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Example Desc

Playing a Ch'taren

Ch'taren are, in part, memories made manifest. Racial memory aids their intellectual growth, and the elasticity of spirit-infused matter speeds their physical growth. As a result, ch'taren childhoods are short, and they come of age at around 9 years old. At that age, they are fully adult in body and mind. Their inherited experience is vicarious and vague, a blurry overlay of many people's motions. Specific skills and events do not get passed down. Instead a sense of familiarity for common actions, such as walking and talking, gives ch'taren children internal guideposts on their way to adulthood.

One memory shared by all ch'taren is the abhorrence of evil. This may come as a zealous rage at the sight of some injustice, or a feeling of imminent doom when in the presence of a demon. Regardless of the specifics, the feeling is always strong and will tempt a ch'taren to act immediately, overriding pragmatic concerns or social pressures. A ch'taren may fling themselves into battle unprepared, start arguments with friends, flee for the hills, and so on, when in this state of provocation.

For ch'taren, a world without evil is not only considered possible, but remembered, mistily, in the core of their being, a distant reflection of the plane the race once lived on. Sorrowful nostalgia is incimal to their being; joy is cherished both in the now and as an echo of a home that no longer exists.

Ch'taren are intellectually brilliant but possessed of wandering minds. Their calculations are swift, but their focus is brief, leading to half-baked plans and inspired making-it-up-as-you-go-along (what's the word for that?). They will often look for the quickest logical route to either minimize evil or maximize good. While groups of ch'taren do think as individuals, they will often quickly reach the same conclusion, making them appear from outside to have a 'hive mind.'

Ch'taren are cavalier about social mores, judging things such as manners and clothing to be up to personal preference. They present themselves in a wide variety of ways, and are accepting toward cosmetic differences, believing the joy of self expression to be near paramount. So long as it does not further evil, it's fair game. For example, nudity is not likely to phase a ch'taren, but wearing a symbol of Rveyelhi will set them off.



  • None

Additional Reading
