Abelloc And The Unevenly Faceted Stone

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  • The npc Abelloc (22086) is ancient, cursed human. A former servant of Grujnah,he stole the unevenly faceted stone (2726, see also 7640 in Yithoul) from the deity shortly after Grujnah's conversion and transformation to Thales. The stone was an artifact made in Grujnah's early days. It has powers far beyond any yet discovered by mortals (supposedly).
  • In response to the theft, Thales cursed Abelloc to hunger for eternity but never eat. Thales couldn't do more as he was bound by the Concord of Balance, a pact among true balance deities whereby they agree to avoid using their full powers directly on the prime material (though they may do minor works such as the curse, or work through agents).
  • Abelloc didn't know how to unlock the powers of the stone--he stole it only because he knew it had great power. Eventually finding himself desititute, he sold the stone to Shuddeni mages in a distant land, and the stone was eventually traded via shuddeni hands to this corner of Avendar. Centuries after, Thales offered Abelloc a way to redeem himself--he needs to find the stone and return it to Thales. However, the shuddeni who Abelloc had sold the stone to were long gone. He has spent millenia searching for the stone, and by chance has finally come to the region of Avendar where it resides.
  • Abelloc intends to manipulate anyone to aid him in his search, focusing particularly on those who might also serve a balance deity (he doesn't want to contact the rogue underworld to turn it up, as they are likely to betray him, and he would avoid contacting scholars in general for magical aid for the same reason).
  • What complicates the matter is that Abelloc has had a millenia under Thale's curse, and would betray Thales in a heartbeat if he can figure out a way. Also, he is terribly paranoid that someone might betray him as he gets closer to the stone, yet realizes that he'll need aid to locate it. Abelloc will try to conceal his true purposes to the people he tries to use (but at some point these should be revealed to some degree, of course). His main line of deception will be that his master is a distant merchant-prince who is the true owner of the stone--it was stolen by shuddeni, and the master wants it to complete a collection of prized stones.

Abelloc's Desc:

This man is unusually thin for a human, looking as if
he is starved or has been food-deprived.  His limbs seem
strong and wiry despite their thinness, and his gaunt face
and lean features carry the look of long weariness.  He
is dressed in clothes that may have been fine long ago,
but are now a collection of very faded, stained, and patched

What has happened so far:

  • Togorth was forewarned by Enaerai in a vision-like visitation to "beware of the servant of Thales and what he seeks"
  • Abelloc has visited taverns a couple of times, seeking information. He is asking about the deities of balance in this regions of Avendar (to find their servants, the ones who might best help him and not betray him)
  • He "accidentally" let slip to a Chaldranite (the gladiator who played Cifete--name?) that he is "seeking 'for' a deity, not 'seeking a deity'" ... tried to cover up.
  • Togorth asked Abelloc in the tavern directly if he was seeking something or someone (and prayed about it, catching the connection to the vision). Abelloc acted caught off guard and denied it, quickly leaving.
  • Togorth and Tiris encounter Abelloc, Abelloc finally asks them for aid in searching. Togorth being
  • Knights very suspicious (and sees through the "My Master is Selaht" immediately, remembering the vision warning) and questions Abelloc and finally refuses aid and even commits to hindering Abelloc. Plan for the next move: strip away a layer of lies, inform the Knights that Thales is a balance deity (can prove it for themselves by seeing the pillar in the White Castle).
  • Met in fortress, talked openly of Thales, showed them a lemniscate brand on his chest-- will see if they can find/verify info about Thales at the White Castle and the lemniscate sign in the Earendam temple... still hasn't told them which stone he searches for.
  • Jukkignel went with Abelloc to the temple of balance in Earendam, and when the priest saw the brand on Abelloc he bowed and spoke of the honor of meeting a servant of the elder gods of balance. Jukkignel unfortunately seems to do nothing to merit continuing RP with him.
  • With Togorth dead now (4/20/04) I'll appear with Abelloc occasionally and see if any of the newer knights are capable and worthy of continuing this, and how much info Togorth has passed on about it to the remaining knights. :)