Rehvenes, Shunned

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[  2] Rehvenes: A Missive Bearing the Seal of the Vasquaren Family
Tue Jul 15 11:46:29 2003
To: Shunned
To all who read this, I bid greetings.  I suspose before I begin with
bussiness, I should introduce myself and tell a bit about who I am.  I am
Rehvenes Vasquaren, a simple seeker of the truth that is hidden from those
who do not cast aside the shackles placed on them by the world.  I come to
you at this time seeking that truth, and wishing to remove the blinders that
have held me away from true knowledge.  Over the course of my life, I have
sought a place where I could be at peace, a place to learn without being
restricted by the views of the material world.  I now believe I have found
such a place, a place that encourages true knowledge, and a place that will
not cast me aside for wishing such things.  As for what I can offer in
return, I must say that I have not all that much to offer in way of physical
prowes or combat ability.  However, I do have an unquenchable thirst for
knowledge, and a will that shall stand ready to combat those who would dare
try and stand in the way of the truth.  But, most of all, I believe that,
through you, I can finally free myself from the manacles of the common
world, and begin my walk down my true path.