Girikha help file

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Note: This is a historical help file which has been superceded by a new document. To see that, click here.

Age-old tales from the kankoran tribes of the northern plains tell of a great leader named Girikha who lead the Pack to victory over farmers from Krilin who wished to cultivate the plains for their own use. Teaching her followers the ways of the forest and some skill in air magics, the leader rallied great masses of kankorans against the humans. Farming, in her eyes, would subject man-made order to the pure wild, ruining it. Her cunning leadership and vast knowledge of nature and winds surpassed that of any Pack leader since. Her power and influence grew as time went by, and she was raised to the status of a demigoddess by the combined faith of her followers.

The tales tell that this leader went to the very top of Mount Khorak at the end of her days and simply dissolved into the winds. Since these times, her age-weakened spirit has drifted aimlessly through the winds across the plains of Ryarl. Resurrected by a massive outpouring of mana from the Galesphere, an object found in a hall of mists on the edge of the elemental plane of Air, Girikha gained enough power to once again exert influence over the mortal coil, and was elevated to the Greater Pantheon through the renewed faith of her followers.

Girikha embodies the spirit of wind, wilderness, and hunting. She believes that order is detrimental to one's freedom, and that those who wish to force their civilization on others (namely Guardians and those who pledge themselves to Law)should be stopped, since everything that one requires to survive can be found in nature. Followers may be chaotic in any form or true neutral characters devoted to nature. All should strive to stay away from cities whenever possible, since the taint of civilization is cumulative and warps the mind over time.