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Info about staff-run quest events is on The Gospels page.

Quest List

This is like the webpage and quest2 helpfile, but includes XP rewards.

   Quest or Feat                   Area Obtained       Levels      Limited to
   ------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- ------------
   Obtain the School Sigil         School of Heroes     1 - 10     -
   Find Your Guildmaster           School of Heroes     1 - 10     -
   Find Rentil's Remains           Var Bandor           1 - 25     -
   Dangerous Ingredients I         Earendam Sewers      1 - 15     N, E
   Laid to Rest                    Lithling Freehold    1 - 25     -
   Pyzick: The Dust Geese          Var Bandor           5 - 10     -
   Arec: Net the Gopher            Alensha              5 - 10     -
   Aldred: Recover Merchandise     Var Bandor           5 - 16     -
   The Clockmaker's Heart          The Clockmaker's     5 - 19     -
   Marid: Join the Bandits         The Clockmaker's     5 - 20     -
   Help the Ratcatcher             Earendam Sewers      6 - 12     -
   Infect the Fountain             Earendam Sewers      7 - 14     -
   Arec: Net the Sea-Eagle         Alensha             10 - 20     -
   Aemi's Delivery                 Var Bandor          10 - 20     Air tem.
   Aid the Fretful Servant         Var Bandor          15 - 20     -
   The Crysmal Hunt                Var Bandor          15 - 30     Earth sch.
   Dangerous Ingredients II        Earendam Sewers     18 - 24     N, E
   Save Leeluq's Friend            Kzaya Ha Canyon     18 - 25     G, N
   Pyzick: The Ice Ghouls          Var Bandor          20 - 30     -
   Poison the Well                 Earendam Sewers     20 - 30     -
   A Book of Demon Bindings        Earendam            20 - 51     Void tem.
   The Rabid Wolf                  Ryarl Plains        21 - 51     G, N, Kank.
   Quests for Void Symbols         Various             23 - 51     Void sch.
   Sea-Sprite Queen's Request      Alensha             25 - 35     -
   Arec: Net the Badger            Alensha             25 - 35     -
   Rescue Lady Lyrrin              Kohlis              25 - 35     -
   The Mountain Lake               Var Bandor          25 - 35     Water sch.
   Aid the Mining Leader           Chaja Caves         25 - 35     G
   Serve the Shuddeni Leader       Chaja Caves         25 - 35     E
   Hunt the Hill Giants            Krilin              25 - 35     -
   A Petty Vendetta                Earendam Sewers     26 - 30     N, E
   Find Rskaljirr's Child          Ryarl Plains        26 - 35     G, N, Kank.
   Slay the Brintor Bandits        Var Bandor          30 - 35     -
   Arec: Net the Boar              Alensha             30 - 40     -
   Aid Mother Lajway               Nordath             30 - 40     -
   Ralle's Revenge                 Nordath             30 - 40     -
   The Yithoul River               Earendam            30 - 40     Water sch.
   Dangerous Ingredients III       Earendam Sewers     35 - 40     N, E
   Break the Curse                 Nordath             35 - 45     *
   Restore the Curse               Nordath             35 - 45     *
   The Bilge Rat Ransom            Earendam Port       40 - 45     -
   The Iridescent Pearl            Var Bandor          40 - 45     -
   Mystery of the Missing Youths   Alensha             40 - 45     G, N
   Jahona's Revenge                Jasa Lake           40 - 45     -
   The Aphrodisiac                 Var Bandor          40 - 45     -
   Pyzick: The Stench Crab         Var Bandor          40 - 50     -
   The Mad Man's Blight            Qilarn Forest       40 - 50     G, N
   The Catacomb Pool               Var Bandor          40 - 50     Water sch.
   Defeat the Sea-Dragon           Alensha             40 - 50     G, N
   Defeat the Leviathan            Alensha             40 - 50     -
   Defeat Gogoth the Lich King     Var Bandor          40 - 50     -
   Defeat Haj-Ra                   Var Bandor          40 - 50     -
   Reach Xiginath's Altar          Var Bandor          40 - 50     -
   Rough Up Dralus                 Earendam Sewers     41 - 45     -
   Dangerous Ingredients IV        Earendam Sewers     45 - 50     N, E
   Recover the Amulet              Sythtys Swamp       45 - 51     G, N
   Ostinel's Last Request          Undersea Lidreau    51          G, N
   Zanala: The Funnel              Earendam            51          Air sch.
   Zanala: The Windshroud          Earendam            51          Air sch.
   Defeat Sothmogga                Titan Castle        51          G
   Assist the Scavenger            Dark Caves          -           -
   Pig Herding                     Lithling Freehold   -           -
   Beekeeping                      Lithling Freehold   -           -
   Haymaking                       Lithling Freehold   -           -
   Crop Protection                 Lithling Freehold   -           -
   Lord Marledo: The Job           Jandiska Village    -           -
   Lord Marledo: The Proposition   Jandiska Village    -           -
   Losoli: A Shameful Trick        Jandiska Village    -           G
   The Mason's Brutal Brew         Jandiska Village    -           -
   Stolen Srryn Treasure           Mlejian Mountains   -           -
   The Traveler's Kidnapped Son    Mlejian Mountains   -           G
   Imirnsa: The Wayward Goat       Arid Wastes         -           -
   A Letter for Pedynin            Earendam Port       -           -
   Phirayis' Pen-Pal               Kor Thrandir        -           *
   Help Arren Synd                 Nendor Forest       -           *
   Help the Cloaked Figure         Var Bandor          -           *
   Help the Housewife              Eril Village        -           *
           Capital letters (G/N/E) - Restricted to specified alignment
                Class abbreviation - Restricted to specified class
                 Race abbreviation - Restricted to specified race
                                 * - Availability based on varying factors

Design Traps

Watch out for the following:

  • The character can't be seen by the NPC. Use the "if cansee" check to iron out wrinkles. For example:
 >greet_prog 100
 if iscarrying($n) == 25413
 or iscarrying($n) == 25414
 or iscarrying($n) == 25415
 or iscarrying($n) == 25416
   if cansee($i) == ($n)
     look $n
     say Ah, good.  You caught something.  Give it to me.
     mpecho $I sniffs the air and then scratches his chin.
     say I can't see you, but I can smell you.  And whatever you caught.
     say Make yourself visible, and give it to me.

  • The character can't be given something. An example which checks that the NPC still has the item after the give attempt:
   mpoload 25412
   give net $n
   if iscarrying($i) == 25412
     tell $n Got too much in your hands.
     drop net

  • For fetch quests, make sure that the character doesn't give the NPC an illusionary object. This can be avoided by checking the material. Example:
   >give_prog talon granite drake
   if material() == stone
     esay 'sneers' You think I'm stupid, do you?
     mpfaction $n 36 -100 1
     mpkill $n

Design Tips

  • Add rumors about challenging quest completion, or quest fails. Example:
   >all_death_prog 100
   if ispc($t)
     if name($n) / yorna
       mpvalueset rumor I heard that $T got just a little too cozy with a yorna!
       if isevil($t)
         mpvalueset rumor $T thought he could romance a yorna--but the fangs got him in the end!
       if isgood($t)
         mpvalueset rumor Poor, innocent $T fell victim to a yorna on Alensha, I heard.
       mpaddrumor "$I" %rumor

  • Include faction adjustments where possible to make factions more useful. Example in the fetch quest tip above.