From Immwiki
Pfusch the (for now) Demigoddess, Keeper of Xor.
- Born somewhere around Jasa Lake, floated down the Aragol on the back of a log.
- Found and raised to age ten by a dockhand, cast out on the street when dockhand was slaughtered and family couldn't afford it.
- Kept her log, named it Xor. Often talked to the log out of boredom, slowly transferred her own conscience, fears, and ego into it.
- Wanted to help people, keep others from her young situation. Joined Champions to do this.
- Refused to hurt neutral people, died a lot to Shunned, but ended up taking a bunch of them with her.
- Realized that Xor was not a tiny god but rather just "her best friend" when Jolinn appeared to her. Became devout follower of Jolinn's word, but never sigiled.
- Became a beacon for those who wished to convert from the darkness, helped Kalvarek on his quest to do so.
- Died a virgin, big on purity. (No, she never used Xor 'that way')
- Ascended to the heavens after death, where her position as a healing beacon grew to the point that she became powerful enough to manifest herself for short times among mortals.
- Helped a shuddeni convert away from eevil.
- Cute.