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Jh'ten is one of the Three Havens, one of the refuges created for the ch'taren after the War of Night. It is located on the eastern side of the Isle of Alensha, in the Uthlin Ocean.

Notes on Jh'ten:

  • The haven has become, since the War of Night, a large and well-established port city, and is open to trade.
  • Many non-ch'tarens live in the city, and make up a more permanent citizenry. Most ch'tarens who come to the city only to stay for a time.
  • A magical aqueduct system runs throughout the city, providing pure, fresh water to most buildings.
  • The city is goverened by a council of representatives from the various guilds and groups. The council is led by the high priest of Rystaia.
  • The city is protected by Jh'ten Warders, ch'taren who voluntarily serve for a time as a cross between police and soldier. The duty of a Jh'ten Warder is to promote peace and security--they have no formal organization, shifts or stations--they simply dwell within the city, live and work with the inhabitants, and see that all is well.
  • A great tower in the city, Shelratha, is home to a few ch'taren relics brought from their home plane. It is protected by Spiritlords, ch'taren who are former Jh'ten Warders, who have dedicated themselves to the preserveration of what little remains of knowledge and power brought from their homeworld.
  • An expansive, open temple of Rystaia stands at the southwestern end of the city.