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Vaelania's pre-election progs and descs

Name:        [Vaelania daughter girl woman young]
Area:        [   82] The Patrician's Palace
Act:         [npc notrack stay_area nowander warrior omnilingual]
Vnum:        [11336]
Sex:         [female]
Race:        [human]
Level:       [50]
Align:       [neutral]
Hitroll:     [25]
Dam Type:    [pierce]
Dam Verb:    [stab]
Hit dice:    [18d200+ 920]
Damage dice: [ 5d12 +  25]
Mana dice:   [ 0d0  +   0]
Languages  : common arcane 
Affected by: [detect_invis detect_hidden detect_wizi]
Armor:       [pierce: -200  bash: -200  slash: -200  magic: -60]
Form:        [edible sentient biped mammal]
Parts:       [head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye]
Imm:         [none]
Resists:     [ ]
Vulns:       [ ]
Off:         [dodge fast parry]
Size:        [medium]
Material:    [flesh]
Start pos.   [standing]
Default pos  [standing]
Wealth:      [  170]
Short descr: Vaelania
Long descr:
The former Patrician's daughter Vaelania is here.
The last remaining scion of the house of Elinstad, Vaelania is the daughter of
the late Patrician Danrasad. The loss of her father and the series of wars
that followed have left her face marked with a faint pain, though it almost
vanishes when she smiles. That aside, she carries all the classical beauty of
Earendam's daughters, from her tall, slender build to the long, honey-brown
hair woven into an intricate braid down her back. She wears a dress of deep
blue velvet, tailored to accentuate the beauty of her lithe form.
The death of her father at the hands of the shuddeni gave Vaelania a renewed
interest in the condition of the people of Earendam, and with the announcement
of the election, she has declared her intent to run for the office in her
father's stead. A favourite of many of the common people of the city, she is
well-loved in all quarters for her status as a symbol of strength through her
loss, and her dedication to the happiness of the people of Earendam.

>rand_prog 1 if iscarrying($i) == 7193 or iscarrying($i) == 7195

       if iscarrying($i) == 7194
       or iscarrying($i) == 7196
               spray perfume


       mpecho A delivery boy slips into the room, passing a small package to Vaelania.
       emote smiles brightly at a delivery boy.
       emote gives a delivery boy some coins.
       mpecho A delivery boy pockets the coins, then heads off.
       emote opens the package, sliding out a bottle of perfume.
       if rand(50)
               mpoload 7193
               mpoload 7195
       spray perfume


>verb_prog helpmeobiwan if isnpc($n) or isimmort($n)

       mptransfer vaelaniapuppeteer




>fight_prog 100 if mobvalue(1) == 0

 yell Guards! Guards! Intruders seek my life!
 mpecho Guards pour into the chamber, rushing to Vaelania's aid.
 mpmload 11309
 mpmload 11309
 mpmload 11309
 mpforce peguard rescue Vaelania
 mpvalueset 1 1
