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Favored Race Human
Element(s) Air, Void
Home(s) A Tempestuous Dreamscape
Alignment Neutral Evil
Symbol(s) A full moon, both red and silver
Portfolio Curiosity, inspiration, progress, illusion, enervation, wonder
Worshippers Wanderers, inventors, alchemists, ...

History in Avendar

The roots of Lilune's following date back to the earliest of recorded history, stemming from stories of ancient human mystics speaking of visions of a dark-haired woman whispering words on the edge of hearing to them. Of those who recovered from the visions little is known, but fragments remain speaking of madmen drawing frantically upon any surface, even opening their own veins to capture the sight, or of the touched tearing off their clothes and dashing into the wilderness, never to be seen again. The earliest heiroglyphic writing can be tenuously traced to one who recovered from one of these fever-dreams, though the original markings in charcoal and blood have obviously not survived.

Some of the more coherent accounts speak of words coming from the faces of the moons, the silver face driving those who have seen it to build, to gather with the other tribes, to assemble something greater; the red brought words of destruction, driving the need to spill blood, any blood to sate that powerful lust.

It was not until the humans made contact with the aelin that a name was given to this driving force-- Lilune, in the hopes that the invocation of Her bright face would pacify Her and protect Her victims.

Accounts after that point become scattered and difficult to trace. Some have claimed that generals in the War of Fire followed some mad inspiration to make assaults upon the rampaging srryn, leading to both glorious, unexpected victories, and violent, crushing defeats.

Many exploratory expeditions have been accompanied by dedicants of Lilune, seeking to uncover the mysteries of the world. A priestess of Lilune is documented to have accompanied Kaagn's expeditions beneath the earth, eventually uncovering the shuddeni. Less verifiably, popular mythology amongst the Aklaju in Earendam holds this woman as the first human Void scholar, and one of the founding members of their dread Conclave.

More fanciful accounts name Kaagn inspired by Lilune himself, architecting the dread Trap of Valandas at Her whim. While the jaws of history remain shut on his motivations and those struck by his terrifying betrayal are naturally inclined to apply some reason to the damage done, his meteoric ascent and sudden (literal) fall both well within the modus operandi of the devoted of the Enchantress.

Since the War of Night, Lilune's activities have faded from the limelight-- some have poetically named Her waning as a sign of the fall of the Republic. But her faithful have always remained, albeit in small numbers, and all remember that the moon always returns, as brightly as ever before.

Goals and Methods

Lilune's exact desires appear to be as capricious as the moons she is named for. Her most overt actions have been known for changing the fabric of the circumstances during which they occurred-- driving the early humans to explore and build, and Kaagn's devastating actions during the War of Night stand out sharply amongst many of these.

But the dynamic and movements of an individual human mind seem just as much of interest to Her as well. While not a patron of the arts Herself, many of those She has touched have expressed at least some of the inspiration She has flooded them with through the arts, creating many of the most striking pieces of artwork in a given movement. She chooses her victims expertly and wrings them dry, extracting the whole of their talents and shaping brilliant work, be it the tide of battle, a business agreement, or a daring expedition where few or none have treaded before.

Above all else, what Lilune cannot abide is waste. This should not be confused as disdain for opulence, for Lilune is popular amongst the wealthy and debauched, but Lilune requires that every ounce of flesh be used, the marrow sucked dry; the only thing cast aside being an empty, useless husk.

Inevitably, all of Lilune's victims are driven to achieve something greater than they would be otherwise, and whether that be for good or ill, it matters not in the least to Her.

Organizations and Followings

Group 1

"some quote"

Group 2

"some quote"

Group 3

"some quote"


Individual Followers


Shrines and Sigils

(Here is where we will put a list of shrine locations (as many deities have altars in multiple places, even if they do have a dedicated shrine). In the case of a dedicated shrine, the area name and the vnum range should be listed.)


(For sigils, if tiered, they should be divided by tier. After the name of each sigil, the effects of that sigil in terms of stats and progs should be listed as well. This should give a staff member considering a brand a reference as to what exactly they are giving the mortal in question. If no available sigils are appropriate for the role of the character in question and they still meet the criteria for being part of the religion, it may also serve to highlight if a new sigil is required.)


Related Logs and Other Documents
