From Immwiki
This page is for adding miscellaneous notes on imm commands, because Dov's memory sucks.
- acl - list of account points for current chars
- badscan [app] - list of chars w/out desc or bg approved
- prac char [pcname] - in same room as pc, shows pc practice list
- stat [offline] [charname]
- brand [name] [vnum] prog - set a prog item on a char. To remove, unbrand [name] prog
- %R - prompt variable for current room vnum
- to set skills, use "set skill <name> <group> <value>"
- bg view [name] - shows character's background
- desc view [name] - as above, for descs
- notify stuff - see "help immnotify"
- stat [charname] symbols - shows all void symbols that character has