Aeolis website overview

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Aeolis the Guardian of the Rose(AY-OH-liss)


Level 1 - Rose-Entwined Silver Sword

Title of Followers: None

Central Shrine: The Shrine of the Rose

The story of Aeolis is one of a life of purity and romance, ended in a great tragedy. A true gallant in both spirit and manner, Aeolis travelled across Avendar revelling in its beauty, its purity, and its women. A romantic at heart, seldom did he pass through a town without leaving his name on the lips of the fair ladies within. His valorous deeds were spoken of far and wide, yet he was never heard boasting of his accomplishments. He found many to love throughout his travels, but it is said that he died defending his one true love from a great evil, buying her time to escape with her life.

Jolinn, saddened by the death of one of such purity, sensed that Aeolis embodied the essence of love, romanticism, and gallantry, and ascended the aelin into the heavens after his noble death. Now, after centuries spent working in the heavens to further his beliefs across the planes, the release of the god of corruption, Serachel, and the growing prominence of the god of hatred, Bayyal, has brought Aeolis back into mortal view, to help counter this evil flow by spreading the ways of gallantry around the land.

Those who follow the beliefs of Aeolis strive to live their lives in the spirit of gallantry. Romantics at heart, they believe that love is life, or perhaps that life is love, and to be virtuous is the only way to truly live. Purity and innocence are to be cherished and protected, as they lead one to a heart free of darkness. Aesthetics are important, frivolity accepted, as they can both lighten the heart, but one should never acquire vast wealth for personal desire lest the virtue of such things be lost.

Music and art are of high value to followers of the Rose, as both touch the hearts of those who are subjected to them, and many sweet courtings have come to finality after a well placed melody, or a quiet recital of poetry. Those who bear Aeolis' mark often pursue at least one form of art, although this is out of personal desire, and not necessarily a requirement of all who venerate him.

Followers of Aeolis are often found in the company of members of the opposite sex, acting in a chivalrous manner, and living life with love in their hearts, and the ways of gallantry in their minds. They can also often be found in peaceful solitude, working on their next piece to woo the hearts of those they encounter, or perhaps on some romantic quest, saving a noble princess, or showing their valour in fighting a beast which threatens the purity of the land. Although at times they will take up arms in active pursuit of evil, they are far more likely to be roused to action in an act of defense, rather than offense, particularly when they can prove their courage in defending the opposite sex.

Those who wish to bear the mark of Aeolis should seek out his shrine from which to pray to him, or any other location in Avendar that embodies his beliefs.