Old Sitheus help file

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|                 Sitheus                                             |


The followers of the Srryn God, Sitheus, are known for their
notable lack of concern for anything or anyone they deem weak.
 The weak deserve nothing, in the world of Avendar, that they
cannot attain themselves.  The protection that the Light bestows
upon these unfortunate individuals is merely an obstacle that the
culling process of the natural forces of the land needs to overcome.
By giving this protection, the followers of the Light become as weak
of mind, will, and body as the peons they try to save.
Devoid of compassion, the members of the Saurian Sept are a merciless
crew of individuals. Their interactions between themselves, secret plots
to gain the favor of Lord Sitheus and make other members look worse in
his eyes, are numerous and cause much tension amongst the Sept. This is
as Sitheus wants it. Forever searching for those worthy to bear the mark of
the Saurian Eye and Fist, the two highest Sigils which name the High
Saurian Warlord and Priest, is a infinite process which always brings new
faces into the roles as Sitheus judges fit. The Saurian Claw marks those
that have attained Dark Saurian Lord status while the Tooth is the
sign of the Servants of these Dark Lods.