The Fall Of Asha 8

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This is one of the more embarassing logs for me, which is probably why I haven't posted this until now.

It's always important to listen to others.

You calm yourself and begin to quietly listen.
You overhear Eiraelyn say 'I think you'll enjoy this.'
You stop listening.
The Setting
Center Square

[Exits: north east south west]
     A large marble fountain gurgles peacefully here.
Asha is here.
(Invis) (Translucent) Eiraelyn is here.

You move deep into the shadows, concealing yourself completely.

Eiraelyn smiles happily.

Asha says 'I thank you.'
Asha curtseys gracefully to Eiraelyn.

Eiraelyn says 'Of course.'
Eiraelyn smiles happily.

Asha says 'Why do you not wear them?'
Asha looks at Eiraelyn.

Eiraelyn says 'I have my own sleeves.'

Asha wears a pair of delicate laced sleeves on her arms.
Asha nods.

Eiraelyn smiles happily.

Asha says 'These are wonderful.'

Eiraelyn says 'Goodbye!'

Eiraelyn utters the words 'teleport'
Eiraelyn vanishes!

(smote) You notice Padraic standing quietly by your side.

Asha smiles at you.
Asha says 'GReetings, friend.'

You say 'The sleeves, like everything else, are quite becoming on you.'

Asha says 'You saw, then?'

You say 'Saw what?'

Asha says 'You did not see Eiraelyn give me the sleeves? Or you actually noticed that I was wearing something different?'

You say 'I have a keen memory.  You should know that by now.'

Asha smiles at you.

You say 'Did you find what you wanted from Yithoul?'

Asha looks at you cooly.
Asha says 'Did you?'
Asha tells you 'Well?'

You tell Asha 'I have had no reason to return.'

Asha tells you 'Hm. And I have returned rom there some time ago.'

You tell Asha 'What you have not done is to answer my question.'

Asha tells you 'And neither have you answered mine own.'

You tell Asha 'What else did you want to know?'

Asha tells you 'I want to know why you suddenly shifted and the shadows parted when I last saw you.'
Asha tells you 'And that place happened to be Yithoul.'

You tell Asha 'Were I to answer your question, would you answer mine?'

Asha tells you 'Of course.'

You tell Asha 'Very well.  I'll see you momentarily then.'

**** TRAVELING *****

Asha tells you 'At our place, I assume.'

> You think 'Our place, hmm?'
You tell Asha 'Yes, at our place.'

A Hidden Clearing
  Beneath the wind-ravaged trees an old clearing lies.  The thick foliage
of the tea-tree forest forms a dome, just high enough to stand beneath, over
a flat piece of ground some ten feet wide.  The space is well protected from
the wind which can be heard howling over the tree tops above.  In the center
of the clearing stands a low, rectangular black stone, which appears to be
carved with various images.  

[Exits: none]

You pace about irritably.

Asha crawls out from beneath the foliage to the south.
Asha curtseys gracefully for you.

You bow deeply.

You say 'As to my answer'
You give a razor-sharp dagger to Asha.

Asha says 'Hm.'
Asha gives you a razor-sharp dagger.
Asha says 'YOu sought this, then?'

You say 'The... acolytes have crafted one of the more finely balanced daggers in Avendar.'

Asha says 'Ah. '

Padraic tosses a razor-sharp dagger lightly from hand to hand.

You say 'My sinister plot revealed.  And yours?'

Asha strolls a short distance across the clearing.
Asha takes a quick glance out towards the sea.
Asha says 'I was slaying void templars.'

You feel Padraic's eyes carefully following you across the clearing.

Asha says 'My...sinister plot, now lay revealed.'

You say 'I see.  How dastardly of you.'

Asha says 'Very much so.'
Asha turns her back to you and crosses to the opposite side of the clearing.
Asha says 'There is much I could say to you, Padraic...'
Asha says 'But my tongue must hold fast.'

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.
You say 'The rumors still bother you then?'

Asha in a quiet voice 'I have heard no more rumores as of late.'

You say 'Then you do not trust me, on general principle.'

Asha says 'I trust you. If I didn not. I would not be here alone with my back to you.'

You feel Padraic's hands slowly come to rest upon your shoulders.
Padraic says quietly 'Then why the constant secrecy?'
This was a bit confusing

Asha turns to you, tears shining in her eyes. 
Asha whispers, 'I cannot say, Padraic. I cannot say. Some secrets cannot be uttered. '
This was just cheesy

Padraic raises a hand to your face, gently stroking the tears away.
> You think 'Curiouser and curiouser.'
You say 'Shh.  Then don't.'

Asha nods quietly, silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

Padraic draws you towards him in a warm embrace, laying your head softly upon his chest.

Asha closes her eyes, crying harder while stifling soft sobs.
Somebody shoot me, please

Padraic whispers softly 'Sigh not so, my precious.'

Asha nods, gently detaches herself from you and wipes her eyes. 
Asha whispers, 'I promise you one day I shall tell you every secret of my heart. Now is not the time.'

Padraic nods quietly.

Asha says in a louder voice 'I can always use a good cry.'
Asha smiles weakly.

Padraic smiles sadly.

Asha wipes her tear-stained face carefully.
Asha says 'Why the sad smile?'

You say 'One can not help but be affected by the tears of a beautiful woman.  A weakness of my sex.'

A slightly wicked smile touches Asha's lips. 
Asha says 'A weakness us females know and exploit... though I have not done so recently.'

Padraic nods slowly, eyeing you carefully.

Asha frowns.
Asha says 'I did not just do so to you, Padraic. '
Asha says 'Truly I did not. My tears were true.'

You say 'I believe you.'

Asha pouts.
Asha says 'Short words.'

You say 'They get the point across, do they not?'

Asha says 'You do not believe me. No matter. '
Asha turns her back to you and walks to the other side of the clearing.

Padraic opens his mouth, as if to speak, but closes it wordlessly instead.

Asha whirls and anger flashes in her eyes. 
Asha says 'And to think, I trusted your words over the words of many others.'

Padraic holds his hands up defensively.
You say 'I never said I didn't believe you.  That was your interpretation.'

Asha smirks, and the anger recedes from her eyes.
Asha says 'Yes. My interpretation. One you led me to believe.'
Asha says 'Fine.'

Padraic says soothingly 'Calm yourself, my dear.'

/* I almost cut this out, but it was too funny */
A Divine Presence tells you '(OOC) Must be "that time of the month" for Asha.'

Asha says 'I am calm. I am so calm, that I am leaving for the clouds.'
Asha curtseys gracefully for you.
Asha says 'Another time.'
Asha gets down on her hands and knees and crawls south beneath the foliage.

You tell Asha 'Wait!'

Asha tells you 'Yes?'

You tell Asha 'Come back.  I'm sorry.'
You mutter quietly to yourself.
You say 'Blast her.'

Asha tells you 'I-- I must away. I must stretch my wings amongst the clouds for some time. I apologize for my curt, rudeness. '
Asha tells you 'I enjoy your company, yet now I would not be good company myself. Walk safely.'

You tap your fingers together thoughtfully.

You think 'That time of the month indeed.'