Belerin's Codex Of The Planes 1

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The Dream is not, as some scholars have intimated, simply a pocket dimension
attached to the prime material.  It certainly does not have an independent
existence like the true greater planes, but its vast, nearly infinite extent
teems with a diversity of content and form.  

Some have called the Dream a shadow -- others, a mirror.  Both are to some
extent correct, for the dream is in large part a reflection of the world of
the prime material.  But, in its farthest regions, beyond the places tread
by mortal kind, there are sections of the Dream which are completely
divorced from any physical reality of which we are aware.  Could the Dream
reflect other physical realities?  

The dream is also unique in that the minds of even the most commonplace
mortal will most likely touch it during the course of their life.  The
experience of touching the altered reality of the Dream is something most
will ascribe to a natural phenomena, but in reality it points to the
extremely deep psychic bonds which exist between the prime and the Dream.  

But consistent study of the Dream requires more than the random and
fragmentary visions of sleep.  The methods of contacting the dream are
numerous, and, perhaps, even infinite.  The "veil", or planar boundary
between our own and the Dream varies in consistency throughout historical
epoch, but it has always been that it is the easiest of the planes to reach
-- though certainly not always the safest!  

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