The Story Of The Hooded Rogue

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The rogue, known to many as 'hoody' or 'Feldyn', is in actuality, the first Raider Lord, Aralor. After systematically eliminating the other contenders for his position amongst the original Circle of Twelve, Aralor stood as the undisputed leader of the Canyon. Anticipating the onset of old age, Aralor knew that he could remain the leader of the Canyon for as long as he could fend off the rising tide of challengers.

Unwilling to relinquish his hold on power, Aralor appealed to the dark gods that had empowered the Raiders. His prayers and sacrifices were soon answered. Not only was he granted the immortality he sought, but he was further gifted with strength beyond that of mortal men, and a supernatural relation with the shadows of the world. Aralor rejoiced and marvelled at his new powerse, believing that they ensured that he would never fade from the face of Avendar.

But power comes with a price. For in attaining his powers, Aralor had unwittingly ascended to the status of a demigod, and was now bound by the divine law that binds all immortals. No longer could he freely inflict himself upon the world like a cancerous plague. Instead, the sole object of his desires now lay behind an invisible shield whose laws and workings lay beyond his grasp.

Aralor pleaded with the dark gods for a renegotiation, but after the passing of several years, he concluded that this was not to be. Since then, Aralor has bided his time, perfecting his skills, and scouring the land for ancient lore regarding his divine bondage. He maintains a passing interest in the Raider Canyon, ensuring its permanence in the lands. However, his long life has given him perspective and understanding of the cyclical nature of the balance between the Houses. He hopes to gain an understanding of the laws that bind him, and then, true to nature, subvert them, that he may once again inflict himself upo the lands.