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Rystaia is a ch'taren god, who helped guide them to Avendar in ancient times passed. She stands for the principles of Joy, Freedom, and Passion, and welcomes worship from any whose heart leads them to her temples, though predominantly her followers are good, and of chaotic ethoi.

The followers of Rystaia are known as the Chosen, and are branded with either the Alabaster Pegasus, Soaring Pegasus, or for the most dedicated, the Pegasus with Wings of Light.

FREEDOM: The most important of Rystaia's doctrines is that of freedom, the ability to live in accordance with one's heart. Those that are truly free are not enslaved by their desires, and are untouched by the binding temptations of greed, anger, or hate. When one is truly free, only the pure intentions of the heart will guide thee.

Evil taints and shackles the soul, rendering all who walk in the darkness enslaved by their petty and cruel ways. It is the calling of the Chosen of Rystaia to free all those trapped by their physical and mental bonds, and to destroy those that would seek to enslave their fellow creatures. This is done not with hatred, but with the goal of releasing those of dark intentions from the prison their hearts have created. The bonds of fear and darkness are stronger than steel, and often the only release from them can be found in the afterlife.

PASSION: When one is free from the grasp of the tempations of the darkness, one can begin to follow their heart. That which follows, Passion, comes most naturally. The Chosen, those that are passionate in life, give themselves entirely to the moment, never holding back. To truly embody this ideal, one must never shy from life, and instead commit one's self fully to that which they know to be Good.

JOY: The third and final principle of the Chosen, Joy, is that which truly makes life worth living. Those who truly embody this trait are able to find happiness, no matter how bleak their outlook may be. To have the wisdom to appreciate a rose in a battlefield is difficult, but in the end one of the most precious gifts of all.

Rystaia is the sister of Vaialos, a fallen ch'taren god.