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“Kaceajka” translates to “wasteland” in the kankoran tongue.


The Kaceajka clan is a result of a split in the Ryarl pack. The divergence happened due to a separation of beliefs where one group held the primal cunning of the hunt above all else, much like the culture of old, and were aggressive and physical in an effort to prove themselves to Girikha. The other group believed also in the importance of working for their survival, but thought to improve their ability to do so through advancement of their technology and tools.

Arguments often arose between the elders with claims made that delving into such technology was a blasphemy and such compromise would lead the pack to an eventual stagnant civilization much like that which they abhor. In defense it was argued that using more complex tools could only solidify the pack’s dominance over the other creatures of the wild, and simultaneously make the struggles of survival easier to cope with. A rift was formed between the elders which could not be mended, as neither were willing to concede their stubborn beliefs. The only option aside from a civil war within the pack was to separate the groups. The elder called Kiako then led a great number of the kankoran of the Ryarl away to the northwest and left the northern plains.

The mountains, which had no name, that the separatists chose to traverse were tall, jagged, and treacherous. The journey was slow and difficult, and a number of casualties worked against the morale of the group. It was here that the realization of being exiled from their former comforts truly set in, and a great many began to doubt their decision and lose hope. Kiako was not exempt from this depression, but steeled his heart knowing that he would press through this hardship. He encouraged his followers to think creatively, and use whatever they could to build shelter, collect water, and craft traps for the mountain animals. He gave a rousing proclamation which stated that they were more than capable of overcoming these tribulations and that there, among the mountains, they would become truly independent and shake free from the name of the Ryarl Pack. Kiako pushed his followers to persevere with the knowledge that they were hardy enough to endure these trials, and that this journey would alter their lives and make them all new. He professed that those peaks be forever remembered as the Korkjva Mountains, the place where names are lost (Korkjva translates to “Unnamed”).

Coming, at long last, to the far edge of the range the group looked out over a frozen plain that much resembled a swamp. Only sparse shrubs and thickets dotted the terrain which was a mottling of shallow pools and crumbled rocks all frosted over with the chill of the northern sea. The ocean lined the horizon with massive structures of ice which bobbed rhythmically in the swells. They had reached the frozen wastes of the north. Kiako expressed his excitement, and viewed the landscape as yet another challenge to prove themselves against, and he welcomed his clan to the Wasteland for which they would become known.


  • The Kaceajka are avid naturalists using only what nature provides, and despise all things unnatural.
  • They have become adept at crafting intricate tools and artifacts to supplement their needs.
  • They have a close-knit community where everyone has their own responsibilities, and these tasks are passed along through the generations.
  • Ice and the manipulation of it have become a dependency among the Kaceajka, and so many are taught the magics of water and are venerated as “The Iceguard”.