Knight trial quest

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Example Trials for Knights of Enirra from 2004-5

The point was to demonstrate a basic competence and creativity with /willingness to engage in RP.

The trials tended to be more challenging for veteran players, more straightforward and simple for newer players.

Task of Ghrenth Get the belt of a mist imp, something from Leava, and something from Gogoth.

Task of Hodeshi You are normally working against the rogues, in your profession. However, you must become a rogue for the trial. Steal from a bandit, assassin, and thief. Steal by whatever means you can, but it must be a true act of thievery--that is, that which is stolen must be taken without their consent. No staff.

Of the items that you have taken, bring three to me. Be prepared to discuss how one of the items symbolizes an aspect of light and goodness, how one symbolizes an aspect of neutrality, and how one symbolizes an aspect of darkness and evil.

Task of Rhagkha Alath barb, so nothing that doesn't involve kicking ass--cut the tooth of an ancient Salamder, found on the Path of Fire, from its corpse, and retrieve a sylph's diadem

Task of Trulark You may not cast your water templar spells until the trial has ended. Defeat the Siyyad Khil'ayum and Reneaer, the Sy'Ceeran Warder. You may receive aid in the battles, but you must deliver the final death blow to each foe yourself, using fire. Pray before that moment,so that the Gods may bear witness of your deed.

Task of Enisas

Scholar Askaj,
  I have devised the task which shall be yours, a scholar's task to prove
your discipline, resourcefulness, and insight to the Knight Order.  If 
you should accept it.
  First, pose a scenario and question to one who serves good and one
who serves evil; to one who follows law and one who scoffs at law; to
one who is a servant and one who is a lord; and to one who abides by
the precepts of balance.
  Consider the response given carefully, and judge what truths might be
gained from it.
  From the moment you obtain the scenario and question from me, until
the moment you are prepared to come and confer with me on the answer,
you must not speak of your own accord, save for the utterances made
in the casting of spells.  Elsewise, you must remain silent as a mute,
and should you not do so, you will have failed in the task.
- Irionne, Chief Priest of Enaerai
write parchment A Scenario and a Question
write parchment    
write parchment One day, while you are sitting in the Nymph's Tears, a fellow 
write parchment adventurer says that he will show you a trick.  He asks you
write parchment for a platinum coin, then says that he'll give it back only if
write parchment you can correctly guess whether or not he'll return it to you.
write parchment  Before you can respond, Captain Bromrin, who happens to also
write parchment be in the Tears, mutters, "Don't believe a word of it. Everyone
write parchment from Var Bandor lies."
write parchment  A scholar guildmaster sitting nearby shakes his head at 
write parchment Bromrin's words and at the trickster.  He tells you, "That which
write parchment you haven't yet lost, you have."
write parchment    
write parchment The question: What would you do?

Task of Argonas

Irionne says, 'Listen closely, and note the wording, for you must demonstrate your wisdom in how you undertake this.'
Argonas nods sagely.
Irionne says, as if reciting 'You must face, Templar Partokan, a champion of good, a champion of evil, a champion of law, and a champion of chaos.'
Argonas taps his fingers together thoughtfully.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
Argonas nods.
Irionne continues, looking at you as if measuring you 'When you have completed the task and found victory, send me a note.'
Argonas offers 'I shall, indeed.'
You say 'Then we will discuss who you have faced, and the manner in which you obtained victory.'
Irionne says, his aged voice crackling 'And, there is condition during this trial, from the time you go from this bridge until the time you return.'
You say 'You may not wield a weapon, nor cast a spell that harms another.'
Argonas asks 'Not even in self defence?'
Irionne says softly 'As I have said.  Not until you have returned to discuss how you have completed the task.'
Argonas nods.
Argonas steps out of the form of the winter wind.
Argonas stops using a forged iron bastard sword.
Irionne says, nodding in approval 'Remember, demonstrate your wisdom as it balances with courage.  Enaerai needs no servants of Dolgrael in her ranks.'
Argonas says 'I understand.'
Irionne says in parting 'And remember, there are many ways to face another, and many means of victory.'
Argonas nods sagely.
Argonas says 'I will remember that.'
Irionne makes a gesture of the triangled eye, mumbling a blessing as he turns to go.
Argonas bows before you.