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Enaerai is a goddess of balance, and the patron Goddess of the Knights of Enaerai.

An immortal entity, Enaerai came to Avendar from another as a refugee from a different multiverse. In her original multiverse, she was much like one of the three primal powers (Iandir, Jolinn, Ashur), participating in various ways in the forming and developing of worlds. Yet her multiverse, for reasons unknown, began to decay, and then to unravel completely. She fled, the only being with enough power able to escape by entering another reality.

Enaerai now has lesser powers, and puts them to use in working to maintain balance and equilibrium within Avendar. Ultimately this is a work of self-preservation for her, as she knows she lacks the power to make another such flight from an unraveling reality.

She has focused her own activities on influencing and preserving the balance among immortals, demigods, and deities of the greater planes, but has also influenced mortals, and through vision called those willing and capable to serve the balance in the world of mortals.