The Eyeblight War Part 2

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The Eyeblight War - Part 2

The Eyeblight War - Pre-War buildup, basic stages of the war
Shuddeni Septs

The Scourge Take the Spirit Palace - 7/9/06


Use bot 354 verb_progs to load/equip army battalions:
 atroop        -- loads 15-member Surface alliance battalion of mixed troops
 stroop [sept] -- loads 15-member chaja/shuddeni battalion. If a sept is given,
                  the templar will be holding the war flag of the sept
                  (septs are Yithoul, Ksatha, Ttou, or Addaash).   

    The surface alliance battalion NPCs have:
      safollow [target]  -- orders the battalion to follow target. Could
                            choose the scholar (he's the strongest NPC)
      sakill [target]    -- note that this is rather brutal, and could take
                            out unprepared/unsanc'd PCs. 

    The shuddeni scourge battalion:
      ssfollow [target]  -- a good leader would be the templar. 
      sskill [target]    -- as above, use with caution against PCs.

  When the opposing batallions meet, NPCs will attack each
  other at random, making for a pretty mixed up battle. With
  up to 30 mobs fighitng, there's a large amount of spam at first
  (which, I think, is not terrible, as it is representative of the
  mayhem of a large battlefield--rather different from typical
The goal is to have the Spirit Palace sacked and occupied by the
Shuddeni, as the first big stage of the war. Currently, some PCs
and NPC leaders believe the attack will come at Krilin.
How things could proceed:
- Surface Alliance Troops gather at Krilin (load 4-5 battalions)
 (gechos to inform PCs that troops are moving).
- See how PCs react. Perhaps some could join battalions, serving
  as scouts or even leading (divide them up among the battalions)? 
  Have Baron Krilin direct the goings on.
- Shuddeni Troops load and emerge from the chaja caves. Gechos to
  inform PC  (unlikely to have PC participants, but if any, they
  could be involved in the same way as the others. The Addaash
  Flame [332] directs.
- One shuddeni battalion stations itself at the foot of the 
  Brintor Mountains to hold off support from forces in Krilin.
  The others head toward the spirit palace (perhaps even passing
  through VB and wiping out NPCs in the road). 
- They congregate in the caves at the foot of Mt. Enrien. Give PCs time
  to realize that they're headed toward the Spirit Palace, go with
  their responses...
- Could have battalions clash in the caves, in front of spirit palace,
  but ultimately, the scourge gets in the palace, goes around and 
  wipes the NPCs out.
- Could load a few more surface battalions and have them try to retake  
  the Palace, and get rebuffed.
- Give participating PCs XP (1000-3000, depending on degree of involvement),
  faction points for the scourge (57) or surface alliance (58) - 100-300 points,
  depending on involvement. Perhaps points with KT, Krilin, elsewhere.
- Load the Trashed Palace area! (Shilrin and Deshmin will be in their
  guilds in Earendam, the only survivors of the Spirit Palace).
Feel free to do other things which PCs would find interesting, and which
make sense--but remember that the Scourge are going to win this round
regardless. :) May need to have NPCs encourage PCs not to suicide, to retreat
when needed.