The List
From Immwiki
The following have been transferred from the Features forum.
- When a player/account's first death occurs, a message should flash by telling him what to do.
- Languages
- Arcane should be made much harder to learn by ear,virtually impossible if starting from scratch.
- Allow players to be able to practice languages from other players that have 100% in that language. Roughly 10% per prac. You can only practice up to about 90%.
- Wiznet flag that alerts us to people quitting out less than 10 minutes after a PK attempt.
- Fix the "kill a mob to lower your adrenaline" bug.
- Notes should have a BCC feature.
- Brief snoop - A snoop just like normal snoop, except you see everything as if the player was in brief mode.
- mpset and mpstring should accept the target 'self' in object progs - otherwise there's no way to be sure you're targeting the right object.