Dark Chasm

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A simple connector area built in 2014, added for the purpose of linking the Dark Caves and the Glacial Prison.

The area of the "Above a Chasm" in the Dark Caves was expanded and leads to the Chasm. The Chasm is a 2-wide vertical connector area, making it rather distinct from other connects like Vorinden Road or the Hidden path.

It does include a few minor features:

  • Biqimin, a nefortu scavenger who pays for searched trash and has various bits of info,
  • a web trap that works like the School of Heroes wire trap.
  • a corpse with newbie gear ala the Chaja Caves, but with different EQ slots.
  • a few future quest hooks, including a page of Nyakigah Sha Yith - Black Libram of Souls. It doesn't really do anything for now.