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Pfusch the (for now) Demigoddess, Keeper of Xor.

Born somewhere around Jasa Lake, floated down the Aragol on the back of a log.
Found and raised to age ten by a dockhand, cast out on the street when dockhand was slaughtered and family couldn't afford it.
Kept her log, named it Xor. Often talked to the log out of boredom, slowly transferred her own conscience, fears, and ego into it.
Wanted to help people, keep others from her young situation. Joined Champions to do this.
Refused to hurt neutral people, died a lot to Shunned, but ended up taking a bunch of them with her.
Realized that Xor was not a tiny god but rather just "her best friend" when Jolinn appeared to her. Became devout follower of Jolinn's word, but never sigiled.
Became a beacon for those who wished to convert from the darkness, helped Kalvarek on his quest to do so.
Died a virgin, big on purity. (No, she never used Xor 'that way')
Ascended to the heavens after death, where her position as a healing beacon grew to the point that she became powerful enough to manifest herself for short times among mortals.
Helped a shuddeni convert away from eevil.