Water Scholars/Sanctuary

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Revision as of 17:10, 7 September 2004 by 130.160.178.xxx (Talk) (* sugg. for editing sanct)

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Sanctuary is one of the only spells in the water sphere that really is worth having. Aside from heal, the rest is all nice, but semi-trivial. Since it's a major, not a greater, there's very little incentive to actually be a greater water scholar.


Make it such that major waters (and all items) provide a sanctuary that only provides a 25-33% damage reduction. Greater water majors can cast it so that it provides 50%. The difference in affects would be shown somehow in the affects list, either by splitting the spell into two spells, or just by having a different name, whatever.

Alternative idea:

Make it two spells. Have a 25% damage reduction "lesser sanc" spell which is a MAJOR spell (and replaces the templar sanc spell). Then make the full sanc a GREATER spell. A scholar could then grant lesser sancs as a mana-optimizing strategy, in some sitatuations. -Dov