From Immwiki
NAME | DURATION | REQUIRES | LESSER EFFECT | LE acquired | LE info / clues | GREATER EFFECT | GE acquired | GE info / clues |
Wreath of Flames | persistent | obj type oil, obj mat gold, obj gold necklace | improves: AC effect of Coronal Glow, damroll and save effects of immolation, dammroll, hitroll, and hp effects of living flame | read the flame-red grimoire (9742) in Earendam Library forbidden book room (9716) | ????? | adds chance of extra bonus attack w Living Flame | sac Heart of the Inferno of at least powerlvl 3 | a scrap of parchment (9605) that falls out of the flame-red grimoire |
Fury of Ada'Chemta'Boghor | persistent | obj oak weapon, obj ruby gem | starts blazing inferno in room, chance of spawning fire elementals, chance of smoke | none | na | starts rain of fire | study the cruel lash of glass-studded sand (24302) from Adam'Chemta'Boghor in the Crimson Sands (room 24312) | ????? points to druid guildmaster Loebern (19539), who points towards altar in druid guild (room 19571) |
Bayyal's Realm | persistent | obj mat smoke, obj type wand, obj dragon tooth | increases fire damage in area, more with multiple pyres/casters | read scroll (OBJVNUM) in Gogoth Castle (ROOMVNUM) | ????? | no non-fire spells in pyre room, descreases saves against fire in area | sac fire salamander ruby (OBJVNUM) from Xiganath(ROOMVNUM etc) | ????? |
Inferno's Reach | instantaneous | obj mat bone, obj type wand, obj type arrow, obj worn by target, obj type writing w target's name written on it | consume from anywhere in world, with penalty to target's saves | sprinkle self with powder OBJVNUM from Zhlyana's cave (ROOMVNUM) | ????? | (none) | na | na |
Heatmine | instantaneous | obj mat wax, obj mat glass | (none) | na | na | plants heatmine in pyre room, does dam and gives chance of lag | kill Ssesaryk (MOBVNUM) | ????? |
See also: the implementation details and prog support development forum threads.
(List also in room 200) 248: Player has triggered the no-more-hp-from-offerings bit 249: Player has triggered the no-more-mana-from-offerings bit 250: Player has cast himself into the Inferno 251: Player has eaten the heart of Kzroth 252: Player has sacrificed a Heart of the Inferno of power 3+ 253: Player has studied the rune on the side of Ada'Chemta'Boghor's whip 254: Player has defeated the Dedicant in Kzaya-Ha 255: Player has read the scroll in the gaald library 256: Player has sacrificed an ancient salamander ruby. 257: Player has read the scroll in the Earendam library 258: Player has held a phoenix feather 259: Player has tasted phoenix ash 260: Player has examined the skull of the great steam lizard 261: Player has read the scroll in Gogoth 262: Player has sprinkled himself with consuming powder from Zhlayana 263: Player has stared into the ruby from the Flame Dragon 264: Player has touched the flame in Oajma's room 265: Player has pressed a disc in the Forbidden section of the E library 266: Player has killed Ssesaryk 267: Player has gotten the initial spiel about choosing a Greater path. 268: Player has gotten the 'fire shop' message from the shuddeni GM