Road to Revolution 4

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Revision as of 23:59, 20 January 2003 by Vaeshir (Talk)

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Padraic steps out of the shadows.
Padraic says 'Grant me the same.'

Padraic fades out of existence.

Vaeshir says softly 'I spoke with the Lieutenant.'

Padraic says 'And?'

Vaeshir says softly 'He had many of the reservations you and I share, but was, and remains, reluctant to question the wisdom of the other members of the Council.'

Padraic says 'There are but two.'
You feel solid again.

Vaeshir shrugs lightly.

Padraic says 'Is he so lacking in confidence of his own wisdom?'

Vaeshir says softly 'I venture to say yes.'

Padraic twists his lip into the beginnings of a scowl.

Vaeshir says softly 'It took quite some coaxing just to get him to consider the prospect of questioning the others.'

Vaeshir raises a hand to adjust the cloth about his head.

Padraic taps his fingers together lightly.

Vaeshir says softly 'I attempted to appeal to his sense of duty, but I am not certain if I was entirely successful.'

Padraic says 'You say that he did share your reservations, however?'

Vaeshir says softly 'Some of them.'

Padraic says 'Which, and which did he not?'

Vaeshir says softly 'He too was understandably confused and put off by the admittance of the Warlord.'
Vaeshir says softly 'Although he has faith that I will become the Keeper he seemed to see more in her than you or I do.'

Vaeshir says softly 'In the Siren, I should say.'

Padraic flares his nostrils disdainfully.
Padraic says 'He would, I suppose.'

Vaeshir arches his brow questioningly.

Padraic says 'Reptiles have always been easily charmed by the effects of musical tongues.'

Vaeshir chuckles dryly.

Padraic says 'Although, I was under the impression that he has become quite distant from his reptilian roots.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Their blood flows within them still.'

Padraic says 'Loyalty and duty are rare traits in such.'

Vaeshir's frown deepens as he makes a vain attempt to smooth the tattered cloth about his arms.

Vaeshir says softly 'There is another thing I would like to speak to you about.'

Vaeshir says softly 'I see you rediscovered your pendant.'

Vaeshir turns his head to one side slightly, judging Padraic's reaction.

Padraic lifts a spider-shaped pendant into the light with a single finger.

With a quick snap of the wrist, Padraic lets the pendant fall lightly upon his chest.

Padraic says 'Yes, I had left it in one of my abodes.'

Vaeshir nods briefly, continuing 'When you mentioned it, Tlkhanu quoted from the Scrolls of Logor.'

Padraic says 'Carelessness is all.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Do you remember the translation of those words?'

Padraic says 'I'm trying to remember.  It was something ridiculous, about my soul.'

Vaeshir utters 'U miyel di parith ac uthmetzaeh, el e iethun u tsadh ut ahyu U tzuth di Yu.'

Vaeshir says softly 'The translation said something to the effect of, 'So his soul shal be bound into this item.''

Padraic casually turns his gaze towards you, an eyebrow arched inquisitively.

Vaeshir says softly 'Or so I remember it. Am I mistaken?'

Padraic says 'Even if you were, I would not be the one to correct you.'

Vaeshir nods curtly.

You think 'Perhaps now is the time to reveal everything.'

Vaeshir waves a clawed hand across his tattered form.

Vaeshir says softly 'This transformation was not of my own choosing.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Indeed, when I started down the path I was not certain what would lie at the end of it.'

Vaeshir says softly 'In exchange for the release of the Lieutenant, the Lord of the Shadow Mask promised me knowledge that might aid me in gaining control over the incantation.'

Vaeshir says softly 'If I am not mistaken, the words that Tlkhanu uttered when he stood with you are identical to those that might aid me in my task.'

Padraic raises both eyes in slight incredulity, his lips set into a thin, bloodless line.

Padraic says 'I have never been quite clear on what has been happening to you.'

Vaeshir raises a clawed hand, covering his mouth with it in thought.
Vaeshir says softly 'I, clearly, am not entirely sure either.'

Padraic says 'I have merely overheard a few things here and there, and gathered the rest from the clues you gave me that one night.'

Padraic brushes a hand through his hair.

Padraic looks at you.

Padraic says 'Did Tlkhanu's master make good on his promise?'

Vaeshir says softly 'I have yet to test the words. The final trial has not arrived.'

Vaeshir says softly 'I believe they will avert disaster, but it is the cost that worries me.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Perhaps I assume the worst, but the translation is .. distressing.'

Vaeshir begins a slow, measured pace along the edges of the room.

Padraic raises his head, a practiced smile upon his face.

Padraic says 'Well, you have not quite signed the terms of your bargain yet, have you?'

Padraic says 'You have released the Lieutenant, as per your agreement.'

Padraic says 'Unless the Dark One has somehow slipped your soul into the agreement, you should stand safe for now.'

Vaeshir frowns slightly, incredulous.

Vaeshir says softly 'The bond of servitude formed between the Siren and I was obviously not of my choosing.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Although I did wish to become one of our number I was not certain if servitude was too high a price. While I would have taken the offer in any case, I had no choice.'

Padraic says 'A different contract, a different price.'

Padraic waves his hand in a business-like manner.

Vaeshir continues, unhindered 'If I am unable to gain control of the Ritual this transformation will progress to its completion.'

Vaeshir pauses.

Vaeshir says softly 'It is a future I fear more than death.'

Padraic reaches out his hand, lightly running a finger along the scaly surface of your skin.

Vaeshir recoils, a shocked look on his face.
Vaeshir swiftly pulls the clothing about his chest closed with a single movement.

Padraic closes his eyes momentarily, murmuring something beneath his breath.

Padraic says 'Explain to me the origins of your transformation.'

Vaeshir's lips pull backward, parting just enough to bear his unusual fangs.

Padraic opens his eyes, slowly.

Vaeshir says softly 'Do not touch them. Never, never touch them.'

Vaeshir trembles, suddenly uneasy on his feet.
Vaeshir falls against one of the mould-covered walls and leans heavily against it, head bent.

Padraic wraps his fingers into a lightly curled fist, then calmly retracts his hand.

Vaeshir, still leaning against the wall, turns his head fluidly to face you, a wild look in his eyes.

Padraic folds his hands calmly in front of him.

Vaeshir suddenly turns to look at the wall, pushing away from it in disgust.
Vaeshir turns around to face Padraic once more, mouth slightly agape.

Padraic tilts his head slightly to the side, watching your actions intently.

Vaeshir glances slowly about him before speaking slowly 'I believe the words will avert disaster, but it is the cost that worries me.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Perhaps I assume the worst in my interpretation of the words, but the translation, if it is truly of the key phrase I was given, is nonetheless distressing.'

Padraic says 'How certain are you that Tlkhanu is not merely inventing these words?'

Vaeshir draws his slightly trembling arms in close to his body, adjusting the strips of cloth there nervously.

Padraic continues, spreading one hand out to his side 'None but he have seen the contents of that scroll.  And his religious affiliations speak volumes about his reliability.'

Vaeshir says softly 'It was made quite clear that the words were to serve as the Shadow Lord's payment.'

A shadow falls upon Padraic's countenance.

Vaeshir remains motionless, his right elbow held lightly in his left hand.

Padraic raises his right hand in the air, examining it idly.

Padraic says with a forced air of absentmindedness 'Things are not always as they seem, as you may well know by now.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Make no mistake. I have not ruled out betrayal as a possibility.'

Vaeshir frowns deeply, continuing 'I am certain the Dweller has left us now. With his departure I have no other source of information with regards to the Ritual.'

Vaeshir says softly 'It seems to me that I have little choice but to test the words myself.'

Padraic opens his mouth, then closes it without a word.

Vaeshir presses his lips together quietly.

Vaeshir tilts his head foward to Padraic, as if to invite dispute.

Padraic rests his forehead upon the palm of his hand for a moment.

Padraic says quietly 'You know...'

Vaeshir arches his brow questioningly. 

Padraic continues, slowly pacing his words 'If Tlkhanu is the messenger of the Shadow Lord's will, it is entirely possible that he bears more information than he lets on.'

Padraic says 'Doubtful, but it is a possibility.'

Padraic raises his head slightly, gazing at you through thinly spread fingers.

Vaeshir says softly ' I had considered that possibility.'

Padraic says 'Should I, an outsider, approach him on the subject, he may be willing to share some of what he knows.'

Vaeshir raises a tentative hand to adjust the band of cloth about his head.

Padraic says 'It would require a slight exchange of information upon my part, but it could be done.'

Vaeshir states 'You have not expressed any of your discontent towards him.'

Padraic says 'To him, or to you?'

Vaeshir says softly 'To him.'

Vaeshir chuckles dryly.

Padraic smiles wearily.

Padraic says 'I don't see why I should.  He'll merely shut me out.'

You nod.

Padraic says 'Have you?'

Vaeshir says softly 'I am in no position to do so.'

Padraic nods, turning his head so as to peer out southwards.
Padraic says 'I wouldn't expect it of you.'

The edges of Vaeshir's lips turn downward slightly.

Padraic says 'Not until you are released, at any rate.'

You nod.

Vaeshir says softly 'You haven't spoken with the Siren since we last met, I presume.'

Padraic says 'I have not seen her since.'

Vaeshir inclines his head slightly. 

Padraic straightens his cloak, then turns to you.

Padraic says 'And so we find ourself with more questions.'

Vaeshir smiles wearily 'So it seems.'

Padraic says 'I have something I must attend to, at the moment.'

Vaeshir says softly 'Feel free. I believe I may take my leave for a time.'

Padraic nods.

A shimmering gate rises up before you.

Vaeshir says softly 'Should you choose to use it, it leads to the nearest city.'