OLC Section 5

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Revision as of 19:08, 15 January 2005 by 130.160.178.xxx (Talk) (* Added Fedit (Dov))

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= FEDIT = "Faction seldom leaves a man honest, however it might find him.

- Samuel Johnson"
Fedit allows you to create and edit npc factions. 
Syntax: fedit [vnum] 
Syntax: flist 
Oedit can create an object, or edit an existing one, provided you specify a vnum.
'Flist' lists all the factions. One you are fediting a given faction, 
you can take a look at its properties with the show command, or just by hitting
[enter]. The following are attributes which appear when you SHOW. 
 Text....he name field refers to the keywords that can be used to reference an object.
 When setting an objects name, bear in mind that it will be far more convenient
 for players if you think of what they might call it beforehand. For instance,
 having an item which is a 'breastplate', and which does not have 'plate' in 
 the name field isn't clever -- it just means you've elected to make players 
 type more.
 Syntax: attrib [var]
 The name string is every word you use to refer to an object, seperated by spaces.
 Example: name key sword whore cook wife lover