Merc.H Values

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Revision as of 14:19, 13 February 2008 by (Talk) (* added alchemist to class numbers - Dov)

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Apply Modifiers: (Used in mpaddaffect)
 #define APPLY_NONE                    0
 #define APPLY_STR                     1
 #define APPLY_DEX                     2
 #define APPLY_INT                     3
 #define APPLY_WIS                     4
 #define APPLY_CON                     5
 #define APPLY_SEX                     6
 #define APPLY_CLASS                   7
 #define APPLY_LEVEL                   8
 #define APPLY_AGE                     9
 #define APPLY_HEIGHT                 10
 #define APPLY_WEIGHT                 11
 #define APPLY_MANA                   12
 #define APPLY_HIT                    13
 #define APPLY_MOVE                   14
 #define APPLY_GOLD                   15
 #define APPLY_EXP                    16
 #define APPLY_AC                     17
 #define APPLY_HITROLL                18
 #define APPLY_DAMROLL                19
 #define APPLY_SAVES                  20
 #define APPLY_SAVING_PARA            20
 #define APPLY_SAVING_ROD             21
 #define APPLY_SAVING_PETRI           22
 #define APPLY_SAVING_BREATH          23
 #define APPLY_SAVING_SPELL           24
 #define APPLY_SPELL_AFFECT           25
 #define APPLY_FORM                   26
 #define APPLY_HIDE 27 
Bitvectors: (Used in Mpaddaffect)
                   A               N                O
 (A) 1             Blind           Avatar           Encamp
 (B) 2             Invisible       Readiness        Shadowmastery
 (C) 4             Detect Evil     Guarding         Encase
 (D) 8             Detect Invis    Cloudkill        Rite of Dawn
 (E) 16            Cryst. Magic    Rally            Inspire
 (F) 32            Detect Hidden   Forced March     Petrify
 (G) 64            Detect Good     Scouting         Durability
 (H) 128           Sanctuary       Larva            Mantle of Fear
 (I) 256           Faerie Fire     Armshatter       Eyefocus
 (J) 512           Infrared        Legshatter       Blink
 (K) 1024          Curse           Grapple          Disguise
 (L) 2048          Wizi            Rage             Paranoia
 (M) 4096          Poison          Fury             Symbiont
 (N) 8192          Protect Evil    Ashurmadness     Readthoughts
 (O) 16384         Protect Good    Garrote_Vict     Sym_target
 (P) 32768         Sneak           Garrote_Ch       Coven
 (Q) 65536         Hide            Garrote          Bleeding
 (R) 131072        Sleep           Muffle           Burnout
 (S) 262144        Charm           Tremble          Nova_charge
 (T) 542288        Flying          Delusion         Consumption
 (U) 1048576       Pass_Door       Light Sleep      Demonic Pos.
 (V) 2097152       Haste           Wariness         Positive Channel
 (W) 4194304       Calm            Flash Powder     Radiance
 (X) 8388608       Plague          Bolo_Arm         Inscribe
 (Y) 16777216      Weaken          Bolo_Leg         Deafen
 (Z) 33554432      Dark_Vision     Bolo             Ghost
 (aa) 67108864     Berserk         Pursue           Unclean Spirit
 (bb) 134217728    Swim            Agility          Dark Future
 (cc) 268435456    Regeneration    Submission_Ch    One Handed
 (dd) 536870912    Slow            Submission_Vic   Nightfears
 (ee) 1073741824   Detect_Wizi     Subdue           Doppel 
Sex Numbers:
 Sexless: 0 
 Male:    1 
 Female:  2 
Class Numbers:
 Water scholar:    0 
 Earth scholar:    1 
 Void scholar:     2 
 Spirit scholar:   3 
 Air scholar:      4 
 Fire scholar:     5 
 Water templar:    6 
 Earth templar:    7 
 Void Templar:     8 
 Spirit templar:   9 
 Air templar:      10 
 Fire templar:     11 
 Thief:            12 
 Watcher:          13 
 Assassin:         14 
 Bandit:           15 
 Fighter:          18 
 Swordmaster:      19 
 Barbarian:        20 
 Gladiator:        21 
 Ranger:           23 
 Gleeman:          24 
 Bard:             25 
 Alchemist:        27
 Psionicist:       28 
 Druid:            29 
Position Numbers:
 Dead:             0 
 Mortal:           1 
 Incapacitated:    2 
 Stunned:          3 
 Sleeping:         4 
 Resting:          5 
 Sitting:          6 
 Fighting:         7 
 Standing:         8
Direction numbers:
 North             0 
 East              1 
 South             2 
 West              3 
 Up                4 
 Down              5 
Season Numbers:
 Spring 0 
 Summer 1 
 Autumn 2 
 Winter 3
Lunus Phase Numbers:
 Waning gibbous in the sky   0 
 Waning in the sky           1 
 Waning crescent in the sky  2 
 Currently new               3 
 Waxing crescent in the sky  4 
 Waxing in the sky           5 
 Waxing gibbous in the sky   6 
 Currently full              7 
Damage integers are as follows:
 #define DAM_NONE                0
 #define DAM_BASH                1
 #define DAM_PIERCE              2
 #define DAM_SLASH               3
 #define DAM_FIRE                4
 #define DAM_COLD                5
 #define DAM_LIGHTNING           6
 #define DAM_ACID                7
 #define DAM_POISON              8
 #define DAM_NEGATIVE            9
 #define DAM_HOLY                10
 #define DAM_ENERGY              11
 #define DAM_MENTAL              12
 #define DAM_DISEASE             13
 #define DAM_DROWNING            14
 #define DAM_LIGHT               15
 #define DAM_OTHER               16
 #define DAM_HARM                17
 #define DAM_CHARM               18
 #define DAM_SOUND               19
 #define DAM_ILLUSION            20
 #define DAM_DEFILEMENT          21
Wear Slot Number:
 0: Light 
 1: Left finger 
 2: Right finger 
 3: Neck1 
 4: Neck2 
 5: Torso 
 6: Head 
 7: Legs 
 8: Feet 
 9: Hands 
 10: Arms 
 11: Shield 
 12: Body 
 13: Waist 
 14: Wrist 
 15: Wrist 
 16: Wielded 
 17: Held 
 18: Floating 
 19: Dual wielded 
 20: Branded 
 21: Concealed 
 22: Concealed
 23: Prog Slot
 24: Max Wear (ask Aeolis wtf this is)
Objtype Numbers:
 Light: 1 
 Scroll: 2 
 Wand: 3 
 Staff: 4 
 Weapon: 5 
 Treasure: 8 
 Armor: 9 
 Potion: 10 
 Clothing: 11 
 Furniture: 12 
 Trash: 13 
 Container: 15 
 Drin Container: 17 
 Key: 18 
 Food: 19 
 Money: 20 
 Boat: 22 
 NPC Corpse: 23 
 PC Corpse: 24 
 Fountain: 25 
 Pill: 26 
 Protect: 27 
 Map: 28 
 Portal: 29 
 Warp Stone: 30 
 Room Key: 31 
 Gem: 32 
 Jewelry: 33 
 Jukebox: 34 
 Instrument: 35 
 Net: 36 
 Arrow: 37 
 Bow: 38