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Local Variables
What are local variables? Variables that, unlike the normal $0-$9 mobvalues, persist only for the duration of the prog in which they're created. They can hold numeric or string values. They are prefixed with a % (as opposed to $ for mobvalues) and can be given any alphanumeric name that is not a number.
They are otherwise used just like mobvalues, and work with:
mpvalueset mpvalueup (*) mpvaluedown (*) mpvaluerand mpmath mpgetroomvnum
and with
if (mob/obj/room)value
NOTE! You no longer need to use "mobvalue/objvalue/roomvalue" for any of your if checks. Just "value" should suffice.
Here is an example of the local variables in action:
mpvalueset gstr Hello, I am a local variable. mpecho %gstr mpvaluerand apples 1 3 mpecho I have %apples apples. if value(apples) == 3 mpecho Wow, that's a lot of apples! endif mpmath apples %apples * 2 mpecho I now have %apples apples. That's twice as many as before!
I'm sure you can figure out what the above would do.