him?'

Vaeshir says softly 'There is a clear difference between how the Coven behaved under Lilisa.'
Vaeshir says softly 'The Warlord's induction is only the most blatant example.'

Padraic nods.

Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'And your praises?'

Vaeshir says softly 'He is obviously intelligent. He is also clearly capable of leading the Coven in the direction he sees fit.'

Padraic says 'Do you agree with his vision?'

Vaeshir says softly 'It has yet to be made fully clear to me.'

Padraic says 'That reflects rather poorly upon him.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Quite so.'

Padraic says 'There will come a time when I will ask for your assistance.'
Padraic says 'When that time comes, where will you stand?'

### Insert dramatic pause here.

Vaeshir says softly 'You will have my support.'

Padraic nods.
Padraic says 'Then that is all.'

Vaeshir offers 'If you like I might move to gather the support of the Lieutenant.'

Padraic nods.

Vaeshir says softly 'He has been known to yield to my judgement in times of strain.'
Vaeshir chuckles dryly.

Padraic says 'The Lieutenant bears the might of the Vanguard behind him.'
Padraic says 'His support will be crucial.'

Vaeshir licks his lips gingerly. 
Vaeshir says softly 'If my suspicions are correct, we already have it.'

Padraic says 'Excellent.'
Padraic flexes his hand slowly.

Padraic says 'Let us away from here.'

Vaeshir ponders 'Perhaps more of our former bond remains than he might suspect.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

A shimmering gate rises up before you.

You enter a shimmering gate.

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Return to: The Apocrypha See also: Vaeshir, Shasarik, Padraic