This page is for adding miscellaneous notes on imm commands, because Dov's memory sucks.
Connection Stats
Misc Command Info
- see: help immcommands
- Bans
- trait info
- new imm stuff
- %R - prompt variable for current room vnum
- notify stuff - see "help immnotify" (mostly nonfunctional since at least 2012)
- to set skills, use "set skill <name> <group> <value>"
Note tricks
Syntax: note faketo <line>
Syntax: note sigil####
Syntax: note level##
Imms have the ability to have a fake "to" line that mortals will see instead of the regular to-list. Notes with faketo lines cannot be responded to with replyall (unless you're an imm).
You can put sigil#### in the to-list of any note to send the note to any people with that sigil. You should always use a faketo line if you're using this feature.
You can put level## in the to-list of any note to send the note to all people at that trust level or above. You should always use a faketo line if you're using this feature.
So, for example, Aeolis could do something like:
note to sigil1290 note faketo Followers of the Rose
And mortals would just see:
To: Followers of the Rose
Prod Monitoring
Accounts & Dataing
- acl - list of account points for current chars
- award [name] [points] [reason] - gives account points (can use negative values)
- showdata [name[ - character and account info
- data [name] [info] - add a note about the character
- acctdata [name] [info] - add a note about the account/player
Desc & BG Review
badscan's natural / badscan's good / not everybody does it / but everybody should
Actually this is not required now that the pbase is so small and all imms can review all PCs. Dov, being old fashioned, still uses these. :)
- badscan [app] - list of chars w/out approved desc or bg
- bg view [name] - shows character's background
- desc view [name] - as above, for descs
- approve [bg/desc] [name] - toggles approval status
Misc Prod Monitoring
- oath list all - shows all active oaths
- brand [name] [vnum] - brand with a sigil. To remove, unbrand [name].
- brand [name] [vnum] prog - set a prog item on a char. To remove, unbrand [name] prog.
- set skill [charname] [group] [amount] (eg set skill 'minor water' 100) - sets all skills in that group to that amount
- note list [name] - read their mail
- note read [name] x - more mail fraud
- stat [charname] symbols - shows all void symbols that character has
- stat [offline] [charname] - don't use, crashes the MUD
- prac char [pcname] - in same room as pc, shows pc practice list