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An area with a big spider, a giant slug, and...

Telelion is currently working on the Lithling Vale. Ask for the Google doc if you have ideas.

Ramc plans to do\help with the following.. someday.. *stares at sky*

Buried Alatharya Pyramid
Crimson Sands
Southern Sands
Ashta Harrud

Arkhural's ideas

Raider Canyon Amendments
New segment of the Dreamworld

Dov's plans:

Jh'ten - the ch'taren haven on Alensha
Fungi Jungle - small area, water caves from Rahh-Nefor lead to other deep caverns
Shelratha - small area, a tower in Jh'ten
Dajmara - the lands far east of Alensha, beyond a turbulent, very-nasty-creature-filled ocean area where the Nether Pits of titan lore once. Culturally very distinct from the old empires--more Asian and middle-eastern flavor than European. Humans with Alath slaves predominate, living in places where Alath ruins are still in evidence (such as a desert of crystal dunes, eroded from a bedrock of pure crystal--an alath working). I developed an invented language for another game (Silvertree, now defunct) and would like to use that as a source for a new language spoken there.

EYG may do, at some point in time:

Ilodaiya, in an assisting capacity (descing, doing basic building of mobs)

Benedir dreams of:

The Underwater Alatharya Temple (main temple)
The maze around the central temple leading to each of the three small temples.
And then the three temples

Rystaia has been working on for five years:

Traveling Carnival - moves between major cities
Oak and Ivy Inn - Nice inn between Earendam and Kor Thrandir
Drellan Myr - an island city of bandits, thieves, etc
Surrounding areas of Drellan Myr, such as tropical forest, hidden lagoon, etc
Incredibly cool undercity for Drellan Myr
Even cooler 40ish level thief guild, from undercity
Underwater caves - Lowish level underwater area, forgotten shrine of ancient goddess
Redo Kohlis

Iacobos will slay at some point in the next few months:

The Teikophoban Keep
Ashta Harrud (with Rae/Dov)
The Broken Lands (with Rae)
Polish the School up
Give Earendam more houses and depth
Redo/finish Lithling

Raestral is out for lunch, but plans on:

Gralan's Oak
Shuddeni Bastion 'neath Kor Thrandir
Ashta Harrud w/ Iacobos/Dov
Broken Lands w/ Iacobos


Ilodaiya Notes - Some from Ztheir?

neongrey has her eye on

The Happy Farms Taenosil Ranch - setpiece area on the north earendam grasslands. small town and farming community. Contains dynamic scripted guinea pigs.
Some shit with some pirates - still holding out for someone who's actually been in a forest to help with descs on account of neon being a lazy asshole
Still has some things to add to earendam. more dudes hanging out in street, implied cafe, lensmaker, bookbinder
glass crater in the crimson sands - happy friendly place filled with angry lizards and liquid glass bubbling around and spikes of glass and hell yeah