Contracting The Assassin Guild
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Revision as of 21:55, 29 February 2004 by Dovolente (Talk) (* New and improved idea for assassin contracting)
Assassin Contracting, Take 2:
This idea wouldn't be too hard to prog, and is much simpler and better than the first.
- verb-progged command (hit <name> <amount>) to give assassin guild guard an amount (minimum 25 platinum) to add a char currently in the realm onto the hitlist. Assassins can view the hitlist at a guildmaster via verb-prog, which will list all chars in the realm who hold the "assassin target" wizi obj and the price (stored on the obj).
- the more a char travels in populous regions, the more likely he or she is to have assassins come after him/her. Also, the higher the hitprice, the more quickly they will come. This is done via a counter on the "assassin target" object the char carries. Passing rooms like the major cities' gates, or a central room in Gaald, Eril, Jasa, Thrandir, etc has a <hitprice platinum>% chance of raising the counter.
- When the counter reaches 10, an npc assassin is loaded and attacks the char (could be set up in a variety of ways, chosen random?). Each time an assassin is npc loaded, the hitprice goes down by 5 plat (reflecting that the target is proving difficult and thus becoming less desirable for assassins). If 0 or below, the 'assassin target' object is purged (the guild gives up).
- if a pc assassin kills the target, an obj is loaded on the pc with the target hitprice, which the assassin is paid at next visit to an assassin guildmaster.
- there could be a list (like the knight roster) kept of pc assassination counts, and bonuses (or titles?) for X number of successful hits.
Idea: Putting a contract out on others through the assassin guild
Here is an idea for implementing assassin contracting via progs. The various numbers included are all quite tentative, serving only to give a rough idea of how this may work:
- Customer must pay the reward upfront, and can’t contract against an assassin through the assassin guild. Assassins can't make contracts. Lowest contract amount possible = 5000 copper
- Assassin guildguard take the funds, creates an object which stores the values which the related progs will use (much like the knight roster prog in room 7373). Name of object = victim, customer, original price, current reward level, number of days, number of days victim available. Objects put in a “saveâ€-flagged room in Limbo.
- List on wall at assassin guildmaster shows the current rewards offered, for assassins. Guildmaster prevents others from viewing it (they can if he is killed).
- Assassin guildmaster will give x3 the reward for an assassin if the victim is killed within 10 days (in which the victim is logged in). Why x3? They want to encourage assassins-in-training to do real assassinations, this comes out of the assassin guild’s fund of uncollected reward prizes...and it makes it more likely that the contract will mean something in game terms.
- Assassin guildmaster will x2 the reward for an assassin if the victim is killed within 15 days of being logged on and contracted on.
- Assassin gives trophy of victim to the guildmaster to claim the reward. The customer is notified via note that the assassination has been carried out (but not told by whom).
- Reward earned shrinks by 100 copper per day victim online and reward not collected.
- The customer can return at any time to reclaim the reward fund (in full). Notified via note to that contract may not be filled, and can go collect the reward (in full) if the current reward earned would be less than 2000 copper, or if the difference between “days reward offered†and “days victim online while reward offered†is greater than 25. If not earned by the time the reward shrinks to 0, nor reclaimed when the difference is 30, the assassin guild pockets the coins-- that is, the object that has reward info is purged.
- Notes sent to customer would be somewhat vague (from: "An Aquaintance" etc), as is appropriate for shady dealings.
- Perhaps instead of just having a big board where all the information is out for everyone to see, the guildmaster could give out contracts to willing assassins. This way, no one assassin would have access to the list of current hits out on the market, they would know only what they need to know. Furthermore, the guildmaster would hand out these contracts only to assassins within the prospective person's PK range. This would make each assassination far more quest-like in its orientation. (note, the guildmaster does not have to give out the contract to only one assassin in range)
- Furthermore, assassin pfiles could have a record of successfully-filled contracts. People with high success ratios could be given higher-priced contracts, perhaps even sent notes notifying them of the contract, rather than waiting for the assassin to come back to the guild.