Journal in Shendaer

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This journal is made of yellowed pages of parchment bound with tan leather strips, numbered one through twelve.

Endenday, 10th day of Valectis

I have arrived in a grand city, deep in the Brintors. The city is located in a valley of trees, and is surrounded by a thick stone wall almost three men high. The gate I entered is in the southern wall, and it appears to be the only one. Stone and wood buildings line the streets, some houses, some shops. The largest building of them all is a tower that seems to rises high above the city and surrounding trees. Its surface looks to be some smooth rock, but I could not determine the type. The human inhabitants are amiable enough that I have secured room and board for the night, and at a minimum of cost. Tomorrow, we shall see what the rest of the city holds.

Nimansday, 11th day of Valectis

After visiting the marketplace, it would seem that there are three main trades here: wood, metal, and stoneworking. From what I see, their work is of exceptional quality and is quite appealing to the eye... I was shown several pieces that rival many I've seen in nobles' homes, even those of Ilodaiya itself. Oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, enough, I have seen no armor or weaponry. Another interesting point is that all that they sell would bring several times their cost in profit, were I to sell them in Var Bandor or Earendam. Hmmm. Perhaps it is time to set up a shop...


Off to bed, now.

Thethelsday, 12th day of Valectis

They do make weapons here after all. Near the west side of the city, there is a woodsmans' guild, where perhaps twenty or thirty men visit before their excursions into the surrounding forests and mountains. Their axes are of the same quality as the rest of the city's products. Around mid-morning, they left in a group for the forest.

As I continued to explore the city, I found a miners' guild as well. Noone was in at the time, but the few pieces of mining equipment that were left behind were, again, of the same quality as the rest of the items I'd seen. I left, to avoid being marked suspicious, and wandered until a group of townsfolk recognized me and invited me to share a cup of ale. I shall try this, and write again tomorrow.

Evenday, 13th day of Valectis

Unfortunately, the citizens of Shendaer have as bland a palate in ales as I had seen in the food. It's tolerable, but nothing remarkable. I find this odd, considering the originality and aesthetic appeal of everything else they make. Or perhaps they throw themselves into their other work, and pay no attention to more than base sustenance.

Their conversation is just as dull... Talk of mining, woodcutting, and crafting for the entire night. They were certainly absorbed, but I was less so. Perhaps I shall move on sooner than I thought.

I did hear one interesting tidbit, though.. Apparently, the woodsmen feel the forest is growing faster. Such drivel, however, is to be expected from those of their trade. Perhaps tomorrow I can learn something interesting about their tower.

Lyrenday, 14th day of Valectis

Today, I spent my time asking about the tower, as I felt comfortable enough with a few of the inhabitants to hold a discussion. The tower is their center of learning and training. I have seen a few people go into the tower clutching papers. These are students that have been invited for instruction by the masters within.

The townspeople do occasionally interact with the tower. Apparently, the best products of each month are brought to the tower, and the choicest of these are taken within. There, noone knows what actually goes on, but sometimes the objects are returned from the tower with strange powers and properties. Perhaps the students, or the masters themselves, in the tower enchant the items. These items, when sold, are still within the budget of the meanest Aelin family, although significantly more expensive than the rest. Perhaps, someday, I shall see this tower for myself.

Iolenday, 15th day of Valectis

Drat and damnation! Never in my life have I been so insolently treated! I will never return to this city again, for certain. I will write more later, as my guards are returning.


As I was resourceful enough to keep my journal and quill, I shall write of my recent mishap. I was in the marketplace, and working my way through the crowd, when I saw a man come from the south. He purchased several items, and headed back to the south, toward the gates. As I had my belongings, I decided it was time to leave, and rushed ahead of him to lay in wait near the road. He was quicker than I thought, and when I attempted to hit the back of his head, he turned and I caught his cheek instead. He started yelling and screaming, and before I could slit his throat, or evenrun, I was surrounded by glowering woodcutters with their axes drawn. They took me into the city, and led me to the tower doors. I was forced inside by several of them, who immediately shut the door behind me. Of course, it was locked when I turned around.

Shortly afterwards, a couple of young humans dressed in robes came down a staircase, and arranged themselves in a semicircle in front of me. At the end of their procession was an elegantly dressed woman with a stern countenance, who entered the circle as the others moved aside. She accused me of attempting to ambush a merchant near the city walls. I was forced to admit to the crime, much to my dismay, due to the number of witnesses. Also, I hoped my sentence would be lightened. I've been in jails before, and had no interest in exploring the ones here. She gestured to two of the young ones, who took me by my arms and led me to the spiral staircase at the end of the hall. One opened a trapdoor in the floor while the other led me to it, and shoved me down! Preposterous! My pack was taken from me, as well as the one dagger I carry visibly. After landing rather hard at the bottom of the ladder, I heard the grating of the trapdoor being resealed. I struck a light from some flint I had concealed in a pocket, and found myself in a small cellar with a ladder on the north wall. There was nothing but a few wooden chests which, on closer inspection, bore the seals of several powerful houses, including that of the Casidian family itself. I will examine these further at a later time.. As I am sure I will has plenty of opportunities. For now, I will rest.

Endenday, Valectis

I have been listening to the guards above me through the trapdoor. Most of their talk was of an item that had been given to their care, a small sphere carved from wood. Apparently they were enchanting it to enhance the wearer's health and mental energies. The talk was mostly gibberish to me, but I was able to catch a few phrases here and there.

I have been breaking the chests, save for that of the Casidian family, and kindled the wood into small fires. The wood is dry, and fortunately little enough smoke is emitted. The room heats quickly, as it is small, and I have had just enough time to write this entry. It would seem I don't warrant food or water... I must escape soon before my strength flags overmuch.


The guards' talk has changed. Now, they speak of horrors outside the tower, of the forest "reaching out and taking hold of the walls, and ripping them from the ground." Rubbish, I'm sure, to demoralize me. At least their talk has changed. They speak of the mass slaughter of the woodsmen that captured me... Good riddance to them.

I have only a few chests left to burn. At least there is some sort of opening in this hole, though I cannot find it, as the air stays fresh, if slightly smoky. I must escape soon, or the gnawing in my belly will consume me.


All is quiet above. I have not heard a sound for several hours, other than the rumbling in my belly. I have to chance it, have to try to get out, or I will die in here. I'm on my last few splinters of wood other than the Casidian chest, which I will be taking if I can get away with it. If it is as I suspect up there, in the tower, I will find no opposition should I decide to take other things as well.

Perhaps I can also find a larder. If not, I may not be able to get the chest out anyways. My strength has ebbed considerably.


What did these people eat? I can't find a larder, or kitchen, or even a fountain. I am glad I am writing this and not speaking it... My mouth is too dry. I have visited every level of this tower and there is nothing, not on the ground floor, or any of the four above it. I have seen nothing of my captors... Rather, I've seen nothing living or dead of my captors.

I have seen their forms, but they are now statues of wood, metal, or stone, depending on which floor of the tower they were on. The second floor contains wooden statues, including those of my captors. I would have paid my respects to them, but I could not work up the spit in my mouth. I also found the wooden sphere they were talking of, but I could not loosen it from the hand of the statue that carried it. The third floor contained metalworking equipment and materials, and the statues inhabiting it were of metal themselves. The fourth floor contained stone statues. One of them held a chisel of diamond, and try as I might, I could not get that free either. If I had more time, I would definitely gain that, as it must be worth a king's ransom. The top floor houses only two statues, the woman who originally had me detained, and another outside her door, whom I had to kill to get in the lady's room. She had nothing of value that I could see in her chambers, although I did see the faint outline of a trapdoor in her ceiling. I would have explored that, but the hunger pains gripped my stomach quite harshly, and I went back down the stairs emptyhanded but for a few bars of gold, and a few beaded necklaces, which must have some special properties, as they are in the tower. I will rest here as well as I can, and leave when I wake.


Disaster... Utter disaster. I opened the doors, and beheld a sight most frightening. All of the town is destroyed, save the tower. The walls surrounding the town have crumbled to near dust, and the buildings mostly flattened. Several men and women were outside hurling stones and fists at each other. Two of the men rushed me, and I ran back into the tower and slammed the doors. There is no chance of leaving with the chest, so I have placed it back in the cellar where I was held. The key is nearby. I will place this journal in the chest in hopes that someone will read it and hear of my plight, and this account of what has happened here. Hopefully, it won't come to that, if I can keep my wits about me and my feet under me as I make another foray into the ruins. I have to eat, and it must be soon. I will rest a bit, and try again shortly. Perhaps I will make it out, and lead a patrol of Aelin in to gather the remaining things here I must now leave behind.

May Hope stay in sight.

Dizranth Ak'Ayanir, Noble of Ilodaiya